2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
from fontTools.misc import psCharStrings
from fontTools import ttLib
from fontTools.pens.basePen import NullPen
from fontTools.misc.fixedTools import otRound
2018-11-20 12:44:21 -08:00
from fontTools.varLib.varStore import VarStoreInstancer
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
def _add_method(*clazzes):
"""Returns a decorator function that adds a new method to one or
more classes."""
def wrapper(method):
done = []
for clazz in clazzes:
if clazz in done: continue # Support multiple names of a clazz
assert clazz.__name__ != 'DefaultTable', \
'Oops, table class not found.'
assert not hasattr(clazz, method.__name__), \
"Oops, class '%s' has method '%s'." % (clazz.__name__,
setattr(clazz, method.__name__, method)
return None
return wrapper
def _uniq_sort(l):
return sorted(set(l))
class _ClosureGlyphsT2Decompiler(psCharStrings.SimpleT2Decompiler):
def __init__(self, components, localSubrs, globalSubrs):
self.components = components
def op_endchar(self, index):
args = self.popall()
if len(args) >= 4:
from fontTools.encodings.StandardEncoding import StandardEncoding
# endchar can do seac accent bulding; The T2 spec says it's deprecated,
# but recent software that shall remain nameless does output it.
adx, ady, bchar, achar = args[-4:]
baseGlyph = StandardEncoding[bchar]
accentGlyph = StandardEncoding[achar]
@_add_method(ttLib.getTableClass('CFF '))
def closure_glyphs(self, s):
cff = self.cff
assert len(cff) == 1
font = cff[cff.keys()[0]]
glyphSet = font.CharStrings
decompose = s.glyphs
while decompose:
components = set()
for g in decompose:
if g not in glyphSet:
gl = glyphSet[g]
subrs = getattr(gl.private, "Subrs", [])
decompiler = _ClosureGlyphsT2Decompiler(components, subrs, gl.globalSubrs)
components -= s.glyphs
decompose = components
2019-01-16 16:01:12 +00:00
def _empty_charstring(font, glyphName, isCFF2, ignoreWidth=False):
2019-01-15 15:10:04 +00:00
c, fdSelectIndex = font.CharStrings.getItemAndSelector(glyphName)
2019-01-16 16:01:12 +00:00
if isCFF2 or ignoreWidth:
2019-01-16 13:31:35 +00:00
# CFF2 charstrings have no widths nor 'endchar' operators
2019-01-16 16:01:12 +00:00
c.program = [] if isCFF2 else ['endchar']
2019-01-15 15:10:04 +00:00
2019-01-16 16:01:12 +00:00
if hasattr(font, 'FDArray') and font.FDArray is not None:
private = font.FDArray[fdSelectIndex].Private
private = font.Private
dfltWdX = private.defaultWidthX
nmnlWdX = private.nominalWidthX
2019-01-15 15:10:04 +00:00
pen = NullPen()
c.draw(pen) # this will set the charstring's width
2019-01-16 16:01:12 +00:00
if c.width != dfltWdX:
c.program = [c.width - nmnlWdX, 'endchar']
c.program = ['endchar']
2019-01-15 15:10:04 +00:00
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
@_add_method(ttLib.getTableClass('CFF '))
def prune_pre_subset(self, font, options):
cff = self.cff
# CFF table must have one font only
cff.fontNames = cff.fontNames[:1]
if options.notdef_glyph and not options.notdef_outline:
2019-01-16 16:10:13 +00:00
isCFF2 = cff.major > 1
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
for fontname in cff.keys():
font = cff[fontname]
2019-01-16 16:10:13 +00:00
_empty_charstring(font, ".notdef", isCFF2=isCFF2)
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
# Clear useless Encoding
for fontname in cff.keys():
font = cff[fontname]
2019-03-06 16:01:28 +01:00
# https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/issues/620
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
font.Encoding = "StandardEncoding"
return True # bool(cff.fontNames)
@_add_method(ttLib.getTableClass('CFF '))
def subset_glyphs(self, s):
cff = self.cff
for fontname in cff.keys():
font = cff[fontname]
cs = font.CharStrings
2019-05-15 13:33:10 -07:00
glyphs = s.glyphs.union(s.glyphs_emptied)
# Load all glyphs
for g in font.charset:
if g not in glyphs: continue
c, _ = cs.getItemAndSelector(g)
if cs.charStringsAreIndexed:
indices = [i for i,g in enumerate(font.charset) if g in glyphs]
csi = cs.charStringsIndex
csi.items = [csi.items[i] for i in indices]
del csi.file, csi.offsets
if hasattr(font, "FDSelect"):
