Merge branch 'master' into tests

This commit is contained in:
James Godfrey-Kittle 2016-04-21 11:30:13 -07:00
commit 57fa1f46f4
16 changed files with 1411 additions and 2 deletions

Lib/cu2qu/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from cu2qu import curve_to_quadratic
from fontTools.pens.basePen import AbstractPen, decomposeSuperBezierSegment
from ufoLib.pointPen import AbstractPointPen, BasePointToSegmentPen
from ufoLib.pointPen import PointToSegmentPen, SegmentToPointPen
except ImportError:
from robofab.pens.pointPen import AbstractPointPen, BasePointToSegmentPen
from robofab.pens.adapterPens import PointToSegmentPen, SegmentToPointPen
class Cu2QuPen(AbstractPen):
""" A filter pen to convert cubic bezier curves to quadratic b-splines
using the FontTools SegmentPen protocol.
other_pen: another SegmentPen used to draw the transformed outline.
max_err: maximum approximation error in font units.
reverse_direction: flip the contours' direction but keep starting point.
stats: a dictionary counting the point numbers of quadratic segments.
ignore_single_points: don't emit contours containing only a single point.
def __init__(self, other_pen, max_err, reverse_direction=False,
stats=None, ignore_single_points=False):
if reverse_direction:
self.pen = ReverseContourPen(other_pen)
self.pen = other_pen
self.max_err = max_err
self.stats = stats
self.ignore_single_points = ignore_single_points
self.start_pt = None
self.current_pt = None
def _check_contour_is_open(self):
if self.current_pt is None:
raise AssertionError("moveTo is required")
def _check_contour_is_closed(self):
if self.current_pt is not None:
raise AssertionError("closePath or endPath is required")
def _add_moveTo(self):
if self.start_pt is not None:
self.start_pt = None
def moveTo(self, pt):
self.start_pt = self.current_pt = pt
if not self.ignore_single_points:
def lineTo(self, pt):
self.current_pt = pt
def qCurveTo(self, *points):
n = len(points)
if n == 1:
elif n > 1:
self.current_pt = points[-1]
raise AssertionError("illegal qcurve segment point count: %d" % n)
def _curve_to_quadratic(self, pt1, pt2, pt3):
curve = (self.current_pt, pt1, pt2, pt3)
quadratic, _ = curve_to_quadratic(curve, self.max_err)
if self.stats is not None:
n = str(len(quadratic))
self.stats[n] = self.stats.get(n, 0) + 1
def curveTo(self, *points):
n = len(points)
if n == 3:
# this is the most common case, so we special-case it
elif n > 3:
for segment in decomposeSuperBezierSegment(points):
elif n == 2:
elif n == 1:
raise AssertionError("illegal curve segment point count: %d" % n)
def closePath(self):
if self.start_pt is None:
# if 'start_pt' is _not_ None, we are ignoring single-point paths
self.current_pt = self.start_pt = None
def endPath(self):
if self.start_pt is None:
self.current_pt = self.start_pt = None
def addComponent(self, glyphName, transformation):
self.pen.addComponent(glyphName, transformation)
class Cu2QuPointPen(BasePointToSegmentPen):
""" A filter pen to convert cubic bezier curves to quadratic b-splines
using the RoboFab PointPen protocol.
other_point_pen: another PointPen used to draw the transformed outline.
max_err: maximum approximation error in font units.
reverse_direction: reverse the winding direction of all contours.
stats: a dictionary counting the point numbers of quadratic segments.
