from fontTools.ttLib import newTable from fontTools.ttLib.tables._f_v_a_r import Axis as fvarAxis from fontTools.pens.areaPen import AreaPen from fontTools.pens.basePen import NullPen from fontTools.pens.statisticsPen import StatisticsPen from fontTools.varLib.models import piecewiseLinearMap, normalizeValue from fontTools.misc.cliTools import makeOutputFileName import math import logging from pprint import pformat __all__ = [ "planWeightAxis", "planWidthAxis", "planSlantAxis", "planOpticalSizeAxis", "planAxis", "sanitizeWeight", "sanitizeWidth", "sanitizeSlant", "measureWeight", "measureWidth", "measureSlant", "normalizeLinear", "normalizeLog", "normalizeDegrees", "interpolateLinear", "interpolateLog", "processAxis", "makeDesignspaceSnippet", "addEmptyAvar", "main", ] log = logging.getLogger("fontTools.varLib.avarPlanner") WEIGHTS = [ 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, ] WIDTHS = [ 25.0, 37.5, 50.0, 62.5, 75.0, 87.5, 100.0, 112.5, 125.0, 137.5, 150.0, 162.5, 175.0, 187.5, 200.0, ] SLANTS = list(math.degrees(math.atan(d / 20.0)) for d in range(-20, 21)) SIZES = [ 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, 60, 72, 96, 120, 144, ] SAMPLES = 8 def normalizeLinear(value, rangeMin, rangeMax): """Linearly normalize value in [rangeMin, rangeMax] to [0, 1], with extrapolation.""" return (value - rangeMin) / (rangeMax - rangeMin) def interpolateLinear(t, a, b): """Linear interpolation between a and b, with t typically in [0, 1].""" return a + t * (b - a) def normalizeLog(value, rangeMin, rangeMax): """Logarithmically normalize value in [rangeMin, rangeMax] to [0, 1], with extrapolation.""" logMin = math.log(rangeMin) logMax = math.log(rangeMax) return (math.log(value) - logMin) / (logMax - logMin) def interpolateLog(t, a, b): """Logarithmic interpolation between a and b, with t typically in [0, 1].""" logA = math.log(a) logB = math.log(b) return math.exp(logA + t * (logB - logA)) def normalizeDegrees(value, rangeMin, rangeMax): """Angularly normalize value in [rangeMin, rangeMax] to [0, 1], with extrapolation.""" tanMin = math.tan(math.radians(rangeMin)) tanMax = math.tan(math.radians(rangeMax)) return (math.tan(math.radians(value)) - tanMin) / (tanMax - tanMin) def measureWeight(glyphset, glyphs=None): """Measure the perceptual average weight of the given glyphs.""" if isinstance(glyphs, dict): frequencies = glyphs else: frequencies = {g: 1 for g in glyphs} wght_sum = wdth_sum = 0 for glyph_name in glyphs: if frequencies is not None: frequency = frequencies.get(glyph_name, 0) if frequency == 0: continue else: frequency = 1 glyph = glyphset[glyph_name] pen = AreaPen(glyphset=glyphset) glyph.draw(pen) mult = glyph.width * frequency wght_sum += mult * abs(pen.value) wdth_sum += mult return wght_sum / wdth_sum def measureWidth(glyphset, glyphs=None): """Measure the average width of the given glyphs.""" if isinstance(glyphs, dict): frequencies = glyphs else: frequencies = {g: 1 for g in glyphs} wdth_sum = 0 freq_sum = 0 for glyph_name in glyphs: if frequencies is not None: frequency = frequencies.get(glyph_name, 0) if frequency == 0: continue else: frequency = 1 glyph = glyphset[glyph_name] pen = NullPen() glyph.draw(pen) wdth_sum += glyph.width * frequency freq_sum += frequency return wdth_sum / freq_sum def measureSlant(glyphset, glyphs=None): """Measure the perceptual average slant angle of the given glyphs.""" if isinstance(glyphs, dict): frequencies = glyphs else: frequencies = {g: 1 for g in glyphs} slnt_sum = 0 freq_sum = 0 for glyph_name in glyphs: if frequencies is not None: frequency = frequencies.get(glyph_name, 0) if frequency == 0: continue else: frequency = 1 glyph = glyphset[glyph_name] pen = StatisticsPen(glyphset=glyphset) glyph.draw(pen) mult = glyph.width * frequency slnt_sum += mult * pen.slant freq_sum += mult return -math.degrees(math.atan(slnt_sum / freq_sum)) def sanitizeWidth(userTriple, designTriple, pins, measurements): """Sanitize the width axis limits.""" minVal, defaultVal, maxVal = ( measurements[designTriple[0]], measurements[designTriple[1]], measurements[designTriple[2]], ) calculatedMinVal = userTriple[1] * (minVal / defaultVal) calculatedMaxVal = userTriple[1] * (maxVal / defaultVal)"Original width axis limits: %g:%g:%g", *userTriple) "Calculated width axis limits: %g:%g:%g", calculatedMinVal, userTriple[1], calculatedMaxVal, ) if ( abs(calculatedMinVal - userTriple[0]) / userTriple[1] > 0.05 or abs(calculatedMaxVal - userTriple[2]) / userTriple[1] > 0.05 ): log.warning("Calculated width axis min/max do not match user input.") log.warning( " Current width axis limits: %g:%g:%g", *userTriple, ) log.warning( " Suggested width axis limits: %g:%g:%g", calculatedMinVal, userTriple[1], calculatedMaxVal, ) return False return True def sanitizeWeight(userTriple, designTriple, pins, measurements): """Sanitize the weight axis limits.""" if len(set(userTriple)) < 3: return True minVal, defaultVal, maxVal = ( measurements[designTriple[0]], measurements[designTriple[1]], measurements[designTriple[2]], ) logMin = math.log(minVal) logDefault = math.log(defaultVal) logMax = math.log(maxVal) t = (userTriple[1] - userTriple[0]) / (userTriple[2] - userTriple[0]) y = math.exp(logMin + t * (logMax - logMin)) t = (y - minVal) / (maxVal - minVal) calculatedDefaultVal = userTriple[0] + t * (userTriple[2] - userTriple[0])"Original weight axis limits: %g:%g:%g", *userTriple) "Calculated weight axis limits: %g:%g:%g", userTriple[0], calculatedDefaultVal, userTriple[2], ) if abs(calculatedDefaultVal - userTriple[1]) / userTriple[1] > 0.05: log.warning("Calculated weight axis default does not match user input.") log.warning( " Current weight axis limits: %g:%g:%g", *userTriple, ) log.warning( " Suggested weight axis limits, changing default: %g:%g:%g", userTriple[0], calculatedDefaultVal, userTriple[2], ) t = (userTriple[2] - userTriple[0]) / (userTriple[1] - userTriple[0]) y = math.exp(logMin + t * (logDefault - logMin)) t = (y - minVal) / (defaultVal - minVal) calculatedMaxVal = userTriple[0] + t * (userTriple[1] - userTriple[0]) log.warning( " Suggested weight axis limits, changing maximum: %g:%g:%g", userTriple[0], userTriple[1], calculatedMaxVal, ) t = (userTriple[0] - userTriple[2]) / (userTriple[1] - userTriple[2]) y = math.exp(logMax + t * (logDefault - logMax)) t = (y - maxVal) / (defaultVal - maxVal) calculatedMinVal = userTriple[2] + t * (userTriple[1] - userTriple[2]) log.warning( " Suggested weight axis limits, changing minimum: %g:%g:%g", calculatedMinVal, userTriple[1], userTriple[2], ) return False return True def sanitizeSlant(userTriple, designTriple, pins, measurements): """Sanitize the slant axis limits.""""Original slant axis limits: %g:%g:%g", *userTriple) "Calculated slant axis limits: %g:%g:%g", measurements[designTriple[0]], measurements[designTriple[1]], measurements[designTriple[2]], ) if ( abs(measurements[designTriple[0]] - userTriple[0]) > 1 or abs(measurements[designTriple[1]] - userTriple[1]) > 1 