Lots of CID work by rroberts.
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/fonttools/code/trunk@407 4cde692c-a291-49d1-8350-778aa11640f8
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"""cffLib.py -- read/write tools for Adobe CFF fonts."""
# $Id: cffLib.py,v 1.28 2003-01-03 20:56:01 jvr Exp $
# $Id: cffLib.py,v 1.29 2003-08-22 19:53:32 jvr Exp $
import struct, sstruct
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ from types import FloatType, ListType, StringType, TupleType
from fontTools.misc import psCharStrings
from fontTools.misc.textTools import safeEval
@ -249,6 +248,44 @@ class TopDictIndexCompiler(IndexCompiler):
return children
class FDArrayIndexCompiler(IndexCompiler):
def getItems(self, items, strings):
out = []
for item in items:
out.append(item.getCompiler(strings, self))
return out
def getChildren(self, strings):
children = []
for fontDict in self.items:
return children
def toFile(self, file):
offsets = self.getOffsets()
writeCard16(file, len(self.items))
offSize = calcOffSize(offsets[-1])
writeCard8(file, offSize)
offSize = -offSize
pack = struct.pack
for offset in offsets:
binOffset = pack(">l", offset)[offSize:]
assert len(binOffset) == -offSize
for item in self.items:
if hasattr(item, "toFile"):
def setPos(self, pos, endPos):
self.parent.rawDict["FDArray"] = pos
class GlobalSubrsCompiler(IndexCompiler):
def getItems(self, items, strings):
out = []
@ -338,13 +375,15 @@ class GlobalSubrsIndex(Index):
Index.__init__(self, file)
self.globalSubrs = globalSubrs
self.private = private
self.fdSelect = fdSelect
self.fdArray = fdArray
if fdSelect:
self.fdSelect = fdSelect
if fdArray:
self.fdArray = fdArray
def produceItem(self, index, data, file, offset, size):
if self.private is not None:
private = self.private
elif self.fdArray is not None:
elif hasattr(self, 'fdArray') and self.fdArray is not None:
private = self.fdArray[self.fdSelect[index]].Private
private = None
@ -355,9 +394,7 @@ class GlobalSubrsIndex(Index):
return psCharStrings.T2CharString(data, subrs=subrs, globalSubrs=self.globalSubrs)
def toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress):
fdSelect = self.fdSelect
xmlWriter.comment("The 'index' attribute is only for humans; "
"it is ignored when parsed.")
xmlWriter.comment("The 'index' attribute is only for humans; it is ignored when parsed.")
for i in range(len(self)):
subr = self[i]
@ -378,11 +415,9 @@ class GlobalSubrsIndex(Index):
def getItemAndSelector(self, index):
fdSelect = self.fdSelect
if fdSelect is None:
sel = None
sel = fdSelect[index]
sel = None
if hasattr(self, 'fdSelect'):
sel = self.fdSelect[index]
return self[index], sel
@ -408,6 +443,67 @@ class TopDictIndex(Index):
class FDArrayIndex(TopDictIndex):
compilerClass = FDArrayIndexCompiler
def fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content)):
if name <> "FontDict":
fontDict = FontDict()
for element in content:
if isinstance(element, StringType):
class FDSelect:
def __init__(self, file = None, numGlyphs = None, format=None):
if file:
# read data in from file
self.format = readCard8(file)
if self.format == 0:
from array import array
self.gidArray = array("B", file.read(numGlyphs)).tolist()
elif self.format == 3:
gidArray = [None] * numGlyphs
nRanges = readCard16(file)
prev = None
for i in range(nRanges):
first = readCard16(file)
if prev is not None:
for glyphID in range(prev, first):
gidArray[glyphID] = fd
prev = first
fd = readCard8(file)
if prev is not None:
first = readCard16(file)
for glyphID in range(prev, first):
gidArray[glyphID] = fd
self.gidArray = gidArray
assert 0, "unsupported FDSelect format: %s" % format
# reading from XML. Make empty gidArray,, and leave format as passed in.
# format == None will result in the smallest representation being used.
self.format = format
self.gidArray = []
def __len__(self):
return len(self.gidArray)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.gidArray[index]
def __setitem__(self, index, fdSelectValue):
self.gidArray[index] = fdSelectValue
def append(self, fdSelectValue):
class CharStrings:
def __init__(self, file, charset, globalSubrs, private, fdSelect, fdArray):
@ -422,8 +518,10 @@ class CharStrings:
self.charStringsAreIndexed = 0
self.globalSubrs = globalSubrs
self.private = private
self.fdSelect = fdSelect
self.fdArray = fdArray
if fdSelect != None:
self.fdSelect = fdSelect
if fdArray!= None:
self.fdArray = fdArray
def keys(self):
return self.charStrings.keys()
@ -458,8 +556,11 @@ class CharStrings:
index = self.charStrings[name]
return self.charStringsIndex.getItemAndSelector(index)
# XXX needs work for CID fonts
return self.charStrings[name], None
if hasattr(self, 'fdSelect'):
sel = self.fdSelect[index]
raise KeyError("fdSelect array not yet defined.")
