"""cffLib.py -- read/write tools for Adobe CFF fonts.""" # # $Id: cffLib.py,v 1.34 2008-03-07 19:56:17 jvr Exp $ # import struct from fontTools.misc import sstruct from fontTools.misc import psCharStrings from fontTools.misc.textTools import safeEval from fontTools.misc.py23 import * DEBUG = 0 cffHeaderFormat = """ major: B minor: B hdrSize: B offSize: B """ class CFFFontSet: def __init__(self): pass def decompile(self, file, otFont): sstruct.unpack(cffHeaderFormat, file.read(4), self) assert self.major == 1 and self.minor == 0, \ "unknown CFF format: %d.%d" % (self.major, self.minor) file.seek(self.hdrSize) self.fontNames = list(Index(file)) self.topDictIndex = TopDictIndex(file) self.strings = IndexedStrings(file) self.GlobalSubrs = GlobalSubrsIndex(file) self.topDictIndex.strings = self.strings self.topDictIndex.GlobalSubrs = self.GlobalSubrs def __len__(self): return len(self.fontNames) def keys(self): return list(self.fontNames) def values(self): return self.topDictIndex def __getitem__(self, name): try: index = self.fontNames.index(name) except ValueError: raise KeyError(name) return self.topDictIndex[index] def compile(self, file, otFont): strings = IndexedStrings() writer = CFFWriter() writer.add(sstruct.pack(cffHeaderFormat, self)) fontNames = Index() for name in self.fontNames: fontNames.append(name) writer.add(fontNames.getCompiler(strings, None)) topCompiler = self.topDictIndex.getCompiler(strings, None) writer.add(topCompiler) writer.add(strings.getCompiler()) writer.add(self.GlobalSubrs.getCompiler(strings, None)) for topDict in self.topDictIndex: if not hasattr(topDict, "charset") or topDict.charset is None: charset = otFont.getGlyphOrder() topDict.charset = charset for child in topCompiler.getChildren(strings): writer.add(child) writer.toFile(file) def toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress=None): xmlWriter.newline() for fontName in self.fontNames: xmlWriter.begintag("CFFFont", name=fontName) xmlWriter.newline() font = self[fontName] font.toXML(xmlWriter, progress) xmlWriter.endtag("CFFFont") xmlWriter.newline() xmlWriter.newline() xmlWriter.begintag("GlobalSubrs") xmlWriter.newline() self.GlobalSubrs.toXML(xmlWriter, progress) xmlWriter.endtag("GlobalSubrs") xmlWriter.newline() xmlWriter.newline() def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content): if not hasattr(self, "GlobalSubrs"): self.GlobalSubrs = GlobalSubrsIndex() self.major = 1 self.minor = 0 self.hdrSize = 4 self.offSize = 4 # XXX ?? if name == "CFFFont": if not hasattr(self, "fontNames"): self.fontNames = [] self.topDictIndex = TopDictIndex() fontName = attrs["name"] topDict = TopDict(GlobalSubrs=self.GlobalSubrs) topDict.charset = None # gets filled in later self.fontNames.append(fontName) self.topDictIndex.append(topDict) for element in content: if isinstance(element, basestring): continue name, attrs, content = element topDict.fromXML(name, attrs, content) elif name == "GlobalSubrs": for element in content: if isinstance(element, basestring): continue name, attrs, content = element subr = psCharStrings.T2CharString() subr.fromXML(name, attrs, content) self.GlobalSubrs.append(subr) class CFFWriter: def __init__(self): self.data = [] def add(self, table): self.data.append(table) def toFile(self, file): lastPosList = None count = 1 while True: if DEBUG: print("CFFWriter.toFile() iteration:", count) count = count + 1 pos = 0 posList = [pos] for item in self.data: if hasattr(item, "getDataLength"): endPos = pos + item.getDataLength() else: endPos = pos + len(item) if hasattr(item, "setPos"): item.setPos(pos, endPos) pos = endPos posList.append(pos) if posList == lastPosList: break lastPosList = posList if DEBUG: print("CFFWriter.toFile() writing to file.") begin = file.tell() posList = [0] for item in self.data: if hasattr(item, "toFile"): item.toFile(file) else: file.write(item) posList.append(file.tell() - begin) assert posList == lastPosList def calcOffSize(largestOffset): if largestOffset < 0x100: offSize = 1 elif largestOffset < 0x10000: offSize = 2 elif largestOffset < 0x1000000: offSize = 3 else: offSize = 4 return offSize class IndexCompiler: def __init__(self, items, strings, parent): self.items = self.getItems(items, strings) self.parent = parent def getItems(self, items, strings): return items def getOffsets(self): pos = 1 offsets = [pos] for item in self.items: if hasattr(item, "getDataLength"): pos = pos + item.getDataLength() else: pos = pos + len(item) offsets.append(pos) return offsets def getDataLength(self): lastOffset = self.getOffsets()[-1] offSize = calcOffSize(lastOffset) dataLength = ( 2 + # count 1 + # offSize (len(self.items) + 1) * offSize + # the offsets lastOffset - 1 # size of object data ) return dataLength def toFile(self, file): offsets = self.getOffsets() writeCard16(file, len(self.items)) offSize = calcOffSize(offsets[-1]) writeCard8(file, offSize) offSize = -offSize pack = struct.pack for offset in offsets: binOffset = pack(">l", offset)[offSize:] assert len(binOffset) == -offSize file.write(binOffset) for item in self.items: if hasattr(item, "toFile"): item.toFile(file) else: file.write(item) class IndexedStringsCompiler(IndexCompiler): def getItems(self, items, strings): return items.strings class TopDictIndexCompiler(IndexCompiler): def getItems(self, items, strings): out = [] for item in items: out.append(item.getCompiler(strings, self)) return out def getChildren(self, strings): children = [] for topDict in self.items: children.extend(topDict.getChildren(strings)) return children class FDArrayIndexCompiler(IndexCompiler): def getItems(self, items, strings): out = [] for item in items: out.append(item.getCompiler(strings, self)) return out def getChildren(self, strings): children = [] for fontDict in self.items: children.extend(fontDict.getChildren(strings)) return children def toFile(self, file): offsets = self.getOffsets() writeCard16(file, len(self.items)) offSize = calcOffSize(offsets[-1]) writeCard8(file, offSize) offSize = -offSize pack = struct.pack for offset in offsets: binOffset = pack(">l", offset)[offSize:] assert len(binOffset) == -offSize file.write(binOffset) for item in self.items: if hasattr(item, "toFile"): item.toFile(file) else: file.write(item) def setPos(self, pos, endPos): self.parent.rawDict["FDArray"] = pos class GlobalSubrsCompiler(IndexCompiler): def getItems(self, items, strings): out = [] for cs in items: cs.compile() out.append(cs.bytecode) return out class SubrsCompiler(GlobalSubrsCompiler): def setPos(self, pos, endPos): offset = pos - self.parent.pos self.parent.rawDict["Subrs"] = offset class CharStringsCompiler(GlobalSubrsCompiler): def setPos(self, pos, endPos): self.parent.rawDict["CharStrings"] = pos class Index: """This class represents what the CFF spec calls an INDEX.""" compilerClass = IndexCompiler def __init__(self, file=None): name = self.__class__.__name__ if file is None: self.items = [] return if DEBUG: print("loading %s at %s" % (name, file.tell())) self.file = file count = readCard16(file) self.count = count self.items = [None] * count if count == 0: self.items = [] return offSize = readCard8(file) if DEBUG: print(" index count: %s offSize: %s" % (count, offSize)) assert offSize <= 4, "offSize too large: %s" % offSize self.offsets = offsets = [] pad = '\0' * (4 - offSize) for index in range(count+1): chunk = file.read(offSize) chunk = pad + chunk offset, = struct.unpack(">L", chunk) offsets.append(int(offset)) self.offsetBase = file.tell() - 1 file.seek(self.offsetBase + offsets[-1]) # pretend we've read the whole lot if DEBUG: print(" end of %s at %s" % (name, file.tell())) def __len__(self): return len(self.items) def __getitem__(self, index): item = self.items[index] if item is not None: return item offset = self.offsets[index] + self.offsetBase size = self.offsets[index+1] - self.offsets[index] file = self.file file.seek(offset) data = file.read(size) assert len(data) == size item = self.produceItem(index, data, file, offset, size) self.items[index] = item return item def produceItem(self, index, data, file, offset, size): return data def append(self, item): self.items.append(item) def getCompiler(self, strings, parent): return self.compilerClass(self, strings, parent) class GlobalSubrsIndex(Index): compilerClass = GlobalSubrsCompiler def __init__(self, file=None, globalSubrs=None, private=None, fdSelect=None, fdArray=None): Index.__init__(self, file) self.globalSubrs = globalSubrs self.private = private if fdSelect: self.fdSelect = fdSelect if fdArray: self.fdArray = fdArray def produceItem(self, index, data, file, offset, size): if self.private is not None: private = self.private elif hasattr(self, 'fdArray') and self.fdArray is not None: private = self.fdArray[self.fdSelect[index]].Private else: private = None return psCharStrings.T2CharString(data, private=private, globalSubrs=self.globalSubrs) def toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress): xmlWriter.comment("The 'index' attribute is only for humans; it is ignored when parsed.") xmlWriter.newline() for i in range(len(self)): subr = self[i] if subr.needsDecompilation(): xmlWriter.begintag("CharString", index=i, raw=1) else: xmlWriter.begintag("CharString", index=i) xmlWriter.newline() subr.toXML(xmlWriter) xmlWriter.endtag("CharString") xmlWriter.newline() def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content): if name != "CharString": return subr = psCharStrings.T2CharString() subr.fromXML(name, attrs, content) self.append(subr) def getItemAndSelector(self, index): sel = None if hasattr(self, 'fdSelect'): sel = self.fdSelect[index] return self[index], sel class SubrsIndex(GlobalSubrsIndex): compilerClass = SubrsCompiler class TopDictIndex(Index): compilerClass = TopDictIndexCompiler def produceItem(self, index, data, file, offset, size): top = TopDict(self.strings, file, offset, self.GlobalSubrs) top.decompile(data) return top def toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress): for i in range(len(self)): xmlWriter.begintag("FontDict", index=i) xmlWriter.newline() self[i].toXML(xmlWriter, progress) xmlWriter.endtag("FontDict") xmlWriter.newline() class FDArrayIndex(TopDictIndex): compilerClass = FDArrayIndexCompiler def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content): if name != "FontDict": return fontDict = FontDict() for element in content: if isinstance(element, basestring): continue name, attrs, content = element fontDict.fromXML(name, attrs, content) self.append(fontDict) class FDSelect: def __init__(self, file = None, numGlyphs = None, format=None): if file: # read data in from file self.format = readCard8(file) if self.format == 0: from array import array self.gidArray = array("B", file.read(numGlyphs)).tolist() elif self.format == 3: gidArray = [None] * numGlyphs nRanges = readCard16(file) prev = None for i in range(nRanges): first = readCard16(file) if prev is not None: for glyphID in range(prev, first): gidArray[glyphID] = fd prev = first