# OpenType Feature File specification, section 6.h.ii: # Specifying Contextual Positioning with explicit lookup references # http://www.adobe.com/devnet/opentype/afdko/topic_feature_file_syntax.html # As of December 2015, the Feature File spec gives a malformed example. # TODO: Once https://github.com/adobe-type-tools/afdko/issues/88 is fixed, # we should use the example from the spec. For now, we made up our own. languagesystem DFLT dflt; markClass [acute grave] @TOP_MARKS; markClass macron @TOP_MARKS; markClass [cedilla] @BOTTOM_MARKS; @ALL_MARKS = [@TOP_MARKS @BOTTOM_MARKS]; lookup CNTXT_PAIR_POS { position T o -10; position T c -12; } CNTXT_PAIR_POS; lookup CNTXT_MARK_TO_BASE { position base [o c] mark @TOP_MARKS mark @BOTTOM_MARKS; } CNTXT_MARK_TO_BASE; feature test { position T' lookup CNTXT_PAIR_POS [o c]' @ALL_MARKS' lookup CNTXT_MARK_TO_BASE; } test;