Historically, Extension lookups were only decompiled upon access,
and decompiled Extension lookups were possibly copied verbatim to
output when compiling. This discrepancy with all other table types
is confusing and undeed. The possible time saving is not worth the
loss in possible optimization of table data. Remove.
Apparently the SIL Gentium fonts have wrong sorting in Coverage
tables. That's broken by the spec, but shapers still work with
such fonts. So, we warn when reading, and when writing, such
out-of-order coverage tables.
# support virtual GIDs, support handling some GSUB offset overflows.
# 1) make getReverseGlyphMap a public function; I find a reverse map
to often be useful
# 2) support virtual glyphs, e.g. references to GID's that are not in the font.
# Added the TTFont argument allowVID (default 0) to turn this off and on;
# added the arg requireReal ( default 0) so as to get the obvious
default behaviour when
# allowVID is 0 or 1, but to allow requiring a true GID when allowVID is 1.
# 1) speed optimization
# - collapse for loops
# - do not decompile extension lookups until a record is requested
from within the lookup.
# 2) handling offset overflows
# 3) support of extension lookups
# 4) Fixed FetauresParam converter class def so as to survive a font
that has this offset non-NULL.
# This fixes a stack dump.
# The data will now just get ignored
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/fonttools/code/trunk@511 4cde692c-a291-49d1-8350-778aa11640f8
Deal with empty Coverage table: it will be None so won't have a .glyphs
git-svn-id: svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/fonttools/code/trunk@471 4cde692c-a291-49d1-8350-778aa11640f8