def __init__(self, other_point_pen, max_err, reverse_direction=False,
if reverse_direction:
self.pen = ReverseContourPointPen(other_point_pen)
self.pen = other_point_pen
self.max_err = max_err
self.stats = stats
def _flushContour(self, segments):
assert len(segments) >= 1
closed = segments[0][0] != "move"
new_segments = []
prev_points = segments[-1][1]
prev_on_curve = prev_points[-1][0]
for segment_type, points in segments:
if segment_type == 'curve':
for sub_points in self._split_super_bezier_segments(points):
on_curve, smooth, name, kwargs = sub_points[-1]
bcp1, bcp2 = sub_points[0][0], sub_points[1][0]
cubic = [prev_on_curve, bcp1, bcp2, on_curve]
quad, _ = curve_to_quadratic(cubic, self.max_err)
if self.stats is not None:
n = str(len(quad))
self.stats[n] = self.stats.get(n, 0) + 1
new_points = [(pt, False, None, {}) for pt in quad[1:-1]]
new_points.append((on_curve, smooth, name, kwargs))
new_segments.append(["qcurve", new_points])
prev_on_curve = sub_points[-1][0]
new_segments.append([segment_type, points])
prev_on_curve = points[-1][0]
if closed:
# the BasePointToSegmentPen.endPath method that calls _flushContour
# rotates the point list of closed contours so that they end with
# the first on-curve point. We restore the original starting point.
new_segments = new_segments[-1:] + new_segments[:-1]
def _split_super_bezier_segments(self, points):
sub_segments = []
# n is the number of control points
n = len(points) - 1
if n == 2:
# a simple bezier curve segment
elif n > 2:
# a "super" bezier; decompose it
on_curve, smooth, name, kwargs = points[-1]
num_sub_segments = n - 1
for i, sub_points in enumerate(decomposeSuperBezierSegment([
pt for pt, _, _, _ in points])):
new_segment = []
for point in sub_points[:-1]:
new_segment.append((point, False, None, {}))
if i == (num_sub_segments - 1):
# the last on-curve keeps its original attributes
new_segment.append((on_curve, smooth, name, kwargs))
# on-curves of sub-segments are always "smooth"
new_segment.append((sub_points[-1], True, None, {}))
raise AssertionError(
"expected 2 control points, found: %d" % n)
return sub_segments
def _drawPoints(self, segments):
pen = self.pen
for segment_type, points in segments:
if segment_type in ("move", "line"):
assert len(points) == 1, (
"illegal line segment point count: %d" % len(points))
pt, smooth, name, kwargs = points[0]
pen.addPoint(pt, segment_type, smooth, name, **kwargs)
elif segment_type == "qcurve":
assert len(points) >= 2, (
"illegal qcurve segment point count: %d" % len(points))
for (pt, smooth, name, kwargs) in points[:-1]:
pen.addPoint(pt, None, smooth, name, **kwargs)
pt, smooth, name, kwargs = points[-1]
pen.addPoint(pt, segment_type, smooth, name, **kwargs)
# 'curve' segments must have been converted to 'qcurve' by now
raise AssertionError(
"unexpected segment type: %r" % segment_type)
def addComponent(self, baseGlyphName, transformation):
assert self.currentPath is None
self.pen.addComponent(baseGlyphName, transformation)
class ReverseContourPointPen(AbstractPointPen):
"""This is a PointPen that passes outline data to another PointPen, but
reversing the winding direction of all contours. Components are simply
passed through unchanged.
Closed contours are reversed in such a way that the first point remains
the first point.
(Copied from robofab.pens.reverseContourPointPen)
TODO(anthrotype) Move this to future "penBox" package?
def __init__(self, outputPointPen):
self.pen = outputPointPen
# a place to store the points for the current sub path
self.currentContour = None
def _flushContour(self):
pen = self.pen
contour = self.currentContour
if not contour:
closed = contour[0][1] != "move"
if not closed:
lastSegmentType = "move"