return self.charStrings[name], sel
def toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress):
names = self.keys()
@ -468,16 +569,16 @@ class CharStrings:
step = 10
numGlyphs = len(names)
for name in names:
charStr, fdSelect = self.getItemAndSelector(name)
charStr, fdSelectIndex = self.getItemAndSelector(name)
if charStr.needsDecompilation():
raw = [("raw", 1)]
raw = []
if fdSelect is None:
if fdSelectIndex is None:
xmlWriter.begintag("CharString", [('name', name)] + raw)
[('name', name), ('fdSelect', fdSelect)] + raw)
[('name', name), ('fdSelectIndex', fdSelectIndex)] + raw)
@ -494,14 +595,23 @@ class CharStrings:
name, attrs, content = element
if name <> "CharString":
fdID = -1
if hasattr(self, "fdArray"):
fdID = safeEval(attrs["fdSelectIndex"])
private = self.fdArray[fdID].Private
private = self.private
glyphName = attrs["name"]
if hasattr(self.private, "Subrs"):
subrs = self.private.Subrs
if hasattr(private, "Subrs"):
subrs = private.Subrs
subrs = []
globalSubrs = self.globalSubrs
charString = psCharStrings.T2CharString(None, subrs=subrs, globalSubrs=globalSubrs)
charString.fromXML((name, attrs, content))
if fdID >= 0:
charString.fdSelectIndex = fdID
self[glyphName] = charString
@ -653,9 +763,13 @@ class CharStringsConverter(TableConverter):
def write(self, parent, value):
return 0 # dummy value
def xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent):
# XXX needs work for CID fonts
fdSelect, fdArray = None, None
charStrings = CharStrings(None, None, parent.GlobalSubrs, parent.Private, fdSelect, fdArray)
if hasattr(parent, "ROS"):
# if it is a CID-keyed font, then the private Dict is extracted from the parent.FDArray
private, fdSelect, fdArray = None, parent.FDSelect, parent.FDArray
# if it is a name-keyed font, then the private dict is in the top dict, and there is no fdArray.
private, fdSelect, fdArray = parent.Private, None, None
charStrings = CharStrings(None, None, parent.GlobalSubrs, private, fdSelect, fdArray)
charStrings.fromXML((name, attrs, content))
return charStrings
@ -711,8 +825,9 @@ class CharsetCompiler:
def __init__(self, strings, charset, parent):
assert charset[0] == '.notdef'
data0 = packCharset0(charset, strings)
data = packCharset(charset, strings)
isCID = hasattr(parent.dictObj, "ROS")
data0 = packCharset0(charset, isCID, strings)
data = packCharset(charset, isCID, strings)
if len(data) < len(data0):
self.data = data
@ -729,20 +844,37 @@ class CharsetCompiler:
def packCharset0(charset, strings):
def getCIDfromName(name, strings):
return int(name[3:])
def getSIDfromName(name, strings):
return strings.getSID(name)
def packCharset0(charset, isCID, strings):
format = 0
data = [packCard8(format)]
if isCID:
getNameID = getCIDfromName
getNameID = getSIDfromName
for name in charset[1:]:
return "".join(data)
def packCharset(charset, strings):
def packCharset(charset, isCID, strings):
format = 1
ranges = []
first = None
end = 0
if isCID:
getNameID = getCIDfromName
getNameID = getSIDfromName
for name in charset[1:]:
SID = strings.getSID(name)
SID = getNameID(name, strings)
if first is None:
first = SID
elif end + 1 <> SID:
@ -785,7 +917,7 @@ def parseCharset(numGlyphs, file, strings, isCID, format):
nLeft = nLeftFunc(file)
if isCID:
for CID in range(first, first+nLeft+1):
