Fix most pylint warnings for 'gvar' table

This commit is contained in:
Sascha Brawer 2015-05-06 16:54:18 +02:00
parent b633f8ef14
commit 1447730438
2 changed files with 43 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ class table__g_v_a_r(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
offset += len(glyph)
compiledGlyphsSize = offset
compiledOffsets, format = self.compileOffsets_(offsets)
compiledOffsets, tableFormat = self.compileOffsets_(offsets)
header = {}
header["version"] = self.version
@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ class table__g_v_a_r(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
header["sharedCoordCount"] = len(sharedCoords)
header["offsetToCoord"] = GVAR_HEADER_SIZE + len(compiledOffsets)
header["glyphCount"] = len(compiledGlyphs)
header["flags"] = format
header["flags"] = tableFormat
header["offsetToData"] = header["offsetToCoord"] + sharedCoordSize
compiledHeader = sstruct.pack(GVAR_HEADER_FORMAT, header)
@ -180,8 +179,7 @@ class table__g_v_a_r(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
sstruct.unpack(GVAR_HEADER_FORMAT, data[0:GVAR_HEADER_SIZE], self)
assert len(glyphs) == self.glyphCount
assert len(axisTags) == self.axisCount
offsets = self.decompileOffsets_(data[GVAR_HEADER_SIZE:],
format=(self.flags & 1), glyphCount=self.glyphCount)
offsets = self.decompileOffsets_(data[GVAR_HEADER_SIZE:], tableFormat=(self.flags & 1), glyphCount=self.glyphCount)
sharedCoords = self.decompileSharedCoords_(axisTags, data)
self.variations = {}
for i in range(self.glyphCount):
@ -192,12 +190,12 @@ class table__g_v_a_r(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
self.variations[glyphName] = self.decompileGlyph_(numPoints, sharedCoords, axisTags, gvarData)
def decompileSharedCoords_(self, axisTags, data):
result, pos = GlyphVariation.decompileCoords_(axisTags, self.sharedCoordCount, data, self.offsetToCoord)
result, _pos = GlyphVariation.decompileCoords_(axisTags, self.sharedCoordCount, data, self.offsetToCoord)
return result
def decompileOffsets_(data, format, glyphCount):
if format == 0:
def decompileOffsets_(data, tableFormat, glyphCount):
if tableFormat == 0:
# Short format: array of UInt16
offsets = array.array("H")
offsetsSize = (glyphCount + 1) * 2
@ -213,7 +211,7 @@ class table__g_v_a_r(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
# This is not documented in Apple's TrueType specification,
# but can be inferred from the FreeType implementation, and
# we could verify it with two sample GX fonts.
if format == 0:
if tableFormat == 0:
offsets = [off * 2 for off in offsets]
return offsets
@ -222,10 +220,10 @@ class table__g_v_a_r(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
def compileOffsets_(offsets):
"""Packs a list of offsets into a 'gvar' offset table.
Returns a pair (bytestring, format). Bytestring is the
Returns a pair (bytestring, tableFormat). Bytestring is the
packed offset table. Format indicates whether the table
uses short (format=0) or long (format=1) integers.
The returned format should get packed into the flags field
uses short (tableFormat=0) or long (tableFormat=1) integers.
The returned tableFormat should get packed into the flags field
of the 'gvar' header.
assert len(offsets) >= 2
@ -233,13 +231,13 @@ class table__g_v_a_r(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
assert offsets[i - 1] <= offsets[i]
if max(offsets) <= 0xffff * 2:
packed = array.array("H", [n >> 1 for n in offsets])
format = 0
tableFormat = 0
packed = array.array("I", offsets)
format = 1
tableFormat = 1
if sys.byteorder != "big":
return (packed.tostring(), format)
return (packed.tostring(), tableFormat)
def decompileGlyph_(self, numPoints, sharedCoords, axisTags, data):
if len(data) < 4:
@ -253,12 +251,12 @@ class table__g_v_a_r(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
sharedPoints, dataPos = GlyphVariation.decompilePoints_(numPoints, data, dataPos)
sharedPoints = []
for i in range(flags & TUPLE_COUNT_MASK):
for _ in range(flags & TUPLE_COUNT_MASK):
dataSize, flags = struct.unpack(">HH", data[pos:pos+4])
tupleSize = GlyphVariation.getTupleSize_(flags, numAxes)
tuple = data[pos : pos + tupleSize]
tupleData = data[dataPos : dataPos + dataSize]
tuples.append(self.decompileTuple_(numPoints, sharedCoords, sharedPoints, axisTags, tuple, tupleData))
tupleData = data[pos : pos + tupleSize]
pointDeltaData = data[dataPos : dataPos + dataSize]
tuples.append(self.decompileTuple_(numPoints, sharedCoords, sharedPoints, axisTags, tupleData, pointDeltaData))
pos += tupleSize
dataPos += dataSize
return tuples
@ -268,7 +266,6 @@ class table__g_v_a_r(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
flags = struct.unpack(">H", data[2:4])[0]
pos = 4
coordSize = len(axisTags) * 2
if (flags & EMBEDDED_TUPLE_COORD) == 0:
coord = sharedCoords[flags & TUPLE_INDEX_MASK]
@ -304,20 +301,20 @@ class table__g_v_a_r(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
maxCoord[axis] = max(value, 0.0) # -0.3 --> 0.0; 0.7 --> 0.7
