""" A library for importing .ufo files and their descendants. Refer to http://unifiedfontobject.com for the UFO specification. The UFOReader and UFOWriter classes support versions 1 and 2 of the specification. Up and down conversion functions are also supplied in this library. These conversion functions are only necessary if conversion without loading the UFO data into a set of objects is desired. These functions are: convertUFOFormatVersion1ToFormatVersion2 Two sets that list the font info attribute names for the two fontinfo.plist formats are available for external use. These are: fontInfoAttributesVersion1 fontInfoAttributesVersion2 A set listing the fontinfo.plist attributes that were deprecated in version 2 is available for external use: deprecatedFontInfoAttributesVersion2 A function, validateFontInfoVersion2ValueForAttribute, that does some basic validation on values for a fontinfo.plist value is available for external use. Two value conversion functions are availble for converting fontinfo.plist values between the possible format versions. convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion1ToVersion2 convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion2ToVersion1 """ import os import shutil from cStringIO import StringIO import codecs from copy import deepcopy from plistlib import readPlist, writePlist from glifLib import GlyphSet, READ_MODE, WRITE_MODE from validators import * from filenames import userNameToFileName from converters import convertUFO1OrUFO2KerningToUFO3Kerning try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set __all__ = [ "makeUFOPath" "UFOLibError", "UFOReader", "UFOWriter", "convertUFOFormatVersion1ToFormatVersion2", "fontInfoAttributesVersion1", "fontInfoAttributesVersion2", "deprecatedFontInfoAttributesVersion2", "validateFontInfoVersion2ValueForAttribute", "convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion1ToVersion2", "convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion2ToVersion1" ] class UFOLibError(Exception): pass # ---------- # File Names # ---------- DEFAULT_GLYPHS_DIRNAME = "glyphs" DATA_DIRNAME = "data" IMAGES_DIRNAME = "images" METAINFO_FILENAME = "metainfo.plist" FONTINFO_FILENAME = "fontinfo.plist" LIB_FILENAME = "lib.plist" GROUPS_FILENAME = "groups.plist" KERNING_FILENAME = "kerning.plist" FEATURES_FILENAME = "features.fea" LAYERCONTENTS_FILENAME = "layercontents.plist" LAYERINFO_FILENAME = "layerinfo.plist" DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME = "public.default" supportedUFOFormatVersions = [1, 2, 3] # ---------- # UFO Reader # ---------- class UFOReader(object): """Read the various components of the .ufo.""" def __init__(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): raise UFOLibError("The specified UFO doesn't exist.") self._path = path self.readMetaInfo() self._upConvertedKerningData = None # properties def _get_formatVersion(self): return self._formatVersion formatVersion = property(_get_formatVersion, doc="The format version of the UFO. This is determined by reading metainfo.plist during __init__.") # up conversion def _upConvertKerning(self): """ Up convert kerning and groups in UFO 1 and 2. The data will be held internally until each bit of data has been retrieved. The conversion of both must be done at once, so the raw data is cached and an error is raised if one bit of data becomes obsolete before it is called. """ if self._upConvertedKerningData: testKerning = self._readKerning() if testKerning != self._upConvertedKerningData["originalKerning"]: raise UFOLibError("The data in kerning.plist has been modified since it was converted to UFO 3 format.") testGroups = self._readGroups() if testGroups != self._upConvertedKerningData["originalGroups"]: raise UFOLibError("The data in groups.plist has been modified since it was converted to UFO 3 format.") else: groups = self._readGroups() invalidFormatMessage = "groups.plist is not properly formatted." if not isinstance(groups, dict): raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) for groupName, glyphList in groups.items(): if not isinstance(groupName, basestring): raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) elif not isinstance(glyphList, list): raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) for glyphName in glyphList: if not isinstance(glyphName, basestring): raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) self._upConvertedKerningData = dict( kerning={}, originalKerning=self._readKerning(), groups={}, originalGroups=groups ) # convert kerning and groups kerning, groups = convertUFO1OrUFO2KerningToUFO3Kerning( self._upConvertedKerningData["originalKerning"], deepcopy(self._upConvertedKerningData["originalGroups"]) ) # store self._upConvertedKerningData["kerning"] = kerning self._upConvertedKerningData["groups"] = groups # support methods def _checkForFile(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): return False else: return True def _readPlist(self, path): """ Read a property list. The errors that could be raised during the reading of a plist are unpredictable and/or too large to list, so, a blind try: except: is done. If an exception occurs, a UFOLibError will be raised. """ originalPath = path path = os.path.join(self._path, path) try: data = readPlist(path) return data except: raise UFOLibError("The file %s could not be read." % originalPath) def readBytesFromPath(self, path, encoding=None): """ Returns the bytes in the file at the given path. The path must be relative to the UFO path. Returns None if the file does not exist. An encoding may be passed if needed. """ path = os.path.join(self._path, path) if not self._checkForFile(path): return None f = codecs.open(path, READ_MODE, encoding=encoding) data = f.read() f.close() return data def getReadFileForPath(self, path, encoding=None): """ Returns a file (or file-like) object for the file at the given path. The path must be relative to the UFO path. Returns None if the file does not exist. An encoding may be passed if needed. Note: The caller is responsible for closing the open file. """ path = os.path.join(self._path, path) if not self._checkForFile(path): return None f = codecs.open(path, READ_MODE, encoding=encoding) return f # metainfo.plist def readMetaInfo(self): """ Read metainfo.plist. Only used for internal operations. """ path = os.path.join(self._path, METAINFO_FILENAME) if not self._checkForFile(path): raise UFOLibError("metainfo.plist is missing in %s. This file is required." % self._path) # should there be a blind try/except with a UFOLibError # raised in except here (and elsewhere)? It would be nice to # provide external