2020-05-07 13:14:06 +01:00
import logging
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
import os
import tempfile
import shutil
import unittest
2015-11-02 14:48:06 +00:00
from io import open
2018-10-09 13:15:54 +01:00
from .testSupport import getDemoFontGlyphSetPath
2018-10-17 17:41:43 +01:00
from fontTools.ufoLib.glifLib import (
2018-07-10 18:53:11 +01:00
GlyphSet, glyphNameToFileName, readGlyphFromString, writeGlyphToString,
2018-07-10 16:02:47 +01:00
2020-05-07 13:14:06 +01:00
from fontTools.ufoLib.errors import GlifLibError, UnsupportedGLIFFormat, UnsupportedUFOFormat
2018-10-18 19:49:52 +01:00
from fontTools.misc.etree import XML_DECLARATION
2020-05-07 13:14:06 +01:00
import pytest
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
GLYPHSETDIR = getDemoFontGlyphSetPath()
class GlyphSetTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.dstDir = tempfile.mktemp()
def tearDown(self):
def testRoundTrip(self):
2015-11-03 22:07:21 +00:00
import difflib
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
dstDir = self.dstDir
2018-06-11 15:03:54 -05:00
src = GlyphSet(srcDir, ufoFormatVersion=2, validateRead=True, validateWrite=True)
dst = GlyphSet(dstDir, ufoFormatVersion=2, validateRead=True, validateWrite=True)
2015-11-06 15:11:04 +00:00
for glyphName in src.keys():
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
g = src[glyphName]
g.drawPoints(None) # load attrs
dst.writeGlyph(glyphName, g, g.drawPoints)
# compare raw file data:
2015-11-02 14:48:06 +00:00
for glyphName in sorted(src.keys()):
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
fileName = src.contents[glyphName]
2015-11-05 10:12:15 +00:00
with open(os.path.join(srcDir, fileName), "r") as f:
2015-11-02 14:48:06 +00:00
org = f.read()
2015-11-05 10:12:15 +00:00
with open(os.path.join(dstDir, fileName), "r") as f:
2015-11-02 14:48:06 +00:00
new = f.read()
2015-11-03 22:07:21 +00:00
added = []
removed = []
for line in difflib.unified_diff(
org.split("\n"), new.split("\n")):
if line.startswith("+ "):
elif line.startswith("- "):
added, removed,
"%s.glif file differs after round tripping" % glyphName)
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
def testRebuildContents(self):
2018-06-11 15:03:54 -05:00
gset = GlyphSet(GLYPHSETDIR, validateRead=True, validateWrite=True)
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
contents = gset.contents
self.assertEqual(contents, gset.contents)
def testReverseContents(self):
2018-06-11 15:03:54 -05:00
gset = GlyphSet(GLYPHSETDIR, validateRead=True, validateWrite=True)
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
d = {}
2015-11-06 15:11:04 +00:00
for k, v in gset.getReverseContents().items():
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
d[v] = k
org = {}
2015-11-06 15:11:04 +00:00
for k, v in gset.contents.items():
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
org[k] = v.lower()
self.assertEqual(d, org)
def testReverseContents2(self):
2018-06-11 15:03:54 -05:00
src = GlyphSet(GLYPHSETDIR, validateRead=True, validateWrite=True)
dst = GlyphSet(self.dstDir, validateRead=True, validateWrite=True)
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
dstMap = dst.getReverseContents()
self.assertEqual(dstMap, {})
2015-11-06 15:11:04 +00:00
for glyphName in src.keys():
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
g = src[glyphName]
g.drawPoints(None) # load attrs
dst.writeGlyph(glyphName, g, g.drawPoints)
self.assertNotEqual(dstMap, {})
srcMap = dict(src.getReverseContents()) # copy
self.assertEqual(dstMap, srcMap)
del srcMap["a.glif"]
self.assertEqual(dstMap, srcMap)
def testCustomFileNamingScheme(self):
def myGlyphNameToFileName(glyphName, glyphSet):
return "prefix" + glyphNameToFileName(glyphName, glyphSet)
