C_O_L_R_test: update table's handwritten binary blobs
This commit is contained in:
@ -68,10 +68,11 @@ class COLR_V0_Test(object):
b"\x00\x01" # Version (1)
b"\x00\x01" # BaseGlyphRecordCount (1)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x16" # Offset to BaseGlyphRecordArray from beginning of table (22)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x1c" # Offset to LayerRecordArray from beginning of table (28)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x1a" # Offset to BaseGlyphRecordArray from beginning of table (26)
b"\x00\x00\x00 " # Offset to LayerRecordArray from beginning of table (32)
b"\x00\x03" # LayerRecordCount (3)
b"\x00\x00\x00(" # Offset to BaseGlyphV1List from beginning of table (40)
b"\x00\x00\x00," # Offset to BaseGlyphV1List from beginning of table (44)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x81" # Offset to LayerV1List from beginning of table (129)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" # Offset to VarStore (NULL)
b"\x00\x06" # BaseGlyphRecord[0].BaseGlyph (6)
b"\x00\x00" # BaseGlyphRecord[0].FirstLayerIndex (0)
@ -84,24 +85,47 @@ COLR_V1_DATA = (
b"\x00\x02" # LayerRecord[2].PaletteIndex (2)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x02" # BaseGlyphV1List.BaseGlyphCount (2)
b"\x00\n" # BaseGlyphV1List.BaseGlyphV1Record[0].BaseGlyph (10)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x10" # Offset to LayerV1List from beginning of BaseGlyphV1List (16)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x10" # Offset to Paint table from beginning of BaseGlyphV1List (16)
b"\x00\x0e" # BaseGlyphV1List.BaseGlyphV1Record[1].BaseGlyph (14)
b"\x00\x00\x01\x08" # Offset to LayerV1List from beginning of BaseGlyphV1List (264)
b"\x03" # BaseGlyphV1Record[0].LayerV1List.LayerCount (3)
b"\x00\x00\x00\r" # Offset to Paint from beginning of LayerV1List (13)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x1c" # Offset to Paint from beginning of LayerV1List (28)
b"\x00\x00\x00w" # Offset to Paint from beginning of LayerV1List (119)
b"\x04" # LayerV1List.Paint[0].Format (4)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x16" # Offset to Paint table from beginning of BaseGlyphV1List (22)
b"\x01" # BaseGlyphV1Record[0].Paint.Format (1)
b"\x03" # BaseGlyphV1Record[0].Paint.NumLayers (3)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" # BaseGlyphV1Record[0].Paint.FirstLayerIndex (0)
b"\x08" # BaseGlyphV1Record[1].Paint.Format (8)
b"\x00\x00<" # Offset to SourcePaint from beginning of PaintComposite (60)
b"\x03" # BaseGlyphV1Record[1].Paint.CompositeMode [SRC_OVER] (3)
b"\x00\x00\x08" # Offset to BackdropPaint from beginning of PaintComposite (8)
b"\x07" # BaseGlyphV1Record[1].Paint.BackdropPaint.Format (7)
b"\x00\x004" # Offset to Paint from beginning of PaintTransform (52)
b"\x00\x01\x00\x00" # Affine2x3.xx.value (1.0)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" # Affine2x3.xy.value (0.0)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" # Affine2x3.yx.value (0.0)
b"\x00\x01\x00\x00" # Affine2x3.yy.value (1.0)
