615 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import DefaultTable
import string
import struct
from fontTools.misc import sstruct
import itertools
from types import TupleType
from collections import deque
from fontTools.misc.textTools import safeEval
from BitmapGlyphMetrics import BigGlyphMetrics, bigGlyphMetricsFormat, SmallGlyphMetrics, smallGlyphMetricsFormat
eblcHeaderFormat = """
> # big endian
version: 16.16F
numSizes: I
# The table format string is split to handle sbitLineMetrics simply.
bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1 = """
> # big endian
indexSubTableArrayOffset: I
indexTablesSize: I
numberOfIndexSubTables: I
colorRef: I
# The compound type for hori and vert.
sbitLineMetricsFormat = """
> # big endian
ascender: b
descender: b
widthMax: B
caretSlopeNumerator: b
caretSlopeDenominator: b
caretOffset: b
minOriginSB: b
minAdvanceSB: b
maxBeforeBL: b
minAfterBL: b
pad1: b
pad2: b
# hori and vert go between the two parts.
bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2 = """
> # big endian
startGlyphIndex: H
endGlyphIndex: H
ppemX: B
ppemY: B
bitDepth: B
flags: b
indexSubTableArrayFormat = ">HHL"
indexSubTableArraySize = struct.calcsize(indexSubTableArrayFormat)
indexSubHeaderFormat = ">HHL"
indexSubHeaderSize = struct.calcsize(indexSubHeaderFormat)
codeOffsetPairFormat = ">HH"
codeOffsetPairSize = struct.calcsize(codeOffsetPairFormat)
class table_E_B_L_C_(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
dependencies = ['EBDT']
# This method can be overridden in subclasses to support new formats
# without changing the other implementation. Also can be used as a
# convenience method for coverting a font file to an alternative format.
def getIndexFormatClass(self, indexFormat):
return eblc_sub_table_classes[indexFormat]
def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
# Save the original data because offsets are from the start of the table.
origData = data
dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(eblcHeaderFormat, data, self)
self.strikes = []
for curStrikeIndex in xrange(self.numSizes):
curStrike = Strike()
curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable
dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1, data, curTable)
for metric in ('hori', 'vert'):
metricObj = SbitLineMetrics()
vars(curTable)[metric] = metricObj
dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(sbitLineMetricsFormat, data, metricObj)
dummy, data = sstruct.unpack2(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2, data, curTable)
for curStrike in self.strikes:
curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable
for subtableIndex in xrange(curTable.numberOfIndexSubTables):
lowerBound = curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + subtableIndex * indexSubTableArraySize
upperBound = lowerBound + indexSubTableArraySize
data = origData[lowerBound:upperBound]
tup = struct.unpack(indexSubTableArrayFormat, data)
(firstGlyphIndex, lastGlyphIndex, additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable) = tup
offsetToIndexSubTable = curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset + additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable
data = origData[offsetToIndexSubTable:]
tup = struct.unpack(indexSubHeaderFormat, data[:indexSubHeaderSize])
(indexFormat, imageFormat, imageDataOffset) = tup
indexFormatClass = self.getIndexFormatClass(indexFormat)
indexSubTable = indexFormatClass(data[indexSubHeaderSize:], ttFont)
indexSubTable.firstGlyphIndex = firstGlyphIndex
indexSubTable.lastGlyphIndex = lastGlyphIndex
indexSubTable.additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable = additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable
indexSubTable.indexFormat = indexFormat
indexSubTable.imageFormat = imageFormat
indexSubTable.imageDataOffset = imageDataOffset
def compile(self, ttFont):
dataList = []
self.numSizes = len(self.strikes)
dataList.append(sstruct.pack(eblcHeaderFormat, self))
# Data size of the header + bitmapSizeTable needs to be calculated
# in order to form offsets. This value will hold the size of the data
# in dataList after all the data is consolidated in dataList.
dataSize = len(dataList[0])
