from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from fontTools.misc.py23 import * from fontTools.misc.fixedTools import otRound from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables as ot from fontTools.varLib.models import supportScalar from fontTools.varLib.builder import (buildVarRegionList, buildVarStore, buildVarRegion, buildVarData) from functools import partial from collections import defaultdict from array import array def _getLocationKey(loc): return tuple(sorted(loc.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[0])) class OnlineVarStoreBuilder(object): def __init__(self, axisTags): self._axisTags = axisTags self._regionMap = {} self._regionList = buildVarRegionList([], axisTags) self._store = buildVarStore(self._regionList, []) self._data = None self._model = None self._supports = None self._varDataIndices = {} self._varDataCaches = {} self._cache = {} def setModel(self, model): self.setSupports(model.supports) self._model = model def setSupports(self, supports): self._model = None self._supports = list(supports) if not self._supports[0]: del self._supports[0] # Drop base master support self._cache = {} self._data = None def finish(self, optimize=True): self._regionList.RegionCount = len(self._regionList.Region) self._store.VarDataCount = len(self._store.VarData) for data in self._store.VarData: data.ItemCount = len(data.Item) data.calculateNumShorts(optimize=optimize) return self._store def _add_VarData(self): regionMap = self._regionMap regionList = self._regionList regions = self._supports regionIndices = [] for region in regions: key = _getLocationKey(region) idx = regionMap.get(key) if idx is None: varRegion = buildVarRegion(region, self._axisTags) idx = regionMap[key] = len(regionList.Region) regionList.Region.append(varRegion) regionIndices.append(idx) # Check if we have one already... key = tuple(regionIndices) varDataIdx = self._varDataIndices.get(key) if varDataIdx is not None: self._outer = varDataIdx self._data = self._store.VarData[varDataIdx] self._cache = self._varDataCaches[key] if len(self._data.Item) == 0xFFF: # This is full. Need new one. varDataIdx = None if varDataIdx is None: self._data = buildVarData(regionIndices, [], optimize=False) self._outer = len(self._store.VarData) self._store.VarData.append(self._data) self._varDataIndices[key] = self._outer if key not in self._varDataCaches: self._varDataCaches[key] = {} self._cache = self._varDataCaches[key] def storeMasters(self, master_values): deltas = self._model.getDeltas(master_values) base = otRound(deltas.pop(0)) return base, self.storeDeltas(deltas) def storeDeltas(self, deltas): # Pity that this exists here, since VarData_addItem # does the same. But to look into our cache, it's # good to adjust deltas here as well... deltas = [otRound(d) for d in deltas] if len(deltas) == len(self._supports) + 1: deltas = tuple(deltas[1:]) else: assert len(deltas) == len(self._supports) deltas = tuple(deltas) varIdx = self._cache.get(deltas) if varIdx is not None: return varIdx if not self._data: self._add_VarData() inner = len(self._data.Item) if inner == 0xFFFF: # Full array. Start new one. self._add_VarData() return self.storeDeltas(deltas) self._data.addItem(deltas) varIdx = (self._outer << 16) + inner self._cache[deltas] = varIdx return varIdx def VarData_addItem(self, deltas): deltas = [otRound(d) for d in deltas] countUs = self.VarRegionCount countThem = len(deltas) if countUs + 1 == countThem: deltas = tuple(deltas[1:]) else: assert countUs == countThem, (countUs, countThem) deltas = tuple(deltas) self.Item.append(list(deltas)) self.ItemCount = len(self.Item) ot.VarData.addItem = VarData_addItem def VarRegion_get_support(self, fvar_axes): return { fvar_axes[i].axisTag: (reg.StartCoord,reg.PeakCoord,reg.EndCoord) for i, reg in enumerate(self.VarRegionAxis) if reg.PeakCoord != 0 } ot.VarRegion.get_support = VarRegion_get_support class VarStoreInstancer(object): def __init__(self, varstore, fvar_axes, location={}): self.fvar_axes = fvar_axes assert varstore is None or varstore.Format == 1 self._varData = varstore.VarData if varstore else [] self._regions = varstore.VarRegionList.Region if varstore else [] self.setLocation(location) def setLocation(self, location): self.location = dict(location) self._clearCaches() def _clearCaches(self): self._scalars = {} def _getScalar(self, regionIdx): scalar = self._scalars.get(regionIdx) if scalar is None: support = self._regions[regionIdx].get_support(self.fvar_axes) scalar = supportScalar(self.location, support) self._scalars[regionIdx] = scalar return scalar @staticmethod def interpolateFromDeltasAndScalars(deltas, scalars): delta = 0. for d,s in zip(deltas, scalars): if not s: continue delta += d * s return delta def __getitem__(self, varidx): major, minor = varidx >> 16, varidx & 0xFFFF varData = self._varData scalars = [self._getScalar(ri) for ri in varData[major].VarRegionIndex] deltas = varData[major].Item[minor] return self.interpolateFromDeltasAndScalars(deltas, scalars) def interpolateFromDeltas(self, varDataIndex, deltas): varData = self._varData scalars = [self._getScalar(ri) for ri in varData[varDataIndex].VarRegionIndex] return self.interpolateFromDeltasAndScalars(deltas, scalars) # # Optimizations # # retainFirstMap - If true, major 0 mappings are retained. Deltas for unused indices are zeroed # advIdxes - Set of major 0 indices for advance deltas to be listed first. Other major 0 indices follow. def VarStore_subset_varidxes(self, varIdxes, optimize=True, retainFirstMap=False, advIdxes=set()): # Sort out used varIdxes by major/minor. used = {} for varIdx in varIdxes: major = varIdx >> 16 minor = varIdx & 0xFFFF d = used.get(major) if d is None: d = used[major] = set() d.add(minor) del varIdxes # # Subset VarData # varData = self.VarData newVarData = [] varDataMap = {} for major,data in enumerate(varData): usedMinors = used.get(major) if usedMinors is None: continue newMajor = len(newVarData) newVarData.append(data) items = data.Item newItems = [] if major == 0 and retainFirstMap: for minor in range(len(items)): newItems.append(items[minor] if minor in usedMinors else [0] * len(items[minor])) varDataMap[minor] = minor else: if major == 0: minors = sorted(advIdxes) + sorted(usedMinors - advIdxes) else: minors = sorted(usedMinors) for minor in minors: newMinor = len(newItems) newItems.append(items[minor]) varDataMap[(major<<16)+minor] = (newMajor<<16)+newMinor data.Item = newItems data.ItemCount = len(data.Item) data.calculateNumShorts(optimize=optimize) self.VarData = newVarData self.VarDataCount = len(self.VarData) self.prune_regions() return varDataMap ot.VarStore.subset_varidxes = VarStore_subset_varidxes def VarStore_prune_regions(self): """Remove unused VarRegions.""" # # Subset VarRegionList # # Collect. usedRegions = set() for data in self.VarData: usedRegions.update(data.VarRegionIndex) # Subset. regionList = self.VarRegionList regions = regionList.Region newRegions = [] regionMap = {} for i in sorted(usedRegions): regionMap[i] = len(newRegions) newRegions.append(regions[i]) regionList.Region = newRegions regionList.RegionCount = len(regionList.Region) # Map. for data in self.VarData: data.VarRegionIndex = [regionMap[i] for i in data.VarRegionIndex] ot.VarStore.prune_regions = VarStore_prune_regions def _visit(self, func): """Recurse down from self, if type of an object is ot.Device, call func() on it. Works on otData-style classes.""" if type(self) == ot.Device: func(self) elif isinstance(self, list): for that in self: _visit(that, func) elif hasattr(self, 'getConverters') and not hasattr(self, 'postRead'): for conv in self.getConverters(): that = getattr(self,, None) if that is not None: _visit(that, func) elif isinstance(self, ot.ValueRecord): for that in self.