b"\x01,\x00\x00" # Affine2x3.dx.value (300.0)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" # Affine2x3.dy.value (0.0)
b"\x06" # BaseGlyphV1Record[1].Paint.SourcePaint.Format (6)
b"\x00\n" # BaseGlyphV1Record[1].Paint.SourcePaint.Glyph (10)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x03" # LayerV1List.LayerCount (3)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x10" # Offset to Paint table from beginning of LayerV1List (16)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x1f" # Offset to Paint table from beginning of LayerV1List (31)
b"\x00\x00\x00z" # Offset to Paint table from beginning of LayerV1List (122)
b"\x05" # LayerV1List.Paint[0].Format (5)
b"\x00\x00\x06" # Offset to Paint subtable from beginning of PaintGlyph (6)
b"\x00\x0b" # LayerV1List.Paint[0].Glyph (11)
b"\x01" # LayerV1List.Paint[0].Paint.Format (1)
b"\x02" # LayerV1List.Paint[0].Paint.Format (2)
b"\x00\x02" # Paint.Color.PaletteIndex (2)
b" \x00" # Paint.Color.Alpha.value (0.5)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" # Paint.Color.Alpha.varIdx (0)
b"\x04" # LayerV1List.Paint[1].Format (4)
b"\x05" # LayerV1List.Paint[1].Format (5)
b"\x00\x00\x06" # Offset to Paint subtable from beginning of PaintGlyph (6)
b"\x00\x0c" # LayerV1List.Paint[1].Glyph (12)
b"\x02" # LayerV1List.Paint[1].Paint.Format (2)
b"\x03" # LayerV1List.Paint[1].Paint.Format (3)
b"\x00\x00(" # Offset to ColorLine from beginning of PaintLinearGradient (40)
b"\x00\x01" # Paint.x0.value (1)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" # Paint.x0.varIdx (0)
@ -132,10 +156,10 @@ COLR_V1_DATA = (
b"\x00\x05" # ColorLine.ColorStop[2].Color.PaletteIndex (5)
b"@\x00" # ColorLine.ColorStop[2].Color.Alpha.value (1.0)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" # ColorLine.ColorStop[2].Color.Alpha.varIdx (0)
b"\x04" # LayerV1List.Paint[2].Format (4)
b"\x05" # LayerV1List.Paint[2].Format (5)
b"\x00\x00\x06" # Offset to Paint subtable from beginning of PaintGlyph (6)
b"\x00\r" # LayerV1List.Paint[2].Glyph (13)
b"\x06" # LayerV1List.Paint[2].Paint.Format (6)
b"\x07" # LayerV1List.Paint[2].Paint.Format (5)
b"\x00\x004" # Offset to Paint subtable from beginning of PaintTransform (52)
b"\xff\xf3\x00\x00" # Affine2x3.xx.value (-13)
@ -149,7 +173,7 @@ COLR_V1_DATA = (
b"\x00\x13\x00\x00" # Affine2x3.yy.value (19)
b"\x03" # LayerV1List.Paint[2].Paint.Paint.Format (3)
b"\x04" # LayerV1List.Paint[2].Paint.Paint.Format (4)
b"\x00\x00(" # Offset to ColorLine from beginning of PaintRadialGradient (40)
b"\x00\x07" # Paint.x0.value (7)
@ -175,28 +199,6 @@ COLR_V1_DATA = (
b"\x00\x07" # ColorLine.ColorStop[1].Color.PaletteIndex (7)
b"\x19\x9a" # ColorLine.ColorStop[1].Color.Alpha.value (0.4)
b"\x01" # BaseGlyphV1Record[1].LayerV1List.LayerCount (1)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x05" # Offset to Paint from beginning of LayerV1List (5)
b"\x07" # LayerV1List.Paint[0].Format (7)
b"\x00\x00<" # Offset to SourcePaint from beginning of PaintComposite (60)
b"\x03" # LayerV1List.Paint[0].CompositeMode [SRC_OVER] (3)
b"\x00\x00\x08" # Offset to BackdropPaint from beginning of PaintComposite (8)
