#FLM: Single Glyph from a UFO """Import one glyph from a .ufo, i.e. a single .glif file. """ from robofab.world import CurrentFont from robofab.objects.objectsRF import OpenFont from robofab.interface.all.dialogs import SelectGlyph, Message flFont = CurrentFont() if flFont is None: Message("Please have a FontLab destination font ready..") else: # pick a .ufo rfFont = OpenFont() if rfFont is not None: # pick a glyph in the .ufo rfGlyph = SelectGlyph(rfFont) if rfGlyph is not None: # make a new glyph in the FL font flGlyph = flFont.newGlyph(rfGlyph.name, clear=True) # draw the glyph into the FL font pen = flGlyph.getPointPen() rfGlyph.drawPoints(pen) # set the width, unicodes and lib flGlyph.width = rfGlyph.width flGlyph.unicodes = rfGlyph.unicodes flGlyph.lib = rfGlyph.lib flGlyph.note = rfGlyph.note flGlyph.update() flFont.update()