sel = font.FDSelect
# XXX We want to set sel.format to None, such that the
# most compact format is selected. However, OTS was
# broken and couldn't parse a FDSelect format 0 that
# happened before CharStrings. As such, always force
# format 3 until we fix cffLib to always generate
# FDSelect after CharStrings.
# https://github.com/khaledhosny/ots/pull/31
#sel.format = None
sel.format = 3
sel.gidArray = [sel.gidArray[i] for i in indices]
cs.charStrings = {g:indices.index(v)
for g,v in cs.charStrings.items()
if g in glyphs}
cs.charStrings = {g:v
for g,v in cs.charStrings.items()
if g in glyphs}
font.charset = [g for g in font.charset if g in glyphs]
font.numGlyphs = len(font.charset)
2019-01-15 14:07:54 +00:00
if s.options.retain_gids:
2019-01-16 16:10:13 +00:00
isCFF2 = cff.major > 1
2019-01-15 15:10:04 +00:00
for g in s.glyphs_emptied:
2019-01-16 16:10:13 +00:00
_empty_charstring(font, g, isCFF2=isCFF2, ignoreWidth=True)
2019-05-15 13:33:10 -07:00
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
return True # any(cff[fontname].numGlyphs for fontname in cff.keys())
def subset_subroutines(self, subrs, gsubrs):
p = self.program
for i in range(1, len(p)):
if p[i] == 'callsubr':
assert isinstance(p[i-1], int)
p[i-1] = subrs._used.index(p[i-1] + subrs._old_bias) - subrs._new_bias
elif p[i] == 'callgsubr':
assert isinstance(p[i-1], int)
p[i-1] = gsubrs._used.index(p[i-1] + gsubrs._old_bias) - gsubrs._new_bias
def drop_hints(self):
hints = self._hints
if hints.deletions:
p = self.program
for idx in reversed(hints.deletions):
del p[idx-2:idx]
if hints.has_hint:
assert not hints.deletions or hints.last_hint <= hints.deletions[0]
self.program = self.program[hints.last_hint:]
if not self.program:
# TODO CFF2 no need for endchar.
if hasattr(self, 'width'):
# Insert width back if needed
if self.width != self.private.defaultWidthX:
[varLib subset CFF2] Set PrivateDict nominal and default WidthX to None
Address issues raised in #1403
I do think setting the dummy CFF2 PrivateDict nominalWidthX and defaultWidthX to None, which leads to the charstring.width also being None, is a good idea. I originally set them to 0, which produces a charstring width of 0, in order to avoid problems with logic that assumes that the field is good for math. However, I now think that it is better to find errors around charstring type assumptions earlier than later.
"drop_hints()" is actually not wrong - I did look at this when making the changes. For CFF2 charstrings, self.width is always equal to self.private.defaultWidthX, so the width is never inserted. This is because in psCharstrings.py::T2WidthExtractor.popallWidth(), the test "evenOdd ^ (len(args) % 2)" is alway False. Left to myself, I would not change this code. If the CFF2 charstring is correct, there is not a problem. if the CFF2 charstring is not correct, then both in drop_hints() and in T2WidthExtractor.popallWidth(), the logic will stack dump. I did add asserts, but am not totally sure it is worth the extra calls.
2018-12-06 11:55:48 -08:00
# For CFF2 charstrings, this should never happen
2018-12-11 17:07:51 -08:00
assert self.private.defaultWidthX is not None, "CFF2 CharStrings must not have an initial width value"
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
self.program.insert(0, self.width - self.private.nominalWidthX)
if hints.has_hintmask:
i = 0
p = self.program
while i < len(p):
if p[i] in ['hintmask', 'cntrmask']:
assert i + 1 <= len(p)
del p[i:i+2]
i += 1
assert len(self.program)
del self._hints
class _MarkingT2Decompiler(psCharStrings.SimpleT2Decompiler):
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
def __init__(self, localSubrs, globalSubrs, private):
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
for subrs in [localSubrs, globalSubrs]:
if subrs and not hasattr(subrs, "_used"):
subrs._used = set()
def op_callsubr(self, index):
psCharStrings.SimpleT2Decompiler.op_callsubr(self, index)
def op_callgsubr(self, index):
psCharStrings.SimpleT2Decompiler.op_callgsubr(self, index)
class _DehintingT2Decompiler(psCharStrings.T2WidthExtractor):
class Hints(object):
def __init__(self):
