# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys import unittest from fontTools.pens.cu2quPen import Cu2QuPen, Cu2QuPointPen, Cu2QuMultiPen from fontTools.pens.recordingPen import RecordingPen, RecordingPointPen from fontTools.misc.loggingTools import CapturingLogHandler from textwrap import dedent import logging import pytest try: from .utils import CUBIC_GLYPHS, QUAD_GLYPHS from .utils import DummyGlyph, DummyPointGlyph from .utils import DummyPen, DummyPointPen except ImportError as e: pytest.skip(str(e), allow_module_level=True) MAX_ERR = 1.0 class _TestPenMixin(object): """Collection of tests that are shared by both the SegmentPen and the PointPen test cases, plus some helper methods. """ maxDiff = None def diff(self, expected, actual): import difflib expected = str(self.Glyph(expected)).splitlines(True) actual = str(self.Glyph(actual)).splitlines(True) diff = difflib.unified_diff( expected, actual, fromfile="expected", tofile="actual" ) return "".join(diff) def convert_glyph(self, glyph, **kwargs): # draw source glyph onto a new glyph using a Cu2Qu pen and return it converted = self.Glyph() pen = getattr(converted, self.pen_getter_name)() quadpen = self.Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR, **kwargs) getattr(glyph, self.draw_method_name)(quadpen) return converted def expect_glyph(self, source, expected): converted = self.convert_glyph(source) self.assertNotEqual(converted, source) if not converted.approx(expected): print(self.diff(expected, converted)) self.fail("converted glyph is different from expected") def test_convert_simple_glyph(self): self.expect_glyph(CUBIC_GLYPHS["a"], QUAD_GLYPHS["a"]) self.expect_glyph(CUBIC_GLYPHS["A"], QUAD_GLYPHS["A"]) def test_convert_composite_glyph(self): source = CUBIC_GLYPHS["Aacute"] converted = self.convert_glyph(source) # components don't change after quadratic conversion self.assertEqual(converted, source) def test_convert_mixed_glyph(self): # this contains a mix of contours and components self.expect_glyph(CUBIC_GLYPHS["Eacute"], QUAD_GLYPHS["Eacute"]) def test_reverse_direction(self): for name in ("a", "A", "Eacute"): source = CUBIC_GLYPHS[name] normal_glyph = self.convert_glyph(source) reversed_glyph = self.convert_glyph(source, reverse_direction=True) # the number of commands is the same, just their order is iverted self.assertTrue(len(normal_glyph.outline), len(reversed_glyph.outline)) self.assertNotEqual(normal_glyph, reversed_glyph) def test_stats(self): stats = {} for name in CUBIC_GLYPHS.keys(): source = CUBIC_GLYPHS[name] self.convert_glyph(source, stats=stats) self.assertTrue(stats) self.assertTrue("1" in stats) self.assertEqual(type(stats["1"]), int) def test_addComponent(self): pen = self.Pen() quadpen = self.Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR) quadpen.addComponent("a", (1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0, 6.0)) # components are passed through without changes self.assertEqual( str(pen).splitlines(), [ "pen.addComponent('a', (1, 2, 3, 4, 5.0, 6.0))", ], ) class TestCu2QuPen(unittest.TestCase, _TestPenMixin): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCu2QuPen, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.Glyph = DummyGlyph self.Pen = DummyPen self.Cu2QuPen = Cu2QuPen self.pen_getter_name = "getPen" self.draw_method_name = "draw" def test_qCurveTo_1_point(self): pen = DummyPen() quadpen = Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR) quadpen.moveTo((0, 0)) quadpen.qCurveTo((1, 