# The table will be structured in the following order:
# (0) header
# (1) Each bitmapSizeTable [1 ... self.numSizes]
# (2) Alternate between indexSubTableArray and indexSubTable
# for each bitmapSizeTable present.
# The issue is maintaining the proper offsets when table information
# gets moved around. All offsets and size information must be recalculated
# when building the table to allow editing within ttLib and also allow easy
# import/export to and from XML. All of this offset information is lost
# when exporting to XML so everything must be calculated fresh so importing
# from XML will work cleanly. Only byte offset and size information is
# calculated fresh. Count information like numberOfIndexSubTables is
# checked through assertions. If the information in this table was not
# touched or was changed properly then these types of values should match.
# The table will be rebuilt the following way:
# (0) Precompute the size of all the bitmapSizeTables. This is needed to
# compute the offsets properly.
# (1) For each bitmapSizeTable compute the indexSubTable and
# indexSubTableArray pair. The indexSubTable must be computed first
# so that the offset information in indexSubTableArray can be
# calculated. Update the data size after each pairing.
# (2) Build each bitmapSizeTable.
# (3) Consolidate all the data into the main dataList in the correct order.
for curStrike in self.strikes:
dataSize += sstruct.calcsize(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1)
dataSize += len(('hori', 'vert')) * sstruct.calcsize(sbitLineMetricsFormat)
dataSize += sstruct.calcsize(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2)
indexSubTablePairDataList = []
for curStrike in self.strikes:
curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable
curTable.numberOfIndexSubTables = len(curStrike.indexSubTables)
curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset = dataSize
# Precompute the size of the indexSubTableArray. This information
# is important for correctly calculating the new value for
# additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable.
sizeOfSubTableArray = curTable.numberOfIndexSubTables * indexSubTableArraySize
lowerBound = dataSize
dataSize += sizeOfSubTableArray
upperBound = dataSize
indexSubTableDataList = []
for indexSubTable in curStrike.indexSubTables:
indexSubTable.additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable = dataSize - curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset
glyphIds = map(ttFont.getGlyphID, indexSubTable.names)
indexSubTable.firstGlyphIndex = min(glyphIds)
indexSubTable.lastGlyphIndex = max(glyphIds)
data = indexSubTable.compile(ttFont)
dataSize += len(data)
curTable.startGlyphIndex = min(ist.firstGlyphIndex for ist in curStrike.indexSubTables)
curTable.endGlyphIndex = max(ist.lastGlyphIndex for ist in curStrike.indexSubTables)
for i in curStrike.indexSubTables:
data = struct.pack(indexSubHeaderFormat, i.firstGlyphIndex, i.lastGlyphIndex, i.additionalOffsetToIndexSubtable)
curTable.indexTablesSize = dataSize - curTable.indexSubTableArrayOffset
for curStrike in self.strikes:
curTable = curStrike.bitmapSizeTable
data = sstruct.pack(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1, curTable)
for metric in ('hori', 'vert'):
metricObj = vars(curTable)[metric]
data = sstruct.pack(sbitLineMetricsFormat, metricObj)
data = sstruct.pack(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2, curTable)
return string.join(dataList, "")
def toXML(self, writer, ttFont):
writer.simpletag('header', [('version', self.version)])
for curIndex, curStrike in enumerate(self.strikes):
curStrike.toXML(curIndex, writer, ttFont)
def fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content), ttFont):
if name == 'header':
self.version = safeEval(attrs['version'])
elif name == 'strike':
if not hasattr(self, 'strikes'):
self.strikes = []
strikeIndex = safeEval(attrs['index'])
curStrike = Strike()
curStrike.fromXML((name, attrs, content), ttFont, self)
# Grow the strike array to the appropriate size. The XML format
# allows for the strike index value to be out of order.
if strikeIndex >= len(self.strikes):
self.strikes += [None] * (strikeIndex + 1 - len(self.strikes))
assert self.strikes[strikeIndex] == None, "Duplicate strike EBLC indices."