fd = readCard8(file) if prev is not None: first = readCard16(file) for glyphID in range(prev, first): gidArray[glyphID] = fd self.gidArray = gidArray else: assert 0, "unsupported FDSelect format: %s" % format else: # reading from XML. Make empty gidArray,, and leave format as passed in. # format == None will result in the smallest representation being used. self.format = format self.gidArray = [] def __len__(self): return len(self.gidArray) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.gidArray[index] def __setitem__(self, index, fdSelectValue): self.gidArray[index] = fdSelectValue def append(self, fdSelectValue): self.gidArray.append(fdSelectValue) class CharStrings: def __init__(self, file, charset, globalSubrs, private, fdSelect, fdArray): if file is not None: self.charStringsIndex = SubrsIndex(file, globalSubrs, private, fdSelect, fdArray) self.charStrings = charStrings = {} for i in range(len(charset)): charStrings[charset[i]] = i self.charStringsAreIndexed = 1 else: self.charStrings = {} self.charStringsAreIndexed = 0 self.globalSubrs = globalSubrs self.private = private if fdSelect != None: self.fdSelect = fdSelect if fdArray!= None: self.fdArray = fdArray def keys(self): return list(self.charStrings.keys()) def values(self): if self.charStringsAreIndexed: return self.charStringsIndex else: return list(self.charStrings.values()) def has_key(self, name): return name in self.charStrings def __len__(self): return len(self.charStrings) def __getitem__(self, name): charString = self.charStrings[name] if self.charStringsAreIndexed: charString = self.charStringsIndex[charString] return charString def __setitem__(self, name, charString): if self.charStringsAreIndexed: index = self.charStrings[name] self.charStringsIndex[index] = charString else: self.charStrings[name] = charString def getItemAndSelector(self, name): if self.charStringsAreIndexed: index = self.charStrings[name] return self.charStringsIndex.getItemAndSelector(index) else: if hasattr(self, 'fdSelect'): sel = self.fdSelect[index] # index is not defined at this point. Read R. ? else: raise KeyError("fdSelect array not yet defined.") return self.charStrings[name], sel def toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress): names = sorted(self.keys()) i = 0 step = 10 numGlyphs = len(names) for name in names: charStr, fdSelectIndex = self.getItemAndSelector(name) if charStr.needsDecompilation(): raw = [("raw", 1)] else: raw = [] if fdSelectIndex is None: xmlWriter.begintag("CharString", [('name', name)] + raw) else: xmlWriter.begintag("CharString", [('name', name), ('fdSelectIndex', fdSelectIndex)] + raw) xmlWriter.newline() charStr.toXML(xmlWriter) xmlWriter.endtag("CharString") xmlWriter.newline() if not i % step and progress is not None: progress.setLabel("Dumping 'CFF ' table... (%s)" % name) progress.increment(step / float(numGlyphs)) i = i + 1 def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content): for element in content: if isinstance(element, basestring): continue name, attrs, content = element if name != "CharString": continue fdID = -1 if hasattr(self, "fdArray"): fdID = safeEval(attrs["fdSelectIndex"]) private = self.fdArray[fdID].Private else: private = self.private glyphName = attrs["name"] charString = psCharStrings.T2CharString( private=private, globalSubrs=self.globalSubrs) charString.fromXML(name, attrs, content) if fdID >= 0: charString.fdSelectIndex = fdID self[glyphName] = charString def readCard8(file): return ord(file.read(1)) def readCard16(file): value, = struct.unpack(">H", file.read(2)) return value def writeCard8(file, value): file.write(chr(value)) def writeCard16(file, value): file.write(struct.pack(">H", value)) def packCard8(value): return chr(value) def packCard16(value): return struct.pack(">H", value) def buildOperatorDict(table): d = {} for op, name, arg, default, conv in table: d[op] = (name, arg) return d def buildOpcodeDict(table): d = {} for op, name, arg, default, conv in table: if isinstance(op, tuple): op = chr(op[0]) + chr(op[1]) else: op = chr(op) d[name] = (op, arg) return d def buildOrder(table): l = [] for op, name, arg, default, conv in table: l.append(name) return l def buildDefaults(table): d = {} for op, name, arg, default, conv in table: if default is not None: d[name] = default return d def buildConverters(table): d = {} for op, name, arg, default, conv in table: d[name] = conv return d class SimpleConverter: def read(self, parent, value): return value def write(self, parent, value): return value def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress): xmlWriter.simpletag(name, value=value) xmlWriter.newline() def xmlRead(self, name, attrs, content, parent): return attrs["value"] class Latin1Converter(SimpleConverter): def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress): # Store as UTF-8 value = value.decode("latin-1").encode("utf-8") xmlWriter.simpletag(name, value=value) xmlWriter.newline() def xmlRead(self, name, attrs, content, parent): return attrs["value"].decode("utf-8").encode("latin-1") def parseNum(s): try: value = int(s) except: value = float(s) return value class NumberConverter(SimpleConverter): def xmlRead(self, name, attrs, content, parent): return parseNum(attrs["value"]) class ArrayConverter(SimpleConverter): def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress): value = " ".join(map(str, value)) xmlWriter.simpletag(name, value=value) xmlWriter.newline() def xmlRead(self, name, attrs, content, parent): values = attrs["value"].split() return [parseNum(value) for value in values] class TableConverter(SimpleConverter): def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress): xmlWriter.begintag(name) xmlWriter.newline() value.toXML(xmlWriter, progress) xmlWriter.endtag(name) xmlWriter.newline() def xmlRead(self, name, attrs, content, parent): ob = self.getClass()() for element in content: if isinstance(element, basestring): continue name, attrs, content = element ob.fromXML(name, attrs, content) return ob class PrivateDictConverter(TableConverter): def getClass(self): return PrivateDict def read(self, parent, value): size, offset = value file = parent.file priv = PrivateDict(parent.strings, file, offset) file.seek(offset) data = file.read(size) len(data) == size priv.decompile(data) return priv def write(self, parent, value): return (0, 0) # dummy value class SubrsConverter(TableConverter): def getClass(self): return SubrsIndex def read(self, parent, value): file = parent.file file.seek(parent.offset + value) # Offset(self) return SubrsIndex(file) def write(self, parent, value): return 0 # dummy value class CharStringsConverter(TableConverter): def read(self, parent, value): file = parent.file charset = parent.charset globalSubrs = parent.GlobalSubrs if hasattr(parent, "ROS"): fdSelect, fdArray = parent.FDSelect, parent.FDArray private = None else: fdSelect, fdArray = None, None private = parent.Private file.seek(value) # Offset(0) return CharStrings(file, charset, globalSubrs, private, fdSelect, fdArray) def write(self, parent, value): return 0 # dummy value def xmlRead(self, name, attrs, content, parent): if hasattr(parent, "ROS"): # if it is a CID-keyed font, then the private Dict is extracted from the parent.FDArray private, fdSelect, fdArray = None, parent.FDSelect, parent.FDArray else: # if it is a name-keyed font, then the private dict is in the top dict, and there is no fdArray. private, fdSelect, fdArray = parent.Private, None, None charStrings = CharStrings(None, None, parent.GlobalSubrs, private, fdSelect, fdArray) charStrings.fromXML(name, attrs, content) return charStrings class CharsetConverter: def read(self, parent, value): isCID = hasattr(parent, "ROS") if value > 2: numGlyphs = parent.numGlyphs file = parent.file file.seek(value) if DEBUG: print("loading charset at %s" % value) format = readCard8(file) if format == 0: charset = parseCharset0(numGlyphs, file, parent.strings, isCID) elif format == 1 or format == 2: charset = parseCharset(numGlyphs, file, parent.strings, isCID, format) else: raise NotImplementedError assert len(charset) == numGlyphs if DEBUG: print(" charset end at %s" % file.tell()) else: # offset == 0 -> no charset data. if isCID or "CharStrings" not in parent.rawDict: assert value == 0 # We get here only when processing fontDicts from the FDArray of CFF-CID fonts. Only the real topDict references the chrset. charset = None elif value == 0: charset = cffISOAdobeStrings elif value == 1: charset = cffIExpertStrings elif value == 2: charset = cffExpertSubsetStrings return charset def write(self, parent, value): return 0 # dummy value def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress): # XXX only write charset when not in OT/TTX context, where we # dump charset as a separate "GlyphOrder" table. ##xmlWriter.simpletag("charset") xmlWriter.comment("charset is dumped separately as the 'GlyphOrder' element") xmlWriter.newline() def xmlRead(self, name, attrs, content, parent): if 0: return safeEval(attrs["value"]) class CharsetCompiler: def __init__(self, strings, charset, parent): assert charset[0] == '.notdef' isCID = hasattr(parent.dictObj, "ROS") data0 = packCharset0(charset, isCID, strings) data = packCharset(charset, isCID, strings) if len(data) < len(data0): self.data = data else: self.data = data0 self.parent = parent def setPos(self, pos, endPos): self.parent.rawDict["charset"] = pos def getDataLength(self): return len(self.data) def toFile(self, file): file.write(self.data) def getCIDfromName(name, strings): return int(name[3:]) def getSIDfromName(name, strings): return strings.getSID(name) def packCharset0(charset, isCID, strings): format = 0 data = [packCard8(format)] if isCID: getNameID = getCIDfromName else: getNameID = getSIDfromName for name in charset[1:]: data.append(packCard16(getNameID(name,strings))) return "".join(data) def packCharset(charset, isCID, strings): format = 1 ranges = [] first = None end = 0 if isCID: getNameID = getCIDfromName else: getNameID = getSIDfromName for name in charset[1:]: SID = getNameID(name, strings) if first is None: first = SID elif end + 1 != SID: nLeft = end - first if nLeft > 255: format = 2 ranges.append((first, nLeft)) first = SID end = SID nLeft = end - first if nLeft > 255: format = 2 ranges.append((first, nLeft)) data = [packCard8(format)] if format == 1: nLeftFunc = packCard8 else: nLeftFunc = packCard16 for first, nLeft in ranges: data.append(packCard16(first) + nLeftFunc(nLeft)) return "".join(data) def parseCharset0(numGlyphs, file, strings, isCID): charset = [".notdef"] if isCID: for i in range(numGlyphs - 1): CID = readCard16(file) charset.append("cid" + str(CID).zfill(5)) else: for i in range(numGlyphs - 1): SID = readCard16(file) charset.append(strings[SID]) return charset def parseCharset(numGlyphs, file, strings, isCID, format): charset = ['.notdef'] count = 1 if format == 1: nLeftFunc = readCard8 else: nLeftFunc = readCard16 while count < numGlyphs: first = readCard16(file) nLeft = nLeftFunc(file) if isCID: for CID in range(first, first+nLeft+1): charset.append("cid" + str(CID).zfill(5)) else: for SID in range(first, first+nLeft+1): charset.append(strings[SID]) count = count + nLeft + 1 return charset class EncodingCompiler: def __init__(self, strings, encoding, parent): assert not isinstance(encoding, basestring) data0 = packEncoding0(parent.dictObj.charset, encoding, parent.strings) data1 = packEncoding1(parent.dictObj.charset, encoding, parent.strings) if len(data0) < len(data1): self.data = data0 else: self.data = data1 self.parent = parent def setPos(self, pos, endPos): self.parent.rawDict["Encoding"] = pos def getDataLength(self): return len(self.data) def toFile(self, file): file.write(self.data) class EncodingConverter(SimpleConverter): def read(self, parent, value): if value == 0: return "StandardEncoding" elif value == 1: return "ExpertEncoding" else: assert value > 1 file = parent.file file.seek(value) if DEBUG: print("loading Encoding at %s" % value) format = readCard8(file) haveSupplement = format & 0x80 if haveSupplement: raise NotImplementedError("Encoding supplements are not yet supported") format = format & 0x7f if format == 0: encoding = parseEncoding0(parent.charset, file, haveSupplement, parent.strings) elif format == 1: encoding = parseEncoding1(parent.charset, file, haveSupplement, parent.strings) return encoding def write(self, parent, value): if value == "StandardEncoding": return 0 elif value == "ExpertEncoding": return 1 return 0 # dummy value def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress): if value in ("StandardEncoding", "ExpertEncoding"): xmlWriter.simpletag(name, name=value) xmlWriter.newline() return xmlWriter.begintag(name) xmlWriter.newline() for code in range(len(value)): glyphName = value[code] if glyphName != ".notdef": xmlWriter.simpletag("map", code=hex(code), name=glyphName) xmlWriter.newline() xmlWriter.endtag(name) xmlWriter.newline() def xmlRead(self, name, attrs, content, parent): if "name" in attrs: return attrs["name"] encoding = [".notdef"] * 256 for element in content: if isinstance(element, basestring): continue name, attrs, content = element code = safeEval(attrs["code"]) glyphName = attrs["name"] encoding[code] = glyphName return encoding def parseEncoding0(charset, file, haveSupplement, strings): nCodes = readCard8(file) encoding = [".notdef"] * 256 for glyphID in range(1, nCodes + 1): code = readCard8(file) if code != 0: encoding[code] = charset[glyphID] return encoding def parseEncoding1(charset, file, haveSupplement, strings): nRanges = readCard8(file) encoding = [".notdef"] * 256 glyphID = 1 for i in range(nRanges): code = readCard8(file) nLeft = readCard8(file) for glyphID in range(glyphID, glyphID + nLeft + 1): encoding[code] = charset[glyphID] code = code + 1 glyphID = glyphID + 1 return encoding def packEncoding0(charset, encoding, strings): format = 0 m = {} for code in range(len(encoding)): name = encoding[code] if name != ".notdef": m[name] = code codes = [] for name in charset[1:]: code = m.get(name) codes.append(code) while codes and codes[-1] is None: codes.pop() data = [packCard8(format), packCard8(len(codes))] for code in codes: if code is None: code = 0 data.append(packCard8(code)) return "".join(data) def packEncoding1(charset, encoding, strings): format = 1 m = {} for code in range(len(encoding)): name = encoding[code] if name != ".notdef": m[name] = code ranges = [] first = None end = 0 for name in charset[1:]: code = m.get(name, -1) if first is None: first = code elif end + 1 != code: nLeft = end - first ranges.append((first, nLeft)) first = code end = code nLeft = end - first ranges.append((first, nLeft)) # remove unencoded glyphs at the end. while ranges and ranges[-1][0] == -1: ranges.pop() data = [packCard8(format), packCard8(len(ranges))] for first, nLeft in ranges: if first == -1: # unencoded first = 0 data.append(packCard8(first) + packCard8(nLeft)) return "".join(data) class FDArrayConverter(TableConverter): def read(self, parent, value): file = parent.file file.seek(value) fdArray = FDArrayIndex(file) fdArray.strings = parent.strings fdArray.GlobalSubrs = parent.GlobalSubrs return fdArray def write(self, parent, value): return 0 # dummy value def xmlRead(self, name, attrs, content, parent): fdArray = FDArrayIndex() for element in content: if isinstance(element, basestring): continue name, attrs, content = element fdArray.fromXML(name, attrs, content) return fdArray class FDSelectConverter: def read(self, parent, value): file = parent.file file.seek(value) fdSelect = FDSelect(file, parent.numGlyphs) return fdSelect def write(self, parent, value): return 0 # dummy value # The FDSelect glyph data is written out to XML in the charstring keys, # so we write out only the format selector def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress): xmlWriter.simpletag(name, [('format', value.format)]) xmlWriter.newline() def xmlRead(self, name, attrs, content, parent): format = safeEval(attrs["format"]) file = None numGlyphs = None fdSelect = FDSelect(file, numGlyphs, format) return fdSelect def packFDSelect0(fdSelectArray): format = 0 data = [packCard8(format)] for index in fdSelectArray: data.append(packCard8(index)) return "".join(data) def packFDSelect3(fdSelectArray): format = 3 fdRanges = [] first = None end = 0 lenArray = len(fdSelectArray) lastFDIndex = -1 for i in range(lenArray): fdIndex = fdSelectArray[i] if lastFDIndex != fdIndex: fdRanges.append([i, fdIndex]) lastFDIndex = fdIndex sentinelGID = i + 1 data = [packCard8(format)] data.append(packCard16( len(fdRanges) )) for fdRange in fdRanges: data.append(packCard16(fdRange[0])) data.append(packCard8(fdRange[1])) data.append(packCard16(sentinelGID)) return "".join(data) class FDSelectCompiler: def __init__(self, fdSelect, parent): format = fdSelect.format fdSelectArray = fdSelect.gidArray if format == 0: self.data = packFDSelect0(fdSelectArray) elif format == 3: self.data = packFDSelect3(fdSelectArray) else: # choose smaller of the two formats data0 = packFDSelect0(fdSelectArray) data3 = packFDSelect3(fdSelectArray) if len(data0) < len(data3): self.data = data0 fdSelect.format = 0 else: self.data = data3 fdSelect.format = 3 self.parent = parent def setPos(self, pos, endPos): self.parent.rawDict["FDSelect"] = pos def getDataLength(self): return len(self.data) def toFile(self, file): file.write(self.data) class ROSConverter(SimpleConverter): def xmlWrite(self, xmlWriter, name, value, progress): registry, order, supplement = value xmlWriter.simpletag(name, [('Registry', registry), ('Order', order), ('Supplement', supplement)]) xmlWriter.newline() def xmlRead(self, name, attrs, content, parent): return (attrs['Registry'], attrs['Order'], safeEval(attrs['Supplement'])) topDictOperators = [ # opcode name argument type default converter ((12, 30), 'ROS', ('SID','SID','number'), None, ROSConverter()), ((12, 20), 'SyntheticBase', 'number', None, None), (0, 'version', 'SID', None, None), (1, 'Notice', 'SID', None, Latin1Converter()), ((12, 0), 'Copyright', 'SID', None, Latin1Converter()), (2, 'FullName', 'SID', None, None), ((12, 38), 'FontName', 'SID', None, None), (3, 'FamilyName', 'SID', None, None), (4, 'Weight', 'SID', None, None), ((12, 1), 'isFixedPitch', 'number', 0, None), ((12, 2), 'ItalicAngle', 'number', 0, None), ((12, 3), 'UnderlinePosition', 'number', None, None), ((12, 4), 'UnderlineThickness', 'number', 50, None), ((12, 5), 'PaintType', 'number', 0, None), ((12, 6), 'CharstringType', 'number', 2, None), ((12, 7), 'FontMatrix', 'array', [0.001,0,0,0.001,0,0], None), (13, 'UniqueID', 'number', None, None), (5, 'FontBBox', 'array', [0,0,0,0], None), ((12, 8), 'StrokeWidth', 'number', 0, None), (14, 'XUID', 'array', None, None), ((12, 21), 'PostScript', 'SID', None, None), ((12, 22), 'BaseFontName', 'SID', None, None), ((12, 23), 'BaseFontBlend', 'delta', None, None), ((12, 31), 'CIDFontVersion', 'number', 0, None), ((12, 32), 'CIDFontRevision', 'number', 0, None), ((12, 33), 'CIDFontType', 'number', 0, None), ((12, 34), 'CIDCount', 'number', 8720, None), (15, 'charset', 'number', 0, CharsetConverter()), ((12, 35), 'UIDBase', 'number', None, None), (16, 'Encoding', 'number', 0, EncodingConverter()), (18, 'Private', ('number','number'), None, PrivateDictConverter()), ((12, 37), 'FDSelect', 'number', None, FDSelectConverter()), ((12, 36), 'FDArray', 'number', None, FDArrayConverter()), (17, 'CharStrings', 'number', None, CharStringsConverter()), ] # Note! FDSelect and FDArray must both preceed CharStrings in the output XML build order, # in order for the font to compile back from xml. privateDictOperators = [ # opcode name argument type default converter (6, 'BlueValues', 'delta', None, None), (7, 'OtherBlues', 'delta', None, None), (8, 'FamilyBlues', 'delta', None, None), (9, 'FamilyOtherBlues', 'delta', None, None), ((12, 9), 'BlueScale', 'number', 0.039625, None), ((12, 10), 'BlueShift', 'number', 7, None), ((12, 11), 'BlueFuzz', 'number', 1, None), (10, 'StdHW', 'number', None, None), (11, 'StdVW', 'number', None, None), ((12, 12), 'StemSnapH', 'delta', None, None), ((12, 13), 'StemSnapV', 'delta', None, None), ((12, 14), 'ForceBold', 'number', 0, None), ((12, 15), 'ForceBoldThreshold', 'number', None, None), # deprecated ((12, 16), 'lenIV', 'number', None, None), # deprecated ((12, 17), 'LanguageGroup', 'number', 0, None), ((12, 18), 'ExpansionFactor', 'number', 0.06, None), ((12, 19), 'initialRandomSeed', 'number', 0, None), (20, 'defaultWidthX', 'number', 0, None), (21, 'nominalWidthX', 'number', 0, None), (19, 'Subrs', 'number', None, SubrsConverter()), ] def addConverters(table): for i in range(len(table)): op, name, arg, default, conv = table[i] if conv is not None: continue if arg in ("delta", "array"): conv = ArrayConverter() elif arg == "number": conv = NumberConverter() elif arg == "SID": conv = SimpleConverter() else: assert 0 table[i] = op, name, arg, default, conv addConverters(privateDictOperators) addConverters(topDictOperators) class TopDictDecompiler(psCharStrings.DictDecompiler): operators = buildOperatorDict(topDictOperators) class PrivateDictDecompiler(psCharStrings.DictDecompiler): operators = buildOperatorDict(privateDictOperators) class DictCompiler: def __init__(self, dictObj, strings, parent): assert isinstance(strings, IndexedStrings) self.dictObj = dictObj self.strings = strings self.parent = parent rawDict = {} for name in dictObj.order: value = getattr(dictObj, name, None) if value is None: continue conv = dictObj.converters[name] value = conv.write(dictObj, value) if value == dictObj.defaults.get(name): continue rawDict[name] = value self.rawDict = rawDict def setPos(self, pos, endPos): pass def getDataLength(self): return len(self.compile("getDataLength")) def compile(self, reason): if DEBUG: print("-- compiling %s for %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, reason)) print("in baseDict: ", self) rawDict = self.rawDict data = [] for name in self.dictObj.order: value = rawDict.get(name) if value is None: continue op, argType = self.opcodes[name] if isinstance(argType, tuple): l = len(argType) assert len(value) == l, "value doesn't match arg type" for i in range(l): arg = argType[i] v = value[i] arghandler = getattr(self, "arg_" + arg) data.append(arghandler(v)) else: arghandler = getattr(self, "arg_" + argType) data.append(arghandler(value)) data.append(op) return "".join(data) def toFile(self, file): file.write(self.compile("toFile")) def arg_number(self, num): return encodeNumber(num) def arg_SID(self, s): return psCharStrings.encodeIntCFF(self.strings.getSID(s)) def arg_array(self, value): data = [] for num in value: data.append(encodeNumber(num)) return "".join(data) def arg_delta(self, value): out = [] last = 0 for v in value: out.append(v - last) last = v data = [] for num in out: data.append(encodeNumber(num)) return "".join(data) def encodeNumber(num): if isinstance(num, float): return psCharStrings.encodeFloat(num) else: return psCharStrings.encodeIntCFF(num) class TopDictCompiler(DictCompiler): opcodes = buildOpcodeDict(topDictOperators) def getChildren(self, strings): children = [] if hasattr(self.dictObj, "charset") and self.dictObj.charset: children.append(CharsetCompiler(strings, self.dictObj.charset, self)) if hasattr(self.dictObj, "Encoding"): encoding = self.dictObj.Encoding if not isinstance(encoding, basestring): children.append(EncodingCompiler(strings, encoding, self)) if hasattr(self.dictObj, "FDSelect"): # I have not yet supported merging a ttx CFF-CID font, as there are interesting # issues about merging the FDArrays. Here I assume that # either the font was read from XML, and teh FDSelect indices are all # in the charstring data, or the FDSelect array is already fully defined. fdSelect = self.dictObj.FDSelect if len(fdSelect) == 0: # probably read in from XML; assume fdIndex in CharString data charStrings = self.dictObj.CharStrings for name in self.dictObj.charset: charstring = charStrings[name] fdSelect.append(charStrings[name].fdSelectIndex) fdSelectComp = FDSelectCompiler(fdSelect, self) children.append(fdSelectComp) if hasattr(self.dictObj, "CharStrings"): items = [] charStrings = self.dictObj.CharStrings for name in self.dictObj.charset: items.append(charStrings[name]) charStringsComp = CharStringsCompiler(items, strings, self) children.append(charStringsComp) if hasattr(self.dictObj, "FDArray"): # I have not yet supported merging a ttx CFF-CID font, as there are interesting # issues about merging the FDArrays. Here I assume that the FDArray info is correct # and complete. fdArrayIndexComp = self.dictObj.FDArray.getCompiler(strings, self) children.append(fdArrayIndexComp) children.extend(fdArrayIndexComp.getChildren(strings)) if hasattr(self.dictObj, "Private"): privComp = self.dictObj.Private.getCompiler(strings, self) children.append(privComp) children.extend(privComp.getChildren(strings)) return children class FontDictCompiler(DictCompiler): opcodes = buildOpcodeDict(topDictOperators) def getChildren(self, strings): children = [] if hasattr(self.dictObj, "Private"): privComp = self.dictObj.Private.getCompiler(strings, self) children.append(privComp) children.extend(privComp.getChildren(strings)) return children class PrivateDictCompiler(DictCompiler): opcodes = buildOpcodeDict(privateDictOperators) def setPos(self, pos, endPos): size = endPos - pos self.parent.rawDict["Private"] = size, pos self.pos = pos def getChildren(self, strings): children = [] if hasattr(self.dictObj, "Subrs"): children.append(self.dictObj.Subrs.getCompiler(strings, self)) return children class BaseDict: def __init__(self, strings=None, file=None, offset=None): self.rawDict = {} if DEBUG: print("loading %s at %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, offset)) self.file = file self.offset = offset self.strings = strings self.skipNames = [] def decompile(self, data): if DEBUG: print(" length %s is %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(data))) dec = self.decompilerClass(self.strings) dec.decompile(data) self.rawDict = dec.getDict() self.postDecompile() def postDecompile(self): pass def getCompiler(self, strings, parent): return self.compilerClass(self, strings, parent) def __getattr__(self, name): value = self.rawDict.get(name) if value is None: value = self.defaults.get(name) if value is None: raise AttributeError(name) conv = self.converters[name] value = conv.read(self, value) setattr(self, name, value) return value def toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress): for name in self.order: if name in self.skipNames: continue value = getattr(self, name, None) if value is None: continue conv = self.converters[name] conv.xmlWrite(xmlWriter, name, value, progress) def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content): conv = self.converters[name] value = conv.xmlRead(name, attrs, content, self) setattr(self, name, value) class TopDict(BaseDict): defaults = buildDefaults(topDictOperators) converters = buildConverters(topDictOperators) order = buildOrder(topDictOperators) decompilerClass = TopDictDecompiler compilerClass = TopDictCompiler def __init__(self, strings=None, file=None, offset=None, GlobalSubrs=None): BaseDict.