from fontTools.misc.testTools import FakeFont, getXML, parseXML from fontTools.misc.textTools import bytechr, bytesjoin, deHexStr, hexStr from fontTools.ttLib import newTable import unittest # A simple 'morx' table with non-contextual glyph substitution. # Unfortunately, the Apple spec for 'morx' does not contain a complete example. # The test case has therefore been adapted from the example 'mort' table in # MORX_NONCONTEXTUAL_DATA = deHexStr( "0002 0000 " # 0: Version=2, Reserved=0 "0000 0001 " # 4: MorphChainCount=1 "0000 0001 " # 8: DefaultFlags=1 "0000 0058 " # 12: StructLength=88 "0000 0003 " # 16: MorphFeatureCount=3 "0000 0001 " # 20: MorphSubtableCount=1 "0004 0000 " # 24: Feature[0].FeatureType=4/VertSubst, .FeatureSetting=on "0000 0001 " # 28: Feature[0].EnableFlags=0x00000001 "FFFF FFFF " # 32: Feature[0].DisableFlags=0xFFFFFFFF "0004 0001 " # 36: Feature[1].FeatureType=4/VertSubst, .FeatureSetting=off "0000 0000 " # 40: Feature[1].EnableFlags=0x00000000 "FFFF FFFE " # 44: Feature[1].DisableFlags=0xFFFFFFFE "0000 0001 " # 48: Feature[2].FeatureType=0/GlyphEffects, .FeatSetting=off "0000 0000 " # 52: Feature[2].EnableFlags=0 (required for last feature) "0000 0000 " # 56: Feature[2].EnableFlags=0 (required for last feature) "0000 0024 " # 60: Subtable[0].StructLength=36 "80 " # 64: Subtable[0].CoverageFlags=0x80 "00 00 " # 65: Subtable[0].Reserved=0 "04 " # 67: Subtable[0].MorphType=4/NoncontextualMorph "0000 0001 " # 68: Subtable[0].SubFeatureFlags=0x1 "0006 0004 " # 72: LookupFormat=6, UnitSize=4 "0002 0008 " # 76: NUnits=2, SearchRange=8 "0001 0000 " # 80: EntrySelector=1, RangeShift=0 "000B 0087 " # 84: Glyph=11 (parenleft); Value=135 (parenleft.vertical) "000D 0088 " # 88: Glyph=13 (parenright); Value=136 (parenright.vertical) "FFFF 0000 " # 92: Glyph=; Value=0 ) # 96: assert len(MORX_NONCONTEXTUAL_DATA) == 96 MORX_NONCONTEXTUAL_XML = [ '', '', "", '', ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", "", ] MORX_REARRANGEMENT_DATA = deHexStr( "0002 0000 " # 0: Version=2, Reserved=0 "0000 0001 " # 4: MorphChainCount=1 "0000 0001 " # 8: DefaultFlags=1 "0000 0078 " # 12: StructLength=120 (+8=128) "0000 0000 " # 16: MorphFeatureCount=0 "0000 0001 " # 20: MorphSubtableCount=1 "0000 0068 " # 24: Subtable[0].StructLength=104 (+24=128) "80 " # 28: Subtable[0].CoverageFlags=0x80 "00 00 " # 29: Subtable[0].Reserved=0 "00 " # 31: Subtable[0].MorphType=0/RearrangementMorph "0000 0001 " # 32: Subtable[0].SubFeatureFlags=0x1 "0000 0006 " # 36: STXHeader.ClassCount=6 "0000 0010 " # 40: STXHeader.ClassTableOffset=16 (+36=52) "0000 0028 " # 44: STXHeader.StateArrayOffset=40 (+36=76) "0000 004C " # 48: STXHeader.EntryTableOffset=76 (+36=112) "0006 0004 " # 52: ClassTable.LookupFormat=6, .UnitSize=4 "0002 0008 " # 56: .NUnits=2, .SearchRange=8 "0001 0000 " # 60: .EntrySelector=1, .RangeShift=0 "0001 0005 " # 64: Glyph=A; Class=5 "0003 0004 " # 68: Glyph=C; Class=4 "FFFF 0000 " # 72: Glyph=; Value=0 "0000 0001 0002 0003 0002 0001 " # 76: State[0][0..5] "0003 0003 0003 0003 0003 0003 " # 88: State[1][0..5] "0001 0003 0003 0003 0002 0002 " # 100: State[2][0..5] "0002 FFFF " # 112: Entries[0].NewState=2, .Flags=0xFFFF "0001 A00D " # 116: Entries[1].NewState=1, .Flags=0xA00D "0000 8006 " # 120: Entries[2].NewState=0, .Flags=0x8006 "0002 0000 " # 124: Entries[3].NewState=2, .Flags=0x0000 ) # 128: assert len(MORX_REARRANGEMENT_DATA) == 128, len(MORX_REARRANGEMENT_DATA) MORX_REARRANGEMENT_XML = [ '', '', "", '', ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "", ] # Taken from “Example 1: A contextal substituation table” in # # as retrieved on 2017-09-05. # # Compared to the example table in Apple’s specification, we’ve # made the following changes: # # * at offsets 0..35, we’ve prepended 36 bytes of boilerplate # to make the data a structurally valid ‘morx’ table; # # * at offset 36 (offset 0 in Apple’s document), we’ve changed # the number of glyph classes from 5 to 6 because the encoded # finite-state machine has transitions for six different glyph # classes (0..5); # # * at offset 52 (offset 16 in Apple’s document), we’ve replaced # the presumably leftover ‘XXX’ mark by an actual data offset; # # * at offset 72 (offset 36 in Apple’s document), we’ve changed # the input GlyphID from 51 to 52. With the original value of 51, # the glyph class lookup table can be encoded with equally many # bytes in either format 2 or 6; after changing the GlyphID to 52, # the most compact encoding is lookup format 6, as used in Apple’s # example; # # * at offset 90 (offset 54 in Apple’s document), we’ve changed # the value for the lookup end-of-table marker from 1 to 0. # Fonttools always uses zero for this value, whereas Apple’s # spec examples are inconsistently using one of {0, 1, 0xFFFF} # for this filler value; # # * at offset 172 (offset 136 in Apple’s document), we’ve again changed # the input GlyphID from 51 to 52, for the same reason as above. # # TODO: Ask Apple to fix “Example 1” in the ‘morx’ specification. MORX_CONTEXTUAL_DATA = deHexStr( "0002 0000 " # 0: Version=2, Reserved=0 "0000 0001 " # 4: MorphChainCount=1 "0000 0001 " # 8: DefaultFlags=1 "0000 00B4 " # 12: StructLength=180 (+8=188) "0000 0000 " # 16: MorphFeatureCount=0 "0000 0001 " # 20: MorphSubtableCount=1 "0000 00A4 " # 24: Subtable[0].StructLength=164 (+24=188) "80 " # 28: Subtable[0].CoverageFlags=0x80 "00 00 " # 29: Subtable[0].Reserved=0 "01 " # 31: Subtable[0].MorphType=1/ContextualMorph "0000 0001 " # 32: Subtable[0].SubFeatureFlags=0x1 "0000 0006 " # 36: STXHeader.ClassCount=6 "0000 0014 " # 40: STXHeader.ClassTableOffset=20 (+36=56) "0000 0038 " # 44: STXHeader.StateArrayOffset=56 (+36=92) "0000 005C " # 48: STXHeader.EntryTableOffset=92 (+36=128) "0000 0074 " # 52: STXHeader.PerGlyphTableOffset=116 (+36=152) # Glyph class table. "0006 0004 " # 56: ClassTable.LookupFormat=6, .UnitSize=4 "0005 0010 " # 60: .NUnits=5, .SearchRange=16 "0002 0004 " # 64: .EntrySelector=2, .RangeShift=4 "0032 0004 " # 68: Glyph=50; Class=4 "0034 0004 " # 72: Glyph=52; Class=4 "0050 0005 " # 76: Glyph=80; Class=5 "00C9 0004 " # 80: Glyph=201; Class=4 "00CA 0004 " # 84: Glyph=202; Class=4 "FFFF 0000 " # 88: Glyph=; Value= # State array. "0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 " # 92: State[0][0..5] "0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 " # 104: State[1][0..5] "0000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0001 " # 116: State[2][0..5] # Entry table. "0000 0000 " # 128: Entries[0].NewState=0, .Flags=0 "FFFF FFFF " # 132: Entries[0].MarkSubst=None, .CurSubst=None "0002 0000 " # 136: Entries[1].NewState=2, .Flags=0 "FFFF FFFF " # 140: Entries[1].MarkSubst=None, .CurSubst=None "0000 0000 " # 144: Entries[2].NewState=0, .Flags=0 "FFFF 0000 " # 148: Entries[2].MarkSubst=None, .CurSubst=PerGlyph #0 # 152: # Per-glyph lookup tables. "0000 0004 " # 152: Offset from this point to per-glyph lookup #0. # Per-glyph lookup #0. "0006 0004 " # 156: ClassTable.LookupFormat=6, .UnitSize=4 "0004 0010 " # 160: .NUnits=4, .SearchRange=16 "0002 0000 " # 164: .EntrySelector=2, .RangeShift=0 "0032 0258 " # 168: Glyph=50; ReplacementGlyph=600 "0034 0259 " # 172: Glyph=52; ReplacementGlyph=601 "00C9 025A " # 176: Glyph=201; ReplacementGlyph=602 "00CA 0384 " # 180: Glyph=202; ReplacementGlyph=900 "FFFF 0000 " # 184: Glyph=; Value= ) # 188: assert len(MORX_CONTEXTUAL_DATA) == 188, len(MORX_CONTEXTUAL_DATA) MORX_CONTEXTUAL_XML = [ '', '', "", '', ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", "", ] # Taken from “Example 2: A ligature table” in # # as retrieved on 2017-09-11. # # Compared to the example table in Apple’s specification, we’ve # made the following changes: # # * at offsets 0..35, we’ve prepended 36 bytes of boilerplate # to make the data a structurally valid ‘morx’ table; # # * at offsets 88..91 (offsets 52..55 in Apple’s document), we’ve # changed the range of the third segment from 23..24 to 26..28. # The hexdump values in Apple’s specification are completely wrong; # the values from the comments would work, but they can be encoded # more compactly than in the specification example. For round-trip # testing, we omit the ‘f’ glyph, which makes AAT lookup format 2 # the most compact encoding; # # * at offsets 92..93 (offsets 56..57 in Apple’s document), we’ve # changed the glyph class of the third segment from 5 to 6, which # matches the values from the comments to the spec (but not the # Apple’s hexdump). # # TODO: Ask Apple to fix “Example 2” in the ‘morx’ specification. MORX_LIGATURE_DATA = deHexStr( "0002 0000 " # 0: Version=2, Reserved=0 "0000 0001 " # 4: MorphChainCount=1 "0000 0001 " # 8: DefaultFlags=1 "0000 00DA " # 12: StructLength=218 (+8=226) "0000 0000 " # 16: MorphFeatureCount=0 "0000 0001 " # 20: MorphSubtableCount=1 "0000 00CA " # 24: Subtable[0].StructLength=202 (+24=226) "80 " # 28: Subtable[0].CoverageFlags=0x80 "00 00 " # 29: Subtable[0].Reserved=0 "02 " # 31: Subtable[0].MorphType=2/LigatureMorph "0000 0001 " # 32: Subtable[0].SubFeatureFlags=0x1 # State table header. "0000 0007 " # 36: STXHeader.ClassCount=7 "0000 001C " # 40: STXHeader.ClassTableOffset=28 (+36=64) "0000 0040 " # 44: STXHeader.StateArrayOffset=64 (+36=100) "0000 0078 " # 48: STXHeader.EntryTableOffset=120 (+36=156) "0000 0090 " # 52: STXHeader.LigActionsOffset=144 (+36=180) "0000 009C " # 56: STXHeader.LigComponentsOffset=156 (+36=192) "0000 00AE " # 60: STXHeader.LigListOffset=174 (+36=210) # Glyph class table. "0002 0006 " # 64: ClassTable.LookupFormat=2, .UnitSize=6 "0003 000C " # 68: .NUnits=3, .SearchRange=12 "0001 0006 " # 72: .EntrySelector=1, .RangeShift=6 "0016 0014 0004 " # 76: GlyphID 20..22 [a..c] -> GlyphClass 4 "0018 0017 0005 " # 82: GlyphID 23..24 [d..e] -> GlyphClass 5 "001C 001A 0006 " # 88: GlyphID 26..28 [g..i] -> GlyphClass 6 "FFFF FFFF 0000 " # 94: # State array. "0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 " # 100: State[0][0..6] "0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 " # 114: State[1][0..6] "0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0002 0000 " # 128: State[2][0..6] "0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0002 0003 " # 142: State[3][0..6] # Entry table. "0000 0000 " # 156: Entries[0].NewState=0, .Flags=0 "0000 " # 160: Entries[0].ActionIndex= because no 0x2000 flag "0002 8000 " # 162: Entries[1].NewState=2, .Flags=0x8000 (SetComponent) "0000 " # 166: Entries[1].ActionIndex= because no 0x2000 flag "0003 8000 " # 168: Entries[2].NewState=3, .Flags=0x8000 (SetComponent) "0000 " # 172: Entries[2].ActionIndex= because no 0x2000 flag "0000 A000 " # 174: Entries[3].NewState=0, .Flags=0xA000 (SetComponent,Act) "0000 " # 178: Entries[3].ActionIndex=0 (start at Action[0]) # Ligature actions table. "3FFF FFE7 " # 180: Action[0].Flags=0, .GlyphIndexDelta=-25 "3FFF FFED " # 184: Action[1].Flags=0, .GlyphIndexDelta=-19 "BFFF FFF2 " # 188: Action[2].Flags=, .GlyphIndexDelta=-14 # Ligature component table. "0000 0001 " # 192: LigComponent[0]=0, LigComponent[1]=1 "0002 0003 " # 196: LigComponent[2]=2, LigComponent[3]=3 "0000 0004 " # 200: LigComponent[4]=0, LigComponent[5]=4 "0000 0008 " # 204: LigComponent[6]=0, LigComponent[7]=8 "0010 " # 208: LigComponent[8]=16 # Ligature list. "03E8 03E9 " # 210: LigList[0]=1000, LigList[1]=1001 "03EA 03EB " # 214: LigList[2]=1002, LigList[3]=1003 "03EC 03ED " # 218: LigList[4]=1004, LigList[3]=1005 "03EE 03EF " # 222: LigList[5]=1006, LigList[6]=1007 ) # 226: assert len(MORX_LIGATURE_DATA) == 226, len(MORX_LIGATURE_DATA) MORX_LIGATURE_XML = [ '', '', "", '', ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", "", ] # Taken from the `morx` table of the second font in DevanagariSangamMN.ttc # on macOS X 10.12.6; manually pruned to just contain the insertion lookup. MORX_INSERTION_DATA = deHexStr( "0002 0000 " # 0: Version=2, Reserved=0 "0000 0001 " # 4: MorphChainCount=1 "0000 0001 " # 8: DefaultFlags=1 "0000 00A4 " # 12: StructLength=164 (+8=172) "0000 0000 " # 16: MorphFeatureCount=0 "0000 0001 " # 20: MorphSubtableCount=1 "0000 0094 " # 24: Subtable[0].StructLength=148 (+24=172) "00 " # 28: Subtable[0].CoverageFlags=0x00 "00 00 " # 29: Subtable[0].Reserved=0 "05 " # 31: Subtable[0].MorphType=5/InsertionMorph "0000 0001 " # 32: Subtable[0].SubFeatureFlags=0x1 "0000 0006 " # 36: STXHeader.ClassCount=6 "0000 0014 " # 40: STXHeader.ClassTableOffset=20 (+36=56) "0000 004A " # 44: STXHeader.StateArrayOffset=74 (+36=110) "0000 006E " # 48: STXHeader.EntryTableOffset=110 (+36=146) "0000 0086 " # 52: STXHeader.InsertionActionOffset=134 (+36=170) # Glyph class table. "0002 0006 " # 56: ClassTable.LookupFormat=2, .UnitSize=6 "0006 0018 " # 60: .NUnits=6, .SearchRange=24 "0002 000C " # 64: .EntrySelector=2, .RangeShift=12 "00AC 00AC 0005 " # 68: GlyphID 172..172 -> GlyphClass 5 "01EB 01E6 0005 " # 74: GlyphID 486..491 -> GlyphClass 5 "01F0 01F0 0004 " # 80: GlyphID 496..496 -> GlyphClass 4 "01F8 01F6 0004 " # 88: GlyphID 502..504 -> GlyphClass 4 "01FC 01FA 0004 " # 92: GlyphID 506..508 -> GlyphClass 4 "0250 0250 0005 " # 98: GlyphID 592..592 -> GlyphClass 5 "FFFF FFFF 0000 " # 104: # State array. "0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 " # 110: State[0][0..5] "0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 " # 122: State[1][0..5] "0000 0000 0001 0000 0001 0002 " # 134: State[2][0..5] # Entry table. "0000 0000 " # 146: Entries[0].NewState=0, .Flags=0 "FFFF " # 150: Entries[0].CurrentInsertIndex= "FFFF " # 152: Entries[0].MarkedInsertIndex= "0002 0000 " # 154: Entries[1].NewState=0, .Flags=0 "FFFF " # 158: Entries[1].CurrentInsertIndex= "FFFF " # 160: Entries[1].MarkedInsertIndex= "0000 " # 162: Entries[2].NewState=0 "2820 " # 164: .Flags=CurrentIsKashidaLike,CurrentInsertBefore # .CurrentInsertCount=1, .MarkedInsertCount=0 "0000 " # 166: Entries[1].CurrentInsertIndex=0 "FFFF " # 168: Entries[1].MarkedInsertIndex= # Insertion action table. "022F" # 170: InsertionActionTable[0]=GlyphID 559 ) # 172: assert len(MORX_INSERTION_DATA) == 172, len(MORX_INSERTION_DATA) MORX_INSERTION_XML = [ '', '', "", '', ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "", ] class MORXNoncontextualGlyphSubstitutionTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.maxDiff = None glyphs = [".notdef"] + ["g.%d" % i for i in range(1, 140)] glyphs[11], glyphs[13] = "parenleft", "parenright" glyphs[135], glyphs[136] = "parenleft.vertical", "parenright.vertical" cls.font = FakeFont(glyphs) def test_decompile_toXML(self): table = newTable("morx") table.decompile(MORX_NONCONTEXTUAL_DATA, self.font) self.assertEqual(getXML(table.toXML), MORX_NONCONTEXTUAL_XML) def test_compile_fromXML(self): table = newTable("morx") for name, attrs, content in parseXML(MORX_NONCONTEXTUAL_XML): table.fromXML(name, attrs, content, font=self.font) self.assertEqual( hexStr(table.compile(self.font)), hexStr(MORX_NONCONTEXTUAL_DATA) ) class MORXRearrangementTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.maxDiff = None cls.font = FakeFont([".nodef", "A", "B", "C"]) def test_decompile_toXML(self): table = newTable("morx") table.decompile(MORX_REARRANGEMENT_DATA, self.font) self.assertEqual(getXML(table.toXML), MORX_REARRANGEMENT_XML) def test_compile_fromXML(self): table = newTable("morx") for name, attrs, content in parseXML(MORX_REARRANGEMENT_XML): table.fromXML(name, attrs, content, font=self.font) self.assertEqual( hexStr(table.compile(self.font)), hexStr(MORX_REARRANGEMENT_DATA) ) class MORXContextualSubstitutionTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.maxDiff = None g = [".notdef"] + ["g.