More refactoring

This commit is contained in:
Behdad Esfahbod 2013-07-31 15:03:43 -04:00
parent 88264a665c
commit df3d757e87

View File

@ -1014,53 +1014,79 @@ options_default = {
class Subsetter:
def __init__ (self, font=None, options=None, logger=None):
def __init__ (self, font=None, options=None, log=None):
self.font = font
self.options = options
self.logger = logger
self.log = log
def prepare (self):
if isinstance (self.font, basestring):
self.font = fontTools.ttx.TTFont (self.font)
import sys, time
class Logger:
def __init__ (self, verbose=False, xml=False, timing=False):
self.verbose = verbose
self.xml = xml
self.timing = timing
self.last_time = self.start_time = time.time ()
def parse_opts (self, argv):
argv = argv[:]
for v in ['verbose', 'xml', 'timing']:
if "--"+v in argv:
setattr (self, v, True)
argv.remove ("--"+v)
return argv
def __call__ (self, *things):
if not self.verbose:
print ' '.join (str (x) for x in things)
def lapse (self, *things):
if not self.timing:
new_time = time.time ()
print "Took %0.3fs to %s" % (new_time - self.last_time, ' '.join (str (x) for x in things))
self.last_time = new_time
def font (self, font, file=sys.stdout):
if not self.xml:
import xmlWriter, sys
writer = xmlWriter.XMLWriter (file)
font.disassembleInstructions = False # Work around ttx bug
for tag in font.keys():
writer.begintag (tag)
writer.newline ()
font[tag].toXML(writer, font)
writer.endtag (tag)
writer.newline ()
def main ():
import sys, time
global last_time
start_time = time.time ()
last_time = start_time
class Opts:
opts = Opts ()
for v in ['verbose', 'xml', 'timing']:
setattr (opts, v, False)
if "--"+v in sys.argv:
setattr (opts, v, True)
sys.argv.remove ("--"+v)
import sys
args = sys.argv[1:]
options = options_default.copy ()
def lapse (what):
if not opts.timing:
global last_time
new_time = time.time ()
print "Took %0.3fs to %s" % (new_time - last_time, what)
last_time = new_time
log = Logger ()
args = log.parse_opts (args)
if len (sys.argv) < 3:
if len (args) < 2:
print >>sys.stderr, "usage: font-file glyph..."
sys.exit (1)
fontfile = sys.argv[1]
glyphs = sys.argv[2:]
fontfile = args[0]
glyphs = args[1:]
# TODO Option for ignoreDecompileErrors?
font = fontTools.ttx.TTFont (fontfile)
subsetter = Subsetter (font)
lapse ("load font")
s = Subsetter (font=font, log=log)
s.log.lapse ("load font")
@ -1083,15 +1109,13 @@ def main ():
# Always include .notdef; anything else?
if 'glyf' in font:
glyphs.extend (['gid0', 'gid1', 'gid2', 'gid3'])
if opts.verbose:
print "Added first four glyphs to subset"
s.log ("Added first four glyphs to subset")
glyphs.append ('.notdef')
if opts.verbose:
print "Added .notdef glyph to subset"
s.log ("Added .notdef glyph to subset")
names = font.getGlyphNames()
lapse ("loading glyph names")
s.log.lapse ("loading glyph names")
# Convert to glyph names
glyph_names = []
cmap_tables = None
@ -1112,8 +1136,7 @@ def main ():
found = True
if not found:
if opts.verbose:
print ("No glyph for Unicode value %s; skipping." % g)
s.log ("No glyph for Unicode value %s; skipping." % g)
if g.startswith ('gid') or g.startswith ('glyph'):
if g.startswith ('gid') and len (g) > 3:
@ -1129,9 +1152,8 @@ def main ():
del cmap_tables
glyphs = unique_sorted (glyph_names)
del glyph_names
lapse ("compile glyph list")
if opts.verbose:
print "Glyphs:", glyphs
s.log.lapse ("compile glyph list")
s.log ("Glyphs:", glyphs)
for tag in font.keys():
@ -1139,8 +1161,7 @@ def main ():
if tag in options['drop-tables'] or \
(tag in hinting_tables and not options['hinting']):
if opts.verbose:
print tag, "dropped."
s.log (tag, "dropped")
del font[tag]
@ -1149,47 +1170,40 @@ def main ():
if hasattr (clazz, 'prune_pre_subset'):
table = font[tag]
retain = table.prune_pre_subset (options)
lapse ("prune '%s'" % tag)
s.log.lapse ("prune '%s'" % tag)
