from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from fontTools.misc.testTools import getXML from fontTools.otlLib import builder from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables import pytest class BuilderTest(object): GLYPHS = ( ".notdef space zero one two three four five six " "A B C a b c grave acute cedilla f_f_i f_i c_t" ).split() GLYPHMAP = {name: num for num, name in enumerate(GLYPHS)} ANCHOR1 = builder.buildAnchor(11, -11) ANCHOR2 = builder.buildAnchor(22, -22) ANCHOR3 = builder.buildAnchor(33, -33) def test_buildAnchor_format1(self): anchor = builder.buildAnchor(23, 42) assert getXML(anchor.toXML) == [ '', ' ', ' ', "", ] def test_buildAnchor_format2(self): anchor = builder.buildAnchor(23, 42, point=17) assert getXML(anchor.toXML) == [ '', ' ', ' ', ' ', "", ] def test_buildAnchor_format3(self): anchor = builder.buildAnchor( 23, 42, deviceX=builder.buildDevice({1: 1, 0: 0}), deviceY=builder.buildDevice({7: 7}), ) assert getXML(anchor.toXML) == [ '', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", "", ] def test_buildAttachList(self): attachList = builder.buildAttachList( {"zero": [23, 7], "one": [1]}, self.GLYPHMAP ) assert getXML(attachList.toXML) == [ "", " ", ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', " ", "", ] def test_buildAttachList_empty(self): assert builder.buildAttachList({}, self.GLYPHMAP) is None def test_buildAttachPoint(self): attachPoint = builder.buildAttachPoint([7, 3]) assert getXML(attachPoint.toXML) == [ "", " ", ' ', ' ', "", ] def test_buildAttachPoint_empty(self): assert builder.buildAttachPoint([]) is None def test_buildAttachPoint_duplicate(self): attachPoint = builder.buildAttachPoint([7, 3, 7]) assert getXML(attachPoint.toXML) == [ "", " ", ' ', ' ', "", ] def test_buildBaseArray(self): anchor = builder.buildAnchor baseArray = builder.buildBaseArray( {"a": {2: anchor(300, 80)}, "c": {1: anchor(300, 80), 2: anchor(300, -20)}}, numMarkClasses=4, glyphMap=self.GLYPHMAP, ) assert getXML(baseArray.toXML) == [ "", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", "", ] def test_buildBaseRecord(self): a = builder.buildAnchor rec = builder.buildBaseRecord([a(500, -20), None, a(300, -15)]) assert getXML(rec.toXML) == [ "", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", "", ] def test_buildCaretValueForCoord(self): caret = builder.buildCaretValueForCoord(500) assert getXML(caret.toXML) == [ '', ' ', "", ] def test_buildCaretValueForPoint(self): caret = builder.buildCaretValueForPoint(23) assert getXML(caret.toXML) == [ '', ' ', "", ] def test_buildComponentRecord(self): a = builder.buildAnchor rec = builder.buildComponentRecord([a(500, -20), None, a(300, -15)]) assert getXML(rec.toXML) == [ "", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", "", ] def test_buildComponentRecord_empty(self): assert builder.buildComponentRecord([]) is None def test_buildComponentRecord_None(self): assert builder.buildComponentRecord(None) is None def test_buildCoverage(self): cov = builder.buildCoverage({"two", "four"}, {"two": 2, "four": 4}) assert getXML(cov.toXML) == [ "", ' ', ' ', "", ] def test_buildCursivePos(self): pos = builder.buildCursivePosSubtable( {"two": (self.ANCHOR1, self.ANCHOR2), "four": (self.ANCHOR3, self.ANCHOR1)}, self.GLYPHMAP, ) assert getXML(pos.toXML) == [ '', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", "", ] def test_buildDevice_format1(self): device = builder.buildDevice({1: 1, 0: 0}) assert getXML(device.toXML) == [ "", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', "", ] def test_buildDevice_format2(self): device = builder.buildDevice({2: 2, 0: 1, 1: 0}) assert getXML(device.toXML) == [ "", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', "", ] def test_buildDevice_format3(self): device = builder.buildDevice({5: 3, 1: 77}) assert getXML(device.toXML) == [ "", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', "", ] def test_buildLigatureArray(self): anchor = builder.buildAnchor ligatureArray = builder.buildLigatureArray( { "f_i": [{2: anchor(300, -20)}, {}], "c_t": [{}, {1: anchor(500, 350), 2: anchor(1300, -20)}], }, numMarkClasses=4, glyphMap=self.GLYPHMAP, ) assert getXML(ligatureArray.toXML) == [ "", " ", ' ', # f_i " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", "", ] def test_buildLigatureAttach(self): anchor = builder.buildAnchor attach = builder.buildLigatureAttach( [[anchor(500, -10), None], [None, anchor(300, -20), None]] ) assert getXML(attach.toXML) == [ "", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", "", ] def test_buildLigatureAttach_emptyComponents(self): attach = builder.buildLigatureAttach([[], None]) assert getXML(attach.toXML) == [ "", " ", ' ', ' ', "", ] def test_buildLigatureAttach_noComponents(self): attach = builder.buildLigatureAttach([]) assert getXML(attach.toXML) == [ "", " ", "", ] def test_buildLigCaretList(self): carets = builder.buildLigCaretList( {"f_f_i": [300, 600]}, {"c_t": [42]}, self.GLYPHMAP ) assert getXML(carets.toXML) == [ "", " ", ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", " ", "", ] def test_buildLigCaretList_bothCoordsAndPointsForSameGlyph(self): carets = builder.buildLigCaretList( {"f_f_i": [300]}, {"f_f_i": [7]}, self.GLYPHMAP ) assert getXML(carets.toXML) == [ "", " ", ' ', " ", " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", " ", "", ] def test_buildLigCaretList_empty(self): assert builder.buildLigCaretList({}, {}, self.GLYPHMAP) is None def test_buildLigCaretList_None(self): assert builder.buildLigCaretList(None, None, self.GLYPHMAP) is None def test_buildLigGlyph_coords(self): lig = builder.buildLigGlyph([500, 800], None) assert getXML(lig.toXML) == [ "", " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", "", ] def test_buildLigGlyph_empty(self): assert builder.buildLigGlyph([], []) is None def test_buildLigGlyph_None(self): assert builder.buildLigGlyph(None, None) is None def test_buildLigGlyph_points(self): lig = builder.buildLigGlyph(None, [2]) assert getXML(lig.toXML) == [ "", " ", ' ', ' ', " ", "", ] def test_buildLookup(self): s1 = builder.buildSingleSubstSubtable({"one": "two"}) s2 = builder.buildSingleSubstSubtable({"three": "four"}) lookup = builder.buildLookup([s1, s2], flags=7) assert getXML(lookup.toXML) == [ "", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", "", ] def test_buildLookup_badFlags(self): s = builder.buildSingleSubstSubtable({"one": "two"}) with pytest.raises( AssertionError, match=( "if markFilterSet is None, flags must not set " "LOOKUP_FLAG_USE_MARK_FILTERING_SET; flags=0x0010" ), ) as excinfo: builder.buildLookup([s], builder.LOOKUP_FLAG_USE_MARK_FILTERING_SET, None) with pytest.raises( AssertionError, match=( "if markFilterSet is not None, flags must set " "LOOKUP_FLAG_USE_MARK_FILTERING_SET; flags=0x0004" ), ) as excinfo: builder.buildLookup([s], builder.LOOKUP_FLAG_IGNORE_LIGATURES, 777) def test_buildLookup_conflictingSubtableTypes(self): s1 = builder.buildSingleSubstSubtable({"one": "two"}) s2 = builder.buildAlternateSubstSubtable({"one": ["two", "three"]}) with pytest.raises( AssertionError, match="all subtables must have the same LookupType" ) as excinfo: builder.buildLookup([s1, s2]) def test_buildLookup_noSubtables(self): assert builder.buildLookup([]) is None assert builder.buildLookup(None) is None assert builder.buildLookup([None]) is None assert builder.buildLookup([None, None]) is None def test_buildLookup_markFilterSet(self): s = builder.buildSingleSubstSubtable({"one": "two"}) flags = ( builder.LOOKUP_FLAG_RIGHT_TO_LEFT | builder.LOOKUP_FLAG_USE_MARK_FILTERING_SET ) lookup = builder.buildLookup([s], flags, markFilterSet=999) assert getXML(lookup.toXML) == [ "", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', "", ] def test_buildMarkArray(self): markArray = builder.buildMarkArray( { "acute": (7, builder.buildAnchor(300, 800)), "grave": (2, builder.buildAnchor(10, 80)), }, self.GLYPHMAP, ) assert self.GLYPHMAP["grave"] < self.GLYPHMAP["acute"] assert