# Remove the first point and insert it at the end. When
# the list of points gets reversed, this point will then
# again be at the start. In other words, the following
# will hold:
# for N in range(len(originalContour)):
# originalContour[N] == reversedContour[-N]
# Find the first on-curve point.
firstOnCurve = None
for i in range(len(contour)):
if contour[i][1] is not None:
firstOnCurve = i
if firstOnCurve is None:
# There are no on-curve points, be basically have to
# do nothing but contour.reverse().
lastSegmentType = None
lastSegmentType = contour[firstOnCurve][1]
if not closed:
# Open paths must start with a move, so we simply dump
# all off-curve points leading up to the first on-curve.
while contour[0][1] is None:
for pt, nextSegmentType, smooth, name in contour:
if nextSegmentType is not None:
segmentType = lastSegmentType
lastSegmentType = nextSegmentType
segmentType = None
pen.addPoint(pt, segmentType=segmentType, smooth=smooth, name=name)
def beginPath(self):
assert self.currentContour is None
self.currentContour = []
def endPath(self):
assert self.currentContour is not None
self.currentContour = None
def addPoint(self, pt, segmentType=None, smooth=False, name=None, **kwargs):
self.currentContour.append((pt, segmentType, smooth, name))
def addComponent(self, glyphName, transform):
assert self.currentContour is None
self.pen.addComponent(glyphName, transform)
class ReverseContourPen(SegmentToPointPen):
""" Same as 'ReverseContourPointPen' but using the SegmentPen protocol. """
def __init__(self, other_pen):
adapter_point_pen = PointToSegmentPen(other_pen)
reverse_point_pen = ReverseContourPointPen(adapter_point_pen)
SegmentToPointPen.__init__(self, reverse_point_pen)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import os
from ufoLib.glifLib import GlyphSet
except ImportError:
from robofab.glifLib import GlyphSet
DATADIR = os.path.join(
os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), 'data')
CUBIC_GLYPHS = GlyphSet(os.path.join(DATADIR, 'cubic'))
QUAD_GLYPHS = GlyphSet(os.path.join(DATADIR, 'quadratic'))
import unittest
# Python 3 renamed 'assertRaisesRegexp' to 'assertRaisesRegex', and fires
# deprecation warnings if a program uses the old name.
if not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, 'assertRaisesRegex'):
unittest.TestCase.assertRaisesRegex = unittest.TestCase.assertRaisesRegexp

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
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<point x="778.1666666666665" y="83.58333333333334"/>
<point x="792" y="20.49999999999998"/>
<point x="802" y="0" type="qcurve"/>
<point x="1010" y="0" type="line"/>
<point x="1010" y="17" type="line"/>
<point x="990.5" y="61.25"/>
<point x="971" y="184"/>
<point x="971" y="238" type="qcurve" smooth="yes"/>
<point x="971" y="738" type="line"/>
<point x="971" y="859.5"/>
<point x="867.25" y="1021.25"/>
<point x="684.4999999999998" y="1101.9999999999995"/>
<point x="566" y="1102" type="qcurve" smooth="yes"/>
<point x="466.625" y="1102"/>
<point x="306.8385416666667" y="1045.9739583333335"/>
<point x="193.41145833333331" y="952.7760416666667"/>
<point x="133" y="839.375"/>
<point x="133" y="782" type="qcurve"/>
<point x="333" y="782" type="line"/>
<point x="333" y="824.5"/>
<point x="388.08333333333337" y="898.9166666666667"/>
<point x="487.50000000000006" y="945"/>
<point x="554" y="945" type="qcurve" smooth="yes"/>
<point x="661.25" y="945"/>
<point x="771" y="833"/>
<point x="771" y="740" type="qcurve"/>
<point x="804" y="661" type="line"/>
<point x="596" y="661" type="line"/>
<point x="448.5" y="661"/>
<point x="230.58333333333334" y="580.3333333333335"/>
<point x="111.00000000000004" y="421"/>
<point x="111" y="303" type="qcurve" smooth="yes"/>
<point x="111" y="213"/>
<point x="202.58333333333331" y="66.50000000000003"/>
<point x="368.49999999999994" y="-19.99999999999999"/>
