import os from io import StringIO import zipfile from fs.osfs import OSFS from fs.zipfs import ZipFS, ZipOpenError from ufoLib.plistlibShim import readPlist, writePlist from ufoLib.errors import UFOLibError try: basestring except NameError: basestring = str class FileSystem(object): def __init__(self, path, mode="r"): self._root = None self._path = "" if isinstance(path, basestring): self._path = path if not os.path.exists(path): raise UFOLibError("The specified UFO doesn't exist.") if os.path.isdir(path): path = OSFS(path) elif zipfile.is_zipfile(path): path = ZipFS(path, mode=mode, allow_zip_64=True) roots = path.listdir("") if len(roots) > 1: raise UFOLibError("The UFO contains more than one root.") self._root = roots[0] else: raise UFOLibError("The specified UFO is not in a proper format.") self._fs = path def close(self): self._fsClose() # -------- # fs Calls # -------- """ All actual low-level file system interaction MUST be done through these methods. This is necessary because ZIPs will have a top level root directory that packages will not have. """ def _fsRootPath(self, path): if self._root is None: return path return self.joinPath(self._root, path) def _fsUnRootPath(self, path): if self._root is None: return path return self.relativePath(path, self._root) def _fsClose(self): self._fs.close() def _fsOpen(self, path, mode="r", encoding=None): path = self._fsRootPath(path) f =, mode, encoding=encoding) return f def _fsRemove(self, path): path = self._fsRootPath(path) self._fs.remove(path) def _fsMakeDirectory(self, path): path = self._fsRootPath(path) self._fs.mkdir(path) def _fsRemoveDirectory(self, path): path = self._fsRootPath(path) self._fs.removedir(path) def _fsExists(self, path): path = self._fsRootPath(path) return self._fs.exists(path) def _fsIsDirectory(self, path): path = self._fsRootPath(path) return self._fs.isdir(path) def _fsListDirectory(self, path): path = self._fsRootPath(path) return self._fs.listdir(path) def _fsGetFileModificationTime(self, path): path = self._fsRootPath(path) info = self._fs.getinfo(path) return info["modified_time"] # ----------------- # Path Manipulation # ----------------- def joinPath(self, *parts): return os.path.join(*parts) def splitPath(self, path): return os.path.split(path) def directoryName(self, path): return self.splitPath(path)[0] def relativePath(self, path, start): return os.path.relpath(path, start) # --------- # Existence # --------- def exists(self, path): return self._fsExists(path) def isDirectory(self, path): return self._fsIsDirectory(path) def listDirectory(self, path, recurse=False): return self._listDirectory(path, recurse=recurse) def _listDirectory(self, path, recurse=False, depth=0, maxDepth=100): if depth > maxDepth: raise UFOLibError("Maximum recusion depth reached.") result = [] for fileName in self._fsListDirectory(path): p = self.joinPath(path, fileName) if self.isDirectory(p) and recurse: result += self._listDirectory(p, recurse=True, depth=depth+1, maxDepth=maxDepth) else: result.append(p) return result def makeDirectory(self, path): if not self.exists(path): self._fsMakeDirectory(path) # ----------- # File Opener # ----------- def open(self, path, mode="r", encoding=None): """ Returns a file (or file-like) object for the file at the given path. The path must be relative to the UFO path. Returns None if the file does not exist and the mode is "r" or "rb. An encoding may be passed if needed. Note: The caller is responsible for closing the open file. """ if encoding: if mode == "r": mode = "rb" elif mode == "w": mode = "wb" if mode in ("r", "rb") and not self.exists(path): return None if self.exists(path) and self.isDirectory(path): raise UFOLibError("%s is a directory." % path) if mode in ("w", "wb"): self._buildDirectoryTree(path) f = self._fsOpen(path, mode, encoding=encoding) return f def _buildDirectoryTree(self, path): directory, fileName = self.splitPath(path) directoryTree = [] while directory: directory, d = self.splitPath(directory) directoryTree.append(d) directoryTree.reverse() built = "" for d in directoryTree: d = self.joinPath(built, d) p = self.joinPath(self._path, d) self.makeDirectory(p) built = d # ------------------ # Modification Times # ------------------ def getFileModificationTime(self, path): """ Returns the modification time (as reported by os.path.getmtime) for the file at the given path. The path must be relative to the UFO path. Returns None if the file does not exist. """ if not self.exists(path): return None return self._fsGetFileModificationTime(path) # -------------- # Raw Read/Write # -------------- def readBytesFromPath(self, path, encoding=None): """ Returns the bytes in the file at the given path. The path must be relative to the UFO path. Returns None if the file does not exist. An encoding may be passed if needed. """ f =, mode="r", encoding=encoding) if f is None: return None data = f.close() return data def writeBytesToPath(self, path, data, encoding=None): """ Write bytes to path. If needed, the directory tree for the given path will be built. The path must be relative to the UFO. An encoding may be passed if needed. """ if encoding: data = StringIO(data).encode(encoding) self._writeFileAtomically(data, fullPath) def _writeFileAtomically(self, data, path): """ Write data into a file at path. Do this sort of atomically making it harder to cause corrupt files. This also checks to see if data matches the data that is already in the file at path. If so, the file is not rewritten so that the modification date is preserved. """ assert isinstance(data, bytes) if self.exists(path): f =, "rb") oldData = f.close() if data == oldData: return if data: f =, "wb") f.write(data) f.close() # ------------ # File Removal # ------------ def remove(self, path): """ Remove the file (or directory) at path. The path must be relative to the UFO. This is only allowed for files in the data and image directories. """ d = path parts = [] while d: d, p = self.splitPath(d) if p: parts.append(p) if parts[-1] not in ("images", "data"): raise UFOLibError("Removing \"%s\" is not legal." % path) self._removeFileForPath(path, raiseErrorIfMissing=True) def _removeFileForPath(self, path, raiseErrorIfMissing=False): if not self.exists(path): if raiseErrorIfMissing: raise UFOLibError("The file %s does not exist." % path) else: if self.isDirectory(path): self._fsRemoveDirectory(path) else: self._fsRemove(path) directory = self.directoryName(path) self._removeEmptyDirectoriesForPath(directory) def _removeEmptyDirectoriesForPath(self, directory): if not self.exists(directory): return if not len(self._fsListDirectory(directory)): self._fsRemoveDirectory(directory) else: return directory = self.directoryName(directory) if directory: self._removeEmptyDirectoriesForPath(directory) # -------------- # Property Lists # -------------- def readPlist(self, path, default=None): """ Read a property list relative to the UFO path. If the file is missing and default is None a UFOLibError will be raised. Otherwise default is returned. The errors that could be raised during the reading of a plist are unpredictable and/or too large to list, so, a blind try: except: is done. If an exception occurs, a UFOLibError will be raised. """ if not self.exists(path): if default is not None: return default else: raise UFOLibError("%s is missing. This file is required" % path) try: with, "rb") as f: return readPlist(f) except: raise UFOLibError("The file %s could not be read." % fileName) if __name__ == "__main__": from ufoLib import UFOReader path = os.path.dirname(__file__) path = os.path.dirname(path) path = os.path.dirname(path) path = os.path.join(path, "TestData", "TestFont1 (UFO2).ufo") # path += ".zip" reader = UFOReader(path) glyphSet = reader.getGlyphSet() print glyphSet.getGLIF("A")