# Whether calling this charstring produces any hint stems
# Note that if a charstring starts with hintmask, it will
# have has_hint set to True, because it *might* produce an
# implicit vstem if called under certain conditions.
self.has_hint = False
# Index to start at to drop all hints
self.last_hint = 0
# Index up to which we know more hints are possible.
# Only relevant if status is 0 or 1.
self.last_checked = 0
# The status means:
# 0: after dropping hints, this charstring is empty
# 1: after dropping hints, there may be more hints
# continuing after this, or there might be
# other things. Not clear yet.
# 2: no more hints possible after this charstring
self.status = 0
# Has hintmask instructions; not recursive
self.has_hintmask = False
# List of indices of calls to empty subroutines to remove.
self.deletions = []
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
def __init__(self, css, localSubrs, globalSubrs, nominalWidthX, defaultWidthX, private=None):
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
self._css = css
self, localSubrs, globalSubrs, nominalWidthX, defaultWidthX)
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
self.private = private
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
def execute(self, charString):
old_hints = charString._hints if hasattr(charString, '_hints') else None
charString._hints = self.Hints()
psCharStrings.T2WidthExtractor.execute(self, charString)
hints = charString._hints
if hints.has_hint or hints.has_hintmask:
if hints.status != 2:
# Check from last_check, make sure we didn't have any operators.
for i in range(hints.last_checked, len(charString.program) - 1):
if isinstance(charString.program[i], str):
hints.status = 2
hints.status = 1 # There's *something* here
hints.last_checked = len(charString.program)
if old_hints:
assert hints.__dict__ == old_hints.__dict__
def op_callsubr(self, index):
subr = self.localSubrs[self.operandStack[-1]+self.localBias]
psCharStrings.T2WidthExtractor.op_callsubr(self, index)
self.processSubr(index, subr)
def op_callgsubr(self, index):
subr = self.globalSubrs[self.operandStack[-1]+self.globalBias]
psCharStrings.T2WidthExtractor.op_callgsubr(self, index)
self.processSubr(index, subr)
def op_hstem(self, index):
psCharStrings.T2WidthExtractor.op_hstem(self, index)
def op_vstem(self, index):
psCharStrings.T2WidthExtractor.op_vstem(self, index)
def op_hstemhm(self, index):
psCharStrings.T2WidthExtractor.op_hstemhm(self, index)
def op_vstemhm(self, index):
psCharStrings.T2WidthExtractor.op_vstemhm(self, index)
def op_hintmask(self, index):
rv = psCharStrings.T2WidthExtractor.op_hintmask(self, index)
return rv
def op_cntrmask(self, index):
rv = psCharStrings.T2WidthExtractor.op_cntrmask(self, index)
return rv
def processHintmask(self, index):
cs = self.callingStack[-1]
hints = cs._hints
hints.has_hintmask = True
if hints.status != 2:
# Check from last_check, see if we may be an implicit vstem
for i in range(hints.last_checked, index - 1):
if isinstance(cs.program[i], str):
hints.status = 2
# We are an implicit vstem
hints.has_hint = True
hints.last_hint = index + 1
hints.status = 0
hints.last_checked = index + 1
def processHint(self, index):
cs = self.callingStack[-1]
hints = cs._hints
hints.has_hint = True
hints.last_hint = index
hints.last_checked = index
def processSubr(self, index, subr):
cs = self.callingStack[-1]
hints = cs._hints
subr_hints = subr._hints
# Check from last_check, make sure we didn't have
# any operators.
if hints.status != 2:
for i in range(hints.last_checked, index - 1):
if isinstance(cs.program[i], str):
hints.status = 2
hints.last_checked = index
if hints.status != 2:
if subr_hints.has_hint:
hints.has_hint = True
# Decide where to chop off from
if subr_hints.status == 0:
hints.last_hint = index
[subset CFF] Fix de-subroutinizing bug when subroutines contain hints (#1499)
* [subset CFF] Fix bug in de-subroutinizing when subroutines contain hints, issue 1493
The code was skipping executing a subroutine if it had already been desubroutinized. The initial set of vstemhm and hstemhm operators and values may be in a subroutine. If a charstring is being executed which calls such subroutines, they still need to be executed in order to count the number of hint values seen, so that the byte length of the hintmask can be calculated.
I fixed this bug by executing subroutines even if they have already been desubroutinized, as long as (we don't know yet if we are doing hintmasks) or ( we do need a hintmask, but have not yet seen it).
Clean up code per Cosimo's suggestions:
In arg list for stop_hint_count(), use *args to accept unused argument, rather than a dummy positional argument.
Change stop_hintcount_ops to a from a global variable to a class variable in _DesubroutinizingT2Decompiler.
Remove un-needed 'return' at line 387
Remove duplicate assignment of cs at line 437
Add patch for the bug where AttributeError is encountered when remove_hints is run after desubroutinize: remove lines deleting the GlobalSubrs for each FontDict. This always needed to be done only once, and is now in any case done in cff.GlobalSubrs.clear(), at the end of the desubroutinize() function.
Changed test case subset_test.py::'test_no_hinting_desubroutinize_CFF' to reference a font with a non-empty GlobalSubr, in order to trigger AttributeError traceback.