<point x="480" y="-20" type="qcurve" smooth="yes"/>
<point x="549.3000000000001" y="-20"/>
<point x="666.664" y="20.413000000000004"/>
<point x="760.4599999999999" y="86.76999999999998"/>
<point x="828.5760000000001" y="165.96700000000004"/>
<point x="868.8999999999999" y="244.90000000000003"/>
<point x="874" y="277" type="qcurve"/>
<point x="789" y="370" type="line"/>
<point x="789" y="335.875"/>
<point x="748.015625" y="259.765625"/>
<point x="673.234375" y="192.984375"/>
<point x="571.125" y="151"/>
<point x="510" y="151" type="qcurve" smooth="yes"/>
<point x="443.5" y="151"/>
<point x="355.0833333333333" y="198.91666666666669"/>
<point x="311.0000000000001" y="280.5"/>
<point x="311" y="331" type="qcurve" smooth="yes"/>
<point x="311" y="429.25"/>
<point x="476" y="524"/>
<point x="629" y="524" type="qcurve"/>
<point x="806" y="524" type="line"/>
<point name="top" x="582" y="1290" type="move"/>
<point name="bottom" x="501" y="0" type="move"/>
<point name="ogonek" x="974" y="0" type="move"/>
<point name="rhalfring" x="700" y="1290" type="move"/>
<point name="top_dd" x="1118" y="1600" type="move"/>
<point name="bottom_dd" x="1118" y="-407" type="move"/>
<point name="rhotichook" x="879" y="654" type="move"/>
<point name="top0315" x="1118" y="1290" type="move"/>

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<glyph name="acute" format="1">
<unicode hex="00B4"/>
<advance width="316"/>
<point x="120" y="561" type="line"/>
<point x="195" y="561" type="line"/>
<point x="316" y="750" type="line"/>
<point x="211" y="750" type="line"/>

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Lib/cu2qu/test/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import unittest
from cu2qu.pens import Cu2QuPen, Cu2QuPointPen
from cu2qu.test import CUBIC_GLYPHS, QUAD_GLYPHS
from cu2qu.test.utils import DummyGlyph, DummyPointGlyph
from cu2qu.test.utils import DummyPen, DummyPointPen
MAX_ERR = 1.0
class _TestPenMixin(object):
"""Collection of tests that are shared by both the SegmentPen and the
PointPen test cases, plus some helper methods.
def diff(self, expected, actual):
import difflib
expected = str(self.Glyph(expected)).splitlines(True)
actual = str(self.Glyph(actual)).splitlines(True)
diff = difflib.unified_diff(
expected, actual, fromfile='expected', tofile='actual')
return "".join(diff)
def convert_glyph(self, glyph, **kwargs):
# draw source glyph onto a new glyph using a Cu2Qu pen and return it
converted = self.Glyph()
pen = getattr(converted, self.pen_getter_name)()
quadpen = self.Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR, **kwargs)
getattr(glyph, self.draw_method_name)(quadpen)
return converted
def expect_glyph(self, source, expected):
converted = self.convert_glyph(source)
self.assertNotEqual(converted, source)
if converted != expected:
print(self.diff(expected, converted))"converted glyph is different from expected")
def test_convert_simple_glyph(self):
self.expect_glyph(CUBIC_GLYPHS['a'], QUAD_GLYPHS['a'])
self.expect_glyph(CUBIC_GLYPHS['A'], QUAD_GLYPHS['A'])
def test_convert_composite_glyph(self):
source = CUBIC_GLYPHS['Aacute']
converted = self.convert_glyph(source)
# components don't change after quadratic conversion
self.assertEqual(converted, source)
def test_convert_mixed_glyph(self):
# this contains a mix of contours and components
self.expect_glyph(CUBIC_GLYPHS['Eacute'], QUAD_GLYPHS['Eacute'])
def test_reverse_direction(self):
for name in ('a', 'A', 'Eacute'):
source = CUBIC_GLYPHS[name]
normal_glyph = self.convert_glyph(source)
reversed_glyph = self.convert_glyph(source, reverse_direction=True)
# the number of commands is the same, just their order is iverted
len(normal_glyph.outline), len(reversed_glyph.outline))
self.assertNotEqual(normal_glyph, reversed_glyph)
def test_stats(self):
stats = {}
for name in CUBIC_GLYPHS.keys():
source = CUBIC_GLYPHS[name]
self.convert_glyph(source, stats=stats)