2018-06-11 15:03:54 -05:00
src = GlyphSet(GLYPHSETDIR, validateRead=True, validateWrite=True)
2018-10-09 15:12:19 +01:00
dst = GlyphSet(self.dstDir, myGlyphNameToFileName, validateRead=True, validateWrite=True)
2015-11-06 15:11:04 +00:00
for glyphName in src.keys():
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
g = src[glyphName]
g.drawPoints(None) # load attrs
dst.writeGlyph(glyphName, g, g.drawPoints)
d = {}
2015-11-06 15:11:04 +00:00
for k, v in src.contents.items():
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
d[k] = "prefix" + v
self.assertEqual(d, dst.contents)
def testGetUnicodes(self):
2018-06-11 15:03:54 -05:00
src = GlyphSet(GLYPHSETDIR, validateRead=True, validateWrite=True)
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
unicodes = src.getUnicodes()
2015-11-06 15:11:04 +00:00
for glyphName in src.keys():
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
g = src[glyphName]
g.drawPoints(None) # load attrs
if not hasattr(g, "unicodes"):
self.assertEqual(unicodes[glyphName], [])
self.assertEqual(g.unicodes, unicodes[glyphName])
2020-07-03 11:37:17 +01:00
class FileNameTest:
def test_default_file_name_scheme(self):
assert glyphNameToFileName("a", None) == "a.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("A", None) == "A_.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("Aring", None) == "A_ring.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("F_A_B", None) == "F__A__B_.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("A.alt", None) == "A_.alt.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("A.Alt", None) == "A_.A_lt.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName(".notdef", None) == "_notdef.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("T_H", None) =="T__H_.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("T_h", None) =="T__h.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("t_h", None) =="t_h.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("F_F_I", None) == "F__F__I_.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("f_f_i", None) == "f_f_i.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("AE", None) == "A_E_.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("Ae", None) == "A_e.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("ae", None) == "ae.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("aE", None) == "aE_.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("a.alt", None) == "a.alt.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("A.aLt", None) == "A_.aL_t.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("A.alT", None) == "A_.alT_.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("Aacute_V.swash", None) == "A_acute_V_.swash.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName(".notdef", None) == "_notdef.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("con", None) == "_con.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("CON", None) == "C_O_N_.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("con.alt", None) == "_con.alt.glif"
assert glyphNameToFileName("alt.con", None) == "alt._con.glif"
def test_conflicting_case_insensitive_file_names(self, tmp_path):
src = GlyphSet(GLYPHSETDIR)
dst = GlyphSet(tmp_path)
glyph = src["a"]
dst.writeGlyph("a", glyph)
dst.writeGlyph("A", glyph)
dst.writeGlyph("a_", glyph)
dst.writeGlyph("A_", glyph)
dst.writeGlyph("i_j", glyph)
assert dst.contents == {
'a': 'a.glif',
'A': 'A_.glif',
'a_': 'a_000000000000001.glif',
'A_': 'A__.glif',
'i_j': 'i_j.glif',
# make sure filenames are unique even on case-insensitive filesystems
assert len({fileName.lower() for fileName in dst.contents.values()}) == 5
2008-01-07 17:40:34 +00:00
2019-09-09 21:39:22 +01:00