2019-02-18 01:43:27 -08:00
hints.last_hint = index - 2 # Leave the subr call in
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
elif subr_hints.status == 0:
hints.status = max(hints.status, subr_hints.status)
[subset CFF] Fix de-subroutinizing bug when subroutines contain hints (#1499)
* [subset CFF] Fix bug in de-subroutinizing when subroutines contain hints, issue 1493
The code was skipping executing a subroutine if it had already been desubroutinized. The initial set of vstemhm and hstemhm operators and values may be in a subroutine. If a charstring is being executed which calls such subroutines, they still need to be executed in order to count the number of hint values seen, so that the byte length of the hintmask can be calculated.
I fixed this bug by executing subroutines even if they have already been desubroutinized, as long as (we don't know yet if we are doing hintmasks) or ( we do need a hintmask, but have not yet seen it).
Clean up code per Cosimo's suggestions:
In arg list for stop_hint_count(), use *args to accept unused argument, rather than a dummy positional argument.
Change stop_hintcount_ops to a from a global variable to a class variable in _DesubroutinizingT2Decompiler.
Remove un-needed 'return' at line 387
Remove duplicate assignment of cs at line 437
Add patch for the bug where AttributeError is encountered when remove_hints is run after desubroutinize: remove lines deleting the GlobalSubrs for each FontDict. This always needed to be done only once, and is now in any case done in cff.GlobalSubrs.clear(), at the end of the desubroutinize() function.
Changed test case subset_test.py::'test_no_hinting_desubroutinize_CFF' to reference a font with a non-empty GlobalSubr, in order to trigger AttributeError traceback.
2019-02-18 01:43:27 -08:00
class StopHintCountEvent(Exception):
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
class _DesubroutinizingT2Decompiler(psCharStrings.SimpleT2Decompiler):
2019-04-30 09:43:13 -07:00
stop_hintcount_ops = ("op_hintmask", "op_cntrmask", "op_rmoveto", "op_hmoveto",
[subset CFF] Fix de-subroutinizing bug when subroutines contain hints (#1499)
* [subset CFF] Fix bug in de-subroutinizing when subroutines contain hints, issue 1493
The code was skipping executing a subroutine if it had already been desubroutinized. The initial set of vstemhm and hstemhm operators and values may be in a subroutine. If a charstring is being executed which calls such subroutines, they still need to be executed in order to count the number of hint values seen, so that the byte length of the hintmask can be calculated.
I fixed this bug by executing subroutines even if they have already been desubroutinized, as long as (we don't know yet if we are doing hintmasks) or ( we do need a hintmask, but have not yet seen it).
Clean up code per Cosimo's suggestions:
In arg list for stop_hint_count(), use *args to accept unused argument, rather than a dummy positional argument.
Change stop_hintcount_ops to a from a global variable to a class variable in _DesubroutinizingT2Decompiler.
Remove un-needed 'return' at line 387
Remove duplicate assignment of cs at line 437
Add patch for the bug where AttributeError is encountered when remove_hints is run after desubroutinize: remove lines deleting the GlobalSubrs for each FontDict. This always needed to be done only once, and is now in any case done in cff.GlobalSubrs.clear(), at the end of the desubroutinize() function.
Changed test case subset_test.py::'test_no_hinting_desubroutinize_CFF' to reference a font with a non-empty GlobalSubr, in order to trigger AttributeError traceback.
2019-02-18 01:43:27 -08:00
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
def __init__(self, localSubrs, globalSubrs, private=None):
[subset CFF] Fix de-subroutinizing bug when subroutines contain hints (#1499)
* [subset CFF] Fix bug in de-subroutinizing when subroutines contain hints, issue 1493
The code was skipping executing a subroutine if it had already been desubroutinized. The initial set of vstemhm and hstemhm operators and values may be in a subroutine. If a charstring is being executed which calls such subroutines, they still need to be executed in order to count the number of hint values seen, so that the byte length of the hintmask can be calculated.
I fixed this bug by executing subroutines even if they have already been desubroutinized, as long as (we don't know yet if we are doing hintmasks) or ( we do need a hintmask, but have not yet seen it).
Clean up code per Cosimo's suggestions:
In arg list for stop_hint_count(), use *args to accept unused argument, rather than a dummy positional argument.
Change stop_hintcount_ops to a from a global variable to a class variable in _DesubroutinizingT2Decompiler.
Remove un-needed 'return' at line 387
Remove duplicate assignment of cs at line 437
Add patch for the bug where AttributeError is encountered when remove_hints is run after desubroutinize: remove lines deleting the GlobalSubrs for each FontDict. This always needed to be done only once, and is now in any case done in cff.GlobalSubrs.clear(), at the end of the desubroutinize() function.
Changed test case subset_test.py::'test_no_hinting_desubroutinize_CFF' to reference a font with a non-empty GlobalSubr, in order to trigger AttributeError traceback.