self.strikes[strikeIndex] = curStrike
class Strike:
def __init__(self):
self.bitmapSizeTable = BitmapSizeTable()
self.indexSubTables = []
def toXML(self, strikeIndex, writer, ttFont):
writer.begintag('strike', [('index', strikeIndex)])
self.bitmapSizeTable.toXML(writer, ttFont)
writer.comment('GlyphIds are written but not read. The firstGlyphIndex and\nlastGlyphIndex values will be recalculated by the compiler.')
for indexSubTable in self.indexSubTables:
indexSubTable.toXML(writer, ttFont)
def fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content), ttFont, locator):
for element in content:
if type(element) != TupleType:
name, attrs, content = element
if name == 'bitmapSizeTable':
self.bitmapSizeTable.fromXML(element, ttFont)
elif name.startswith(_indexSubTableSubclassPrefix):
indexFormat = safeEval(name[len(_indexSubTableSubclassPrefix):])
indexFormatClass = locator.getIndexFormatClass(indexFormat)
indexSubTable = indexFormatClass(None, None)
indexSubTable.indexFormat = indexFormat
indexSubTable.fromXML(element, ttFont)
class BitmapSizeTable:
# Returns all the simple metric names that bitmap size table
# cares about in terms of XML creation.
def _getXMLMetricNames(self):
dataNames = sstruct.getformat(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart1)[1]
dataNames = dataNames + sstruct.getformat(bitmapSizeTableFormatPart2)[1]
# Skip the first 3 data names because they are byte offsets and counts.
return dataNames[3:]
def toXML(self, writer, ttFont):
for metric in ('hori', 'vert'):
getattr(self, metric).toXML(metric, writer, ttFont)
for metricName in self._getXMLMetricNames():
writer.simpletag(metricName, value=getattr(self, metricName))
def fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content), ttFont):
# Create a lookup for all the simple names that make sense to
# bitmap size table. Only read the information from these names.
dataNames = set(self._getXMLMetricNames())
for element in content:
if type(element) != TupleType:
name, attrs, content = element
if name == 'sbitLineMetrics':
direction = attrs['direction']
assert direction in ('hori', 'vert'), "SbitLineMetrics direction specified invalid."
metricObj = SbitLineMetrics()
metricObj.fromXML(element, ttFont)
vars(self)[direction] = metricObj
elif name in dataNames:
vars(self)[name] = safeEval(attrs['value'])
print "Warning: unknown name '%s' being ignored in BitmapSizeTable." % name
class SbitLineMetrics:
def toXML(self, name, writer, ttFont):
writer.begintag('sbitLineMetrics', [('direction', name)])
for metricName in sstruct.getformat(sbitLineMetricsFormat)[1]:
writer.simpletag(metricName, value=getattr(self, metricName))
def fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content), ttFont):
metricNames = set(sstruct.getformat(sbitLineMetricsFormat)[1])
for element in content:
if type(element) != TupleType:
name, attrs, content = element
if name in metricNames:
vars(self)[name] = safeEval(attrs['value'])
# Important information about the naming scheme. Used for identifying subtables.
_indexSubTableSubclassPrefix = 'eblc_index_sub_table_'
class EblcIndexSubTable:
def __init__(self, data, ttFont):
self.data = data
self.ttFont = ttFont
def __getattr__(self, attr):
# Allow lazy decompile.
if attr[:2] == '__':
raise AttributeError, attr
if self.data == None:
raise AttributeError, attr
self.data = None
self.ttFont = None
return getattr(self, attr)
# This method just takes care of the indexSubHeader. Implementing subclasses
# should call it to compile the indexSubHeader and then continue compiling
# the remainder of their unique format.
def compile(self, ttFont):
return struct.pack(indexSubHeaderFormat, self.indexFormat, self.imageFormat, self.imageDataOffset)
# Creates the XML for bitmap glyphs. Each index sub table basically makes
# the same XML except for specific metric information that is written
# out via a method call that a subclass implements optionally.
def toXML(self, writer, ttFont):
writer.begintag(self.__class__.__name__, [
('imageFormat', self.imageFormat),
('firstGlyphIndex', self.firstGlyphIndex),
('lastGlyphIndex', self.lastGlyphIndex),
self.writeMetrics(writer, ttFont)