__dict__.values(): _visit(that, func) def _Device_recordVarIdx(self, s): """Add VarIdx in this Device table (if any) to the set s.""" if self.DeltaFormat == 0x8000: s.add((self.StartSize<<16)+self.EndSize) def Object_collect_device_varidxes(self, varidxes): adder = partial(_Device_recordVarIdx, s=varidxes) _visit(self, adder) ot.GDEF.collect_device_varidxes = Object_collect_device_varidxes ot.GPOS.collect_device_varidxes = Object_collect_device_varidxes def _Device_mapVarIdx(self, mapping, done): """Map VarIdx in this Device table (if any) through mapping.""" if id(self) in done: return done.add(id(self)) if self.DeltaFormat == 0x8000: varIdx = mapping[(self.StartSize<<16)+self.EndSize] self.StartSize = varIdx >> 16 self.EndSize = varIdx & 0xFFFF def Object_remap_device_varidxes(self, varidxes_map): mapper = partial(_Device_mapVarIdx, mapping=varidxes_map, done=set()) _visit(self, mapper) ot.GDEF.remap_device_varidxes = Object_remap_device_varidxes ot.GPOS.remap_device_varidxes = Object_remap_device_varidxes class _Encoding(object): def __init__(self, chars): self.chars = chars self.width = self._popcount(chars) self.overhead = self._characteristic_overhead(chars) self.items = set() def append(self, row): self.items.add(row) def extend(self, lst): self.items.update(lst) def get_room(self): """Maximum number of bytes that can be added to characteristic while still being beneficial to merge it into another one.""" count = len(self.items) return max(0, (self.overhead - 1) // count - self.width) room = property(get_room) @property def gain(self): """Maximum possible byte gain from merging this into another characteristic.""" count = len(self.items) return max(0, self.overhead - count * (self.width + 1)) def sort_key(self): return self.width, self.chars def __len__(self): return len(self.items) def can_encode(self, chars): return not (chars & ~self.chars) def __sub__(self, other): return self._popcount(self.chars & ~other.chars) @staticmethod def _popcount(n): # Apparently this is the fastest native way to do it... # return bin(n).count('1') @staticmethod def _characteristic_overhead(chars): """Returns overhead in bytes of encoding this characteristic as a VarData.""" c = 6 while chars: if chars & 3: c += 2 chars >>= 2 return c def _find_yourself_best_new_encoding(self, done_by_width): self.best_new_encoding = None for new_width in range(self.width+1, for new_encoding in done_by_width[new_width]: if new_encoding.can_encode(self.chars): break else: new_encoding = None self.best_new_encoding = new_encoding class _EncodingDict(dict): def __missing__(self, chars): r = self[chars] = _Encoding(chars) return r def add_row(self, row): chars = self._row_characteristics(row) self[chars].append(row) @staticmethod def _row_characteristics(row): """Returns encoding characteristics for a row.""" chars = 0 i = 1 for v in row: if v: chars += i if not (-128 <= v <= 127): chars += i * 2 i <<= 2 return chars def VarStore_optimize(self): """Optimize storage. Returns mapping from old VarIdxes to new ones.""" # TODO # Check that no two VarRegions are the same; if they are, fold them. n = len(self.VarRegionList.Region) # Number of columns zeroes = array('h', [0]*n) front_mapping = {} # Map from old VarIdxes to full row tuples encodings = _EncodingDict() # Collect all items into a set of full rows (with lots of zeroes.) for major,data in enumerate(self.VarData): regionIndices = data.VarRegionIndex for minor,item in enumerate(data.Item): row = array('h', zeroes) for regionIdx,v in zip(regionIndices, item): row[regionIdx] += v row = tuple(row) encodings.add_row(row) front_mapping[(major<<16)+minor] = row # Separate encodings that have no gain (are decided) and those having # possible gain (possibly to be merged into others.) encodings = sorted(encodings.values(), key=_Encoding.