1)) self.assertEqual( str(pen).splitlines(), [ "pen.moveTo((0, 0))", "pen.qCurveTo((1, 1))", ], ) def test_qCurveTo_more_than_1_point(self): pen = DummyPen() quadpen = Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR) quadpen.moveTo((0, 0)) quadpen.qCurveTo((1, 1), (2, 2)) self.assertEqual( str(pen).splitlines(), [ "pen.moveTo((0, 0))", "pen.qCurveTo((1, 1), (2, 2))", ], ) def test_curveTo_1_point(self): pen = DummyPen() quadpen = Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR) quadpen.moveTo((0, 0)) quadpen.curveTo((1, 1)) self.assertEqual( str(pen).splitlines(), [ "pen.moveTo((0, 0))", "pen.qCurveTo((1, 1))", ], ) def test_curveTo_2_points(self): pen = DummyPen() quadpen = Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR) quadpen.moveTo((0, 0)) quadpen.curveTo((1, 1), (2, 2)) self.assertEqual( str(pen).splitlines(), [ "pen.moveTo((0, 0))", "pen.qCurveTo((1, 1), (2, 2))", ], ) def test_curveTo_3_points(self): pen = DummyPen() quadpen = Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR) quadpen.moveTo((0, 0)) quadpen.curveTo((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)) self.assertEqual( str(pen).splitlines(), [ "pen.moveTo((0, 0))", "pen.qCurveTo((0.75, 0.75), (2.25, 2.25), (3, 3))", ], ) def test_curveTo_more_than_3_points(self): # a 'SuperBezier' as described in fontTools.basePen.AbstractPen pen = DummyPen() quadpen = Cu2QuPen(pen, MAX_ERR) quadpen.moveTo((0, 0)) quadpen.curveTo((1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)) self.assertEqual( str(pen).splitlines(), [ "pen.moveTo((0, 0))", "pen.qCurveTo((0.75, 0.75), (1.625, 1.625), (2, 2))", "pen.qCurveTo((2.375, 2.375), (3.25, 3.25), (4, 4))", ], ) class TestCu2QuPointPen(unittest.TestCase, _TestPenMixin): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCu2QuPointPen, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.Glyph = DummyPointGlyph self.Pen = DummyPointPen self.Cu2QuPen = Cu2QuPointPen self.pen_getter_name = "getPointPen" self.draw_method_name = "drawPoints" def test_super_bezier_curve(self): pen = DummyPointPen() quadpen = Cu2QuPointPen(pen, MAX_ERR) quadpen.beginPath() quadpen.addPoint((0, 0), segmentType="move") quadpen.addPoint((1, 1)) quadpen.addPoint((2, 2)) quadpen.addPoint((3, 3)) quadpen.addPoint( (4, 4), segmentType="curve", smooth=False, name="up", selected=1 ) quadpen.endPath() self.assertEqual( str(pen).splitlines(), """\ pen.beginPath() pen.addPoint((0, 0), name=None, segmentType='move', smooth=False) pen.addPoint((0.75, 0.75), name=None, segmentType=None, smooth=False) pen.addPoint((1.625, 1.625), name=None, segmentType=None, smooth=False) pen.addPoint((2, 2), name=None, segmentType='qcurve', smooth=True) pen.addPoint((2.375, 2.375), name=None, segmentType=None, smooth=False) pen.addPoint((3.25, 3.25), name=None, segmentType=None, smooth=False) pen.addPoint((4, 4), name='up', segmentType='qcurve', selected=1, smooth=False) pen.endPath()""".splitlines(), ) def test__flushContour_restore_starting_point(self): pen = DummyPointPen() quadpen = Cu2QuPointPen(pen, MAX_ERR) # collect the output of _flushContour before it's sent to _drawPoints new_segments = [] def _drawPoints(segments): new_segments.extend(segments) Cu2QuPointPen._drawPoints(quadpen, segments) quadpen._drawPoints = _drawPoints # a closed path (ie. no "move" segmentType) quadpen._flushContour( [ ( "curve", [ ((2, 2), False, None, {}), ((1, 1), False, None, {}), ((0, 0), False, None, {}), ], ), ( "curve", [ ((1, 1), False, None, {}), ((2, 