# Write out the names as thats all thats needed to rebuild etc.
# For font debugging of consecutive formats the ids are also written.
# The ids are not read when moving from the XML format.
glyphIds = map(ttFont.getGlyphID, self.names)
for glyphName, glyphId in itertools.izip(self.names, glyphIds):
writer.simpletag('glyphLoc', name=glyphName, id=glyphId)
def fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content), ttFont):
# Read all the attributes. Even though the glyph indices are
# recalculated, they are still read in case there needs to
# be an immediate export of the data.
self.imageFormat = safeEval(attrs['imageFormat'])
self.firstGlyphIndex = safeEval(attrs['firstGlyphIndex'])
self.lastGlyphIndex = safeEval(attrs['lastGlyphIndex'])
self.readMetrics((name, attrs, content), ttFont)
self.names = []
for element in content:
if type(element) != TupleType:
name, attrs, content = element
if name == 'glyphLoc':
# A helper method that writes the metrics for the index sub table. It also
# is responsible for writing the image size for fixed size data since fixed
# size is not recalculated on compile. Default behavior is to do nothing.
def writeMetrics(self, writer, ttFont):
# A helper method that is the inverse of writeMetrics.
def readMetrics(self, (name, attrs, content), ttFont):
# This method is for fixed glyph data sizes. There are formats where
# the glyph data is fixed but are actually composite glyphs. To handle
# this the font spec in indexSubTable makes the data the size of the
# fixed size by padding the component arrays. This function abstracts
# out this padding process. Input is data unpadded. Output is data
# padded only in fixed formats. Default behavior is to return the data.
def padBitmapData(self, data):
return data
# Remove any of the glyph locations and names that are flagged as skipped.
# This only occurs in formats {1,3}.
def removeSkipGlyphs(self):
# Determines if a name, location pair is a valid data location.
# Skip glyphs are marked when the size is equal to zero.
def isValidLocation((name, (startByte, endByte))):
return startByte < endByte
# Remove all skip glyphs.
dataPairs = filter(isValidLocation, zip(self.names, self.locations))
self.names, self.locations = map(list, zip(*dataPairs))
# A closure for creating a custom mixin. This is done because formats 1 and 3
# are very similar. The only difference between them is the size per offset
# value. Code put in here should handle both cases generally.
def _createOffsetArrayIndexSubTableMixin(formatStringForDataType):
# Prep the data size for the offset array data format.
dataFormat = '>'+formatStringForDataType
offsetDataSize = struct.calcsize(dataFormat)
class OffsetArrayIndexSubTableMixin:
def decompile(self):
numGlyphs = self.lastGlyphIndex - self.firstGlyphIndex + 1
indexingOffsets = [glyphIndex * offsetDataSize for glyphIndex in xrange(numGlyphs+2)]
indexingLocations = zip(indexingOffsets, indexingOffsets[1:])
offsetArray = [struct.unpack(dataFormat, self.data[slice(*loc)])[0] for loc in indexingLocations]
glyphIds = range(self.firstGlyphIndex, self.lastGlyphIndex+1)
modifiedOffsets = [offset + self.imageDataOffset for offset in offsetArray]
self.locations = zip(modifiedOffsets, modifiedOffsets[1:])
self.names = map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds)
def compile(self, ttFont):