2019-02-18 01:43:27 -08:00
psCharStrings.SimpleT2Decompiler.__init__(self, localSubrs, globalSubrs,
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
def execute(self, charString):
[subset CFF] Fix de-subroutinizing bug when subroutines contain hints (#1499)
* [subset CFF] Fix bug in de-subroutinizing when subroutines contain hints, issue 1493
The code was skipping executing a subroutine if it had already been desubroutinized. The initial set of vstemhm and hstemhm operators and values may be in a subroutine. If a charstring is being executed which calls such subroutines, they still need to be executed in order to count the number of hint values seen, so that the byte length of the hintmask can be calculated.
I fixed this bug by executing subroutines even if they have already been desubroutinized, as long as (we don't know yet if we are doing hintmasks) or ( we do need a hintmask, but have not yet seen it).
Clean up code per Cosimo's suggestions:
In arg list for stop_hint_count(), use *args to accept unused argument, rather than a dummy positional argument.
Change stop_hintcount_ops to a from a global variable to a class variable in _DesubroutinizingT2Decompiler.
Remove un-needed 'return' at line 387
Remove duplicate assignment of cs at line 437
Add patch for the bug where AttributeError is encountered when remove_hints is run after desubroutinize: remove lines deleting the GlobalSubrs for each FontDict. This always needed to be done only once, and is now in any case done in cff.GlobalSubrs.clear(), at the end of the desubroutinize() function.
Changed test case subset_test.py::'test_no_hinting_desubroutinize_CFF' to reference a font with a non-empty GlobalSubr, in order to trigger AttributeError traceback.
2019-02-18 01:43:27 -08:00
self.need_hintcount = True # until proven otherwise
for op_name in self.stop_hintcount_ops:
setattr(self, op_name, self.stop_hint_count)
2018-11-30 00:13:38 -05:00
if hasattr(charString, '_desubroutinized'):
2019-04-30 09:43:13 -07:00
# If a charstring has already been desubroutinized, we will still
# need to execute it if we need to count hints in order to
# compute the byte length for mask arguments, and haven't finished
# counting hints pairs.
[subset CFF] Fix de-subroutinizing bug when subroutines contain hints (#1499)
* [subset CFF] Fix bug in de-subroutinizing when subroutines contain hints, issue 1493
The code was skipping executing a subroutine if it had already been desubroutinized. The initial set of vstemhm and hstemhm operators and values may be in a subroutine. If a charstring is being executed which calls such subroutines, they still need to be executed in order to count the number of hint values seen, so that the byte length of the hintmask can be calculated.
I fixed this bug by executing subroutines even if they have already been desubroutinized, as long as (we don't know yet if we are doing hintmasks) or ( we do need a hintmask, but have not yet seen it).
Clean up code per Cosimo's suggestions:
In arg list for stop_hint_count(), use *args to accept unused argument, rather than a dummy positional argument.
Change stop_hintcount_ops to a from a global variable to a class variable in _DesubroutinizingT2Decompiler.
Remove un-needed 'return' at line 387
Remove duplicate assignment of cs at line 437
Add patch for the bug where AttributeError is encountered when remove_hints is run after desubroutinize: remove lines deleting the GlobalSubrs for each FontDict. This always needed to be done only once, and is now in any case done in cff.GlobalSubrs.clear(), at the end of the desubroutinize() function.
Changed test case subset_test.py::'test_no_hinting_desubroutinize_CFF' to reference a font with a non-empty GlobalSubr, in order to trigger AttributeError traceback.
2019-02-18 01:43:27 -08:00
if self.need_hintcount and self.callingStack:
psCharStrings.SimpleT2Decompiler.execute(self, charString)
except StopHintCountEvent:
del self.callingStack[-1]
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
charString._patches = []
psCharStrings.SimpleT2Decompiler.execute(self, charString)
desubroutinized = charString.program[:]
[subset CFF] Fix de-subroutinizing bug when subroutines contain hints (#1499)
* [subset CFF] Fix bug in de-subroutinizing when subroutines contain hints, issue 1493
The code was skipping executing a subroutine if it had already been desubroutinized. The initial set of vstemhm and hstemhm operators and values may be in a subroutine. If a charstring is being executed which calls such subroutines, they still need to be executed in order to count the number of hint values seen, so that the byte length of the hintmask can be calculated.
I fixed this bug by executing subroutines even if they have already been desubroutinized, as long as (we don't know yet if we are doing hintmasks) or ( we do need a hintmask, but have not yet seen it).
Clean up code per Cosimo's suggestions:
In arg list for stop_hint_count(), use *args to accept unused argument, rather than a dummy positional argument.
Change stop_hintcount_ops to a from a global variable to a class variable in _DesubroutinizingT2Decompiler.