self.assertTrue('4' in stats)
self.assertEqual(type(stats['4']), int)
def test_addComponent(self):
pen = self.Pen()
quadpen = self.Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR)
quadpen.addComponent("a", (1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0, 6.0))
# components are passed through without changes
self.assertEqual(str(pen).splitlines(), [
"pen.addComponent('a', (1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0, 6.0))",
class TestCu2QuPen(unittest.TestCase, _TestPenMixin):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TestCu2QuPen, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.Glyph = DummyGlyph
self.Pen = DummyPen
self.Cu2QuPen = Cu2QuPen
self.pen_getter_name = 'getPen'
self.draw_method_name = 'draw'
def test__check_contour_is_open(self):
msg = "moveTo is required"
quadpen = Cu2QuPen(DummyPen(), MAX_ERR)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, msg):
quadpen.lineTo((0, 0))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, msg):
quadpen.qCurveTo((0, 0), (1, 1))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, msg):
quadpen.curveTo((0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, msg):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, msg):
quadpen.moveTo((0, 0)) # now it works
quadpen.lineTo((1, 1))
quadpen.qCurveTo((2, 2), (3, 3))
quadpen.curveTo((4, 4), (5, 5), (6, 6))
def test__check_contour_closed(self):
msg = "closePath or endPath is required"
quadpen = Cu2QuPen(DummyPen(), MAX_ERR)
quadpen.moveTo((0, 0))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, msg):
quadpen.moveTo((1, 1))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, msg):
quadpen.addComponent("a", (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
# it works if contour is closed
quadpen.moveTo((1, 1))
quadpen.addComponent("a", (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
def test_qCurveTo_no_points(self):
quadpen = Cu2QuPen(DummyPen(), MAX_ERR)
quadpen.moveTo((0, 0))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
AssertionError, "illegal qcurve segment point count: 0"):
def test_qCurveTo_1_point(self):
pen = DummyPen()
quadpen = Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR)
quadpen.moveTo((0, 0))
quadpen.qCurveTo((1, 1))
self.assertEqual(str(pen).splitlines(), [
"pen.moveTo((0, 0))",
"pen.lineTo((1, 1))",
def test_qCurveTo_more_than_1_point(self):
pen = DummyPen()
quadpen = Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR)
quadpen.moveTo((0, 0))
quadpen.qCurveTo((1, 1), (2, 2))
self.assertEqual(str(pen).splitlines(), [
"pen.moveTo((0, 0))",
"pen.qCurveTo((1, 1), (2, 2))",
def test_curveTo_no_points(self):
quadpen = Cu2QuPen(DummyPen(), MAX_ERR)
quadpen.moveTo((0, 0))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
AssertionError, "illegal curve segment point count: 0"):
def test_curveTo_1_point(self):
pen = DummyPen()
quadpen = Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR)
quadpen.moveTo((0, 0))
quadpen.curveTo((1, 1))
self.assertEqual(str(pen).splitlines(), [
"pen.moveTo((0, 0))",
"pen.lineTo((1, 1))",
def test_curveTo_2_points(self):
pen = DummyPen()
quadpen = Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR)
quadpen.moveTo((0, 0))
quadpen.curveTo((1, 1), (2, 2))
self.assertEqual(str(pen).splitlines(), [
"pen.moveTo((0, 0))",
"pen.qCurveTo((1, 1), (2, 2))",
def test_curveTo_3_points(self):
pen = DummyPen()
quadpen = Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR)
quadpen.moveTo((0, 0))
quadpen.curveTo((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3))
self.assertEqual(str(pen).splitlines(), [
"pen.moveTo((0, 0))",
"pen.qCurveTo((0.75, 0.75), (2.25, 2.25), (3, 3))",
def test_curveTo_more_than_3_points(self):
# a 'SuperBezier' as described in fontTools.basePen.AbstractPen
pen = DummyPen()
quadpen = Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR)
quadpen.moveTo((0, 0))