if not retain:
if opts.verbose:
print tag, "pruned to empty; dropped."
s.log (tag, "pruned to empty; dropped")
del font[tag]
if opts.verbose:
print tag, "pruned."
s.log (tag, "pruned")
glyphs_requested = glyphs
if 'GSUB' in font:
if opts.verbose:
print "Closing glyph list over 'GSUB': %d glyphs before" % len (glyphs)
subsetter.glyphs = glyphs
glyphs = font['GSUB'].closure_glyphs (subsetter)
if opts.verbose:
print "Closed glyph list over 'GSUB': %d glyphs after" % len (glyphs)
print "Glyphs:", glyphs
lapse ("close glyph list over 'GSUB'")
s.log ("Closing glyph list over 'GSUB': %d glyphs before" % len (glyphs))
s.glyphs = glyphs
glyphs = font['GSUB'].closure_glyphs (s)
s.log ("Closed glyph list over 'GSUB': %d glyphs after" % len (glyphs))
s.log ("Glyphs:", glyphs)
s.log.lapse ("close glyph list over 'GSUB'")
glyphs_gsubed = glyphs
# Close over composite glyphs
if 'glyf' in font:
if opts.verbose:
print "Closing glyph list over 'glyf': %d glyphs before" % len (glyphs)
print "Glyphs:", glyphs
subsetter.glyphs = glyphs
glyphs = font['glyf'].closure_glyphs (subsetter)
if opts.verbose:
print "Closed glyph list over 'glyf': %d glyphs after" % len (glyphs)
print "Glyphs:", glyphs
lapse ("close glyph list over 'glyf'")
s.log ("Closing glyph list over 'glyf': %d glyphs before" % len (glyphs))
s.log ("Glyphs:", glyphs)
s.glyphs = glyphs
glyphs = font['glyf'].closure_glyphs (s)
s.log ("Closed glyph list over 'glyf': %d glyphs after" % len (glyphs))
s.log ("Glyphs:", glyphs)
s.log.lapse ("close glyph list over 'glyf'")
glyphs = glyphs
glyphs_glyfed = glyphs
glyphs_closed = glyphs
del glyphs
if opts.verbose:
print "Retaining %d glyphs: " % len (glyphs_closed)
s.log ("Retaining %d glyphs: " % len (glyphs_closed))
for tag in font.keys():
if tag == 'GlyphOrder': continue
@ -1197,8 +1211,7 @@ def main ():
clazz = fontTools.ttLib.getTableClass(tag)
if tag in no_subset_tables:
if opts.verbose:
print tag, "subsetting not needed."
s.log (tag, "subsetting not needed")
elif hasattr (clazz, 'subset_glyphs'):
table = font[tag]
if tag == 'cmap': # What else?
@ -1207,60 +1220,44 @@ def main ():
glyphs = glyphs_gsubed
glyphs = glyphs_closed
subsetter.glyphs = glyphs
retain = table.subset_glyphs (subsetter)
lapse ("subset '%s'" % tag)
s.glyphs = glyphs
retain = table.subset_glyphs (s)
s.log.lapse ("subset '%s'" % tag)
if not retain:
if opts.verbose:
print tag, "subsetted to empty; dropped."
s.log (tag, "subsetted to empty; dropped")
del font[tag]
if opts.verbose:
print tag, "subsetted."
s.log (tag, "subsetted")
del glyphs
if opts.verbose:
print tag, "NOT subset; don't know how to subset."
s.log (tag, "NOT subset; don't know how to subset")
if hasattr (clazz, 'prune_post_subset'):
table = font[tag]
retain = table.prune_post_subset (options)
lapse ("prune '%s'" % tag)
s.log.lapse ("prune '%s'" % tag)
if not retain:
if opts.verbose:
print tag, "pruned to empty; dropped."
s.log (tag, "pruned to empty; dropped")
del font[tag]
if opts.verbose:
print tag, "pruned."
s.log (tag, "pruned")
glyphOrder = font.getGlyphOrder()
glyphOrder = [g for g in glyphOrder if g in glyphs_closed]
font.setGlyphOrder (glyphOrder)
font._buildReverseGlyphOrderDict ()
lapse ("subset GlyphOrder")
s.log.lapse ("subset GlyphOrder") (fontfile + '.subset')
lapse ("compile and save font")
s.log.lapse ("compile and save font")
last_time = start_time
lapse ("make one with everything (TOTAL TIME)")
s.log.last_time = s.log.start_time
s.log.lapse ("make one with everything (TOTAL TIME)")
if opts.xml:
import xmlWriter
writer = xmlWriter.XMLWriter (sys.stdout)
font.disassembleInstructions = False # Work around ttx bug
for tag in font.keys():
writer.begintag (tag)
writer.newline ()
font[tag].toXML(writer, font)
writer.endtag (tag)
writer.newline ()
s.log.font (font)
if __name__ == '__main__':
main ()