b"\x06" # Paint[0].BackdropPaint.Format (6)
b"\x00\x004" # Offset to Paint from beginning of PaintTransform (52)
b"\x00\x01\x00\x00" # Affine2x3.xx.value (1.0)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" # Affine2x3.xy.value (0.0)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" # Affine2x3.yx.value (0.0)
b"\x00\x01\x00\x00" # Affine2x3.yy.value (1.0)
b"\x01,\x00\x00" # Affine2x3.dx.value (300.0)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" # Affine2x3.dy.value (0.0)
b"\x05" # Paint[0].SourcePaint.Format (5)
b"\x00\n" # Paint[0].SourcePaint.Glyph (10)
@ -229,120 +231,121 @@ COLR_V1_XML = [
" <!-- BaseGlyphCount=2 -->",
' <BaseGlyphV1Record index="0">',
' <BaseGlyph value="glyph00010"/>',
" <LayerV1List>",
" <!-- LayerCount=3 -->",
' <Paint index="0" Format="4"><!-- PaintGlyph -->',
' <Paint Format="1"><!-- PaintSolid -->',
" <Color>",
' <PaletteIndex value="2"/>',
' <Alpha value="0.5"/>',
" </Color>",
" </Paint>",
' <Glyph value="glyph00011"/>',
" </Paint>",
' <Paint index="1" Format="4"><!-- PaintGlyph -->',
' <Paint Format="2"><!-- PaintLinearGradient -->',
" <ColorLine>",
' <Extend value="repeat"/>',
" <!-- StopCount=3 -->",
' <ColorStop index="0">',
' <StopOffset value="0.0"/>',
" <Color>",
' <PaletteIndex value="3"/>',
' <Alpha value="1.0"/>',
" </Color>",
" </ColorStop>",
' <ColorStop index="1">',
' <StopOffset value="0.5"/>',
" <Color>",
' <PaletteIndex value="4"/>',
' <Alpha value="1.0"/>',
" </Color>",
" </ColorStop>",
' <ColorStop index="2">',
' <StopOffset value="1.0"/>',
" <Color>",
' <PaletteIndex value="5"/>',
' <Alpha value="1.0"/>',
" </Color>",
" </ColorStop>",
" </ColorLine>",
' <x0 value="1"/>',
' <y0 value="2"/>',
' <x1 value="-3"/>',
' <y1 value="-4"/>',
' <x2 value="5"/>',
' <y2 value="6"/>',
" </Paint>",
' <Glyph value="glyph00012"/>',
" </Paint>",
' <Paint index="2" Format="4"><!-- PaintGlyph -->',
' <Paint Format="6"><!-- PaintTransform -->',
' <Paint Format="3"><!-- PaintRadialGradient -->',
" <ColorLine>",
' <Extend value="pad"/>',
" <!-- StopCount=2 -->",
' <ColorStop index="0">',
' <StopOffset value="0.0"/>',
" <Color>",
' <PaletteIndex value="6"/>',
' <Alpha value="1.0"/>',
" </Color>",
" </ColorStop>",
' <ColorStop index="1">',
' <StopOffset value="1.0"/>',
" <Color>",
' <PaletteIndex value="7"/>',
' <Alpha value="0.4"/>',
" </Color>",
" </ColorStop>",
" </ColorLine>",
' <x0 value="7"/>',
' <y0 value="8"/>',
' <r0 value="9"/>',
' <x1 value="10"/>',
' <y1 value="11"/>',
' <r1 value="12"/>',
" </Paint>",
" <Transform>",
' <xx value="-13.0"/>',
' <yx value="14.0"/>',
' <xy value="15.0"/>',
' <yy value="-17.0"/>',
' <dx value="18.0"/>',
' <dy value="19.0"/>',
" </Transform>",
" </Paint>",
' <Glyph value="glyph00013"/>',
" </Paint>",
" </LayerV1List>",
' <Paint Format="1"><!-- PaintColrLayers -->',
' <NumLayers value="3"/>',
' <FirstLayerIndex value="0"/>',
" </Paint>",
" </BaseGlyphV1Record>",
' <BaseGlyphV1Record index="1">',
' <BaseGlyph value="glyph00014"/>',
" <LayerV1List>",
" <!-- LayerCount=1 -->",
' <Paint index="0" Format="7"><!-- PaintComposite -->',