quadpen.curveTo((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4))
self.assertEqual(str(pen).splitlines(), [
"pen.moveTo((0, 0))",
"pen.qCurveTo((0.75, 0.75), (1.625, 1.625), (2, 2))",
"pen.qCurveTo((2.375, 2.375), (3.25, 3.25), (4, 4))",
def test_addComponent(self):
pen = DummyPen()
quadpen = Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR)
quadpen.addComponent("a", (1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0, 6.0))
# components are passed through without changes
self.assertEqual(str(pen).splitlines(), [
"pen.addComponent('a', (1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0, 6.0))",
def test_ignore_single_points(self):
pen = DummyPen()
quadpen = Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR, ignore_single_points=True)
quadpen.moveTo((0, 0))
quadpen.moveTo((1, 1))
# single-point contours were ignored, so the pen commands are empty
# redraw without ignoring single points
quadpen.ignore_single_points = False
quadpen.moveTo((0, 0))
quadpen.moveTo((1, 1))
self.assertEqual(str(pen).splitlines(), [
"pen.moveTo((0, 0))",
"pen.moveTo((1, 1))",
class TestCu2QuPointPen(unittest.TestCase, _TestPenMixin):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TestCu2QuPointPen, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.Glyph = DummyPointGlyph
self.Pen = DummyPointPen
self.Cu2QuPen = Cu2QuPointPen
self.pen_getter_name = 'getPointPen'
self.draw_method_name = 'drawPoints'
def test_super_bezier_curve(self):
pen = DummyPointPen()
quadpen = Cu2QuPointPen(pen, MAX_ERR)
quadpen.addPoint((0, 0), segmentType="move")
quadpen.addPoint((1, 1))
quadpen.addPoint((2, 2))
quadpen.addPoint((3, 3))
(4, 4), segmentType="curve", smooth=False, name="up", selected=1)
self.assertEqual(str(pen).splitlines(), """\
pen.addPoint((0, 0), name=None, segmentType='move', smooth=False)
pen.addPoint((0.75, 0.75), name=None, segmentType=None, smooth=False)
pen.addPoint((1.625, 1.625), name=None, segmentType=None, smooth=False)
pen.addPoint((2, 2), name=None, segmentType='qcurve', smooth=True)
pen.addPoint((2.375, 2.375), name=None, segmentType=None, smooth=False)
pen.addPoint((3.25, 3.25), name=None, segmentType=None, smooth=False)
pen.addPoint((4, 4), name='up', segmentType='qcurve', selected=1, smooth=False)
def test__flushContour_restore_starting_point(self):
pen = DummyPointPen()
quadpen = Cu2QuPointPen(pen, MAX_ERR)
# collect the output of _flushContour before it's sent to _drawPoints
new_segments = []
def _drawPoints(segments):
Cu2QuPointPen._drawPoints(quadpen, segments)
quadpen._drawPoints = _drawPoints
# a closed path (ie. no "move" segmentType)
("curve", [
((2, 2), False, None, {}),
((1, 1), False, None, {}),
((0, 0), False, None, {}),
("curve", [
((1, 1), False, None, {}),
((2, 2), False, None, {}),
((3, 3), False, None, {}),
# the original starting point is restored: the last segment has become
# the first
self.assertEqual(new_segments[0][1][-1][0], (3, 3))
self.assertEqual(new_segments[-1][1][-1][0], (0, 0))
new_segments = []
# an open path (ie. starting with "move")
("move", [
((0, 0), False, None, {}),
("curve", [
((1, 1), False, None, {}),
((2, 2), False, None, {}),
((3, 3), False, None, {}),
# the segment order stays the same before and after _flushContour
self.assertEqual(new_segments[0][1][-1][0], (0, 0))
self.assertEqual(new_segments[-1][1][-1][0], (3, 3))
if __name__ == "__main__":

Lib/cu2qu/test/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from cu2qu.test import CUBIC_GLYPHS
from ufoLib.pointPen import PointToSegmentPen, SegmentToPointPen
except ImportError:
from robofab.pens.adapterPens import PointToSegmentPen, SegmentToPointPen
import unittest
class BaseDummyPen(object):
"""Base class for pens that record the commands they are called with."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.commands = []
def __str__(self):
"""Return the pen commands as a string of python code."""
