Forbid empty classes (take 2) (#2446)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1331,10 +1331,16 @@ class PairPosStatement(Statement):
if self.enumerated:
g = [self.glyphs1.glyphSet(), self.glyphs2.glyphSet()]
seen_pair = False
for glyph1, glyph2 in itertools.product(*g):
seen_pair = True
self.location, glyph1, self.valuerecord1, glyph2, self.valuerecord2
if not seen_pair:
raise FeatureLibError(
"Empty glyph class in positioning rule", self.location
is_specific = isinstance(self.glyphs1, GlyphName) and isinstance(
@ -1195,39 +1195,6 @@ class Builder(object):
for glyph in glyphs:
self.attachPoints_.setdefault(glyph, set()).update(contourPoints)
def add_chain_context_pos(self, location, prefix, glyphs, suffix, lookups):
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextPosBuilder)
prefix, glyphs, suffix, self.find_lookup_builders_(lookups)
def add_chain_context_subst(self, location, prefix, glyphs, suffix, lookups):
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
prefix, glyphs, suffix, self.find_lookup_builders_(lookups)
def add_alternate_subst(self, location, prefix, glyph, suffix, replacement):
if self.cur_feature_name_ == "aalt":
alts = self.aalt_alternates_.setdefault(glyph, set())
if prefix or suffix:
chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
lookup = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, AlternateSubstBuilder)
chain.rules.append(ChainContextualRule(prefix, [{glyph}], suffix, [lookup]))
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, AlternateSubstBuilder)
if glyph in lookup.alternates:
raise FeatureLibError(
'Already defined alternates for glyph "%s"' % glyph, location
lookup.alternates[glyph] = replacement
def add_feature_reference(self, location, featureName):
if self.cur_feature_name_ != "aalt":
raise FeatureLibError(
@ -1272,53 +1239,9 @@ class Builder(object):
key = (script, lang, self.cur_feature_name_)
self.features_.setdefault(key, [])
def add_ligature_subst(
self, location, prefix, glyphs, suffix, replacement, forceChain
if prefix or suffix or forceChain:
chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
lookup = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, LigatureSubstBuilder)
chain.rules.append(ChainContextualRule(prefix, glyphs, suffix, [lookup]))
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, LigatureSubstBuilder)
# OpenType feature file syntax, section 5.d, "Ligature substitution":
# "Since the OpenType specification does not allow ligature
# substitutions to be specified on target sequences that contain
# glyph classes, the implementation software will enumerate
# all specific glyph sequences if glyph classes are detected"
for g in sorted(itertools.product(*glyphs)):
lookup.ligatures[g] = replacement
def add_multiple_subst(
self, location, prefix, glyph, suffix, replacements, forceChain=False
if prefix or suffix or forceChain:
chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
sub = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, MultipleSubstBuilder)
sub.mapping[glyph] = replacements
chain.rules.append(ChainContextualRule(prefix, [{glyph}], suffix, [sub]))
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, MultipleSubstBuilder)
if glyph in lookup.mapping:
if replacements == lookup.mapping[glyph]:
"Removing duplicate multiple substitution from glyph"
' "%s" to %s%s',
f" at {location}" if location else "",
raise FeatureLibError(
'Already defined substitution for glyph "%s"' % glyph, location
lookup.mapping[glyph] = replacements
def add_reverse_chain_single_subst(self, location, old_prefix, old_suffix, mapping):
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, ReverseChainSingleSubstBuilder)
lookup.rules.append((old_prefix, old_suffix, mapping))
# GSUB rules
# GSUB 1
def add_single_subst(self, location, prefix, suffix, mapping, forceChain):
if self.cur_feature_name_ == "aalt":
for (from_glyph, to_glyph) in mapping.items():
@ -1347,7 +1270,87 @@ class Builder(object):
lookup.mapping[from_glyph] = to_glyph
# GSUB 2
def add_multiple_subst(
self, location, prefix, glyph, suffix, replacements, forceChain=False
if prefix or suffix or forceChain:
chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
sub = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, MultipleSubstBuilder)
sub.mapping[glyph] = replacements
chain.rules.append(ChainContextualRule(prefix, [{glyph}], suffix, [sub]))
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, MultipleSubstBuilder)
if glyph in lookup.mapping:
if replacements == lookup.mapping[glyph]:
"Removing duplicate multiple substitution from glyph"
' "%s" to %s%s',
f" at {location}" if location else "",
raise FeatureLibError(
'Already defined substitution for glyph "%s"' % glyph, location
lookup.mapping[glyph] = replacements
# GSUB 3
def add_alternate_subst(self, location, prefix, glyph, suffix, replacement):
if self.cur_feature_name_ == "aalt":
alts = self.aalt_alternates_.setdefault(glyph, set())
if prefix or suffix:
chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
lookup = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, AlternateSubstBuilder)
chain.rules.append(ChainContextualRule(prefix, [{glyph}], suffix, [lookup]))
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, AlternateSubstBuilder)
if glyph in lookup.alternates:
raise FeatureLibError(
'Already defined alternates for glyph "%s"' % glyph, location
# We allow empty replacement glyphs here.
lookup.alternates[glyph] = replacement
# GSUB 4
def add_ligature_subst(
self, location, prefix, glyphs, suffix, replacement, forceChain
if prefix or suffix or forceChain:
chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
lookup = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, LigatureSubstBuilder)
chain.rules.append(ChainContextualRule(prefix, glyphs, suffix, [lookup]))
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, LigatureSubstBuilder)
if not all(glyphs):
raise FeatureLibError("Empty glyph class in substitution", location)
# OpenType feature file syntax, section 5.d, "Ligature substitution":
# "Since the OpenType specification does not allow ligature
# substitutions to be specified on target sequences that contain
# glyph classes, the implementation software will enumerate
# all specific glyph sequences if glyph classes are detected"
for g in sorted(itertools.product(*glyphs)):
lookup.ligatures[g] = replacement
# GSUB 5/6
def add_chain_context_subst(self, location, prefix, glyphs, suffix, lookups):
if not all(glyphs) or not all(prefix) or not all(suffix):
raise FeatureLibError("Empty glyph class in contextual substitution", location)
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
prefix, glyphs, suffix, self.find_lookup_builders_(lookups)
def add_single_subst_chained_(self, location, prefix, suffix, mapping):
if not mapping or not all(prefix) or not all(suffix):
raise FeatureLibError("Empty glyph class in contextual substitution", location)
chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
sub = chain.find_chainable_single_subst(set(mapping.keys()))
@ -1358,7 +1361,54 @@ class Builder(object):
ChainContextualRule(prefix, [list(mapping.keys())], suffix, [sub])
# GSUB 8
def add_reverse_chain_single_subst(self, location, old_prefix, old_suffix, mapping):
if not mapping:
raise FeatureLibError("Empty glyph class in substitution", location)
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, ReverseChainSingleSubstBuilder)
lookup.rules.append((old_prefix, old_suffix, mapping))
# GPOS rules
# GPOS 1
def add_single_pos(self, location, prefix, suffix, pos, forceChain):
if prefix or suffix or forceChain:
self.add_single_pos_chained_(location, prefix, suffix, pos)
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, SinglePosBuilder)
for glyphs, value in pos:
if not glyphs:
raise FeatureLibError("Empty glyph class in positioning rule", location)
otValueRecord = self.makeOpenTypeValueRecord(location, value, pairPosContext=False)
for glyph in glyphs:
lookup.add_pos(location, glyph, otValueRecord)
except OpenTypeLibError as e:
raise FeatureLibError(str(e), e.location) from e
# GPOS 2
def add_class_pair_pos(self, location, glyphclass1, value1, glyphclass2, value2):
if not glyphclass1 or not glyphclass2:
raise FeatureLibError(
"Empty glyph class in positioning rule", location
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, PairPosBuilder)
v1 = self.makeOpenTypeValueRecord(location, value1, pairPosContext=True)
v2 = self.makeOpenTypeValueRecord(location, value2, pairPosContext=True)
lookup.addClassPair(location, glyphclass1, v1, glyphclass2, v2)
def add_specific_pair_pos(self, location, glyph1, value1, glyph2, value2):
if not glyph1 or not glyph2:
raise FeatureLibError("Empty glyph class in positioning rule", location)
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, PairPosBuilder)
v1 = self.makeOpenTypeValueRecord(location, value1, pairPosContext=True)
v2 = self.makeOpenTypeValueRecord(location, value2, pairPosContext=True)
lookup.addGlyphPair(location, glyph1, v1, glyph2, v2)
# GPOS 3
def add_cursive_pos(self, location, glyphclass, entryAnchor, exitAnchor):
if not glyphclass:
raise FeatureLibError("Empty glyph class in positioning rule", location)
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, CursivePosBuilder)
@ -1367,34 +1417,23 @@ class Builder(object):
self.makeOpenTypeAnchor(location, exitAnchor),
def add_marks_(self, location, lookupBuilder, marks):
"""Helper for add_mark_{base,liga,mark}_pos."""