charset.append("cid" + str(CID) )
for SID in range(first, first+nLeft+1):
@ -956,53 +1088,127 @@ def packEncoding1(charset, encoding, strings):
class FDArrayConverter(TableConverter):
def read(self, parent, value):
file = parent.file
fdArray = TopDictIndex(file)
fdArray = FDArrayIndex(file)
fdArray.strings = parent.strings
fdArray.GlobalSubrs = parent.GlobalSubrs
return fdArray
def write(self, parent, value):
return 0 # dummy value
def xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent):
fdArray = FDArrayIndex()
for element in content:
if isinstance(element, StringType):
return fdArray
class FDSelectConverter:
def read(self, parent, value):
file = parent.file
format = readCard8(file)
numGlyphs = parent.numGlyphs
if format == 0:
from array import array
fdSelect = array("B", file.read(numGlyphs)).tolist()
elif format == 3:
fdSelect = [None] * numGlyphs
nRanges = readCard16(file)
prev = None
for i in range(nRanges):
first = readCard16(file)
if prev is not None:
for glyphID in range(prev, first):
fdSelect[glyphID] = fd
prev = first
fd = readCard8(file)
if prev is not None:
first = readCard16(file)
for glyphID in range(prev, first):
fdSelect[glyphID] = fd
assert 0, "unsupported FDSelect format: %s" % format
return fdSelect
fdSelect = FDSelect(file, parent.numGlyphs)
return fdSelect
def write(self, parent, value):
return 0 # dummy value
# The FDSelect glyph data is written out to XML in the charstring keys,
# so we write out only the format selector
def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress):
xmlWriter.simpletag(name, [('format', value.format)])
def xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent):
format = safeEval(attrs["format"])
file = None
numGlyphs = None
fdSelect = FDSelect(file, numGlyphs, format)
return fdSelect
def packFDSelect0(fdSelectArray):
format = 0
data = [packCard8(format)]
for index in fdSelectArray:
return "".join(data)
def packFDSelect3(fdSelectArray):
format = 3
fdRanges = []
first = None
end = 0
lenArray = len(fdSelectArray)
lastFDIndex = -1
for i in range(lenArray):
fdIndex = fdSelectArray[i]
if lastFDIndex != fdIndex:
fdRanges.append([i, fdIndex])
lastFDIndex = fdIndex
sentinelGID = i + 1
data = [packCard8(format)]
data.append(packCard16( len(fdRanges) ))
for fdRange in fdRanges:
return "".join(data)
class FDSelectCompiler:
def __init__(self, fdSelect, parent):
format = fdSelect.format
fdSelectArray = fdSelect.gidArray
if format == 0:
self.data = packFDSelect0(fdSelectArray)
elif format == 3:
self.data = packFDSelect3(fdSelectArray)
# choose smaller of the two formats
data0 = packFDSelect0(fdSelectArray)
data3 = packFDSelect3(fdSelectArray)
if len(data0) < len(data3):
self.data = data0
fdSelect.format = 0
self.data = data3
fdSelect.format = 3
self.parent = parent
def setPos(self, pos, endPos):
self.parent.rawDict["FDSelect"] = pos
def getDataLength(self):
return len(self.data)
def toFile(self, file):
class ROSConverter(SimpleConverter):
def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress):
registry, order, supplement = value
xmlWriter.simpletag(name, [('Registry', registry), ('Order', order),
('Supplement', supplement)])
def xmlRead(self, (name, attrs, content), parent):
return (attrs['Registry'], attrs['Order'], safeEval(attrs['Supplement']))