' <SourcePaint Format="5"><!-- PaintColorGlyph -->',
' <Paint Format="8"><!-- PaintComposite -->',
' <SourcePaint Format="6"><!-- PaintColrGlyph -->',
' <Glyph value="glyph00010"/>',
" </SourcePaint>",
' <CompositeMode value="src_over"/>',
' <BackdropPaint Format="7"><!-- PaintTransform -->',
' <Paint Format="6"><!-- PaintColrGlyph -->',
' <Glyph value="glyph00010"/>',
" </SourcePaint>",
' <CompositeMode value="src_over"/>',
' <BackdropPaint Format="6"><!-- PaintTransform -->',
' <Paint Format="5"><!-- PaintColorGlyph -->',
' <Glyph value="glyph00010"/>',
" </Paint>",
" <Transform>",
' <xx value="1.0"/>',
' <yx value="0.0"/>',
' <xy value="0.0"/>',
' <yy value="1.0"/>',
' <dx value="300.0"/>',
' <dy value="0.0"/>',
" </Transform>",
" </BackdropPaint>",
" </Paint>",
" </LayerV1List>",
" </Paint>",
" <Transform>",
' <xx value="1.0"/>',
' <yx value="0.0"/>',
' <xy value="0.0"/>',
' <yy value="1.0"/>',
' <dx value="300.0"/>',
' <dy value="0.0"/>',
" </Transform>",
" </BackdropPaint>",
" </Paint>",
" </BaseGlyphV1Record>",
" <!-- LayerCount=3 -->",
' <Paint index="0" Format="5"><!-- PaintGlyph -->',
' <Paint Format="2"><!-- PaintSolid -->',
" <Color>",
' <PaletteIndex value="2"/>',
' <Alpha value="0.5"/>',
" </Color>",
" </Paint>",
' <Glyph value="glyph00011"/>',
" </Paint>",
' <Paint index="1" Format="5"><!-- PaintGlyph -->',
' <Paint Format="3"><!-- PaintLinearGradient -->',
" <ColorLine>",
' <Extend value="repeat"/>',
" <!-- StopCount=3 -->",
' <ColorStop index="0">',
' <StopOffset value="0.0"/>',
" <Color>",
' <PaletteIndex value="3"/>',
' <Alpha value="1.0"/>',
" </Color>",
" </ColorStop>",
' <ColorStop index="1">',
' <StopOffset value="0.5"/>',
" <Color>",
' <PaletteIndex value="4"/>',
' <Alpha value="1.0"/>',
" </Color>",
" </ColorStop>",
' <ColorStop index="2">',
' <StopOffset value="1.0"/>',
" <Color>",
' <PaletteIndex value="5"/>',
' <Alpha value="1.0"/>',
" </Color>",
" </ColorStop>",
" </ColorLine>",
' <x0 value="1"/>',
' <y0 value="2"/>',
' <x1 value="-3"/>',
' <y1 value="-4"/>',
' <x2 value="5"/>',
' <y2 value="6"/>',
" </Paint>",
' <Glyph value="glyph00012"/>',
" </Paint>",
' <Paint index="2" Format="5"><!-- PaintGlyph -->',
' <Paint Format="7"><!-- PaintTransform -->',
' <Paint Format="4"><!-- PaintRadialGradient -->',
" <ColorLine>",
' <Extend value="pad"/>',
" <!-- StopCount=2 -->",
' <ColorStop index="0">',
' <StopOffset value="0.0"/>',
" <Color>",
' <PaletteIndex value="6"/>',
' <Alpha value="1.0"/>',
" </Color>",
" </ColorStop>",
' <ColorStop index="1">',
' <StopOffset value="1.0"/>',
" <Color>",
' <PaletteIndex value="7"/>',
' <Alpha value="0.4"/>',
" </Color>",
" </ColorStop>",
" </ColorLine>",
' <x0 value="7"/>',
' <y0 value="8"/>',
' <r0 value="9"/>',
' <x1 value="10"/>',
' <y1 value="11"/>',
' <r1 value="12"/>',
" </Paint>",
" <Transform>",
' <xx value="-13.0"/>',
' <yx value="14.0"/>',
' <xy value="15.0"/>',
' <yy value="-17.0"/>',
' <dx value="18.0"/>',
' <dy value="19.0"/>',
" </Transform>",
" </Paint>",
' <Glyph value="glyph00013"/>',
" </Paint>",
Reference in New Issue
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