Implement Cosimo feedback

This commit is contained in:
Marc Foley 2021-01-05 14:34:25 +00:00
parent daf6427b0b
commit 336e7827e7
2 changed files with 137 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -1024,10 +1024,12 @@ def instantiateSTAT(varfont, axisLimits):
return # STAT table empty, nothing to do"Instantiating STAT table")
_instantiateSTAT(stat, axisLimits)
newAxisValueTables = axisValuesFromAxisLimits(stat, axisLimits)
stat.AxisValueArray.AxisValue = newAxisValueTables
stat.AxisValueCount = len(stat.AxisValueArray.AxisValue)
def _instantiateSTAT(stat, axisLimits):
def axisValuesFromAxisLimits(stat, axisLimits):
location, axisRanges = splitAxisLocationAndRanges(axisLimits, rangeType=AxisRange)
def isAxisValueOutsideLimits(axisTag, axisValue):
@ -1068,9 +1070,7 @@ def _instantiateSTAT(stat, axisLimits):
log.warn("Unknown AxisValue table format (%s); ignored", axisValueFormat)
stat.AxisValueArray.AxisValue = newAxisValueTables
stat.AxisValueCount = len(stat.AxisValueArray.AxisValue)
return newAxisValueTables
def getVariationNameIDs(varfont):
@ -1121,8 +1121,97 @@ def updateNameTable(varfont, axisLimits):
"""Update an instatiated variable font's name table using the Axis
Values from the STAT table.
The updated nametable will conform to the R/I/B/BI naming model.
The updated name table will conform to the R/I/B/BI naming model.