topDictOperators = [
# opcode name argument type default converter
@ -1026,7 +1232,6 @@ topDictOperators = [
(5, 'FontBBox', 'array', [0,0,0,0], None),
((12, 8), 'StrokeWidth', 'number', 0, None),
(14, 'XUID', 'array', None, None),
(15, 'charset', 'number', 0, CharsetConverter()),
((12, 21), 'PostScript', 'SID', None, None),
((12, 22), 'BaseFontName', 'SID', None, None),
((12, 23), 'BaseFontBlend', 'delta', None, None),
@ -1034,14 +1239,19 @@ topDictOperators = [
((12, 32), 'CIDFontRevision', 'number', 0, None),
((12, 33), 'CIDFontType', 'number', 0, None),
((12, 34), 'CIDCount', 'number', 8720, None),
(15, 'charset', 'number', 0, CharsetConverter()),
((12, 35), 'UIDBase', 'number', None, None),
(16, 'Encoding', 'number', 0, EncodingConverter()),
((12, 36), 'FDArray', 'number', None, FDArrayConverter()),
((12, 37), 'FDSelect', 'number', None, FDSelectConverter()),
(18, 'Private', ('number','number'), None, PrivateDictConverter()),
((12, 37), 'FDSelect', 'number', None, FDSelectConverter()),
((12, 36), 'FDArray', 'number', None, FDArrayConverter()),
(17, 'CharStrings', 'number', None, CharStringsConverter()),
# Note! FDSelect and FDArray must both preceed CharStrings in the output XML build order,
# in order for the font to compile back from xml.
privateDictOperators = [
# opcode name argument type default converter
(6, 'BlueValues', 'delta', None, None),
@ -1121,6 +1331,7 @@ class DictCompiler:
def compile(self, reason):
print "-- compiling %s for %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, reason)
print "in baseDict: ", self
rawDict = self.rawDict
data = []
for name in self.dictObj.order:
@ -1132,7 +1343,10 @@ class DictCompiler:
l = len(argType)
assert len(value) == l, "value doesn't match arg type"
for i in range(l):
arg = argType[l - i - 1]
# why was this here? arg = argType[l - i - 1]
# In the case of the ROS, it assigns exactly the
# wrong handler types
arg = argType[i]
v = value[i]
arghandler = getattr(self, "arg_" + arg)
@ -1179,12 +1393,25 @@ class TopDictCompiler(DictCompiler):
def getChildren(self, strings):
children = []
if hasattr(self.dictObj, "charset"):
if hasattr(self.dictObj, "charset") and self.dictObj.charset:
children.append(CharsetCompiler(strings, self.dictObj.charset, self))
if hasattr(self.dictObj, "Encoding"):
encoding = self.dictObj.Encoding
if not isinstance(encoding, StringType):
children.append(EncodingCompiler(strings, encoding, self))
if hasattr(self.dictObj, "FDSelect"):
# I have not yet supported merging a ttx CFF-CID font, as there are interesting
# issues about merging the FDArrays. Here I assume that
# either the font was read from XML, and teh FDSelect indices are all
# in the charstring data, or the FDSelect array is already fully defined.
fdSelect = self.dictObj.FDSelect
if len(fdSelect) == 0: # probably read in from XML; assume fdIndex in CharString data
charStrings = self.dictObj.CharStrings
for name in self.dictObj.charset:
charstring = charStrings[name]
fdSelectComp = FDSelectCompiler(fdSelect, self)
if hasattr(self.dictObj, "CharStrings"):
items = []
charStrings = self.dictObj.CharStrings
@ -1192,6 +1419,26 @@ class TopDictCompiler(DictCompiler):
charStringsComp = CharStringsCompiler(items, strings, self)
if hasattr(self.dictObj, "FDArray"):
# I have not yet supported merging a ttx CFF-CID font, as there are interesting
# issues about merging the FDArrays. Here I assume that the FDArray info is correct
# and complete.
fdArrayIndexComp = self.dictObj.FDArray.getCompiler(strings, self)
if hasattr(self.dictObj, "Private"):
privComp = self.dictObj.Private.getCompiler(strings, self)
return children
class FontDictCompiler(DictCompiler):
opcodes = buildOpcodeDict(topDictOperators)
def getChildren(self, strings):
children = []
if hasattr(self.dictObj, "Private"):
privComp = self.dictObj.Private.getCompiler(strings, self)
@ -1293,6 +1540,8 @@ class TopDict(BaseDict):
def toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress):
if hasattr(self, "CharStrings"):
if hasattr(self, "ROS"):
self.skipNames = ['Encoding']
if not hasattr(self, "ROS") or not hasattr(self, "CharStrings"):
# these values have default values, but I only want them to show up
# in CID fonts.
@ -1304,12 +1553,39 @@ class TopDict(BaseDict):
# XXX only when doing ttdump -i?
i = 0
for charString in self.CharStrings.values():
print "Error in charstring ", i
import sys
type, value = sys. exc_info()[0:2]
raise type(value)
if not i % 30 and progress:
progress.increment(0) # update
i = i + 1
class FontDict(BaseDict):
defaults = buildDefaults(topDictOperators)
converters = buildConverters(topDictOperators)
order = buildOrder(topDictOperators)
decompilerClass = None
compilerClass = FontDictCompiler
def __init__(self, strings=None, file=None, offset=None, GlobalSubrs=None):
BaseDict.__init__(self, strings, file, offset)
self.GlobalSubrs = GlobalSubrs
def getGlyphOrder(self):
return self.charset
def toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress):
self.skipNames = ['Encoding']
BaseDict.toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress)
class PrivateDict(BaseDict):
defaults = buildDefaults(privateDictOperators)
converters = buildConverters(privateDictOperators)
@ -1437,4 +1713,3 @@ assert len(cffStandardStrings) == cffStandardStringCount
cffStandardStringMapping = {}
for _i in range(cffStandardStringCount):
cffStandardStringMapping[cffStandardStrings[_i]] = _i
Reference in New Issue
Block a user