from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from fontTools.feaLib.lexer import Lexer, IncludingLexer import fontTools.feaLib.ast as ast import os import re class ParserError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, location): Exception.__init__(self, message) self.location = location def __str__(self): message = Exception.__str__(self) if self.location: path, line, column = self.location return "%s:%d:%d: %s" % (path, line, column, message) else: return message class Parser(object): def __init__(self, path): self.doc_ = ast.FeatureFile() self.glyphclasses_ = [{}] self.next_token_type_, self.next_token_ = (None, None) self.next_token_location_ = None self.lexer_ = IncludingLexer(path) self.advance_lexer_() def parse(self): while self.next_token_type_ is not None: self.advance_lexer_() if self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.GLYPHCLASS: glyphclass = self.parse_glyphclass_definition_() self.doc_.statements.append(glyphclass) elif self.is_cur_keyword_("languagesystem"): self.parse_languagesystem_() elif self.is_cur_keyword_("feature"): self.parse_feature_block_() else: raise ParserError("Expected languagesystem, feature, or " "glyph class definition", self.cur_token_location_) return self.doc_ def resolve_glyphclass_(self, name): for symtab in reversed(self.glyphclasses_): gc = symtab.get(name) if gc: return gc return None def parse_glyphclass_definition_(self): location, name = self.cur_token_location_, self.cur_token_ self.expect_symbol_("=") glyphs = self.parse_glyphclass_reference_() self.expect_symbol_(";") if self.resolve_glyphclass_(name) is not None: raise ParserError("Glyph class @%s already defined" % name, location) glyphclass = ast.GlyphClassDefinition(location, name, glyphs) self.glyphclasses_[-1][name] = glyphclass return glyphclass def parse_glyphclass_reference_(self): result = set() if self.next_token_type_ is Lexer.GLYPHCLASS: self.advance_lexer_() gc = self.resolve_glyphclass_(self.cur_token_) if gc is None: raise ParserError("Unknown glyph class @%s" % self.cur_token_, self.cur_token_location_) result.update(gc.glyphs) return result self.expect_symbol_("[") while self.next_token_ != "]": self.advance_lexer_() if self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.NAME: if self.next_token_ == "-": range_location_ = self.cur_token_location_ range_start = self.cur_token_ self.expect_symbol_("-") range_end = self.expect_name_() result.update(self.make_glyph_range_(range_location_, range_start, range_end)) else: result.add(self.cur_token_) elif self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.GLYPHCLASS: gc = self.resolve_glyphclass_(self.cur_token_) if gc is None: raise ParserError( "Unknown glyph class @%s" % self.cur_token_, self.cur_token_location_) result.update(gc.glyphs) else: raise ParserError("Expected glyph name, range, or reference", self.cur_token_location_) self.expect_symbol_("]") return result def parse_languagesystem_(self): assert self.cur_token_ == "languagesystem" location = self.cur_token_location_ script, language = self.expect_tag_(), self.expect_tag_() self.expect_symbol_(";") langsys = ast.LanguageSystemStatement(location, script, language) self.doc_.statements.append(langsys) def parse_feature_block_(self): assert self.cur_token_ == "feature" location = self.cur_token_location_ tag = self.expect_tag_() self.expect_symbol_("{") self.glyphclasses_.append({}) block = ast.FeatureBlock(location, tag) self.doc_.statements.append(block) while self.next_token_ != "}": self.advance_lexer_() if self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.GLYPHCLASS: block.statements.append(self.parse_glyphclass_definition_()) else: raise ParserError("Expected glyph class definition", self.cur_token_location_) self.expect_symbol_("}") self.glyphclasses_.pop() endtag = self.expect_tag_() if tag != endtag: raise ParserError("Expected \"%s\"" % tag.strip(), self.cur_token_location_) self.expect_symbol_(";") def is_cur_keyword_(self, k): return (self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.NAME) and (self.cur_token_ == k) def expect_tag_(self): self.advance_lexer_() if self.cur_token_type_ is not Lexer.NAME: raise ParserError("Expected a tag", self.cur_token_location_) if len(self.cur_token_) > 4: raise ParserError("Tags can not be longer than 4 characters", self.cur_token_location_) return (self.cur_token_ + " ")[:4] def expect_symbol_(self, symbol): self.advance_lexer_() if self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.SYMBOL and self.cur_token_ == symbol: return symbol raise ParserError("Expected '%s'" % symbol, self.cur_token_location_) def expect_name_(self): self.advance_lexer_() if self.cur_token_type_ is Lexer.NAME: return self.cur_token_ raise ParserError("Expected a name", self.cur_token_location_) def advance_lexer_(self): self.cur_token_type_, self.cur_token_, self.cur_token_location_ = ( self.next_token_type_, self.next_token_, self.next_token_location_) try: (self.next_token_type_, self.next_token_, self.next_token_location_) = except StopIteration: self.next_token_type_, self.next_token_ = (None, None) def make_glyph_range_(self, location, start, limit): """("", "") --> {"", "", "", ""}""" result = set() if len(start) != len(limit): raise ParserError( "Bad range: \"%s\" and \"%s\" should have the same length" % (start, limit), location) rev = lambda s: ''.join(reversed(list(s))) # string reversal prefix = os.path.commonprefix([start, limit]) suffix = rev(os.path.commonprefix([rev(start), rev(limit)])) if len(suffix) > 0: start_range = start[len(prefix):-len(suffix)] limit_range = limit[len(prefix):-len(suffix)] else: start_range = start[len(prefix):] limit_range = limit[len(prefix):] if start_range >= limit_range: raise ParserError("Start of range must be smaller than its end", location) uppercase = re.compile(r'^[A-Z]$') if uppercase.match(start_range) and uppercase.match(limit_range): for c in range(ord(start_range), ord(limit_range) + 1): result.add("%s%c%s" % (prefix, c, suffix)) return result lowercase = re.compile(r'^[a-z]$') if lowercase.match(start_range) and lowercase.match(limit_range): for c in range(ord(start_range), ord(limit_range) + 1): result.add("%s%c%s" % (prefix, c, suffix)) return result digits = re.compile(r'^[0-9]{1,3}$') if digits.match(start_range) and digits.match(limit_range): for i in range(int(start_range, 10), int(limit_range, 10) + 1): number = ("000" + str(i))[-len(start_range):] result.add("%s%s%s" % (prefix, number, suffix)) return result raise ParserError("Bad range: \"%s-%s\"" % (start, limit), location)