callers with a single exception to catch. data = self._readPlist(path) if not isinstance(data, dict): raise UFOLibError("maetainfo.plist is not properly formatted.") formatVersion = data["formatVersion"] if formatVersion not in supportedUFOFormatVersions: raise UFOLibError("Unsupported UFO format (%d) in %s." % (formatVersion, self._path)) self._formatVersion = formatVersion # groups.plist def _readGroups(self): path = os.path.join(self._path, GROUPS_FILENAME) if not self._checkForFile(path): return {} data = self._readPlist(path) return data def readGroups(self): """ Read groups.plist. Returns a dict. """ # handle up conversion if self._formatVersion < 3: self._upConvertKerning() groups = self._upConvertedKerningData["groups"] # normal else: groups = self._readGroups() valid, message = groupsValidator(groups) if not valid: raise UFOLibError(message) return groups # fontinfo.plist def _readInfo(self): path = os.path.join(self._path, FONTINFO_FILENAME) if not self._checkForFile(path): return {} data = self._readPlist(path) if not isinstance(data, dict): raise UFOLibError("fontinfo.plist is not properly formatted.") return data def readInfo(self, info): """ Read fontinfo.plist. It requires an object that allows setting attributes with names that follow the fontinfo.plist version 3 specification. This will write the attributes defined in the file into the object. """ path = os.path.join(self._path, FONTINFO_FILENAME) if not self._checkForFile(path): return {} infoDict = self._readPlist(path) if not isinstance(infoDict, dict): raise UFOLibError("fontinfo.plist is not properly formatted.") infoDataToSet = {} # version 1 if self._formatVersion == 1: for attr in fontInfoAttributesVersion1: value = infoDict.get(attr) if value is not None: infoDataToSet[attr] = value infoDataToSet = _convertFontInfoDataVersion1ToVersion2(infoDataToSet) # version 2 elif self._formatVersion == 2: for attr, dataValidationDict in fontInfoAttributesVersion2ValueData.items(): value = infoDict.get(attr) if value is None: continue infoDataToSet[attr] = value # version 3 elif self._formatVersion == 3: for attr, dataValidationDict in fontInfoAttributesVersion3ValueData.items(): value = infoDict.get(attr) if value is None: continue infoDataToSet[attr] = value # unsupported version else: raise NotImplementedError # validate data if self._formatVersion < 3: infoDataToSet = validateInfoVersion2Data(infoDataToSet) elif self._formatVersion == 3: infoDataToSet = validateInfoVersion3Data(infoDataToSet) # populate the object for attr, value in infoDataToSet.items(): try: setattr(info, attr, value) except AttributeError: raise UFOLibError("The supplied info object does not support setting a necessary attribute (%s)." % attr) # kerning.plist def _readKerning(self): path = os.path.join(self._path, KERNING_FILENAME) if not self._checkForFile(path): return {} data = self._readPlist(path) invalidFormatMessage = "kerning.plist is not properly formatted." if not isinstance(data, dict): raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) for first, secondDict in data.items(): if not isinstance(first, basestring): raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) elif not isinstance(secondDict, dict): raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) for second, value in secondDict.items(): if not isinstance(second, basestring): raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) elif not isinstance(value, (int, float)): raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) return data def readKerning(self): """ Read kerning.plist. Returns a dict. """ # handle up conversion if self._formatVersion < 3: self._upConvertKerning() kerningNested = self._upConvertedKerningData["kerning"] # normal else: kerningNested = self._readKerning() # flatten kerning = {} for left in kerningNested: for right in kerningNested[left]: value = kerningNested[left][right] kerning[left, right] = value return kerning # lib.plist def readLib(self): """ Read lib.plist. Returns a dict. """ path = os.path.join(self._path, LIB_FILENAME) if not self._checkForFile(path): return {} data = self._readPlist(path) valid, message = libValidator(data) if not valid: raise UFOLibError(message) return data # features.fea def readFeatures(self): """ Read features.fea. Returns a string. """ path = os.path.join(self._path, FEATURES_FILENAME) if not self._checkForFile(path): return "" f = open(path, READ_MODE) text = f.read() f.close() return text # glyph sets & layers def _readLayerContents(self): """ Rebuild the layer contents list by checking what glyphsets are available on disk. """ if self._formatVersion < 3: return [(DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME, DEFAULT_GLYPHS_DIRNAME)] # read the file on disk path = os.path.join(self._path, LAYERCONTENTS_FILENAME) if not os.path.exists(path): raise UFOLibError("layercontents.plist is missing.") if os.path.exists(path): contents = self._readPlist(path) valid, error = layerContentsValidator(contents, self._path) if not valid: raise UFOLibError(error) return contents def getLayerNames(self): """ Get the ordered layer names from layercontents.plist. """ layerContents = self._readLayerContents() layerNames = [layerName for layerName, directoryName in layerContents] return layerNames def getDefaultLayerName(self): """ Get the default layer name from layercontents.plist. """ layerContents = self._readLayerContents() for layerName, layerDirectory in layerContents: if layerDirectory == DEFAULT_GLYPHS_DIRNAME: return layerName # this will already have been raised during __init__ raise UFOLibError("The default layer is not defined in layercontents.plist.") def getGlyphSet(self, layerName=None): """ Return the GlyphSet associated with the glyphs directory mapped to layerName in the UFO. If layerName is not provided, the name retrieved with getDefaultLayerName will be used. """ if layerName is None: layerName = self.getDefaultLayerName() directory = None layerContents = self._readLayerContents() for storedLayerName, storedLayerDirectory in layerContents: if layerName == storedLayerName: directory = storedLayerDirectory break if directory is None: raise UFOLibError("No glyphs directory is mapped to \"%s\"." % layerName) glyphsPath = os.path.join(self._path, directory) return GlyphSet(glyphsPath) def getCharacterMapping(self, layerName=None): """ Return a dictionary that maps unicode values (ints) to lists of glyph names. """ glyphsPath = self.getGlyphSet(layerName) allUnicodes = glyphSet.getUnicodes() cmap = {} for glyphName, unicodes in allUnicodes.iteritems(): for code in unicodes: if code in cmap: cmap[code].append(glyphName) else: cmap[code] = [glyphName] return cmap # /data def getDataDirectoryListing(self, maxDepth=100): """ Returns a list of all files and directories in the data directory. The returned paths will be relative to the UFO. This will not list directory names, only file names. Thus, empty directories will be skipped. The maxDepth argument sets the maximum number of sub-directories that are allowed. """ path = os.path.join(self._path, DATA_DIRNAME) if not self._checkForFile(path): return [] listing = self._getDirectoryListing(path, maxDepth=maxDepth) return listing def _getDirectoryListing(self, path, depth=0, maxDepth=100): if depth > maxDepth: raise UFOLibError("Maximum recusion depth reached.") result = [] for fileName in os.listdir(path): p = os.path.join(path, fileName) if os.path.isdir(p): result += self._getDirectoryListing(p, depth=depth+1, maxDepth=maxDepth) else: p = os.path.relpath(p, self._path) result.append(p) return result # ---------- # UFO Writer # ---------- class UFOWriter(object): """Write the various components of the .ufo.""" def __init__(self, path, formatVersion=3, fileCreator="org.robofab.ufoLib"): if formatVersion not in supportedUFOFormatVersions: raise UFOLibError("Unsupported UFO format (%d)." % formatVersion) # establish some basic stuff self._path = path self._formatVersion = formatVersion self._fileCreator = fileCreator # if the file already exists, get the format version. # this will be needed for up and down conversion. previousFormatVersion = None if os.path.exists(path): p = os.path.join(path, METAINFO_FILENAME) if not os.path.exists(p): raise UFOLibError("The metainfo.plist file is not in the existing UFO.") metaInfo = self._readPlist(METAINFO_FILENAME) previousFormatVersion = metaInfo.get("formatVersion") try: previousFormatVersion = int(previousFormatVersion) except: raise UFOLibError("The existing metainfo.plist is not properly formatted.") if previousFormatVersion not in supportedUFOFormatVersions: raise UFOLibError("Unsupported UFO format (%d)." % formatVersion) # catch down conversion if previousFormatVersion is not None and previousFormatVersion > formatVersion: raise UFOLibError("The UFO located at this path is a higher version (%d) than the version (%d) that is trying to be written. This is not supported." % (previousFormatVersion, formatVersion)) # handle the layer contents self.layerContents = {} if previousFormatVersion >= 3: # already exists self._readLayerContents() else: # previous < 3 # imply the layer contents p = os.path.join(path, DEFAULT_GLYPHS_DIRNAME) if os.path.exists(p): self.layerContents = {DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME : DEFAULT_GLYPHS_DIRNAME} # write the new metainfo self._writeMetaInfo() # properties def _get_formatVersion(self): return self._formatVersion formatVersion = property(_get_formatVersion, doc="The format version of the UFO. This is set into metainfo.plist during __init__.") def _get_fileCreator(self): return self._fileCreator fileCreator = property(_get_fileCreator, doc="The file creator of the UFO. This is set into metainfo.plist during __init__.") # support methods def _readPlist(self, path): """ Read a property list. The errors that could be raised during the reading of a plist are unpredictable and/or too large to list, so, a blind try: except: is done. If an exception occurs, a UFOLibError will be raised. """ originalPath = path path = os.path.join(self._path, path) try: data = readPlist(path) return data except: raise UFOLibError("The file %s could not be read." % originalPath) def _writePlist(self, data, path): """ Write a property list. The errors that could be raised during the writing of a plist are unpredictable and/or too large to list, so, a blind try: except: is done. If an exception occurs, a UFOLibError will be raised. """ originalPath = path path = os.path.join(self._path, path) try: data = writePlistAtomically(data, path) except: raise UFOLibError("The data for the file %s could not be written because it is not properly formatted." % originalPath) def _makeDirectory(self, subDirectory=None): path = self._path if subDirectory: path = os.path.join(self._path, subDirectory) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) return path def _buildDirectoryTree(self, path): directory, fileName = os.path.split(path) directoryTree = [] while directory: directory, d = os.path.split(directory) directoryTree.append(d) directoryTree.reverse() built = "" for d in directoryTree: d = os.path.join(built, d) p = os.path.join(self._path, d) if not os.path.exists(p): os.mkdir(p) built = d def _removeFileForPath(self, path, raiseErrorIfMissing=False): originalPath = path path = os.path.join(self._path, path) if not os.path.exists(path): if raiseErrorIfMissing: raise UFOLibError("The file %s does not exist." % path) else: if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) else: os.remove(path) # remove any directories that are now empty self._removeEmptyDirectoriesForPath(os.path.dirname(originalPath)) def _removeEmptyDirectoriesForPath(self, directory): absoluteDirectory = os.path.join(self._path, directory) if not os.path.exists(absoluteDirectory): return if not len(os.listdir(absoluteDirectory)): shutil.rmtree(absoluteDirectory) else: return directory = os.path.dirname(directory) if directory: self._removeEmptyDirectoriesForPath(directory) # file system interaction def writeBytesToPath(self, path, bytes, encoding=None): """ Write bytes to path. If needed, the directory tree for the given path will be built. The path must be relative to the UFO. An encoding may be passed if needed. """ if self._formatVersion < 2: raise UFOLibError("The data directory is not allowed in UFO Format Version %d." % self.formatVersion) self._buildDirectoryTree(path) path = os.path.join(self._path, path) writeFileAtomically(bytes, path, encoding=encoding) def getFileObjectForPath(self, path, encoding=None): """ Creates a write mode file object at path. If needed, the directory tree for the given path will be built. The path must be relative to the UFO. An encoding may be passed if needed. Note: The caller is responsible for closing the open file. """ if self._formatVersion < 2: raise UFOLibError("The data directory is not allowed in UFO Format Version %d." % self.formatVersion) self._buildDirectoryTree(path) path = os.path.join(self._path, path) return codecs.open(path, WRITE_MODE, encoding=encoding) def removeFileForPath(self, path): """ Remove the file (or directory) at path. The path must be relative to the UFO. This is only allowed for files in the data and image directories. """ # make sure that only data or images is being changed