for _, markClass in marks:
for markClassDef in markClass.definitions:
for mark in markClassDef.glyphs.glyphSet():
if mark not in lookupBuilder.marks:
otMarkAnchor = self.makeOpenTypeAnchor(location, markClassDef.anchor)
lookupBuilder.marks[mark] = (, otMarkAnchor)
existingMarkClass = lookupBuilder.marks[mark][0]
if != existingMarkClass:
raise FeatureLibError(
"Glyph %s cannot be in both @%s and @%s"
% (mark, existingMarkClass,,
# GPOS 4
def add_mark_base_pos(self, location, bases, marks):
builder = self.get_lookup_(location, MarkBasePosBuilder)
self.add_marks_(location, builder, marks)
if not bases:
raise FeatureLibError("Empty glyph class in positioning rule", location)
for baseAnchor, markClass in marks:
otBaseAnchor = self.makeOpenTypeAnchor(location, baseAnchor)
for base in bases:
builder.bases.setdefault(base, {})[] = otBaseAnchor
# GPOS 5
def add_mark_lig_pos(self, location, ligatures, components):
builder = self.get_lookup_(location, MarkLigPosBuilder)
componentAnchors = []
if not ligatures:
raise FeatureLibError("Empty glyph class in positioning rule", location)
for marks in components:
anchors = {}
self.add_marks_(location, builder, marks)
@ -1404,9 +1443,12 @@ class Builder(object):
for glyph in ligatures:
builder.ligatures[glyph] = componentAnchors
# GPOS 6
def add_mark_mark_pos(self, location, baseMarks, marks):
builder = self.get_lookup_(location, MarkMarkPosBuilder)
self.add_marks_(location, builder, marks)
if not baseMarks:
raise FeatureLibError("Empty glyph class in positioning rule", location)
for baseAnchor, markClass in marks:
otBaseAnchor = self.makeOpenTypeAnchor(location, baseAnchor)
for baseMark in baseMarks:
@ -1414,35 +1456,20 @@ class Builder(object):
] = otBaseAnchor
def add_class_pair_pos(self, location, glyphclass1, value1, glyphclass2, value2):
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, PairPosBuilder)
v1 = self.makeOpenTypeValueRecord(location, value1, pairPosContext=True)
v2 = self.makeOpenTypeValueRecord(location, value2, pairPosContext=True)
lookup.addClassPair(location, glyphclass1, v1, glyphclass2, v2)
def add_subtable_break(self, location):
def add_specific_pair_pos(self, location, glyph1, value1, glyph2, value2):
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, PairPosBuilder)
v1 = self.makeOpenTypeValueRecord(location, value1, pairPosContext=True)
v2 = self.makeOpenTypeValueRecord(location, value2, pairPosContext=True)
lookup.addGlyphPair(location, glyph1, v1, glyph2, v2)
def add_single_pos(self, location, prefix, suffix, pos, forceChain):
if prefix or suffix or forceChain:
self.add_single_pos_chained_(location, prefix, suffix, pos)
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, SinglePosBuilder)
for glyphs, value in pos:
otValueRecord = self.makeOpenTypeValueRecord(location, value, pairPosContext=False)
for glyph in glyphs:
lookup.add_pos(location, glyph, otValueRecord)
except OpenTypeLibError as e:
raise FeatureLibError(str(e), e.location) from e
# GPOS 7/8
def add_chain_context_pos(self, location, prefix, glyphs, suffix, lookups):
if not all(glyphs) or not all(prefix) or not all(suffix):
raise FeatureLibError("Empty glyph class in contextual positioning rule", location)
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextPosBuilder)
prefix, glyphs, suffix, self.find_lookup_builders_(lookups)
def add_single_pos_chained_(self, location, prefix, suffix, pos):
if not pos or not all(prefix) or not all(suffix):
raise FeatureLibError("Empty glyph class in contextual positioning rule", location)
chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextPosBuilder)
targets = []
@ -1466,6 +1493,26 @@ class Builder(object):
ChainContextualRule(prefix, [g for g, v in pos], suffix, subs)
def add_marks_(self, location, lookupBuilder, marks):
"""Helper for add_mark_{base,liga,mark}_pos."""