Remove un-needed 'return' at line 387
Remove duplicate assignment of cs at line 437
Add patch for the bug where AttributeError is encountered when remove_hints is run after desubroutinize: remove lines deleting the GlobalSubrs for each FontDict. This always needed to be done only once, and is now in any case done in cff.GlobalSubrs.clear(), at the end of the desubroutinize() function.
Changed test case subset_test.py::'test_no_hinting_desubroutinize_CFF' to reference a font with a non-empty GlobalSubr, in order to trigger AttributeError traceback.
2019-02-18 01:43:27 -08:00
for idx, expansion in reversed(charString._patches):
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
assert idx >= 2
assert desubroutinized[idx - 1] in ['callsubr', 'callgsubr'], desubroutinized[idx - 1]
assert type(desubroutinized[idx - 2]) == int
if expansion[-1] == 'return':
expansion = expansion[:-1]
desubroutinized[idx-2:idx] = expansion
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
if not self.private.in_cff2:
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
if 'endchar' in desubroutinized:
# Cut off after first endchar
desubroutinized = desubroutinized[:desubroutinized.index('endchar') + 1]
if not len(desubroutinized) or desubroutinized[-1] != 'return':
charString._desubroutinized = desubroutinized
del charString._patches
def op_callsubr(self, index):
subr = self.localSubrs[self.operandStack[-1]+self.localBias]
psCharStrings.SimpleT2Decompiler.op_callsubr(self, index)
self.processSubr(index, subr)
def op_callgsubr(self, index):
subr = self.globalSubrs[self.operandStack[-1]+self.globalBias]
psCharStrings.SimpleT2Decompiler.op_callgsubr(self, index)
self.processSubr(index, subr)
[subset CFF] Fix de-subroutinizing bug when subroutines contain hints (#1499)
* [subset CFF] Fix bug in de-subroutinizing when subroutines contain hints, issue 1493
The code was skipping executing a subroutine if it had already been desubroutinized. The initial set of vstemhm and hstemhm operators and values may be in a subroutine. If a charstring is being executed which calls such subroutines, they still need to be executed in order to count the number of hint values seen, so that the byte length of the hintmask can be calculated.
I fixed this bug by executing subroutines even if they have already been desubroutinized, as long as (we don't know yet if we are doing hintmasks) or ( we do need a hintmask, but have not yet seen it).
Clean up code per Cosimo's suggestions:
In arg list for stop_hint_count(), use *args to accept unused argument, rather than a dummy positional argument.
Change stop_hintcount_ops to a from a global variable to a class variable in _DesubroutinizingT2Decompiler.
Remove un-needed 'return' at line 387
Remove duplicate assignment of cs at line 437
Add patch for the bug where AttributeError is encountered when remove_hints is run after desubroutinize: remove lines deleting the GlobalSubrs for each FontDict. This always needed to be done only once, and is now in any case done in cff.GlobalSubrs.clear(), at the end of the desubroutinize() function.
Changed test case subset_test.py::'test_no_hinting_desubroutinize_CFF' to reference a font with a non-empty GlobalSubr, in order to trigger AttributeError traceback.
2019-02-18 01:43:27 -08:00
def stop_hint_count(self, *args):
self.need_hintcount = False
for op_name in self.stop_hintcount_ops:
setattr(self, op_name, None)
cs = self.callingStack[-1]
if hasattr(cs, '_desubroutinized'):
raise StopHintCountEvent()
def op_hintmask(self, index):
psCharStrings.SimpleT2Decompiler.op_hintmask(self, index)
if self.need_hintcount:
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
def processSubr(self, index, subr):
cs = self.callingStack[-1]
[subset CFF] Fix de-subroutinizing bug when subroutines contain hints (#1499)
* [subset CFF] Fix bug in de-subroutinizing when subroutines contain hints, issue 1493
The code was skipping executing a subroutine if it had already been desubroutinized. The initial set of vstemhm and hstemhm operators and values may be in a subroutine. If a charstring is being executed which calls such subroutines, they still need to be executed in order to count the number of hint values seen, so that the byte length of the hintmask can be calculated.
I fixed this bug by executing subroutines even if they have already been desubroutinized, as long as (we don't know yet if we are doing hintmasks) or ( we do need a hintmask, but have not yet seen it).
Clean up code per Cosimo's suggestions:
In arg list for stop_hint_count(), use *args to accept unused argument, rather than a dummy positional argument.
Change stop_hintcount_ops to a from a global variable to a class variable in _DesubroutinizingT2Decompiler.
Remove un-needed 'return' at line 387
Remove duplicate assignment of cs at line 437
Add patch for the bug where AttributeError is encountered when remove_hints is run after desubroutinize: remove lines deleting the GlobalSubrs for each FontDict. This always needed to be done only once, and is now in any case done in cff.GlobalSubrs.clear(), at the end of the desubroutinize() function.