return (minCoord, maxCoord)
def toXML(self, writer, ttFont):
def toXML(self, writer, ttFont, progress=None):
writer.simpletag("version", value=self.version)
writer.simpletag("reserved", value=self.reserved)
axisTags = [axis.AxisTag for axis in ttFont["fvar"].table.VariationAxis]
for glyphName in ttFont.getGlyphOrder():
tuples = self.variations.get(glyphName)
if not tuples:
variations = self.variations.get(glyphName)
if not variations:
writer.begintag("glyphVariations", glyph=glyphName)
for tuple in tuples:
tuple.toXML(writer, axisTags)
for gvar in variations:
gvar.toXML(writer, axisTags)
@ -355,7 +352,7 @@ class table__g_v_a_r(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
return len(getattr(glyph, "coordinates", [])) + NUM_PHANTOM_POINTS
class GlyphVariation:
class GlyphVariation(object):
def __init__(self, axes, coordinates):
self.axes = axes
self.coordinates = coordinates
@ -390,15 +387,14 @@ class GlyphVariation:
for axis in axisTags:
value = self.axes.get(axis)
if value != None:
if value is not None:
minValue, value, maxValue = value
defaultMinValue = min(value, 0.0) # -0.3 --> -0.3; 0.7 --> 0.0
defaultMaxValue = max(value, 0.0) # -0.3 --> 0.0; 0.7 --> 0.7
if minValue == defaultMinValue and maxValue == defaultMaxValue:
writer.simpletag("coord", axis=axis, value=value)
writer.simpletag("coord", axis=axis, value=value,
min=minValue, max=maxValue)
writer.simpletag("coord", axis=axis, value=value, min=minValue, max=maxValue)
wrote_any_points = False
for i in range(len(self.coordinates)):
@ -413,7 +409,7 @@ class GlyphVariation:
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content):
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, _content):
if name == "coord":
axis = attrs["axis"]
value = float(attrs["value"])
@ -429,34 +425,34 @@ class GlyphVariation:
self.coordinates[point] = (x, y)
def compile(self, axisTags, sharedCoordIndices, sharedPoints):
tuple = []
tupleData = []
coord = self.compileCoord(axisTags)
if coord in sharedCoordIndices:
flags = sharedCoordIndices[coord]
intermediateCoord = self.compileIntermediateCoord(axisTags)
if intermediateCoord != None:
if intermediateCoord is not None:
if sharedPoints != None:
data = self.compileDeltas(sharedPoints)
if sharedPoints is not None:
auxData = self.compileDeltas(sharedPoints)
points = self.getUsedPoints()
data = self.compilePoints(points) + self.compileDeltas(points)
auxData = self.compilePoints(points) + self.compileDeltas(points)
tuple = struct.pack('>HH', len(data), flags) + bytesjoin(tuple)
return (tuple, data)
tupleData = struct.pack('>HH', len(auxData), flags) + bytesjoin(tupleData)
return (tupleData, auxData)
def compileCoord(self, axisTags):
result = []
for axis in axisTags:
minValue, value, maxValue = self.axes.get(axis, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
_minValue, value, _maxValue = self.axes.get(axis, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
result.append(struct.pack(">h", floatToFixed(value, 14)))
return bytesjoin(result)
@ -492,7 +488,7 @@ class GlyphVariation:
def decompileCoords_(axisTags, numCoords, data, offset):
result = []
pos = offset
for i in range(numCoords):
for _ in range(numCoords):
coord, pos = GlyphVariation.decompileCoord_(axisTags, data, pos)
return result, pos
@ -564,12 +560,12 @@ class GlyphVariation:
numPointsInRun = (runHeader & POINT_RUN_COUNT_MASK) + 1
point = 0
if (runHeader & POINTS_ARE_WORDS) == 0:
for i in range(numPointsInRun):
for _ in range(numPointsInRun):
point += byteord(data[pos])
pos += 1
for i in range(numPointsInRun):
for _ in range(numPointsInRun):
point += struct.unpack(">H", data[pos:pos+2])[0]
pos += 2
@ -697,11 +693,11 @@ class GlyphVariation:
if (runHeader & DELTAS_ARE_ZERO) != 0:
result.extend([0] * numDeltasInRun)
elif (runHeader & DELTAS_ARE_WORDS) != 0:
for i in range(numDeltasInRun):
for _ in range(numDeltasInRun):
result.append(struct.unpack(">h", data[pos:pos+2])[0])
pos += 2
for i in range(numDeltasInRun):
for _ in range(numDeltasInRun):
result.append(struct.unpack(">b", data[pos:pos+1])[0])
pos += 1
assert len(result) == numDeltas

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@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ class GlyphVariationTableTest(unittest.TestCase):
decompileOffsets = table__g_v_a_r.decompileOffsets_
data = deHexStr("00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb")
self.assertEqual([2*0x0011, 2*0x2233, 2*0x4455, 2*0x6677, 2*0x8899, 2*0xaabb],
list(decompileOffsets(data, format=0, glyphCount=5)))
list(decompileOffsets(data, tableFormat=0, glyphCount=5)))
def test_decompileOffsets_longFormat(self):
decompileOffsets = table__g_v_a_r.decompileOffsets_
data = deHexStr("00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb")
self.assertEqual([0x00112233, 0x44556677, 0x8899aabb],
list(decompileOffsets(data, format=1, glyphCount=2)))
list(decompileOffsets(data, tableFormat=1, glyphCount=2)))
def test_compileGlyph_noVariations(self):
table = table__g_v_a_r()