# This task can be split into two parts:
# Task 1: Collecting and sorting the relevant AxisValues:
# 1. First check the variable font has a STAT table and it contains
# AxisValues.
# 2. Create a dictionary which contains the pinned axes from the
# axisLimits dict and for the unpinned axes, we'll use the fvar
# default coordinates e.g
# axisLimits = {"wght": 500, "wdth": AxisRange(75, 100), our dict will
# be {"wght": 500, "wdth": 100} if the width axis has a default of 100.
# 3. Create a new list of AxisValues whose Values match the dict we just
# created.
# 4. Remove any AxisValues from the list which have the
# Elidable_AXIS_VALUE_NAME flag set.
# 5. Remove and sort AxisValues in the list so format 4 AxisValues take
# precedence. According to the MS Spec "if a format 1, format 2 or
# format 3 table has a (nominal) value used in a format 4 table that
# also has values for other axes, the format 4 table, being the more
# specific match, is used",
# Task 2: Updating a name table's style and family names from a list of
# AxisValues:
# 1. Sort AxisValues into two groups. For the first group, the names must be
# any of the following ["Regular", "Italic", "Bold", "Bold Italic"].
# This group of names is often referred to as "RIBBI" names. For the
# other group, names must be non-RIBBI e.g "Medium Italic", "Condensed"
# etc.
# 2. Repeat the next steps for each name table record platform:
# a. Create new subFamily name and Typographic subFamily name from the
# above groups.
# b. Update nameIDs 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 16, 17 using the new name created
# in the last step.
# Step by step example:
# A variable font which has a width and weight axes.
# AxisValues in font (represented as simplified dicts):
# axisValues = [
# {"name": "Light", "axis": "wght", "value": 300},
# {"name": "Regular", "axis": "wght", "value": 400},
# {"name": "Medium", "axis": "wght", "value": 500},
# {"name": "Bold", "axis": "wght", "value": 600},
# {"name": "Condensed", "axis": "wdth", "value": 75},
# {"name": "Normal", "axis": "wdth", "value": 100, "flags": 0x2},
# ]
# # Let's instantiate a partial font which has a pinned wght axis and an
# unpinned width axis.
# >>> axisLimits = {"wght": 500, "width": AxisRange(75, 100)}
# >>> updateNameTable(varfont, axisLimits)
# AxisValues remaining after task 1.3:
# axisValues = [
# {"name": "Medium", "axis": "wght", "value": 500},
# {"name": "Normal", "axis": "wdth", "value": 100, "flags": 0x2}
# ]
# AxisValues remaining after completing all 1.x tasks:
# axisValues = [{"name": "Medium", "axis": "wght", "value": 500}]
# The Normal AxisValue is removed because it has the
# Elidable_AXIS_VALUE_NAME flag set.
# # AxisValues after separating into two groups in task 2.1:
# ribbiAxisValues = []
# nonRibbiAxisValues = [{"name": "Medium", "axis": "wght", "value": 500}]
# # Names created from AxisValues in task 2.2a for Win US English platform:
# subFamilyName = ""
# typoSubFamilyName = "Medium"
# NameRecords updated in task 2.2b for Win US English platform:
# NameID 1 familyName: "Open Sans" --> "Open Sans Medium"
# NameID 2 subFamilyName: "Regular" --> "Regular"
# NameID 3 Unique font identifier: "3.000;GOOG;OpenSans-Regular" --> \
# "3.000;GOOG;OpenSans-Medium"
# NameID 4 Full font name: "Open Sans Regular" --> "Open Sans Medium"
# NameID 6 PostScript name: "OpenSans-Regular" --> "OpenSans-Medium"
# NameID 16 Typographic Family name: None --> "Open Sans"
# NameID 17 Typographic Subfamily name: None --> "Medium"
# Notes on name table record updates:
# - Typographic names have been added since Medium is a non-Ribbi name.
# - Neither the before or after name records include the Width AxisValue
# names because the "Normal" AxisValue has the
# Elidable_AXIS_VALUE_NAME flag set.
# If we instantiate the same font but pin the wdth axis to 75,
# the "Condensed" AxisValue will be included.
# - For info regarding how RIBBI and non-RIBBI can be constructed see:
if "STAT" not in varfont:
raise ValueError("Cannot update name table since there is no STAT table.")
stat = varfont["STAT"].table
@ -1134,41 +1223,43 @@ def updateNameTable(varfont, axisLimits):
# If we're instantiating a partial font, we will populate the unpinned
# axes with their default axis values.
fvarDefaults = {a.axisTag: a.defaultValue for a in fvar.axes}
axisCoords = deepcopy(axisLimits)
defaultAxisCoords = deepcopy(axisLimits)
for axisTag, val in fvarDefaults.items():
if axisTag not in axisCoords or isinstance(axisCoords[axisTag], tuple):
axisCoords[axisTag] = val
if axisTag not in defaultAxisCoords or isinstance(
defaultAxisCoords[axisTag], AxisRange
defaultAxisCoords[axisTag] = val
# To get the required Axis Values for the zero origin, we can simply
# duplicate the STAT table and instantiate it using the axis coords we
# created in the previous step.
stat_new = deepcopy(stat)
_instantiateSTAT(stat_new, axisCoords)
checkMissingAxisValues(stat_new, axisCoords)
axisValueTables = axisValuesFromAxisLimits(stat, defaultAxisCoords)
checkAxisValuesExist(stat, axisValueTables, defaultAxisCoords)
axisValueTables = stat_new.AxisValueArray.AxisValue