# First make sure that all the data lines up properly. Formats 1 and 3
# must have all its data lined up consecutively. If not this will fail.
for curLoc, nxtLoc in itertools.izip(self.locations, self.locations[1:]):
assert curLoc[1] == nxtLoc[0], "Data must be consecutive in indexSubTable offset formats"
glyphIds = map(ttFont.getGlyphID, self.names)
# Make sure that all ids are sorted strictly increasing.
assert all(glyphIds[i] < glyphIds[i+1] for i in xrange(len(glyphIds)-1))
# Run a simple algorithm to add skip glyphs to the data locations at
# the places where an id is not present.
idQueue = deque(glyphIds)
locQueue = deque(self.locations)
allGlyphIds = range(self.firstGlyphIndex, self.lastGlyphIndex+1)
allLocations = []
for curId in allGlyphIds:
if curId != idQueue[0]:
allLocations.append((locQueue[0][0], locQueue[0][0]))
# Now that all the locations are collected, pack them appropriately into
# offsets. This is the form where offset[i] is the location and
# offset[i+1]-offset[i] is the size of the data location.
offsets = list(allLocations[0]) + [loc[1] for loc in allLocations[1:]]
# Image data offset must be less than or equal to the minimum of locations.
# This offset may change the value for round tripping but is safer and
# allows imageDataOffset to not be required to be in the XML version.
self.imageDataOffset = min(offsets)
offsetArray = [offset - self.imageDataOffset for offset in offsets]
dataList = [EblcIndexSubTable.compile(self, ttFont)]
dataList += [struct.pack(dataFormat, offsetValue) for offsetValue in offsetArray]
# Take care of any padding issues. Only occurs in format 3.
if offsetDataSize * len(dataList) % 4 != 0:
dataList.append(struct.pack(dataFormat, 0))
return string.join(dataList, "")
return OffsetArrayIndexSubTableMixin
# A Mixin for functionality shared between the different kinds
# of fixed sized data handling. Both kinds have big metrics so
# that kind of special processing is also handled in this mixin.
class FixedSizeIndexSubTableMixin:
def writeMetrics(self, writer, ttFont):
writer.simpletag('imageSize', value=self.imageSize)
self.metrics.toXML(writer, ttFont)
def readMetrics(self, (name, attrs, content), ttFont):
for element in content:
if type(element) != TupleType:
name, attrs, content = element
if name == 'imageSize':
self.imageSize = safeEval(attrs['value'])
elif name == BigGlyphMetrics.__name__:
self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics()
self.metrics.fromXML(element, ttFont)
elif name == SmallGlyphMetrics.__name__:
print "Warning: SmallGlyphMetrics being ignored in format %d." % self.indexFormat
def padBitmapData(self, data):
# Make sure that the data isn't bigger than the fixed size.
assert len(data) <= self.imageSize, "Data in indexSubTable format %d must be less than the fixed size." % self.indexFormat
# Pad the data so that it matches the fixed size.
pad = (self.imageSize - len(data)) * '\0'
return data + pad
class eblc_index_sub_table_1(_createOffsetArrayIndexSubTableMixin('L'), EblcIndexSubTable):
class eblc_index_sub_table_2(FixedSizeIndexSubTableMixin, EblcIndexSubTable):
def decompile(self):
(self.imageSize,) = struct.unpack(">L", self.data[:4])
self.metrics = BigGlyphMetrics()
sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat, self.data[4:], self.metrics)
glyphIds = range(self.firstGlyphIndex, self.lastGlyphIndex+1)
offsets = [self.imageSize * i + self.imageDataOffset for i in xrange(len(glyphIds)+1)]
self.locations = zip(offsets, offsets[1:])
self.names = map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds)
def compile(self, ttFont):
glyphIds = map(ttFont.getGlyphID, self.names)
# Make sure all the ids are consecutive. This is required by Format 2.
assert glyphIds == range(self.firstGlyphIndex, self.lastGlyphIndex+1), "Format 2 ids must be consecutive."