for _, markClass in marks:
for markClassDef in markClass.definitions:
for mark in markClassDef.glyphs.glyphSet():
if mark not in lookupBuilder.marks:
otMarkAnchor = self.makeOpenTypeAnchor(location, markClassDef.anchor)
lookupBuilder.marks[mark] = (, otMarkAnchor)
existingMarkClass = lookupBuilder.marks[mark][0]
if != existingMarkClass:
raise FeatureLibError(
"Glyph %s cannot be in both @%s and @%s"
% (mark, existingMarkClass,,
def add_subtable_break(self, location):
def setGlyphClass_(self, location, glyph, glyphClass):
oldClass, oldLocation = self.glyphClassDefs_.get(glyph, (None, None))
if oldClass and oldClass != glyphClass:
@ -684,6 +684,8 @@ class Parser(object):
assert self.is_cur_keyword_("markClass")
location = self.cur_token_location_
glyphs = self.parse_glyphclass_(accept_glyphname=True)
if not glyphs.glyphSet():
raise FeatureLibError("Empty glyph class in mark class definition", location)
anchor = self.parse_anchor_()
name = self.expect_class_name_()
@ -872,7 +874,7 @@ class Parser(object):
num_lookups = len([l for l in lookups if l is not None])
is_deletion = False
if len(new) == 1 and len(new[0].glyphSet()) == 0:
if len(new) == 1 and isinstance(new[0], ast.NullGlyph):
new = [] # Deletion
is_deletion = True
@ -918,6 +920,9 @@ class Parser(object):
and max([len(n.glyphSet()) for n in new]) == 1
and num_lookups == 0
for n in new:
if not list(n.glyphSet()):
raise FeatureLibError("Empty class in replacement", location)
return self.ast.MultipleSubstStatement(
@ -925,6 +925,45 @@ class BuilderTest(unittest.TestCase):
assert "GPOS" not in font
assert "GSUB" not in font
def test_disable_empty_classes(self):
for test in [
"sub a by c []",
"sub f f [] by f",
"ignore sub a []'",
"ignore sub [] a'",
"sub a []' by b",
"sub [] a' by b",
"rsub [] by a",
"pos [] 120",
"pos a [] 120",
"enum pos a [] 120",
"pos cursive [] <anchor NULL> <anchor NULL>",
"pos base [] <anchor NULL> mark @TOPMARKS",
"pos ligature [] <anchor NULL> mark @TOPMARKS",
"pos mark [] <anchor NULL> mark @TOPMARKS",
"ignore pos a []'",
"ignore pos [] a'",
"Empty ",
f"markClass a <anchor 150 -10> @TOPMARKS; lookup foo {{ {test}; }} foo;",
"Empty glyph class in mark class definition",
"markClass [] <anchor 150 -10> @TOPMARKS;"
'Expected a glyph class with 1 elements after "by", but found a glyph class with 0 elements',
"feature test { sub a by []; test};"
def generate_feature_file_test(name):
return lambda self: self.check_feature_file(name)
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ languagesystem latn dflt;
@group1 = [b o];
@group2 = [c d];
@group3 = [v w];
@group4 = [];
lookup kernlookup {
pos A V -34;
@ -13,9 +12,6 @@ lookup kernlookup {
pos @group1 @group3 -10;
pos @group3 @group2 -20;
pos @group4 @group1 -10;
pos @group4 @group4 -10;
} kernlookup;
feature kern {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user