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Raw Normal View History

import re
from itertools import groupby
from fontTools.subset.util import _add_method
from fontTools.misc import etree
from fontTools import ttLib
GID_RE = re.compile("^glyph(\d+)$")
XLINK_HREF = "{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}href"
def remap_glyph_ids(svg, glyph_index_map):
id_map = {}
href_elements = []
for el in svg.iter("*"):
# we'll rename these later
if XLINK_HREF in el.attrib and el.attrib[XLINK_HREF].startswith("#"):
el_id = el.attrib.get("id")
if el_id is None:
m = GID_RE.match(el_id)
if not m:
old_index = int(m.group(1))
new_index = glyph_index_map.get(old_index)
if new_index is not None:
if old_index == new_index:
new_id = f"glyph{new_index}"
# If the old id is missing, the element correspond to a glyph that was
# excluded from the font's subset.
# For now we keep it around, renamed to avoid clashes with the new GID
# (though technically there could still be clashes even after we insert
# a tilde at the beginning, e.g. '~glyphXXX' is still a valid id...).
# TODO Figure out how to best prune the SVG document of unused elements.
# https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/issues/534
new_id = f"~{el_id}"
id_map[el_id] = new_id
el.attrib["id"] = new_id
if not id_map:
# update xlink:href="#..." that refer to the old id to point to the new one
for el in href_elements:
ref = el.attrib[XLINK_HREF]
# we only care about local #fragment identifiers
assert ref.startswith("#")
old_id = ref[1:]
if old_id in id_map:
new_id = id_map[old_id]
el.attrib[XLINK_HREF] = f"#{new_id}"
def ranges(ints):
"""Yield (min, max) ranges of consecutive integers from the input set"""
sorted_ints = sorted(set(ints))
# to group together consecutive ints, we use as 'key' the difference
# between their index in the (sorted) list and themselves, which stays
# the same for consecutive numbers
for _key, group in groupby(enumerate(sorted_ints), lambda i: i[0] - i[1]):
consecutive_ints = [v for _i, v in group]
yield (consecutive_ints[0], consecutive_ints[-1])
@_add_method(ttLib.getTableClass("SVG "))
def subset_glyphs(self, s):
# ordered list of glyph names (before subsetting)
glyph_order = s.orig_glyph_order
# map from glyph names to original glyph indices
rev_orig_glyph_map = s.reverseOrigGlyphMap
# map from original to new glyph indices (after subsetting)
glyph_index_map = s.glyph_index_map
new_docs = []
for doc, start_gid, end_gid in self.docList:
old_glyphs = {glyph_order[i] for i in range(start_gid, end_gid + 1)}
new_glyphs = old_glyphs.intersection(s.glyphs)
if not new_glyphs:
# no intersection: we can drop the whole record
# NOTE If new_glyphs != old_glyphs, there's only a partial intersection: i.e.
# we'll likely end up with unused garbage until we figure out how to prune
# the unused refereces from the SVG doc.
# NOTE huge_tree=True disables security restrictions and support very deep trees
# and very long text content. Without it I would get an error like this:
# `lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: internal error: Huge input lookup`
# when parsing noto-emoji-picosvg.svg from googlefonts/color-fonts.
# This is lxml-only API, won't work with built-in ElementTree...
svg = etree.fromstring(doc, parser=etree.XMLParser(huge_tree=True))
remap_glyph_ids(svg, glyph_index_map)
new_doc = etree.tostring(svg)
new_gids = {glyph_index_map[rev_orig_glyph_map[g]] for g in new_glyphs}
for start_gid, end_gid in ranges(new_gids):
new_docs.append((new_doc, start_gid, end_gid))
self.docList = new_docs
return bool(self.docList)