d = path parts = [] while d: d, p = os.path.split(d) if p: parts.append(p) if parts[-1] not in ("images", "data"): raise UFOLibError("Removing \"%s\" is not legal." % path) # remove the file self._removeFileForPath(path, raiseErrorIfMissing=True) # metainfo.plist def _writeMetaInfo(self): self._makeDirectory() path = os.path.join(self._path, METAINFO_FILENAME) metaInfo = dict( creator=self._fileCreator, formatVersion=self._formatVersion ) self._writePlist(metaInfo, path) # groups.plist def writeGroups(self, groups): """ Write groups.plist. This method requires a dict of glyph groups as an argument. """ valid, message = groupsValidator(groups) if not valid: raise UFOLibError(message) self._makeDirectory() path = os.path.join(self._path, GROUPS_FILENAME) groupsNew = {} for key, value in groups.items(): groupsNew[key] = list(value) if groupsNew: self._writePlist(groupsNew, path) elif os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) # fontinfo.plist def writeInfo(self, info): """ Write info.plist. This method requires an object that supports getting attributes that follow the fontinfo.plist version 2 specification. Attributes will be taken from the given object and written into the file. """ self._makeDirectory() path = os.path.join(self._path, FONTINFO_FILENAME) # gather version 3 data infoData = {} for attr in fontInfoAttributesVersion3ValueData.keys(): if hasattr(info, attr): try: value = getattr(info, attr) except AttributeError: raise UFOLibError("The supplied info object does not support getting a necessary attribute (%s)." % attr) if value is None: continue infoData[attr] = value # down convert data if necessary and validate if self._formatVersion == 3: infoData = validateInfoVersion3Data(infoData) elif self._formatVersion == 2: infoData = _convertFontInfoDataVersion3ToVersion2(infoData) infoData = validateInfoVersion2Data(infoData) elif self._formatVersion == 1: infoData = _convertFontInfoDataVersion3ToVersion2(infoData) infoData = validateInfoVersion2Data(infoData) infoData = _convertFontInfoDataVersion2ToVersion1(infoData) # write file self._writePlist(infoData, path) # kerning.plist def writeKerning(self, kerning): """ Write kerning.plist. This method requires a dict of kerning pairs as an argument. """ invalidFormatMessage = "The kerning is not properly formatted." if not isinstance(kerning, dict): raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) for pair, value in kerning.items(): if not isinstance(pair, (list, tuple)): raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) if not len(pair) == 2: raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) if not isinstance(pair[0], basestring): raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) if not isinstance(pair[1], basestring): raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) if not isinstance(value, (int, float)): raise UFOLibError(invalidFormatMessage) self._makeDirectory() path = os.path.join(self._path, KERNING_FILENAME) kerningDict = {} for left, right in kerning.keys(): value = kerning[left, right] if not left in kerningDict: kerningDict[left] = {} kerningDict[left][right] = value if kerningDict: self._writePlist(kerningDict, path) elif os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) # lib.plist def writeLib(self, libDict): """ Write lib.plist. This method requires a lib dict as an argument. """ valid, message = libValidator(libDict) if not valid: raise UFOLibError(message) self._makeDirectory() path = os.path.join(self._path, LIB_FILENAME) if libDict: self._writePlist(libDict, path) elif os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) # features.fea def writeFeatures(self, features): """ Write features.fea. This method requires a features string as an argument. """ if self._formatVersion == 1: raise UFOLibError("features.fea is not allowed in UFO Format Version 1.") if not isinstance(features, basestring): raise UFOLibError("The features are not text.") self._makeDirectory() path = os.path.join(self._path, FEATURES_FILENAME) writeFileAtomically(features, path) # glyph sets & layers def _readLayerContents(self): """ Rebuild the layer contents list by checking what glyph sets are available on disk. """ # read the file on disk path = os.path.join(self._path, LAYERCONTENTS_FILENAME) if not os.path.exists(path): raise UFOLibError("layercontents.plist is missing.") contents = {} if os.path.exists(path): raw = self._readPlist(path) valid, error = layerContentsValidator(raw, self._path) if not valid: raise UFOLibError(error) for entry in raw: layerName, directoryName = entry contents[layerName] = directoryName self.layerContents = contents def writeLayerContents(self, layerOrder=None): """ Write the layercontents.plist file. This method *must* be called after all glyph sets have been written. """ if self.formatVersion < 3: return newOrder = [] for layerName in layerOrder: if layerName is None: layerName = DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME newOrder.append(layerName) layerOrder = newOrder if set(layerOrder) != set(self.layerContents.keys()): raise UFOLibError("The layer order contents does not match the glyph sets that have been created.") self._makeDirectory() path = os.path.join(self._path, LAYERCONTENTS_FILENAME) layerContents = [(layerName, self.layerContents[layerName]) for layerName in layerOrder] self._writePlist(layerContents, path) def _findDirectoryForLayerName(self, layerName): foundDirectory = None for existingLayerName, directoryName in self.layerContents.items(): if layerName is None and directoryName == DEFAULT_GLYPHS_DIRNAME: foundDirectory = directoryName break elif existingLayerName == layerName: foundDirectory = directoryName break if not foundDirectory: raise UFOLibError("Could not locate a glyph set directory for the layer named %s." % layerName) return foundDirectory def getGlyphSet(self, layerName=None, defaultLayer=True, glyphNameToFileNameFunc=None): """ Return the GlyphSet object associated with the appropriate glyph directory in the .ufo. If layerName is None, the default glyph set will be used. The defaultLayer flag indictes that the layer should be saved into the default glyphs directory. """ # only default can be written in < 3 if self._formatVersion < 3: raise UFOLibError("Only the default layer can be writen in UFO %d." % self.formatVersion) # locate a layer name when None has been given if layerName is None and defaultLayer: for existingLayerName, directory in self.layerContents.items(): if directory == DEFAULT_GLYPHS_DIRNAME: layerName = existingLayerName if layerName is None: layerName = DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME elif layerName is None and not defaultLayer: raise UFOLibError("A layer name must be provided for non-default layers.") # move along to format specific writing if self.formatVersion == 1: return self._getGlyphSetFormatVersion1(glyphNameToFileNameFunc=glyphNameToFileNameFunc) elif self.formatVersion == 2: return self._getGlyphSetFormatVersion2(glyphNameToFileNameFunc=glyphNameToFileNameFunc) elif self.formatVersion == 3: return self._getGlyphSetFormatVersion3(layerName=layerName, defaultLayer=defaultLayer, glyphNameToFileNameFunc=glyphNameToFileNameFunc) def _getGlyphSetFormatVersion1(self, glyphNameToFileNameFunc=None): glyphDir = self._makeDirectory(GLYPHS_DIRNAME) return GlyphSet(glyphDir, glyphNameToFileNameFunc) _getGlyphSetFormatVersion = _getGlyphSetFormatVersion1 def _getGlyphSetFormatVersion3(self, layerName=None, defaultLayer=True, glyphNameToFileNameFunc=None): # if the default flag is on, make sure that the default in the file # matches the default being written. also make sure that this layer # name is not already linked to a non-default layer. if defaultLayer: for existingLayerName, directory in self.layerContents.items(): if directory == DEFAULT_GLYPHS_DIRNAME: if existingLayerName != layerName: raise UFOLibError("Another layer is already mapped to the default directory.") elif existingLayerName == layerName: raise UFOLibError("The layer name is already mapped to a non-default layer.") # get an existing directory name if layerName in self.layerContents: directory = self.layerContents[layerName] # get a new directory name else: if defaultLayer: directory = DEFAULT_GLYPHS_DIRNAME else: # not caching this could be slightly expensive, # but caching it will be cumbersome existing = [d.lower() for d in self.layerContents.values()] if not isinstance(layerName, unicode): try: layerName = unicode(layerName) except UnicodeDecodeError: raise UFOLibError("The specified layer name is not a Unicode string.") directory = userNameToFileName(layerName, existing=existing, prefix="glyphs.") # make the directory path = os.path.join(self._path, directory) if not os.path.exists(path): self._makeDirectory(subDirectory=directory) # store the mapping self.layerContents[layerName] = directory # load the glyph set return GlyphSet(path, glyphNameToFileNameFunc=glyphNameToFileNameFunc) def renameGlyphSet(self, layerName, newLayerName): """ Rename a glyph set. Note: if a GlyphSet object has already been retrieved for layerName, it is up to the caller to inform that object that the directory it represents has changed. """ if self._formatVersion < 3: raise UFOLibError("Renaming a glyph set is not allowed in UFO %d." % self._formatVersion) # make sure the new layer name doesn't already exist if newLayerName is None: newLayerName = DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME if newLayerName in self.layerContents: raise UFOLibError("A layer named %s already exists." % newLayerName) # get the paths oldDirectory = self._findDirectoryForLayerName(layerName) existing = [name.lower() for name in self.layerContents.values()] newDirectory = userNameToFileName(newLayerName, existing=existing, prefix="glyphs.") # update the internal mapping del self.layerContents[layerName] self.layerContents[newLayerName] = newDirectory # do the file system copy oldDirectory = os.path.join(self._path, oldDirectory) newDirectory = os.path.join(self._path, newDirectory) shutil.move(oldDirectory, newDirectory) def deleteGlyphSet(self, layerName): """ Remove the glyph set matching layerName. """ if self._formatVersion < 3: raise UFOLibError("Deleting a glyph set is not allowed in UFO %d." % self._formatVersion) foundDirectory = self._findDirectoryForLayerName(layerName) self._removeFileForPath(foundDirectory) del self.layerContents[layerName] # ---------------- # Helper Functions # ---------------- def makeUFOPath(path): """ Return a .ufo pathname. >>> makeUFOPath("/directory/something.ext") '/directory/something.ufo' >>> makeUFOPath("/directory/something.another.thing.ext") '/directory/something.another.thing.ufo' """ dir, name = os.path.split(path) name = ".".join([".".join(name.split(".")[:-1]), "ufo"]) return os.path.join(dir, name) def writePlistAtomically(obj, path): """ Write a plist for "obj" to "path". Do this sort of atomically, making it harder to cause corrupt files, for example when writePlist encounters an error halfway during write. This also checks to see if text matches the text that is already in the file at path. If so, the file is not rewritten so that the modification date is preserved. """ f = StringIO() writePlist(obj, f) data = f.getvalue() writeFileAtomically(data, path) def writeFileAtomically(text, path, encoding=None): """ Write text into a file at path. Do this sort of atomically making it harder to cause corrupt files. This also checks to see if text matches the text that is already in the file at path. If so, the file is not rewritten so that the modification date is preserved. An encoding may be passed if needed. """ if os.path.exists(path): f = codecs.open(path, READ_MODE, encoding=encoding) oldText = f.read() f.close() if text == oldText: return # if the text is empty, remove the existing file if not text: os.remove(path) if text: f = codecs.open(path, WRITE_MODE, encoding=encoding) f.write(text) f.close() # --------------------------- # Format Conversion Functions # --------------------------- def convertUFOFormatVersion1ToFormatVersion2(inPath, outPath=None): """ Function for converting a version format 1 UFO to version format 2. inPath should be a path to a UFO. outPath is the path where the new UFO should be written. If outPath is not given, the inPath will be used and, therefore, the UFO will be converted in place. Otherwise, if outPath is specified, nothing must exist at that path. """ if outPath is None: outPath = inPath if inPath != outPath and os.path.exists(outPath): raise UFOLibError("A file already exists at %s." % outPath) # use a reader for loading most of the data reader = UFOReader(inPath) if reader.formatVersion == 2: raise UFOLibError("The UFO at %s is already format version 2." % inPath) groups = reader.readGroups() kerning = reader.readKerning() libData = reader.readLib() # read the info data manually and convert infoPath = os.path.join(inPath, FONTINFO_FILENAME) if not os.path.exists(infoPath): infoData = {} else: infoData = readPlist(infoPath) infoData = _convertFontInfoDataVersion1ToVersion2(infoData) # if the paths are the same, only need to change the # fontinfo and meta info files. infoPath = os.path.join(outPath, FONTINFO_FILENAME) if inPath == outPath: metaInfoPath = os.path.join(inPath, METAINFO_FILENAME) metaInfo = dict( creator="org.robofab.ufoLib", formatVersion=2 ) writePlistAtomically(metaInfo, metaInfoPath) writePlistAtomically(infoData, infoPath) # otherwise write everything. else: writer = UFOWriter(outPath, formatVersion=2) writer.writeGroups(groups) writer.writeKerning(kerning) writer.writeLib(libData) # write the info manually writePlistAtomically(infoData, infoPath) # copy the glyph tree inGlyphs = os.path.join(inPath, DEFAULT_GLYPHS_DIRNAME) outGlyphs = os.path.join(outPath, DEFAULT_GLYPHS_DIRNAME) if os.path.exists(inGlyphs): shutil.copytree(inGlyphs, outGlyphs) # ---------------------- # fontinfo.plist Support # ---------------------- # Version Validators # There is no version 1 validator and there shouldn't be. # The version 1 spec was very loose and there were numerous # cases of invalid values. def validateFontInfoVersion2ValueForAttribute(attr, value): """ This performs very basic validation of the value for attribute following the UFO 2 fontinfo.plist specification. The results of this should not be interpretted as *correct* for the font that they are part of. This merely indicates that the value is of the proper type and, where the specification defines a set range of possible values for an attribute, that the value is in the accepted range. """ dataValidationDict = fontInfoAttributesVersion2ValueData[attr] valueType = dataValidationDict.get("type") validator = dataValidationDict.get("valueValidator") valueOptions = dataValidationDict.get("valueOptions") # have specific options for the validator if valueOptions is not None: isValidValue = validator(value, valueOptions) # no specific options else: if validator == genericTypeValidator: isValidValue = validator(value, valueType) else: isValidValue = validator(value) return isValidValue def validateInfoVersion2Data(infoData): """ This performs very basic validation of the value for infoData following the UFO 2 fontinfo.plist specification. The results of this should not be interpretted as *correct* for the font that they are part of. This merely indicates that the values are of the proper type and, where the specification defines a set range of possible values for an attribute, that the value is in the accepted range. """ validInfoData = {} for attr, value in infoData.items(): isValidValue = validateFontInfoVersion2ValueForAttribute(attr, value) if not isValidValue: raise UFOLibError("Invalid value for attribute %s (%s)." % (attr, repr(value))) else: validInfoData[attr] = value return validInfoData def validateFontInfoVersion3ValueForAttribute(attr, value): """ This performs very basic validation of the value for attribute following the UFO 3 fontinfo.plist specification. The results of this should not be interpretted as *correct* for the font that they are part of. This merely indicates that the value is of the proper type and, where the specification defines a set range of possible values for an attribute, that the value is in the accepted range. """ dataValidationDict = fontInfoAttributesVersion3ValueData[attr] valueType = dataValidationDict.get("type") validator = dataValidationDict.get("valueValidator") valueOptions = dataValidationDict.get("valueOptions") # have specific options for the validator if valueOptions is not None: isValidValue = validator(value, valueOptions) # no specific options else: if validator == genericTypeValidator: isValidValue = validator(value, valueType) else: isValidValue = validator(value) return isValidValue def validateInfoVersion3Data(infoData): """ This performs very basic validation of the value for infoData following the UFO 3 fontinfo.plist specification. The results of this should not be interpretted as *correct* for the font that they are part of. This merely indicates that the values are of the proper type and, where the specification defines a set range of possible values for an attribute, that the value is in the accepted range. """ validInfoData = {} for attr, value in infoData.items(): isValidValue = validateFontInfoVersion3ValueForAttribute(attr, value) if not isValidValue: raise UFOLibError("Invalid value for attribute %s (%s)." % (attr, repr(value))) else: validInfoData[attr] = value return validInfoData # Value Options fontInfoOpenTypeHeadFlagsOptions = range(0, 14) fontInfoOpenTypeOS2SelectionOptions = [1, 2, 3, 4] fontInfoOpenTypeOS2UnicodeRangesOptions = range(0, 128) fontInfoOpenTypeOS2CodePageRangesOptions = range(0, 64) fontInfoOpenTypeOS2TypeOptions = [0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9] # Version Attribute Definitions # This defines the attributes, types and, in some # cases the possible values, that can exist is # fontinfo.plist. fontInfoAttributesVersion1 = set([ "familyName", "styleName", "fullName", "fontName", "menuName", "fontStyle", "note", "versionMajor", "versionMinor", "year", "copyright", "notice", "trademark", "license", "licenseURL", "createdBy", "designer", "designerURL", "vendorURL", "unitsPerEm", "ascender", "descender", "capHeight", "xHeight", "defaultWidth", "slantAngle", "italicAngle", "widthName", "weightName", "weightValue", "fondName", "otFamilyName", "otStyleName", "otMacName", "msCharSet", "fondID", "uniqueID", "ttVendor", "ttUniqueID", "ttVersion", ]) fontInfoAttributesVersion2ValueData = { "familyName" : dict(type=basestring), "styleName" : dict(type=basestring), "styleMapFamilyName" : dict(type=basestring), "styleMapStyleName" : dict(type=basestring, valueValidator=fontInfoStyleMapStyleNameValidator), "versionMajor" : dict(type=int), "versionMinor" : dict(type=int), "year" : dict(type=int), "copyright" : dict(type=basestring), "trademark" : dict(type=basestring), "unitsPerEm" : dict(type=(int, float)), "descender" : dict(type=(int, float)), "xHeight" : dict(type=(int, float)), "capHeight" : dict(type=(int, float)), "ascender" : dict(type=(int, float)), "italicAngle" : dict(type=(float, int)), "note" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeHeadCreated" : dict(type=basestring, valueValidator=fontInfoOpenTypeHeadCreatedValidator), "openTypeHeadLowestRecPPEM" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeHeadFlags" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=genericIntListValidator, valueOptions=fontInfoOpenTypeHeadFlagsOptions), "openTypeHheaAscender" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeHheaDescender" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeHheaLineGap" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeHheaCaretSlopeRise" : dict(type=int), "openTypeHheaCaretSlopeRun" : dict(type=int), "openTypeHheaCaretOffset" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeNameDesigner" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeNameDesignerURL" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeNameManufacturer" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeNameManufacturerURL" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeNameLicense" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeNameLicenseURL" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeNameVersion" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeNameUniqueID" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeNameDescription" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeNamePreferredFamilyName" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeNameCompatibleFullName" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeNameSampleText" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeNameWWSFamilyName" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeNameWWSSubfamilyName" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeOS2WidthClass" : dict(type=int, valueValidator=fontInfoOpenTypeOS2WidthClassValidator), "openTypeOS2WeightClass" : dict(type=int, valueValidator=fontInfoOpenTypeOS2WeightClassValidator), "openTypeOS2Selection" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=genericIntListValidator, valueOptions=fontInfoOpenTypeOS2SelectionOptions), "openTypeOS2VendorID" : dict(type=basestring), "openTypeOS2Panose" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=fontInfoVersion2OpenTypeOS2PanoseValidator), "openTypeOS2FamilyClass" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=fontInfoOpenTypeOS2FamilyClassValidator), "openTypeOS2UnicodeRanges" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=genericIntListValidator, valueOptions=fontInfoOpenTypeOS2UnicodeRangesOptions), "openTypeOS2CodePageRanges" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=genericIntListValidator, valueOptions=fontInfoOpenTypeOS2CodePageRangesOptions), "openTypeOS2TypoAscender" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeOS2TypoDescender" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeOS2TypoLineGap" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeOS2WinAscent" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeOS2WinDescent" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeOS2Type" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=genericIntListValidator, valueOptions=fontInfoOpenTypeOS2TypeOptions), "openTypeOS2SubscriptXSize" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeOS2SubscriptYSize" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeOS2SubscriptXOffset" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeOS2SubscriptYOffset" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeOS2SuperscriptXSize" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeOS2SuperscriptYSize" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeOS2SuperscriptXOffset" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeOS2SuperscriptYOffset" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeOS2StrikeoutSize" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeOS2StrikeoutPosition" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeVheaVertTypoAscender" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeVheaVertTypoDescender" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeVheaVertTypoLineGap" : dict(type=(int, float)), "openTypeVheaCaretSlopeRise" : dict(type=int), "openTypeVheaCaretSlopeRun" : dict(type=int), "openTypeVheaCaretOffset" : dict(type=(int, float)), "postscriptFontName" : dict(type=basestring), "postscriptFullName" : dict(type=basestring), "postscriptSlantAngle" : dict(type=(float, int)), "postscriptUniqueID" : dict(type=int), "postscriptUnderlineThickness" : dict(type=(int, float)), "postscriptUnderlinePosition" : dict(type=(int, float)), "postscriptIsFixedPitch" : dict(type=bool), "postscriptBlueValues" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=fontInfoPostscriptBluesValidator), "postscriptOtherBlues" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=fontInfoPostscriptOtherBluesValidator), "postscriptFamilyBlues" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=fontInfoPostscriptBluesValidator), "postscriptFamilyOtherBlues" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=fontInfoPostscriptOtherBluesValidator), "postscriptStemSnapH" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=fontInfoPostscriptStemsValidator), "postscriptStemSnapV" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=fontInfoPostscriptStemsValidator), "postscriptBlueFuzz" : dict(type=(int, float)), "postscriptBlueShift" : dict(type=(int, float)), "postscriptBlueScale" : dict(type=(float, int)), "postscriptForceBold" : dict(type=bool), "postscriptDefaultWidthX" : dict(type=(int, float)), "postscriptNominalWidthX" : dict(type=(int, float)), "postscriptWeightName" : dict(type=basestring), "postscriptDefaultCharacter" : dict(type=basestring), "postscriptWindowsCharacterSet" : dict(type=int, valueValidator=fontInfoPostscriptWindowsCharacterSetValidator), "macintoshFONDFamilyID" : dict(type=int), "macintoshFONDName" : dict(type=basestring), } fontInfoAttributesVersion2 = set(fontInfoAttributesVersion2ValueData.keys()) fontInfoAttributesVersion3ValueData = deepcopy(fontInfoAttributesVersion2ValueData) fontInfoAttributesVersion3ValueData.update({ "versionMinor" : dict(type=int, valueValidator=genericNonNegativeIntValidator), "unitsPerEm" : dict(type=(int, float), valueValidator=genericNonNegativeNumberValidator), "openTypeHeadLowestRecPPEM" : dict(type=(int, float), valueValidator=genericNonNegativeNumberValidator), "openTypeOS2Panose" : dict(type="integerList", valueValidator=fontInfoVersion3OpenTypeOS2PanoseValidator), "openTypeOS2WinAscent" : dict(type=(int, float), valueValidator=genericNonNegativeNumberValidator), "openTypeOS2WinDescent" : dict(type=(int, float), valueValidator=genericNonNegativeNumberValidator), "openTypeGaspRangeRecords" : dict(type="dictList", valueValidator=fontInfoOpenTypeGaspRangeRecordsValidator), "openTypeNameRecords" : dict(type="dictList", valueValidator=fontInfoOpenTypeNameRecordsValidator), "woffMajorVersion" : dict(type=int, valueValidator=genericNonNegativeIntValidator), "woffMinorVersion" : dict(type=int, valueValidator=genericNonNegativeIntValidator), "woffMetadataUniqueID" : dict(type=dict, valueValidator=fontInfoWOFFMetadataUniqueIDValidator), "woffMetadataVendor" : dict(type=dict, valueValidator=fontInfoWOFFMetadataVendorValidator), "woffMetadataCredits" : dict(type=dict, valueValidator=fontInfoWOFFMetadataCreditsValidator), "woffMetadataDescription" : dict(type=dict, valueValidator=fontInfoWOFFMetadataDescriptionValidator), "woffMetadataLicense" : dict(type=dict, valueValidator=fontInfoWOFFMetadataLicenseValidator), "woffMetadataCopyright" : dict(type=dict, valueValidator=fontInfoWOFFMetadataCopyrightValidator), "woffMetadataTrademark" : dict(type=dict, valueValidator=fontInfoWOFFMetadataTrademarkValidator), "woffMetadataLicensee" : dict(type=dict, valueValidator=fontInfoWOFFMetadataLicenseeValidator), "woffMetadataExtensions" : dict(type=list, valueValidator=fontInfoWOFFMetadataExtensionsValidator), "guidelines" : dict(type=list, valueValidator=guidelinesValidator) }) fontInfoAttributesVersion3 = set(fontInfoAttributesVersion3ValueData.keys()) # insert the type validator for all attrs that # have no defined validator. for attr, dataDict in fontInfoAttributesVersion2ValueData.items(): if "valueValidator" not in dataDict: dataDict["valueValidator"] = genericTypeValidator for attr, dataDict in fontInfoAttributesVersion3ValueData.items(): if "valueValidator" not in dataDict: dataDict["valueValidator"] = genericTypeValidator # Version Conversion Support # These are used from converting from version 1 # to version 2 or vice-versa. def _flipDict(d): flipped = {} for key, value in d.items(): flipped[value] = key return flipped fontInfoAttributesVersion1To2 = { "menuName" : "styleMapFamilyName", "designer" : "openTypeNameDesigner", "designerURL" : "openTypeNameDesignerURL", "createdBy" : "openTypeNameManufacturer", "vendorURL" : "openTypeNameManufacturerURL", "license" : "openTypeNameLicense", "licenseURL" : "openTypeNameLicenseURL", "ttVersion" : "openTypeNameVersion", "ttUniqueID" : "openTypeNameUniqueID", "notice" : "openTypeNameDescription", "otFamilyName" : "openTypeNamePreferredFamilyName", "otStyleName" : "openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName", "otMacName" : "openTypeNameCompatibleFullName", "weightName" : "postscriptWeightName", "weightValue" : "openTypeOS2WeightClass", "ttVendor" : "openTypeOS2VendorID", "uniqueID" : "postscriptUniqueID", "fontName" : "postscriptFontName", "fondID" : "macintoshFONDFamilyID", "fondName" : "macintoshFONDName", "defaultWidth" : "postscriptDefaultWidthX", "slantAngle" : "postscriptSlantAngle", "fullName" : "postscriptFullName", # require special value conversion "fontStyle" : "styleMapStyleName", "widthName" : "openTypeOS2WidthClass", "msCharSet" : "postscriptWindowsCharacterSet" } fontInfoAttributesVersion2To1 = _flipDict(fontInfoAttributesVersion1To2) deprecatedFontInfoAttributesVersion2 = set(fontInfoAttributesVersion1To2.keys()) _fontStyle1To2 = { 64 : "regular", 1 : "italic", 32 : "bold", 33 : "bold italic" } _fontStyle2To1 = _flipDict(_fontStyle1To2) # Some UFO 1 files have 0 _fontStyle1To2[0] = "regular" _widthName1To2 = { "Ultra-condensed" : 1, "Extra-condensed" : 2, "Condensed" : 3, "Semi-condensed" : 4, "Medium (normal)" : 5, "Semi-expanded" : 6, "Expanded" : 7, "Extra-expanded" : 8, "Ultra-expanded" : 9 } _widthName2To1 = _flipDict(_widthName1To2) # FontLab's default width value is "Normal". # Many format version 1 UFOs will have this. _widthName1To2["Normal"] = 5 # FontLab has an "All" width value. In UFO 1 # move this up to "Normal". _widthName1To2["All"] = 5 # "medium" appears in a lot of UFO 1 files. _widthName1To2["medium"] = 5 # "Medium" appears in a lot of UFO 1 files. _widthName1To2["Medium"] = 5 _msCharSet1To2 = { 0 : 1, 1 : 2, 2 : 3, 77 : 4, 128 : 5, 129 : 6, 130 : 7, 134 : 8, 136 : 9, 161 : 10, 162 : 11, 163 : 12, 177 : 13, 178 : 14, 186 : 15, 200 : 16, 204 : 17, 222 : 18, 238 : 19, 255 : 20 } _msCharSet2To1 = _flipDict(_msCharSet1To2) def convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion1ToVersion2(attr, value): """ Convert value from version 1 to version 2 format. Returns the new attribute name and the converted value. If the value is None, None will be returned for the new value. """ # convert floats to ints if possible if isinstance(value, float): if int(value) == value: value = int(value) if value is not None: if attr == "fontStyle": v = _fontStyle1To2.get(value) if v is None: raise UFOLibError("Cannot convert value (%s) for attribute %s." % (repr(value), attr)) value = v elif attr == "widthName": v = _widthName1To2.get(value) if v is None: raise UFOLibError("Cannot convert value (%s) for attribute %s." % (repr(value), attr)) value = v elif attr == "msCharSet": v = _msCharSet1To2.get(value) if v is None: raise UFOLibError("Cannot convert value (%s) for attribute %s." % (repr(value), attr)) value = v attr = fontInfoAttributesVersion1To2.get(attr, attr) return attr, value def convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion2ToVersion1(attr, value): """ Convert value from version 2 to version 1 format. Returns the new attribute name and the converted value. If the value is None, None will be returned for the new value. """ if value is not None: if attr == "styleMapStyleName": value = _fontStyle2To1.get(value) elif attr == "openTypeOS2WidthClass": value = _widthName2To1.get(value) elif attr == "postscriptWindowsCharacterSet": value = _msCharSet2To1.get(value) attr = fontInfoAttributesVersion2To1.get(attr, attr) return attr, value def _convertFontInfoDataVersion1ToVersion2(data): converted = {} for attr, value in data.items(): # FontLab gives -1 for the weightValue # for fonts wil no defined value. Many # format version 1 UFOs will have this. if attr == "weightValue" and value == -1: continue newAttr, newValue = convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion1ToVersion2(attr, value) # skip if the attribute is not part of version 2 if newAttr not in fontInfoAttributesVersion2: continue # catch values that can't be converted if value is None: raise UFOLibError("Cannot convert value (%s) for attribute %s." % (repr(value), newAttr)) # store converted[newAttr] = newValue return converted def _convertFontInfoDataVersion2ToVersion1(data): converted = {} for attr, value in data.items(): newAttr, newValue = convertFontInfoValueForAttributeFromVersion2ToVersion1(attr, value) # only take attributes that are registered for version 1 if newAttr not in fontInfoAttributesVersion1: continue # catch values that can't be converted if value is None: raise UFOLibError("Cannot convert value (%s) for attribute %s." % (repr(value), newAttr)) # store converted[newAttr] = newValue return converted def _convertFontInfoDataVersion3ToVersion2(data): converted = {} for attr, value in data.items(): # only take attributes that are registered for version 2 if attr not in fontInfoAttributesVersion2: continue # store converted[attr] = value return converted if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()