Changed test case subset_test.py::'test_no_hinting_desubroutinize_CFF' to reference a font with a non-empty GlobalSubr, in order to trigger AttributeError traceback.
2019-02-18 01:43:27 -08:00
if not hasattr(cs, '_desubroutinized'):
cs._patches.append((index, subr._desubroutinized))
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
@_add_method(ttLib.getTableClass('CFF '))
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
def prune_post_subset(self, ttfFont, options):
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
cff = self.cff
for fontname in cff.keys():
font = cff[fontname]
cs = font.CharStrings
# Drop unused FontDictionaries
if hasattr(font, "FDSelect"):
sel = font.FDSelect
indices = _uniq_sort(sel.gidArray)
sel.gidArray = [indices.index (ss) for ss in sel.gidArray]
arr = font.FDArray
arr.items = [arr[i] for i in indices]
del arr.file, arr.offsets
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
# Desubroutinize if asked for
if options.desubroutinize:
# Drop hints if not needed
if not options.hinting:
2019-02-07 01:14:57 +01:00
elif not options.desubroutinize:
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
return True
def _delete_empty_subrs(private_dict):
if hasattr(private_dict, 'Subrs') and not private_dict.Subrs:
if 'Subrs' in private_dict.rawDict:
del private_dict.rawDict['Subrs']
del private_dict.Subrs
@_add_method(ttLib.getTableClass('CFF '))
def desubroutinize(self):
cff = self.cff
for fontname in cff.keys():
font = cff[fontname]
cs = font.CharStrings
for g in font.charset:
c, _ = cs.getItemAndSelector(g)
subrs = getattr(c.private, "Subrs", [])
decompiler = _DesubroutinizingT2Decompiler(subrs, c.globalSubrs, c.private)
c.program = c._desubroutinized
del c._desubroutinized
[subset CFF] Fix de-subroutinizing bug when subroutines contain hints (#1499)
* [subset CFF] Fix bug in de-subroutinizing when subroutines contain hints, issue 1493
The code was skipping executing a subroutine if it had already been desubroutinized. The initial set of vstemhm and hstemhm operators and values may be in a subroutine. If a charstring is being executed which calls such subroutines, they still need to be executed in order to count the number of hint values seen, so that the byte length of the hintmask can be calculated.
I fixed this bug by executing subroutines even if they have already been desubroutinized, as long as (we don't know yet if we are doing hintmasks) or ( we do need a hintmask, but have not yet seen it).
Clean up code per Cosimo's suggestions:
In arg list for stop_hint_count(), use *args to accept unused argument, rather than a dummy positional argument.
Change stop_hintcount_ops to a from a global variable to a class variable in _DesubroutinizingT2Decompiler.
Remove un-needed 'return' at line 387
Remove duplicate assignment of cs at line 437
Add patch for the bug where AttributeError is encountered when remove_hints is run after desubroutinize: remove lines deleting the GlobalSubrs for each FontDict. This always needed to be done only once, and is now in any case done in cff.GlobalSubrs.clear(), at the end of the desubroutinize() function.
Changed test case subset_test.py::'test_no_hinting_desubroutinize_CFF' to reference a font with a non-empty GlobalSubr, in order to trigger AttributeError traceback.
2019-02-18 01:43:27 -08:00
# Delete all the local subrs
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
if hasattr(font, 'FDArray'):
for fd in font.FDArray:
pd = fd.Private
if hasattr(pd, 'Subrs'):
del pd.Subrs
if 'Subrs' in pd.rawDict:
del pd.rawDict['Subrs']
2019-02-07 01:14:57 +01:00
pd = font.Private
if hasattr(pd, 'Subrs'):
del pd.Subrs
if 'Subrs' in pd.rawDict:
del pd.rawDict['Subrs']
[subset CFF] Fix de-subroutinizing bug when subroutines contain hints (#1499)
* [subset CFF] Fix bug in de-subroutinizing when subroutines contain hints, issue 1493
The code was skipping executing a subroutine if it had already been desubroutinized. The initial set of vstemhm and hstemhm operators and values may be in a subroutine. If a charstring is being executed which calls such subroutines, they still need to be executed in order to count the number of hint values seen, so that the byte length of the hintmask can be calculated.
I fixed this bug by executing subroutines even if they have already been desubroutinized, as long as (we don't know yet if we are doing hintmasks) or ( we do need a hintmask, but have not yet seen it).
Clean up code per Cosimo's suggestions:
In arg list for stop_hint_count(), use *args to accept unused argument, rather than a dummy positional argument.
Change stop_hintcount_ops to a from a global variable to a class variable in _DesubroutinizingT2Decompiler.