%d" % i for i in range(1, 910)] g[80] = "C" g[50], g[52], g[201], g[202] = "A", "B", "X", "Y" g[600], g[601], g[602], g[900] = ("A.swash", "B.swash", "X.swash", "Y.swash") cls.font = FakeFont(g) def test_decompile_toXML(self): table = newTable("morx") table.decompile(MORX_CONTEXTUAL_DATA, self.font) self.assertEqual(getXML(table.toXML), MORX_CONTEXTUAL_XML) def test_compile_fromXML(self): table = newTable("morx") for name, attrs, content in parseXML(MORX_CONTEXTUAL_XML): table.fromXML(name, attrs, content, font=self.font) self.assertEqual(hexStr(table.compile(self.font)), hexStr(MORX_CONTEXTUAL_DATA)) class MORXLigatureSubstitutionTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.maxDiff = None g = [".notdef"] + ["g.%d" % i for i in range(1, 1515)] g[20:29] = "a b c d e f g h i".split() g[1000:1008] = "adf adg adh adi aef aeg aeh aei".split() g[1008:1016] = "bdf bdg bdh bdi bef beg beh bei".split() g[1500:1507] = "cdf cdg cdh cdi cef ceg ceh".split() g[1511] = "cei" cls.font = FakeFont(g) def test_decompile_toXML(self): table = newTable("morx") table.decompile(MORX_LIGATURE_DATA, self.font) self.assertEqual(getXML(table.toXML), MORX_LIGATURE_XML) def test_compile_fromXML(self): table = newTable("morx") for name, attrs, content in parseXML(MORX_LIGATURE_XML): table.fromXML(name, attrs, content, font=self.font) self.assertEqual(hexStr(table.compile(self.font)), hexStr(MORX_LIGATURE_DATA)) class MORXGlyphInsertionTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.maxDiff = None cls.font = FakeFont([".notdef"] + ["g.%d" % i for i in range(1, 910)]) def test_decompile_toXML(self): table = newTable("morx") table.decompile(MORX_INSERTION_DATA, self.font) self.assertEqual(getXML(table.toXML), MORX_INSERTION_XML) def test_compile_fromXML(self): table = newTable("morx") for name, attrs, content in parseXML(MORX_INSERTION_XML): table.fromXML(name, attrs, content, font=self.font) self.assertEqual(hexStr(table.compile(self.font)), hexStr(MORX_INSERTION_DATA)) class MORXCoverageFlagsTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.maxDiff = None cls.font = FakeFont([".notdef", "A", "B", "C"]) def checkFlags(self, flags, textDirection, processingOrder, checkCompile=True): data = bytesjoin( [ MORX_REARRANGEMENT_DATA[:28], bytechr(flags << 4), MORX_REARRANGEMENT_DATA[29:], ] ) xml = [] for line in MORX_REARRANGEMENT_XML: if line.startswith(" ', xml) table2 = newTable("morx") for name, attrs, content in parseXML(xml): table2.fromXML(name, attrs, content, font=self.font) self.assertEqual(hexStr(table2.compile(self.font)[28:31]), "8abcde") class UnsupportedMorxLookupTest(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, methodName): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName) # Python 3 renamed assertRaisesRegexp to assertRaisesRegex, # and fires deprecation warnings if a program uses the old name. if not hasattr(self, "assertRaisesRegex"): self.assertRaisesRegex = self.assertRaisesRegexp def test_unsupportedLookupType(self): data = bytesjoin( [MORX_NONCONTEXTUAL_DATA[:67], bytechr(66), MORX_NONCONTEXTUAL_DATA[69:]] ) with self.assertRaisesRegex( AssertionError, r"unsupported 'morx' lookup type 66" ): morx = newTable("morx") morx.decompile(data, FakeFont([".notdef"])) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys sys.exit(unittest.main())