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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<include src="settings/generic.xml" />
<synopsis description="Interface toolkit for FontLab" keywords="code, python" generate="1" name="Dialog Kit" />
LettError Type and Typography: RoboThon 2006, The Small Scripting Conference
<div class="content">
DialogKit is a Python library for creating GUI dialogs in FontLab and Mac OS X Cocoa applications that have a Python layer.
The library implements a subset of the (as yet unreleased) Vanilla library, which in turn was inspired by Just van Rossums classic W library. In FontLab, dialogKit wraps the built-in GUI classes Dialog and Canvas and adds a few things along the way. The goal is to provide a simple API and consistent, or as consistent as possible, behavior between applications.
Download, <a href="http://www.typesupply.com/openSource/dialogKit/" class="reference" target="docs">documentation and examples at typesupply.com.</a>