__len__, reverse=True) done_by_width = defaultdict(list) todo = [] for encoding in encodings: if not encoding.gain: done_by_width[encoding.width].append(encoding) else: todo.append(encoding) # For each encoding that is possibly to be merged, find the best match # in the decided encodings, and record that. todo.sort(key=_Encoding.get_room) for encoding in todo: encoding._find_yourself_best_new_encoding(done_by_width) # Walk through todo encodings, for each, see if merging it with # another todo encoding gains more than each of them merging with # their best decided encoding. If yes, merge them and add resulting # encoding back to todo queue. If not, move the enconding to decided # list. Repeat till done. while todo: encoding = todo.pop() best_idx = None best_gain = 0 for i,other_encoding in enumerate(todo): combined_chars = other_encoding.chars | encoding.chars combined_width = _Encoding._popcount(combined_chars) combined_overhead = _Encoding._characteristic_overhead(combined_chars) combined_gain = ( + encoding.overhead + other_encoding.overhead - combined_overhead - (combined_width - encoding.width) * len(encoding) - (combined_width - other_encoding.width) * len(other_encoding) ) this_gain = 0 if encoding.best_new_encoding is None else ( + encoding.overhead - (encoding.best_new_encoding.width - encoding.width) * len(encoding) ) other_gain = 0 if other_encoding.best_new_encoding is None else ( + other_encoding.overhead - (other_encoding.best_new_encoding.width - other_encoding.width) * len(other_encoding) ) separate_gain = this_gain + other_gain if combined_gain > separate_gain: best_idx = i best_gain = combined_gain - separate_gain if best_idx is None: # Encoding is decided as is done_by_width[encoding.width].append(encoding) else: other_encoding = todo[best_idx] combined_chars = other_encoding.chars | encoding.chars combined_encoding = _Encoding(combined_chars) combined_encoding.extend(encoding.items) combined_encoding.extend(other_encoding.items) combined_encoding._find_yourself_best_new_encoding(done_by_width) del todo[best_idx] todo.append(combined_encoding) # Assemble final store. back_mapping = {} # Mapping from full rows to new VarIdxes encodings = sum(done_by_width.values(), []) encodings.sort(key=_Encoding.sort_key) self.VarData = [] for major,encoding in enumerate(encodings): data = ot.VarData() self.VarData.append(data) data.VarRegionIndex = range(n) data.VarRegionCount = len(data.VarRegionIndex) data.Item = sorted(encoding.items) for minor,item in enumerate(data.Item): back_mapping[item] = (major<<16)+minor # Compile final mapping. varidx_map = {} for k,v in front_mapping.items(): varidx_map[k] = back_mapping[v] # Remove unused regions. self.prune_regions() # Recalculate things and go home. self.VarRegionList.RegionCount = len(self.VarRegionList.Region) self.VarDataCount = len(self.VarData) for data in self.VarData: data.ItemCount = len(data.Item) data.optimize() return varidx_map ot.VarStore.optimize = VarStore_optimize def main(args=None): from argparse import ArgumentParser from fontTools import configLogger from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont from fontTools.ttLib.tables.otBase import OTTableWriter parser = ArgumentParser(prog='varLib.varStore') parser.add_argument('fontfile') parser.add_argument('outfile', nargs='?') options = parser.parse_args(args) # TODO: allow user to configure logging via command-line options configLogger(level="INFO") fontfile = options.fontfile outfile = options.outfile font = TTFont(fontfile) gdef = font['GDEF'] store = gdef.table.VarStore writer = OTTableWriter() store.compile(writer, font) size = len(writer.getAllData()) print("Before: %7d bytes" % size) varidx_map = store.optimize() gdef.table.remap_device_varidxes(varidx_map) if 'GPOS' in font: font['GPOS'].table.remap_device_varidxes(varidx_map) writer = OTTableWriter() store.compile(writer, font) size = len(writer.getAllData()) print("After: %7d bytes" % size) if outfile is not None: if __name__ == "__main__": import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: sys.exit(main()) import doctest sys.exit(doctest.testmod().failed)