import math from fontTools.pens.basePen import AbstractPen from ufoLib.pointPen import AbstractPointPen from robofab.pens.pointPen import BasePointToSegmentPen class PointToSegmentPen(BasePointToSegmentPen): """Adapter class that converts the PointPen protocol to the (Segment)Pen protocol. """ def __init__(self, segmentPen, outputImpliedClosingLine=False): BasePointToSegmentPen.__init__(self) self.pen = segmentPen self.outputImpliedClosingLine = outputImpliedClosingLine def _flushContour(self, segments): assert len(segments) >= 1 pen = self.pen if segments[0][0] == "move": # It's an open path. closed = False points = segments[0][1] assert len(points) == 1 movePt, smooth, name, kwargs = points[0] del segments[0] else: # It's a closed path, do a moveTo to the last # point of the last segment. closed = True segmentType, points = segments[-1] movePt, smooth, name, kwargs = points[-1] if movePt is None: # quad special case: a contour with no on-curve points contains # one "qcurve" segment that ends with a point that's None. We # must not output a moveTo() in that case. pass else: pen.moveTo(movePt) outputImpliedClosingLine = self.outputImpliedClosingLine nSegments = len(segments) for i in range(nSegments): segmentType, points = segments[i] points = [pt for pt, smooth, name, kwargs in points] if segmentType == "line": assert len(points) == 1 pt = points[0] if i + 1 != nSegments or outputImpliedClosingLine or not closed: pen.lineTo(pt) elif segmentType == "curve": pen.curveTo(*points) elif segmentType == "qcurve": pen.qCurveTo(*points) else: assert 0, "illegal segmentType: %s" % segmentType if closed: pen.closePath() else: pen.endPath() def addComponent(self, glyphName, transform): self.pen.addComponent(glyphName, transform) class SegmentToPointPen(AbstractPen): """Adapter class that converts the (Segment)Pen protocol to the PointPen protocol. """ def __init__(self, pointPen, guessSmooth=True): if guessSmooth: self.pen = GuessSmoothPointPen(pointPen) else: self.pen = pointPen self.contour = None def _flushContour(self): pen = self.pen pen.beginPath() for pt, segmentType in self.contour: pen.addPoint(pt, segmentType=segmentType) pen.endPath() def moveTo(self, pt): self.contour = [] self.contour.append((pt, "move")) def lineTo(self, pt): self.contour.append((pt, "line")) def curveTo(self, *pts): for pt in pts[:-1]: self.contour.append((pt, None)) self.contour.append((pts[-1], "curve")) def qCurveTo(self, *pts): if pts[-1] is None: self.contour = [] for pt in pts[:-1]: self.contour.append((pt, None)) if pts[-1] is not None: self.contour.append((pts[-1], "qcurve")) def closePath(self): if len(self.contour) > 1 and self.contour[0][0] == self.contour[-1][0]: self.contour[0] = self.contour[-1] del self.contour[-1] else: # There's an implied line at the end, replace "move" with "line" # for the first point pt, tp = self.contour[0] if tp == "move": self.contour[0] = pt, "line" self._flushContour() self.contour = None def endPath(self): self._flushContour() self.contour = None def addComponent(self, glyphName, transform): assert self.contour is None self.pen.addComponent(glyphName, transform) class TransformPointPen(AbstractPointPen): """PointPen that transforms all coordinates, and passes them to another PointPen. It also transforms the transformation given to addComponent(). """ def __init__(self, outPen, transformation): if not hasattr(transformation, "transformPoint"): from fontTools.misc.transform import Transform transformation = Transform(*transformation) self._transformation = transformation self._transformPoint = transformation.transformPoint self._outPen = outPen self._stack = [] def beginPath(self): self._outPen.beginPath() def endPath(self): self._outPen.endPath() def addPoint(self, pt, segmentType=None, smooth=False, name=None, **kwargs): pt = self._transformPoint(pt) self._outPen.addPoint(pt, segmentType, smooth, name, **kwargs) def addComponent(self, glyphName, transformation): transformation = self._transformation.transform(transformation) self._outPen.addComponent(glyphName, transformation) class GuessSmoothPointPen(AbstractPointPen): """Filtering PointPen that tries to determine whether an on-curve point should be "smooth", ie. that it's a "tangent" point or a "curve" point. """ def __init__(self, outPen): self._outPen = outPen self._points = None def _flushContour(self): points = self._points nPoints = len(points) if not nPoints: return if points[0][1] == "move": # Open path. indices = range(1, nPoints - 1) elif nPoints > 1: # Closed path. To avoid having to mod the contour index, we # simply abuse Python's negative index feature, and start at -1 indices = range(-1, nPoints - 1) else: # closed path containing 1 point (!), ignore. indices = [] for i in indices: pt, segmentType, dummy, name, kwargs = points[i] if segmentType is None: continue prev = i - 1 next = i + 1 if points[prev][1] is not None and points[next][1] is not None: continue # At least one of our neighbors is an off-curve point pt = points[i][0] prevPt = points[prev][0] nextPt = points[next][0] if pt != prevPt and pt != nextPt: dx1, dy1 = pt[0] - prevPt[0], pt[1] - prevPt[1] dx2, dy2 = nextPt[0] - pt[0], nextPt[1] - pt[1] a1 = math.atan2(dx1, dy1) a2 = math.atan2(dx2, dy2) if abs(a1 - a2) < 0.05: points[i] = pt, segmentType, True, name, kwargs for pt, segmentType, smooth, name, kwargs in points: self._outPen.addPoint(pt, segmentType, smooth, name, **kwargs) def beginPath(self): assert self._points is None self._points = [] self._outPen.beginPath() def endPath(self): self._flushContour() self._outPen.endPath() self._points = None def addPoint(self, pt, segmentType=None, smooth=False, name=None, **kwargs): self._points.append((pt, segmentType, False, name, kwargs)) def addComponent(self, glyphName, transformation): assert self._points is None self._outPen.addComponent(glyphName, transformation) if __name__ == "__main__": from fontTools.pens.basePen import _TestPen as PSPen from robofab.pens.printingPens import PrintingPointPen segmentPen = PSPen(None) # pen = PointToSegmentPen(SegmentToPointPen(PointToSegmentPen(PSPen(None)))) pen = PointToSegmentPen(SegmentToPointPen(PrintingPointPen())) # pen = PrintingPointPen() pen = PointToSegmentPen(PSPen(None), outputImpliedClosingLine=False) # pen.beginPath() # pen.addPoint((50, 50), name="an anchor") # pen.endPath() pen.beginPath() pen.addPoint((-100, 0), segmentType="line") pen.addPoint((0, 0), segmentType="line") pen.addPoint((0, 100), segmentType="line") pen.addPoint((30, 200)) pen.addPoint((50, 100), name="superbezcontrolpoint!") pen.addPoint((70, 200)) pen.addPoint((100, 100), segmentType="curve") pen.addPoint((100, 0), segmentType="line") pen.endPath() # pen.addComponent("a", (1, 0, 0, 1, 100, 200))