| |
- colorDarker((r, g, b, a), f=0.75)
- colorOpaque((r, g, b, a))
- drawBottomRoundedRect(ctx, (l, t, r, b), radius=10)
- Draw a rectangle with rounded corners
- drawEllipse(ctx, pts)
- Draw an ellipse
- drawRect(ctx, (l, t, r, b))
- Draw a rectangle with rounded corners
- drawRoundedRect(ctx, (l, t, r, b), radius=10)
- Draw a rectangle with rounded corners
- drawSelectionPanel(ctx, (l, t, r, b), title='a panel', text='', selectionColor=None, selection=True, color=(0, 0, 0, 0.5))
- drawText(ctx, text, pos=(100, 100), color=None, size=10, font='Geneva', leading=12, spacing=2)
- drawTitledSelectionPanel(ctx, (l, t, r, b), title='a panel', text='', selectionColor=None, selection=True, color=(0, 0, 0, 0.5), fillBody=True)
- drawTopRoundedRect(ctx, (l, t, r, b), radius=10)
- Draw a rectangle with rounded corners
- fillEllipse(ctx, pts)
- minRadius((l, t, r, b), radius)
- reverseScale(ctx, desired)
- Get the reverse scale from the current matrix, no other way to get it.
- reverseScaleValues(ctx, valueList)
- setFillColor(ctx, colorTuple)
- setStrokeColor(ctx, colorTuple)
- strokeEllipse(ctx, pts)