* Replaced all from ...py23 import * with explicit name imports, or removed completely when possible.
* Replaced tounicode() with tostr()
* Changed all BytesIO ans StringIO imports to from io import ..., replaced all UnicodeIO with StringIO.
* Replaced all unichr() with chr()
* Misc minor tweaks and fixes
otherwise `not NotImplemented` (always False) is returned from __ne__ when `type(self) != type(other)`, leading to illogic results like:
>>> from fontTools.ttLib.tables.DefaultTable import DefaultTable
>>> t = DefaultTable('test')
>>> t == 0
>>> t != 0
The latter of course should return True.
If nTracks == 0, nSizes is also == 0, the `else` part is sufficient.
There's a limit case when nTracks can be > 0, and nSizes == 0, but it's
unlikely or useless.