getXML(markArray.toXML) == [ "", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", "", ] def test_buildMarkBasePosSubtable(self): anchor = builder.buildAnchor marks = { "acute": (0, anchor(300, 700)), "cedilla": (1, anchor(300, -100)), "grave": (0, anchor(300, 700)), } bases = { # Make sure we can handle missing entries. "A": {}, # no entry for any markClass "B": {0: anchor(500, 900)}, # only markClass 0 specified "C": {1: anchor(500, -10)}, # only markClass 1 specified "a": {0: anchor(500, 400), 1: anchor(500, -20)}, "b": {0: anchor(500, 800), 1: anchor(500, -20)}, } table = builder.buildMarkBasePosSubtable(marks, bases, self.GLYPHMAP) assert getXML(table.toXML) == [ '', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', # grave ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', # acute ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', # cedilla ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', # A ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', # B ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', # C ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', # a ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', # b ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", "", ] def test_buildMarkGlyphSetsDef(self): marksets = builder.buildMarkGlyphSetsDef( [{"acute", "grave"}, {"cedilla", "grave"}], self.GLYPHMAP ) assert getXML(marksets.toXML) == [ "", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", "", ] def test_buildMarkGlyphSetsDef_empty(self): assert builder.buildMarkGlyphSetsDef([], self.GLYPHMAP) is None def test_buildMarkGlyphSetsDef_None(self): assert builder.buildMarkGlyphSetsDef(None, self.GLYPHMAP) is None def test_buildMarkLigPosSubtable(self): anchor = builder.buildAnchor marks = { "acute": (0, anchor(300, 700)), "cedilla": (1, anchor(300, -100)), "grave": (0, anchor(300, 700)), } bases = { "f_i": [{}, {0: anchor(200, 400)}], # nothing on f; only 1 on i "c_t": [ {0: anchor(500, 600), 1: anchor(500, -20)}, # c {0: anchor(1300, 800), 1: anchor(1300, -20)}, # t ], } table = builder.buildMarkLigPosSubtable(marks, bases, self.GLYPHMAP) assert getXML(table.toXML) == [ '', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", "", ] def test_buildMarkRecord(self): rec = builder.buildMarkRecord(17, builder.buildAnchor(500, -20)) assert getXML(rec.toXML) == [ "", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", "", ] def test_buildMark2Record(self): a = builder.buildAnchor rec = builder.buildMark2Record([a(500, -20), None, a(300, -15)]) assert getXML(rec.toXML) == [ "", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", "", ] def test_buildPairPosClassesSubtable(self): d20 = builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": -20}) d50 = builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": -50}) d0 = builder.buildValue({}) d8020 = builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": -80, "YPlacement": -20}) subtable = builder.buildPairPosClassesSubtable( { (tuple("A"), tuple(["zero"])): (d0, d50), (tuple("A"), tuple(["one", "two"])): (None, d20), (tuple(["B", "C"]), tuple(["zero"])): (d8020, d50), }, self.GLYPHMAP, ) assert getXML(subtable.toXML) == [ '', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", "", ] def test_buildPairPosGlyphs(self): d50 = builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": -50}) d8020 = builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": -80, "YPlacement": -20}) subtables = builder.buildPairPosGlyphs( {("A", "zero"): (None, d50), ("A", "one"): (d8020, d50)}, self.GLYPHMAP ) assert sum([getXML(t.toXML) for t in subtables], []) == [ '', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", "", '', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", "", ] def test_buildPairPosGlyphsSubtable(self): d20 = builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": -20}) d50 = builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": -50}) d0 = builder.buildValue({}) d8020 = builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": -80, "YPlacement": -20}) subtable = builder.buildPairPosGlyphsSubtable( { ("A", "zero"): (d0, d50), ("A", "one"): (None, d20), ("B", "five"): (d8020, d50), }, self.GLYPHMAP, ) assert getXML(subtable.toXML) == [ '', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", "", ] def test_buildSinglePos(self): subtables = builder.buildSinglePos( { "one": builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": 500}), "two": builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": 500}), "three": builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": 200}), "four": builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": 400}), "five": builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": 500}), "six": builder.buildValue({"YPlacement": -6}), }, self.GLYPHMAP, ) assert sum([getXML(t.toXML) for t in subtables], []) == [ '', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', "", '', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', "", ] def test_buildSinglePos_ValueFormat0(self): subtables = builder.buildSinglePos( {"zero": builder.buildValue({})}, self.GLYPHMAP ) assert sum([getXML(t.toXML) for t in subtables], []) == [ '', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', "", ] def test_buildSinglePosSubtable_format1(self): subtable = builder.buildSinglePosSubtable( { "one": builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": 777}), "two": builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": 777}), }, self.GLYPHMAP, ) assert getXML(subtable.toXML) == [ '', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', "", ] def test_buildSinglePosSubtable_format2(self): subtable = builder.buildSinglePosSubtable( { "one": builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": 777}), "two": builder.buildValue({"YPlacement": -888}), }, self.GLYPHMAP, ) assert getXML(subtable.toXML) == [ '', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', "", ] def test_buildValue(self): value = builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": 7, "YPlacement": 23}) func = lambda writer, font: value.toXML(writer, font, valueName="Val") assert getXML(func) == [''] def test_getLigatureKey(self): components = lambda s: [tuple(word) for word in s.split()] c = components("fi fl ff ffi fff") c.sort(key=builder._getLigatureKey) assert c == components("fff ffi ff fi fl") def test_getSinglePosValueKey(self): device = builder.buildDevice({10: 1, 11: 3}) a1 = builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": 500, "XPlaDevice": device}) a2 = builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": 500, "XPlaDevice": device}) b = builder.buildValue({"XPlacement": 500}) keyA1 = builder._getSinglePosValueKey(a1) keyA2 = builder._getSinglePosValueKey(a1) keyB = builder._getSinglePosValueKey(b) assert keyA1 == keyA2 assert hash(keyA1) == hash(keyA2) assert keyA1 != keyB assert hash(keyA1) != hash(keyB) class ClassDefBuilderTest(object): def test_build_usingClass0(self): b = builder.ClassDefBuilder(useClass0=True) b.add({"aa", "bb"}) b.add({"a", "b"}) b.add({"c"}) b.add({"e", "f", "g", "h"}) cdef = assert isinstance(cdef, otTables.ClassDef) assert cdef.classDefs == {"a": 2, "b": 2, "c": 3, "aa": 1, "bb": 1} def test_build_notUsingClass0(self): b = builder.ClassDefBuilder(useClass0=False) b.add({"a", "b"}) b.add({"c"}) b.add({"e", "f", "g", "h"}) cdef = assert isinstance(cdef, otTables.ClassDef) assert cdef.classDefs == { "a": 2, "b": 2, "c": 3, "e": 1, "f": 1, "g": 1, "h": 1, } def test_canAdd(self): b = builder.ClassDefBuilder(useClass0=True) b.add({"a", "b", "c", "d"}) b.add({"e", "f"}) assert b.canAdd({"a", "b", "c", "d"}) assert b.canAdd({"e", "f"}) assert b.canAdd({"g", "h", "i"}) assert not b.canAdd({"b", "c", "d"}) assert not b.canAdd({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"}) assert not b.canAdd({"d", "e", "f"}) assert not b.canAdd({"f"}) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys sys.exit(pytest.main(sys.argv))