class _Glyph:
2018-07-10 18:53:11 +01:00
2020-05-07 13:14:06 +01:00
class ReadWriteFuncTest:
2018-07-10 16:02:47 +01:00
2020-05-07 13:14:06 +01:00
def test_roundtrip(self):
2018-07-10 16:02:47 +01:00
glyph = _Glyph()
glyph.name = "a"
glyph.unicodes = [0x0061]
s1 = writeGlyphToString(glyph.name, glyph)
glyph2 = _Glyph()
readGlyphFromString(s1, glyph2)
2020-05-07 13:14:06 +01:00
assert glyph.__dict__ == glyph2.__dict__
2018-07-10 16:02:47 +01:00
s2 = writeGlyphToString(glyph2.name, glyph2)
2020-05-07 13:14:06 +01:00
assert s1 == s2
2018-07-10 16:02:47 +01:00
2020-05-07 13:14:06 +01:00
def test_xml_declaration(self):
2018-07-10 18:53:11 +01:00
s = writeGlyphToString("a", _Glyph())
2020-05-07 13:14:06 +01:00
assert s.startswith(XML_DECLARATION % "UTF-8")
def test_parse_xml_remove_comments(self):
s = b"""<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!-- a comment -->
<glyph name="A" format="2">
<advance width="1290"/>
<unicode hex="0041"/>
<!-- another comment -->
g = _Glyph()
readGlyphFromString(s, g)
assert g.name == "A"
assert g.width == 1290
assert g.unicodes == [0x0041]
def test_read_unsupported_format_version(self, caplog):
s = """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<glyph name="A" format="0" formatMinor="0">
<advance width="500"/>
<unicode hex="0041"/>
with pytest.raises(UnsupportedGLIFFormat):
readGlyphFromString(s, _Glyph()) # validate=True by default
with pytest.raises(UnsupportedGLIFFormat):
readGlyphFromString(s, _Glyph(), validate=True)
with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, logger="fontTools.ufoLib.glifLib"):
readGlyphFromString(s, _Glyph(), validate=False)
assert len(caplog.records) == 1
assert "Unsupported GLIF format" in caplog.text
assert "Assuming the latest supported version" in caplog.text
def test_read_allow_format_versions(self):
s = """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<glyph name="A" format="2">
<advance width="500"/>
<unicode hex="0041"/>
# these two calls are are equivalent
readGlyphFromString(s, _Glyph(), formatVersions=[1, 2])
readGlyphFromString(s, _Glyph(), formatVersions=[(1, 0), (2, 0)])
# if at least one supported formatVersion, unsupported ones are ignored
readGlyphFromString(s, _Glyph(), formatVersions=[(2, 0), (123, 456)])
with pytest.raises(
match="None of the requested GLIF formatVersions are supported"
readGlyphFromString(s, _Glyph(), formatVersions=[0, 2001])
with pytest.raises(GlifLibError, match="Forbidden GLIF format version"):
readGlyphFromString(s, _Glyph(), formatVersions=[1])
def test_GlyphSet_unsupported_ufoFormatVersion(tmp_path, caplog):
with pytest.raises(UnsupportedUFOFormat):
GlyphSet(tmp_path, ufoFormatVersion=0)
with pytest.raises(UnsupportedUFOFormat):
GlyphSet(tmp_path, ufoFormatVersion=(0, 1))
2019-12-16 12:01:40 +00:00
2020-05-07 13:14:06 +01:00
def test_GlyphSet_writeGlyph_formatVersion(tmp_path):
src = GlyphSet(GLYPHSETDIR)
dst = GlyphSet(tmp_path, ufoFormatVersion=(2, 0))
glyph = src["A"]
2019-12-16 12:01:40 +00:00
2020-05-07 13:14:06 +01:00
# no explicit formatVersion passed: use the more recent GLIF formatVersion
# that is supported by given ufoFormatVersion (GLIF 1 for UFO 2)
dst.writeGlyph("A", glyph)
glif = dst.getGLIF("A")
assert b'format="1"' in glif
assert b'formatMinor' not in glif # omitted when 0
2019-12-16 12:01:40 +00:00
2020-05-07 13:14:06 +01:00
# explicit, unknown formatVersion
with pytest.raises(UnsupportedGLIFFormat):
dst.writeGlyph("A", glyph, formatVersion=(0, 0))
2019-12-16 12:01:40 +00:00
2020-05-07 13:14:06 +01:00
# explicit, known formatVersion but unsupported by given ufoFormatVersion
with pytest.raises(
match="Unsupported GLIF format version .*for UFO format version",
dst.writeGlyph("A", glyph, formatVersion=(2, 0))