self.imageDataOffset = min(zip(*self.locations)[0])
dataList = [EblcIndexSubTable.compile(self, ttFont)]
dataList.append(struct.pack(">L", self.imageSize))
dataList.append(sstruct.pack(bigGlyphMetricsFormat, self.metrics))
return string.join(dataList, "")
class eblc_index_sub_table_3(_createOffsetArrayIndexSubTableMixin('H'), EblcIndexSubTable):
class eblc_index_sub_table_4(EblcIndexSubTable):
def decompile(self):
(numGlyphs,) = struct.unpack(">L", self.data[:4])
data = self.data[4:]
indexingOffsets = [glyphIndex * codeOffsetPairSize for glyphIndex in xrange(numGlyphs+2)]
indexingLocations = zip(indexingOffsets, indexingOffsets[1:])
glyphArray = [struct.unpack(codeOffsetPairFormat, data[slice(*loc)]) for loc in indexingLocations]
glyphIds, offsets = map(list, zip(*glyphArray))
# There are one too many glyph ids. Get rid of the last one.
offsets = [offset + self.imageDataOffset for offset in offsets]
self.locations = zip(offsets, offsets[1:])
self.names = map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds)
def compile(self, ttFont):
# First make sure that all the data lines up properly. Format 4
# must have all its data lined up consecutively. If not this will fail.
for curLoc, nxtLoc in itertools.izip(self.locations, self.locations[1:]):
assert curLoc[1] == nxtLoc[0], "Data must be consecutive in indexSubTable format 4"
offsets = list(self.locations[0]) + [loc[1] for loc in self.locations[1:]]
# Image data offset must be less than or equal to the minimum of locations.
# Resetting this offset may change the value for round tripping but is safer
# and allows imageDataOffset to not be required to be in the XML version.
self.imageDataOffset = min(offsets)
offsets = [offset - self.imageDataOffset for offset in offsets]
glyphIds = map(ttFont.getGlyphID, self.names)
# Create an iterator over the ids plus a padding value.
idsPlusPad = list(itertools.chain(glyphIds, [0]))
dataList = [EblcIndexSubTable.compile(self, ttFont)]
dataList.append(struct.pack(">L", len(glyphIds)))
tmp = [struct.pack(codeOffsetPairFormat, *cop) for cop in itertools.izip(idsPlusPad, offsets)]
dataList += tmp
data = string.join(dataList, "")
return data
class eblc_index_sub_table_5(FixedSizeIndexSubTableMixin, EblcIndexSubTable):
def decompile(self):
self.origDataLen = 0
(self.imageSize,) = struct.unpack(">L", self.data[:4])
data = self.data[4:]
self.metrics, data = sstruct.unpack2(bigGlyphMetricsFormat, data, BigGlyphMetrics())
(numGlyphs,) = struct.unpack(">L", data[:4])
data = data[4:]
glyphIds = [struct.unpack(">H", data[2*i:2*(i+1)])[0] for i in xrange(numGlyphs)]
offsets = [self.imageSize * i + self.imageDataOffset for i in xrange(len(glyphIds)+1)]
self.locations = zip(offsets, offsets[1:])
self.names = map(self.ttFont.getGlyphName, glyphIds)
def compile(self, ttFont):
self.imageDataOffset = min(zip(*self.locations)[0])
dataList = [EblcIndexSubTable.compile(self, ttFont)]
dataList.append(struct.pack(">L", self.imageSize))
dataList.append(sstruct.pack(bigGlyphMetricsFormat, self.metrics))
glyphIds = map(ttFont.getGlyphID, self.names)
dataList.append(struct.pack(">L", len(glyphIds)))
dataList += [struct.pack(">H", curId) for curId in glyphIds]
if len(glyphIds) % 2 == 1:
dataList.append(struct.pack(">H", 0))
return string.join(dataList, "")
# Dictionary of indexFormat to the class representing that format.
eblc_sub_table_classes = {
1: eblc_index_sub_table_1,
2: eblc_index_sub_table_2,
3: eblc_index_sub_table_3,
4: eblc_index_sub_table_4,
5: eblc_index_sub_table_5,