[Snippets] Add symfont.py, for symbolic font statistics analysis
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Pen to calculate geometrical glyph statistics.
When this is fully fleshed out, it will be moved to a more prominent
place, like fontTools.pens.
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
import sympy as sp
import math
from fontTools.pens.basePen import BasePen
from functools import partial
n = 3 # Max Bezier degree; 3 for cubic, 2 for quadratic
t, x, y = sp.symbols('t x y', real=True)
Psymbol = sp.symbols('P')
P = tuple(sp.symbols('P[:%d][:2]' % (n+1), real=True))
P = tuple(P[2*i:2*(i+1)] for i in range(len(P) // 2))
# Cubic Berstein basis functions
BinomialCoefficient = [(1, 0)]
for i in range(1, n+1):
last = BinomialCoefficient[-1]
this = tuple(last[j-1]+last[j] for j in range(len(last)))+(0,)
BinomialCoefficient = tuple(tuple(item[:-1]) for item in BinomialCoefficient)
BersteinPolynomial = tuple(
tuple(c * t**i * (1-t)**(n-i) for i,c in enumerate(coeffs))
for n,coeffs in enumerate(BinomialCoefficient))
BezierCurve = tuple(
tuple(sum(P[i][j]*berstein for i,berstein in enumerate(bersteins))
for j in range(2))
for n,bersteins in enumerate(BersteinPolynomial))
def green(f, Bezier=BezierCurve[n]):
f1 = sp.integrate(f, y)
f2 = f1.replace(y, Bezier[1]).replace(x, Bezier[0])
return sp.integrate(f2 * sp.diff(Bezier[0], t), (t, 0, 1))
def lambdify(f):
return sp.lambdify(Psymbol, f)
class BezierFuncs(object):
def __init__(self, symfunc):
self._symfunc = symfunc
self._bezfuncs = {}
def __getitem__(self, i):
if i not in self._bezfuncs:
self._bezfuncs[i] = lambdify(green(self._symfunc, Bezier=BezierCurve[i]))
return self._bezfuncs[i]
_BezierFuncs = {}
def getGreenBezierFuncs(func):
func = sp.sympify(func)
funcstr = str(func)
global _BezierFuncs
if not funcstr in _BezierFuncs:
_BezierFuncs[funcstr] = BezierFuncs(func)
return _BezierFuncs[funcstr]
class GreenPen(BasePen):
def __init__(self, glyphset, func, scale=1):
BasePen.__init__(self, glyphset)
self._funcs = getGreenBezierFuncs(func)
self._scale = scale
self.value = 0
def _segment(self, *P):
scale = self._scale
P = tuple((x/scale,y/scale) for x,y in P)
self.value += self._funcs[len(P) - 1](P)
def _moveTo(self, p0):
def _lineTo(self, p1):
p0 = self._getCurrentPoint()
def _qCurveToOne(self, p1, p2):
p0 = self._getCurrentPoint()
def _curveToOne(self, p1, p2, p3):
p0 = self._getCurrentPoint()
AreaPen = partial(GreenPen, func=1)
Moment1XPen = partial(GreenPen, func=x)
Moment1YPen = partial(GreenPen, func=y)
Moment2XXPen = partial(GreenPen, func=x*x)
Moment2YYPen = partial(GreenPen, func=y*y)
Moment2XYPen = partial(GreenPen, func=x*y)
class GlyphStatistics(object):
def __init__(self, glyph, glyphset=None, scale=1):
self._glyph = glyph
self._glyphset = glyphset
self._scale = scale
def _penAttr(self, attr):
internalName = '_'+attr
if internalName not in self.__dict__:
Pen = globals()[attr+'Pen']
pen = Pen(self._glyphset, scale=self._scale)
self.__dict__[internalName] = pen.value
return self.__dict__[internalName]
Area = property(partial(_penAttr, attr='Area'))
Moment1X = property(partial(_penAttr, attr='Moment1X'))
Moment1Y = property(partial(_penAttr, attr='Moment1Y'))
Moment2XX = property(partial(_penAttr, attr='Moment2XX'))
Moment2YY = property(partial(_penAttr, attr='Moment2YY'))
Moment2XY = property(partial(_penAttr, attr='Moment2XY'))
# TODO Memoize properties below
# Center of mass
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_of_mass#A_continuous_volume
def MeanX(self):
return self.Moment1X / self.Area
def MeanY(self):
return self.Moment1Y / self.Area
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_moment_of_area
# Var(X) = E[X^2] - E[X]^2
def VarianceX(self):
return self.Moment2XX / self.Area - self.MeanX**2
def VarianceY(self):
return self.Moment2YY / self.Area - self.MeanY**2
def StdDevX(self):
return self.VarianceX**.5
def StdDevY(self):
return self.VarianceY**.5
# Covariance(X,Y) = ( E[X.Y] - E[X]E[Y] )
def Covariance(self):
return self.Moment2XY / self.Area - self.MeanX*self.MeanY
def _CovarianceMatrix(self):
cov = self.Covariance
return ((self.VarianceX, cov), (cov, self.VarianceY))
def _Eigen(self):
mat = self.CovarianceMatrix
from numpy.linalg import eigh
vals,vecs = eigh(mat)
# Note: we return eigen-vectors row-major, unlike Matlab, et al
return tuple(vals), tuple(tuple(row) for row in vecs)
# Correlation(X,Y) = Covariance(X,Y) / ( StdDev(X) * StdDev(Y)) )
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson_product-moment_correlation_coefficient
def Correlation(self):
corr = self.Covariance / (self.StdDevX * self.StdDevY)
if abs(corr) < 1e-3: corr = 0
return corr
def Slant(self):
slant = self.Covariance / self.VarianceY
if abs(slant) < 1e-3: slant = 0
return slant
def test(glyphset, upem, glyphs):
print('upem', upem)
for glyph_name in glyphs:
print("glyph:", glyph_name)
glyph = glyphset[glyph_name]
stats = GlyphStatistics(glyph, glyphset, scale=upem)
for item in dir(stats):
if item[0] == '_': continue
print ("%s: %g" % (item, getattr(stats, item)))
def main(args):
filename, glyphs = args[0], args[1:]
if not glyphs:
glyphs = ['e', 'o', 'I', 'slash', 'E', 'zero', 'eight', 'minus', 'equal']
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
font = TTFont(filename)
glyphset = font.getGlyphSet()
test(font.getGlyphSet(), font['head'].unitsPerEm, glyphs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
#areag = green(1)
#area_f = lambdify(areag)
#print("area", area_f)
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