subset_test: mock hb.repack raising an error to test pure-python fallback

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Cosimo Lupo 2022-04-19 15:26:27 +01:00
parent 822bbb2c69
commit f6e212cc2d

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import io
import fontTools.ttLib.tables.otBase
from fontTools.misc.testTools import getXML, stripVariableItemsFromTTX
from fontTools.misc.textTools import tobytes, tostr
from fontTools import subset
@ -798,15 +799,60 @@ class SubsetTest:
["GlyphOrder", "GPOS"],
def test_harfbuzz_repacker(self):
"installed, ok",
pytest.param(True, True, id="installed-ok"),
pytest.param(True, False, id="installed-fail"),
pytest.param(False, True, id="not_installed"),
def test_harfbuzz_repacker(self, caplog, monkeypatch, installed, ok):
# Use a mock to test the pure-python serializer is used when uharfbuzz
# returns an error or is not installed
have_uharfbuzz = fontTools.ttLib.tables.otBase.have_uharfbuzz
if installed:
if not have_uharfbuzz:
pytest.skip("uharfbuzz is not installed")
if not ok:
# pretend hb.repack returns an error
import uharfbuzz as hb
def mock_repack(data, obj_list):
raise hb.RepackerError("mocking")
monkeypatch.setattr(hb, "repack", mock_repack)
if have_uharfbuzz:
# pretend uharfbuzz is not installed
fontTools.ttLib.tables.otBase, "have_uharfbuzz", False
fontpath = self.compile_font(self.getpath("harfbuzz_repacker.ttx"), ".otf")
subsetpath = self.temp_path(".otf")
subset.main([fontpath, "--unicodes=0x53a9", "--layout-features=*",
"--output-file=%s" % subsetpath])
with caplog.at_level(logging.ERROR, "fontTools.ttLib.tables.otBase"):
subsetfont = TTFont(subsetpath)
self.expect_ttx(subsetfont, self.getpath("expect_harfbuzz_repacker.ttx"),
# both hb.repack and pure-python serializer compile to the same ttx
subsetfont, self.getpath("expect_harfbuzz_repacker.ttx"), ["GSUB"]
# test we emit a log.error if hb.repack fails (and we don't if successful)
assert (
"hb.repack failed, reverting to pure-python serializer; "
"the error message was: mocking"
) in caplog.text
) ^ ok