Remove un-needed 'return' at line 387
Remove duplicate assignment of cs at line 437
Add patch for the bug where AttributeError is encountered when remove_hints is run after desubroutinize: remove lines deleting the GlobalSubrs for each FontDict. This always needed to be done only once, and is now in any case done in cff.GlobalSubrs.clear(), at the end of the desubroutinize() function.
Changed test case subset_test.py::'test_no_hinting_desubroutinize_CFF' to reference a font with a non-empty GlobalSubr, in order to trigger AttributeError traceback.
2019-02-18 01:43:27 -08:00
# as well as the global subrs
2019-02-07 01:58:22 +01:00
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
@_add_method(ttLib.getTableClass('CFF '))
def remove_hints(self):
cff = self.cff
for fontname in cff.keys():
font = cff[fontname]
cs = font.CharStrings
# This can be tricky, but doesn't have to. What we do is:
# - Run all used glyph charstrings and recurse into subroutines,
# - For each charstring (including subroutines), if it has any
# of the hint stem operators, we mark it as such.
# Upon returning, for each charstring we note all the
# subroutine calls it makes that (recursively) contain a stem,
# - Dropping hinting then consists of the following two ops:
# * Drop the piece of the program in each charstring before the
# last call to a stem op or a stem-calling subroutine,
# * Drop all hintmask operations.
# - It's trickier... A hintmask right after hints and a few numbers
# will act as an implicit vstemhm. As such, we track whether
# we have seen any non-hint operators so far and do the right
# thing, recursively... Good luck understanding that :(
css = set()
for g in font.charset:
c, _ = cs.getItemAndSelector(g)
subrs = getattr(c.private, "Subrs", [])
decompiler = _DehintingT2Decompiler(css, subrs, c.globalSubrs,
c.width = decompiler.width
for charstring in css:
del css
2019-02-07 01:14:57 +01:00
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
# Drop font-wide hinting values
all_privs = []
if hasattr(font, 'FDArray'):
all_privs.extend(fd.Private for fd in font.FDArray)
for priv in all_privs:
for k in ['BlueValues', 'OtherBlues',
'FamilyBlues', 'FamilyOtherBlues',
'BlueScale', 'BlueShift', 'BlueFuzz',
'StemSnapH', 'StemSnapV', 'StdHW', 'StdVW',
'ForceBold', 'LanguageGroup', 'ExpansionFactor']:
if hasattr(priv, k):
setattr(priv, k, None)
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
@_add_method(ttLib.getTableClass('CFF '))
def remove_unused_subroutines(self):
cff = self.cff
for fontname in cff.keys():
font = cff[fontname]
cs = font.CharStrings
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
# Renumber subroutines to remove unused ones
# Mark all used subroutines
for g in font.charset:
c, _ = cs.getItemAndSelector(g)
subrs = getattr(c.private, "Subrs", [])
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
decompiler = _MarkingT2Decompiler(subrs, c.globalSubrs, c.private)
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
all_subrs = [font.GlobalSubrs]
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
if hasattr(font, 'FDArray'):
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
all_subrs.extend(fd.Private.Subrs for fd in font.FDArray if hasattr(fd.Private, 'Subrs') and fd.Private.Subrs)
elif hasattr(font.Private, 'Subrs') and font.Private.Subrs:
subrs = set(subrs) # Remove duplicates
# Prepare
for subrs in all_subrs:
if not hasattr(subrs, '_used'):
subrs._used = set()
subrs._used = _uniq_sort(subrs._used)
subrs._old_bias = psCharStrings.calcSubrBias(subrs)
subrs._new_bias = psCharStrings.calcSubrBias(subrs._used)
# Renumber glyph charstrings
for g in font.charset:
c, _ = cs.getItemAndSelector(g)
subrs = getattr(c.private, "Subrs", [])
c.subset_subroutines (subrs, font.GlobalSubrs)
# Renumber subroutines themselves
for subrs in all_subrs:
if subrs == font.GlobalSubrs:
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
if not hasattr(font, 'FDArray') and hasattr(font.Private, 'Subrs'):
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
local_subrs = font.Private.Subrs
local_subrs = []
local_subrs = subrs
subrs.items = [subrs.items[i] for i in subrs._used]
if hasattr(subrs, 'file'):
del subrs.file
if hasattr(subrs, 'offsets'):
del subrs.offsets
for subr in subrs.items:
subr.subset_subroutines (local_subrs, font.GlobalSubrs)
# Delete local SubrsIndex if empty
2018-12-04 18:34:22 -08:00
if hasattr(font, 'FDArray'):
2018-11-19 18:25:25 -08:00
for fd in font.FDArray:
# Cleanup
for subrs in all_subrs:
del subrs._used, subrs._old_bias, subrs._new_bias