return _repr_pen_commands(self.commands)
def addComponent(self, glyphName, transformation):
self.commands.append(('addComponent', (glyphName, transformation), {}))
class DummyPen(BaseDummyPen):
"""A SegmentPen that records the commands it's called with."""
def moveTo(self, pt):
self.commands.append(('moveTo', (pt,), {}))
def lineTo(self, pt):
self.commands.append(('lineTo', (pt,), {}))
def curveTo(self, *points):
self.commands.append(('curveTo', points, {}))
def qCurveTo(self, *points):
self.commands.append(('qCurveTo', points, {}))
def closePath(self):
self.commands.append(('closePath', tuple(), {}))
def endPath(self):
self.commands.append(('endPath', tuple(), {}))
class DummyPointPen(BaseDummyPen):
"""A PointPen that records the commands it's called with."""
def beginPath(self):
self.commands.append(('beginPath', tuple(), {}))
def endPath(self):
self.commands.append(('endPath', tuple(), {}))
def addPoint(self, pt, segmentType=None, smooth=False, name=None, **kwargs):
kwargs['segmentType'] = segmentType
kwargs['smooth'] = smooth
kwargs['name'] = name
self.commands.append(('addPoint', (pt,), kwargs))
class DummyGlyph(object):
"""Provides a minimal interface for storing a glyph's outline data in a
SegmentPen-oriented way. The glyph's outline consists in the list of
SegmentPen commands required to draw it.
# the SegmentPen class used to draw on this glyph type
DrawingPen = DummyPen
def __init__(self, glyph=None):
"""If another glyph (i.e. any object having a 'draw' method) is given,
its outline data is copied to self.
self._pen = self.DrawingPen()
self.outline = self._pen.commands
if glyph:
def appendGlyph(self, glyph):
"""Copy another glyph's outline onto self."""
def getPen(self):
"""Return the SegmentPen that can 'draw' on this glyph."""
return self._pen
def getPointPen(self):
"""Return a PointPen adapter that can 'draw' on this glyph."""
return PointToSegmentPen(self._pen)
def draw(self, pen):
"""Use another SegmentPen to replay the glyph's outline commands."""
if self.outline:
for cmd, args, kwargs in self.outline:
getattr(pen, cmd)(*args, **kwargs)
def drawPoints(self, pointPen):
"""Use another PointPen to replay the glyph's outline commands,
indirectly through an adapter.
pen = SegmentToPointPen(pointPen)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Return True if 'other' glyph's outline is the same as self."""
if hasattr(other, 'outline'):
return self.outline == other.outline
elif hasattr(other, 'draw'):
return self.outline == self.__class__(other).outline
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Return True if 'other' glyph's outline is different from self."""
return not (self == other)
def __str__(self):
"""Return commands making up the glyph's outline as a string."""
return str(self._pen)
class DummyPointGlyph(DummyGlyph):
"""Provides a minimal interface for storing a glyph's outline data in a
PointPen-oriented way. The glyph's outline consists in the list of
PointPen commands required to draw it.