# Remove axis Values which have Elidable_AXIS_VALUE_NAME flag set.
# Remove axis Values which have ELIDABLE_AXIS_VALUE_NAME flag set.
# Axis Values which have this flag enabled won't be visible in
# application font menus.
axisValueTables = [
v for v in axisValueTables if v.Flags & ELIDABLE_AXIS_VALUE_NAME != 2
v for v in axisValueTables if not v.Flags & ELIDABLE_AXIS_VALUE_NAME
stat_new.AxisValueArray.AxisValue = axisValueTables
axisValueTables = _sortedAxisValues(stat_new, axisCoords)
axisValueTables = _sortAxisValues(axisValueTables)
_updateNameRecords(varfont, axisValueTables)
def checkMissingAxisValues(stat, axisCoords):
def checkAxisValuesExist(stat, axisValues, axisCoords):
seen = set()
axisValues = stat.AxisValueArray.AxisValue
designAxes = stat.DesignAxisRecord.Axis
for val in axisValues:
if val.Format == 4:
for rec in val.AxisValueRecord:
axisTag = designAxes[rec.AxisIndex].AxisTag
for axisValueTable in axisValues:
axisValueFormat = axisValueTable.Format
if axisValueTable.Format in (1, 2, 3):
axisTag = designAxes[axisValueTable.AxisIndex].AxisTag
if axisValueFormat == 2:
axisValue = axisValueTable.NominalValue
axisTag = designAxes[val.AxisIndex].AxisTag
axisValue = axisValueTable.Value
if axisTag in axisCoords and axisValue == axisCoords[axisTag]:
elif axisValueTable.Format == 4:
for rec in axisValueTable.AxisValueRecord:
axisTag = designAxes[rec.AxisIndex].AxisTag
if axisTag in axisCoords and rec.Value == axisCoords[axisTag]:
missingAxes = set(axisCoords) - seen
@ -1177,11 +1268,9 @@ def checkMissingAxisValues(stat, axisCoords):
raise ValueError(f"Cannot find Axis Values [{missing}]")
def _sortedAxisValues(stat, axisCoords):
def _sortAxisValues(axisValues):
# Sort and remove duplicates ensuring that format 4 Axis Values
# are dominant
axisValues = stat.AxisValueArray.AxisValue
designAxes = stat.DesignAxisRecord.Axis
results = []
seenAxes = set()
# Sort format 4 axes so the tables with the most AxisValueRecords
@ -1320,11 +1409,11 @@ def _updateNameTableStyleRecords(
newFamilyName = nameIDs.get(NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY_NAME) or nameIDs.get(
newFamilyName = (
newStyleName = nameIDs.get(NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_SUBFAMILY_NAME) or nameIDs.get(
newStyleName = (
nameIDs[NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME] = f"{newFamilyName} {newStyleName}"
@ -1373,23 +1462,20 @@ def _updateUniqueIdNameRecord(varfont, nameIDs, platform):
if not currentRecord:
return None
def isSubString(string1, string2):
if string2 in string1:
return True
return False
# Check if full name and postscript name are a substring of currentRecord
for nameID in (4, 6):
nameRecord = nametable.getName(nameID, *platform)
if not nameRecord:
if isSubString(currentRecord.toUnicode(), nameRecord.toUnicode()):
if currentRecord.toUnicode() in nameRecord.toUnicode():
return currentRecord.toUnicode().replace(
nameRecord.toUnicode(), nameIDs[nameRecord.nameID]
# Create a new string since we couldn't find any substrings.
fontVersion = _fontVersion(varfont, platform)
vendor = varfont["OS/2"].achVendID.strip()
achVendID = varfont["OS/2"].achVendID
# Remove non-ASCII characers and trailing spaces
vendor = re.sub(r"[^\x00-\x7F]", "", achVendID).strip()
psName = nameIDs[NameID.POSTSCRIPT_NAME]
return f"{fontVersion};{vendor};{psName}"
@ -1546,7 +1632,7 @@ def instantiateVariableFont(
varfont = deepcopy(varfont)
if updateFontNames:"Updating nametable")"Updating name table")
updateNameTable(varfont, axisLimits)
if "gvar" in varfont:
@ -1693,9 +1779,9 @@ def parseArgs(args):
"when generating a full instance). Requires skia-pathops",
help="Update the instantiated font's nametable. Input font must have "
help="Update the instantiated font's `name` table. Input font must have "
"a STAT table with Axis Value Tables",
loggingGroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
@ -1749,7 +1835,7 @@ def main(args=None):
outfile = (

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@ -2000,6 +2000,7 @@ def test_updatetNameTable_axis_order(varfont):
def test_updateNameTable_with_multilingual_names(varfont):
name = varfont["name"]
# langID 0x405 is the Czech Windows langID
name.setName("Test Variable Font", 1, 3, 1, 0x405)
name.setName("Normal", 2, 3, 1, 0x405)
name.setName("Normal", 261, 3, 1, 0x405) # nameID 261=Regular STAT entry
@ -2035,17 +2036,16 @@ def test_updateNameTable_with_multilingual_names(varfont):
def test_updateNametable_partial(varfont):
instancer.updateNameTable(varfont, {"wdth": 79, "wght": (400, 900)})
instancer.updateNameTable(varfont, {"wdth": 79, "wght": instancer.AxisRange(400, 900)})
names = _get_name_records(varfont)
assert names[(1, 3, 1, 0x409)] == "Test Variable Font Condensed"
assert names[(2, 3, 1, 0x409)] == "Regular"
assert (3, 3, 1, 0x405) not in names
assert names[(16, 3, 1, 0x409)] == "Test Variable Font"
assert names[(17, 3, 1, 0x409)] == "Condensed"
def test_updateNameTable_missing_axisValues(varfont):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Cannot find Axis Value Tables \['wght=200'\]"):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Cannot find Axis Values \['wght=200'\]"):
instancer.updateNameTable(varfont, {"wght": 200})