[morx] Clean up compilation of AAT action tables; add more tests

This commit is contained in:
Sascha Brawer 2018-09-24 20:05:57 +02:00
parent 4a1871ff62
commit 2011ccf6ec
3 changed files with 79 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -1128,17 +1128,9 @@ class STXHeader(BaseConverter):
if self.perGlyphLookup is not None:
glyphClassTableOffset += 4
actionData, actionIndex, actionOffset = None, None, None
if issubclass(self.tableClass, LigatureMorphAction):
# 4 bytes each for {action,ligComponents,ligatures}Offset
glyphClassTableOffset += 12
actionData, actionIndex = \
self._compileLigActions(value, font)
if issubclass(self.tableClass, InsertionMorphAction):
glyphClassTableOffset += 4 # 4 bytes for actionOffset
actionData, actionIndex = \
self.tableClass.compileActions(font, value.States)
glyphClassTableOffset += self.tableClass.actionHeaderSize
actionData, actionIndex = \
self.tableClass.compileActions(font, value.States)
stateArrayData, entryTableData = self._compileStates(
font, value.States, glyphClassCount, actionIndex)
stateArrayOffset = glyphClassTableOffset + len(glyphClassData)
@ -1148,6 +1140,8 @@ class STXHeader(BaseConverter):
pad(self._compilePerGlyphLookups(value, font), 4)
if actionData is not None:
actionOffset = entryTableOffset + len(entryTableData)
actionOffset = None
ligaturesOffset, ligComponentsOffset = None, None
ligComponentsData = self._compileLigComponents(value, font)
@ -1222,35 +1216,6 @@ class STXHeader(BaseConverter):
return writer.getAllData()
def _compileLigActions(self, table, font):
assert issubclass(self.tableClass, LigatureMorphAction)
actions = set()
for state in table.States:
for _glyphClass, trans in state.Transitions.items():
result, actionIndex = b"", {}
# Sort the compiled actions in decreasing order of
# length, so that the longer sequence come before the
# shorter ones. For each compiled action ABCD, its
# suffixes BCD, CD, and D do not be encoded separately
# (in case they occur); instead, we can just store an
# index that points into the middle of the longer
# sequence. Every compiled AAT ligature sequence is
# terminated with an end-of-sequence flag, which can
# only be set on the last element of the sequence.
# Therefore, it is sufficient to consider just the
# suffixes.
for a in sorted(actions, key=lambda x:(-len(x), x)):
if a not in actionIndex:
for i in range(0, len(a), 4):
suffix = a[i:]
suffixIndex = (len(result) + i) // 4
suffix, suffixIndex)
result += a
result = pad(result, 4)
return (result, actionIndex)
def _compileLigComponents(self, table, font):
if not hasattr(table, "LigComponents"):
return None

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ converter objects from otConverters.py.
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
from fontTools.misc.textTools import safeEval
from fontTools.misc.textTools import pad, safeEval
from .otBase import BaseTable, FormatSwitchingBaseTable, ValueRecord
import operator
import logging
@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ class AATState(object):
class AATAction(object):
_FLAGS = None
def compileActions(font, states):
return (None, None)
def _writeFlagsToXML(self, xmlWriter):
flags = [f for f in self._FLAGS if self.__dict__[f]]
if flags:
@ -50,6 +54,7 @@ class AATAction(object):
class RearrangementMorphAction(AATAction):
staticSize = 4
actionHeaderSize = 0
_FLAGS = ["MarkFirst", "DontAdvance", "MarkLast"]
_VERBS = {
@ -131,6 +136,7 @@ class RearrangementMorphAction(AATAction):
class ContextualMorphAction(AATAction):
staticSize = 8
actionHeaderSize = 0
_FLAGS = ["SetMark", "DontAdvance"]
def __init__(self):
@ -209,6 +215,10 @@ class LigAction(object):
class LigatureMorphAction(AATAction):
staticSize = 6
# 4 bytes for each of {action,ligComponents,ligatures}Offset
actionHeaderSize = 12
_FLAGS = ["SetComponent", "DontAdvance"]
def __init__(self):
@ -251,6 +261,34 @@ class LigatureMorphAction(AATAction):
self.Actions = []
def compileActions(font, states):
result, actions, actionIndex = b"", set(), {}
for state in states:
for _glyphClass, trans in state.Transitions.items():
# Sort the compiled actions in decreasing order of
# length, so that the longer sequence come before the
# shorter ones. For each compiled action ABCD, its
# suffixes BCD, CD, and D do not be encoded separately
# (in case they occur); instead, we can just store an
# index that points into the middle of the longer
# sequence. Every compiled AAT ligature sequence is
# terminated with an end-of-sequence flag, which can
# only be set on the last element of the sequence.
# Therefore, it is sufficient to consider just the
# suffixes.
for a in sorted(actions, key=lambda x:(-len(x), x)):
if a not in actionIndex:
for i in range(0, len(a), 4):
suffix = a[i:]
suffixIndex = (len(result) + i) // 4
suffix, suffixIndex)
result += a
result = pad(result, 4)
return (result, actionIndex)
def compileLigActions(self):
result = []
for i, action in enumerate(self.Actions):
@ -319,7 +357,7 @@ class LigatureMorphAction(AATAction):
class InsertionMorphAction(AATAction):
staticSize = 8
actionHeaderSize = 4 # 4 bytes for actionOffset
_FLAGS = ["SetMark", "DontAdvance",
"CurrentIsKashidaLike", "MarkedIsKashidaLike",
"CurrentInsertBefore", "MarkedInsertBefore"]

View File

@ -383,6 +383,10 @@ class RearrangementMorphActionTest(unittest.TestCase):
r.compile(writer, self.font, actionIndex=None)
self.assertEqual(hexStr(writer.getAllData()), "1234fffd")
def testCompileActions(self):
act = otTables.RearrangementMorphAction()
self.assertEqual(act.compileActions(self.font, []), (None, None))
def testDecompileToXML(self):
r = otTables.RearrangementMorphAction()
@ -411,6 +415,10 @@ class ContextualMorphActionTest(unittest.TestCase):
a.compile(writer, self.font, actionIndex=None)
self.assertEqual(hexStr(writer.getAllData()), "1234f117deadbeef")
def testCompileActions(self):
act = otTables.ContextualMorphAction()
self.assertEqual(act.compileActions(self.font, []), (None, None))
def testDecompileToXML(self):
a = otTables.ContextualMorphAction()
@ -447,6 +455,32 @@ class LigatureMorphActionTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testCompileActions_empty(self):
act = otTables.LigatureMorphAction()
actions, actionIndex = act.compileActions(self.font, [])
self.assertEqual(actions, b'')
self.assertEqual(actionIndex, {})
def testCompileActions_shouldShareSubsequences(self):
state = otTables.AATState()
t = state.Transitions = {i: otTables.LigatureMorphAction()
for i in range(3)}
ligs = [otTables.LigAction() for _ in range(3)]
for i, lig in enumerate(ligs):
lig.GlyphIndexDelta = i
t[0].Actions = ligs[1:2]
t[1].Actions = ligs[0:3]
t[2].Actions = ligs[1:3]
actions, actionIndex = t[0].compileActions(self.font, [state])
deHexStr("00000000 00000001 80000002 80000001"))
self.assertEqual(actionIndex, {
deHexStr("00000000 00000001 80000002"): 0,
deHexStr("00000001 80000002"): 1,
deHexStr("80000002"): 2,
deHexStr("80000001"): 3,
class InsertionMorphActionTest(unittest.TestCase):