2), False, None, {}), ((3, 3), False, None, {}), ], ), ] ) # the original starting point is restored: the last segment has become # the first self.assertEqual(new_segments[0][1][-1][0], (3, 3)) self.assertEqual(new_segments[-1][1][-1][0], (0, 0)) new_segments = [] # an open path (ie. starting with "move") quadpen._flushContour( [ ( "move", [ ((0, 0), False, None, {}), ], ), ( "curve", [ ((1, 1), False, None, {}), ((2, 2), False, None, {}), ((3, 3), False, None, {}), ], ), ] ) # the segment order stays the same before and after _flushContour self.assertEqual(new_segments[0][1][-1][0], (0, 0)) self.assertEqual(new_segments[-1][1][-1][0], (3, 3)) def test_quad_no_oncurve(self): """When passed a contour which has no on-curve points, the Cu2QuPointPen will treat it as a special quadratic contour whose first point has 'None' coordinates. """ self.maxDiff = None pen = DummyPointPen() quadpen = Cu2QuPointPen(pen, MAX_ERR) quadpen.beginPath() quadpen.addPoint((1, 1)) quadpen.addPoint((2, 2)) quadpen.addPoint((3, 3)) quadpen.endPath() self.assertEqual( str(pen), dedent( """\ pen.beginPath() pen.addPoint((1, 1), name=None, segmentType=None, smooth=False) pen.addPoint((2, 2), name=None, segmentType=None, smooth=False) pen.addPoint((3, 3), name=None, segmentType=None, smooth=False) pen.endPath()""" ), ) class TestCu2QuMultiPen(unittest.TestCase): def test_multi_pen(self): pens = [RecordingPen(), RecordingPen()] pen = Cu2QuMultiPen(pens, 0.1) pen.moveTo([((0, 0),), ((0, 0),)]) pen.lineTo([((0, 1),), ((0, 1),)]) pen.qCurveTo([((0, 2),), ((0, 2),)]) pen.qCurveTo([((0, 3), (1, 3)), ((0, 3), (1, 4))]) pen.curveTo([((2, 3), (0, 3), (0, 0)), ((1.1, 4), (0, 4), (0, 0))]) pen.closePath() assert len(pens[0].value) == 6 assert len(pens[1].value) == 6 for op0, op1 in zip(pens[0].value, pens[1].value): assert op0[0] == op0[0] assert op0[0] != "curveTo" class TestAllQuadraticFalse(unittest.TestCase): def test_segment_pen_cubic(self): rpen = RecordingPen() pen = Cu2QuPen(rpen, 0.1, all_quadratic=False) pen.moveTo((0, 0)) pen.curveTo((0, 1), (2, 1), (2, 0)) pen.closePath() assert rpen.value == [ ("moveTo", ((0, 0),)), ("curveTo", ((0, 1), (2, 1), (2, 0))), ("closePath", ()), ] def test_segment_pen_quadratic(self): rpen = RecordingPen() pen = Cu2QuPen(rpen, 0.1, all_quadratic=False) pen.moveTo((0, 0)) pen.curveTo((2, 2), (4, 2), (6, 0)) pen.closePath() assert rpen.value == [ ("moveTo", ((0, 0),)), ("qCurveTo", ((3, 3), (6, 0))), ("closePath", ()), ] def test_point_pen_cubic(self): rpen = RecordingPointPen() pen = Cu2QuPointPen(rpen, 0.1, all_quadratic=False) pen.beginPath() pen.addPoint((0, 0), "move") pen.addPoint((0, 1)) pen.addPoint((2, 1)) pen.addPoint((2, 0), "curve") pen.endPath() assert rpen.value == [ ("beginPath", (), {}), ("addPoint", ((0, 0), "move", False, None), {}), ("addPoint", ((0, 1), None, False, None), {}), ("addPoint", ((2, 1), None, False, None), {}), ("addPoint", ((2, 0), "curve", False, None), {}), ("endPath", (), {}), ] def test_point_pen_quadratic(self): rpen = RecordingPointPen() pen = Cu2QuPointPen(rpen, 0.1, all_quadratic=False) pen.beginPath() pen.addPoint((0, 0), "move") pen.addPoint((2, 2)) pen.addPoint((4, 2)) pen.addPoint((6, 0), "curve") pen.endPath() assert rpen.value == [ ("beginPath", (), {}), ("addPoint", ((0, 0), "move", False, None), {}), ("addPoint", ((3, 3), None, False, None), {}), ("addPoint", ((6, 0), "qcurve", False, None), {}), ("endPath", (), {}), ] if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()