[varLib tests] another designspace and ufo test sources
This is a simpler designspace intended for testing the support of GSUB and GPOS merging.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
table head {
FontRevision 2.020;
} head;
table name {
nameid 9 "Paul D. Hunt";
nameid 9 1 "Paul D. Hunt";
} name;
table hhea {
Ascender 984;
Descender -273;
LineGap 0;
} hhea;
table BASE {
HorizAxis.BaseTagList ideo romn;
latn romn -170 0,
grek romn -170 0,
cyrl romn -170 0,
DFLT romn -170 0;
table OS/2 {
Panose 2 11 3 3 3 4 3 2 2 4;
XHeight 478;
WeightClass 200;
TypoAscender 750;
TypoDescender -250;
TypoLineGap 0;
winAscent 984;
winDescent 273;
CapHeight 660;
WidthClass 5;
Vendor "ADBO";
FSType 0;
} OS/2;
languagesystem DFLT dflt;
languagesystem latn dflt;
# GSUB =========================================
# Merging of GSUB is not performed. The variable
# font will inherit the GSUB table from the
# base master.
feature c2sc {
sub A by A.sc; # GSUB LookupType 1
} c2sc;
feature ss01 {
featureNames {
name "Alternate a";
name 1 0 0 "Alternate a";};
sub a by a.alt;
} ss01;
feature ccmp {
sub ampersand by a n d; # GSUB LookupType 2
} ccmp;
feature salt {
sub a from [a.alt A.sc]; # GSUB LookupType 3
} salt;
feature liga {
sub f t by f_t; # GSUB LookupType 4
} liga;
feature calt {
sub a' t by a.alt; # GSUB LookupType 6
} calt;
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
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