or abs(measurements[designTriple[2]] - userTriple[2]) > 1 ): log.warning("Calculated slant axis min/default/max do not match user input.") log.warning( " Current slant axis limits: %g:%g:%g", *userTriple, ) log.warning( " Suggested slant axis limits: %g:%g:%g", measurements[designTriple[0]], measurements[designTriple[1]], measurements[designTriple[2]], ) return False return True def planAxis( measureFunc, normalizeFunc, interpolateFunc, glyphSetFunc, axisTag, axisLimits, values, samples=None, glyphs=None, designLimits=None, pins=None, sanitizeFunc=None, ): """Plan an axis. measureFunc: callable that takes a glyphset and an optional list of glyphnames, and returns the glyphset-wide measurement to be used for the axis. normalizeFunc: callable that takes a measurement and a minimum and maximum, and normalizes the measurement into the range 0..1, possibly extrapolating too. interpolateFunc: callable that takes a normalized t value, and a minimum and maximum, and returns the interpolated value, possibly extrapolating too. glyphSetFunc: callable that takes a variations "location" dictionary, and returns a glyphset. axisTag: the axis tag string. axisLimits: a triple of minimum, default, and maximum values for the axis. Or an `fvar` Axis object. values: a list of output values to map for this axis. samples: the number of samples to use when sampling. Default 8. glyphs: a list of glyph names to use when sampling. Defaults to None, which will process all glyphs. designLimits: an optional triple of minimum, default, and maximum values represenging the "design" limits for the axis. If not provided, the axisLimits will be used. pins: an optional dictionary of before/after mapping entries to pin in the output. sanitizeFunc: an optional callable to call to sanitize the axis limits. """ if isinstance(axisLimits, fvarAxis): axisLimits = (axisLimits.minValue, axisLimits.defaultValue, axisLimits.maxValue) minValue, defaultValue, maxValue = axisLimits if samples is None: samples = SAMPLES if glyphs is None: glyphs = glyphSetFunc({}).keys() if pins is None: pins = {} else: pins = pins.copy() "Axis limits min %g / default %g / max %g", minValue, defaultValue, maxValue ) triple = (minValue, defaultValue, maxValue) if designLimits is not None:"Axis design-limits min %g / default %g / max %g", *designLimits) else: designLimits = triple if pins:"Pins %s", sorted(pins.items())) pins.update( { minValue: designLimits[0], defaultValue: designLimits[1], maxValue: designLimits[2], } ) out = {} outNormalized = {} axisMeasurements = {} for value in sorted({minValue, defaultValue, maxValue} | set(pins.keys())): glyphset = glyphSetFunc(location={axisTag: value}) designValue = pins[value] axisMeasurements[designValue] = measureFunc(glyphset, glyphs) if sanitizeFunc is not None:"Sanitizing axis limit values for the `%s` axis.", axisTag) sanitizeFunc(triple, designLimits, pins, axisMeasurements) log.debug("Calculated average value:\n%s", pformat(axisMeasurements)) for (rangeMin, targetMin), (rangeMax, targetMax) in zip( list(sorted(pins.items()))[:-1], list(sorted(pins.items()))[1:], ): targetValues = {w for w in values if rangeMin < w < rangeMax} if not targetValues: continue normalizedMin = normalizeValue(rangeMin, triple) normalizedMax = normalizeValue(rangeMax, triple) normalizedTargetMin = normalizeValue(targetMin, designLimits) normalizedTargetMax = normalizeValue(targetMax, designLimits)"Planning target values %s.", sorted(targetValues))"Sampling %u points in range %g,%g.", samples, rangeMin, rangeMax) valueMeasurements = axisMeasurements.copy() for sample in range(1, samples + 1): value = rangeMin + (rangeMax - rangeMin) * sample / (samples + 1) log.debug("Sampling value %g.", value) glyphset = glyphSetFunc(location={axisTag: value}) designValue = piecewiseLinearMap(value, pins) valueMeasurements[designValue] = measureFunc(glyphset, glyphs) log.debug("Sampled average value:\n%s", pformat(valueMeasurements)) measurementValue = {} for value in sorted(valueMeasurements): measurementValue[valueMeasurements[value]] = value out[rangeMin] = targetMin outNormalized[normalizedMin] = normalizedTargetMin for value in sorted(targetValues): t = normalizeFunc(value, rangeMin, rangeMax) targetMeasurement = interpolateFunc( t, valueMeasurements[targetMin], valueMeasurements[targetMax] ) targetValue = piecewiseLinearMap(targetMeasurement, measurementValue) log.debug("Planned mapping value %g to %g." % (value, targetValue)) out[value] = targetValue valueNormalized = normalizedMin + (value - rangeMin) / ( rangeMax - rangeMin ) * (normalizedMax - normalizedMin) outNormalized[valueNormalized] = normalizedTargetMin + ( targetValue - targetMin ) / (targetMax - targetMin) * (normalizedTargetMax - normalizedTargetMin) out[rangeMax] = targetMax outNormalized[normalizedMax] = normalizedTargetMax"Planned mapping for the `%s` axis:\n%s", axisTag, pformat(out)) "Planned normalized mapping for the `%s` axis:\n%s", axisTag, pformat(outNormalized), ) if all(abs(k - v) < 0.01 for k, v in outNormalized.items()):"Detected identity mapping for the `%s` axis. Dropping.", axisTag) out = {} outNormalized = {} return out, outNormalized def planWeightAxis( glyphSetFunc, axisLimits, weights=None, samples=None, glyphs=None, designLimits=None, pins=None, sanitize=False, ): """Plan a weight axis.""" if weights is None: weights = WEIGHTS return planAxis( measureWeight, normalizeLinear, interpolateLog, glyphSetFunc, "wght", axisLimits, values=weights, samples=samples, glyphs=glyphs, designLimits=designLimits, pins=pins, sanitizeFunc=sanitizeWeight if sanitize else None, ) def planWidthAxis( glyphSetFunc, axisLimits, widths=None, samples=None, glyphs=None, designLimits=None, pins=None, sanitize=False, ): """Plan a width axis.""" if widths is None: widths = WIDTHS return planAxis( measureWidth, normalizeLinear, interpolateLinear, glyphSetFunc, "wdth", axisLimits, values=widths, samples=samples, glyphs=glyphs, designLimits=designLimits, pins=pins, sanitizeFunc=sanitizeWidth if sanitize else None, ) def planSlantAxis( glyphSetFunc, axisLimits, slants=None, samples=None, glyphs=None, designLimits=None, pins=None, sanitize=False, ): """Plan a slant axis.""" if slants is None: slants = SLANTS return planAxis( measureSlant, normalizeDegrees, interpolateLinear, glyphSetFunc, "slnt", axisLimits, values=slants, samples=samples, glyphs=glyphs, designLimits=designLimits, pins=pins, sanitizeFunc=sanitizeSlant if sanitize else None, ) def planOpticalSizeAxis( glyphSetFunc, axisLimits, sizes=None, samples=None, glyphs=None, designLimits=None, pins=None, sanitize=False, ): """Plan a slant axis.""" if sizes is None: sizes = SIZES return planAxis( measureWeight, normalizeLog, interpolateLinear, glyphSetFunc, "opsz", axisLimits, values=sizes, samples=samples, glyphs=glyphs, designLimits=designLimits, pins=pins, ) def makeDesignspaceSnippet(axisTag, axisName, axisLimit, mapping): """Make a designspace snippet for a single axis.""" designspaceSnippet = ( '