# the PointPen class used to draw on this glyph type
DrawingPen = DummyPointPen
def appendGlyph(self, glyph):
"""Copy another glyph's outline onto self."""
def getPen(self):
"""Return a SegmentPen adapter that can 'draw' on this glyph."""
return SegmentToPointPen(self._pen)
def getPointPen(self):
"""Return the PointPen that can 'draw' on this glyph."""
return self._pen
def draw(self, pen):
"""Use another SegmentPen to replay the glyph's outline commands,
indirectly through an adapter.
pointPen = PointToSegmentPen(pen)
def drawPoints(self, pointPen):
"""Use another PointPen to replay the glyph's outline commands."""
if self.outline:
for cmd, args, kwargs in self.outline:
getattr(pointPen, cmd)(*args, **kwargs)
def _repr_pen_commands(commands):
>>> print(_repr_pen_commands([
... ('moveTo', tuple(), {}),
... ('lineTo', ((1.0, 0.1),), {}),
... ('curveTo', ((1.0, 0.1), (2.0, 0.2), (3.0, 0.3)), {})
... ]))
pen.lineTo((1, 0.1))
pen.curveTo((1, 0.1), (2, 0.2), (3, 0.3))
>>> print(_repr_pen_commands([
... ('beginPath', tuple(), {}),
... ('addPoint', ((1.0, 0.1),),
... {"segmentType":"line", "smooth":True, "name":"test", "z":1}),
... ]))
pen.addPoint((1, 0.1), name='test', segmentType='line', smooth=True, z=1)
>>> print(_repr_pen_commands([
... ('addComponent', ('A', (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)), {})
... ]))
pen.addComponent('A', (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))
s = []
for cmd, args, kwargs in commands:
if args:
if isinstance(args[0], tuple):
# cast float to int if there're no digits after decimal point
args = [tuple((int(v) if int(v) == v else v) for v in pt)
for pt in args]
args = ", ".join(repr(a) for a in args)
if kwargs:
kwargs = ", ".join("%s=%r" % (k, v)
for k, v in sorted(kwargs.items()))
if args and kwargs:
s.append("pen.%s(%s, %s)" % (cmd, args, kwargs))
elif args:
s.append("pen.%s(%s)" % (cmd, args))
elif kwargs:
s.append("pen.%s(%s)" % (cmd, kwargs))
s.append("pen.%s()" % cmd)
return "\n".join(s)
class TestDummyGlyph(unittest.TestCase):
def test_equal(self):
# verify that the copy and the copy of the copy are equal to
# the source glyph's outline, as well as to each other
source = CUBIC_GLYPHS['a']
copy = DummyGlyph(source)
copy2 = DummyGlyph(copy)
self.assertEqual(source, copy)
self.assertEqual(source, copy2)
self.assertEqual(copy, copy2)
# assert equality doesn't hold any more after modification
self.assertNotEqual(source, copy)
self.assertNotEqual(copy, copy2)
class TestDummyPointGlyph(unittest.TestCase):
def test_equal(self):
# same as above but using the PointPen protocol
source = CUBIC_GLYPHS['a']
copy = DummyPointGlyph(source)
copy2 = DummyPointGlyph(copy)
self.assertEqual(source, copy)
self.assertEqual(source, copy2)
self.assertEqual(copy, copy2)
self.assertNotEqual(source, copy)
self.assertNotEqual(copy, copy2)
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ from setuptools import setup
setup( setup(
name='cu2qu', name='cu2qu',
version='1.0', version='1.0',
packages=['cu2qu'], packages=['cu2qu', 'cu2qu.test'],
package_dir={'': 'Lib'} package_dir={'': 'Lib'},
'cu2qu.test': ['data/*/*.glif', 'data/*/*.plist'],
) )