__init__(self, strings, file, offset) self.GlobalSubrs = GlobalSubrs def getGlyphOrder(self): return self.charset def postDecompile(self): offset = self.rawDict.get("CharStrings") if offset is None: return # get the number of glyphs beforehand. self.file.seek(offset) self.numGlyphs = readCard16(self.file) def toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress): if hasattr(self, "CharStrings"): self.decompileAllCharStrings(progress) if hasattr(self, "ROS"): self.skipNames = ['Encoding'] if not hasattr(self, "ROS") or not hasattr(self, "CharStrings"): # these values have default values, but I only want them to show up # in CID fonts. self.skipNames = ['CIDFontVersion', 'CIDFontRevision', 'CIDFontType', 'CIDCount'] BaseDict.toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress) def decompileAllCharStrings(self, progress): # XXX only when doing ttdump -i? i = 0 for charString in self.CharStrings.values(): try: charString.decompile() except: print("Error in charstring ", i) import sys type, value = sys. exc_info()[0:2] raise type(value) if not i % 30 and progress: progress.increment(0) # update i = i + 1 class FontDict(BaseDict): defaults = buildDefaults(topDictOperators) converters = buildConverters(topDictOperators) order = buildOrder(topDictOperators) decompilerClass = None compilerClass = FontDictCompiler def __init__(self, strings=None, file=None, offset=None, GlobalSubrs=None): BaseDict.__init__(self, strings, file, offset) self.GlobalSubrs = GlobalSubrs def getGlyphOrder(self): return self.charset def toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress): self.skipNames = ['Encoding'] BaseDict.toXML(self, xmlWriter, progress) class PrivateDict(BaseDict): defaults = buildDefaults(privateDictOperators) converters = buildConverters(privateDictOperators) order = buildOrder(privateDictOperators) decompilerClass = PrivateDictDecompiler compilerClass = PrivateDictCompiler class IndexedStrings: """SID -> string mapping.""" def __init__(self, file=None): if file is None: strings = [] else: strings = list(Index(file)) self.strings = strings def getCompiler(self): return IndexedStringsCompiler(self, None, None) def __len__(self): return len(self.strings) def __getitem__(self, SID): if SID < cffStandardStringCount: return cffStandardStrings[SID] else: return self.strings[SID - cffStandardStringCount] def getSID(self, s): if not hasattr(self, "stringMapping"): self.buildStringMapping() if s in cffStandardStringMapping: SID = cffStandardStringMapping[s] elif s in self.stringMapping: SID = self.stringMapping[s] else: SID = len(self.strings) + cffStandardStringCount self.strings.append(s) self.stringMapping[s] = SID return SID def getStrings(self): return self.strings def buildStringMapping(self): self.stringMapping = {} for index in range(len(self.strings)): self.stringMapping[self.strings[index]] = index + cffStandardStringCount # The 391 Standard Strings as used in the CFF format. # from Adobe Technical None #5176, version 1.0, 18 March 1998 cffStandardStrings = ['.notdef', 'space', 'exclam', 'quotedbl', 'numbersign', 'dollar', 'percent', 'ampersand', 'quoteright', 'parenleft', 'parenright', 'asterisk', 'plus', 'comma', 'hyphen', 'period', 'slash', 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'colon', 'semicolon', 'less', 'equal', 'greater', 'question', 'at', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'bracketleft', 'backslash', 'bracketright', 'asciicircum', 'underscore', 'quoteleft', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'braceleft', 'bar', 'braceright', 'asciitilde', 'exclamdown', 'cent', 'sterling', 'fraction', 'yen', 'florin', 'section', 'currency', 'quotesingle', 'quotedblleft', 'guillemotleft', 'guilsinglleft', 'guilsinglright', 'fi', 'fl', 'endash', 'dagger', 'daggerdbl', 'periodcentered', 'paragraph', 'bullet', 'quotesinglbase', 'quotedblbase', 'quotedblright', 'guillemotright', 'ellipsis', 'perthousand', 'questiondown', 'grave', 'acute', 'circumflex', 'tilde', 'macron', 'breve', 'dotaccent', 'dieresis', 'ring', 'cedilla', 'hungarumlaut', 'ogonek', 'caron', 'emdash', 'AE', 'ordfeminine', 'Lslash', 'Oslash', 'OE', 'ordmasculine', 'ae', 'dotlessi', 'lslash', 'oslash', 'oe', 'germandbls', 'onesuperior', 'logicalnot', 'mu', 'trademark', 'Eth', 'onehalf', 'plusminus', 'Thorn', 'onequarter', 'divide', 'brokenbar', 'degree', 'thorn', 'threequarters', 'twosuperior', 'registered', 'minus', 'eth', 'multiply', 'threesuperior', 'copyright', 'Aacute', 'Acircumflex', 'Adieresis', 'Agrave', 'Aring', 'Atilde', 'Ccedilla', 'Eacute', 'Ecircumflex', 'Edieresis', 'Egrave', 'Iacute', 'Icircumflex', 'Idieresis', 'Igrave', 'Ntilde', 'Oacute', 'Ocircumflex', 'Odieresis', 'Ograve', 'Otilde', 'Scaron', 'Uacute', 'Ucircumflex', 'Udieresis', 'Ugrave', 'Yacute', 'Ydieresis', 'Zcaron', 'aacute', 'acircumflex', 'adieresis', 'agrave', 'aring', 'atilde', 'ccedilla', 'eacute', 'ecircumflex', 'edieresis', 'egrave', 'iacute', 'icircumflex', 'idieresis', 'igrave', 'ntilde', 'oacute', 'ocircumflex', 'odieresis', 'ograve', 'otilde', 'scaron', 'uacute', 'ucircumflex', 'udieresis', 'ugrave', 'yacute', 'ydieresis', 'zcaron', 'exclamsmall', 'Hungarumlautsmall', 'dollaroldstyle', 'dollarsuperior', 'ampersandsmall', 'Acutesmall', 'parenleftsuperior', 'parenrightsuperior', 'twodotenleader', 'onedotenleader', 'zerooldstyle', 'oneoldstyle', 'twooldstyle', 'threeoldstyle', 'fouroldstyle', 'fiveoldstyle', 'sixoldstyle', 'sevenoldstyle', 'eightoldstyle', 'nineoldstyle', 'commasuperior', 'threequartersemdash', 'periodsuperior', 'questionsmall', 'asuperior', 'bsuperior', 'centsuperior', 'dsuperior', 'esuperior', 'isuperior', 'lsuperior', 'msuperior', 'nsuperior', 'osuperior', 'rsuperior', 'ssuperior', 'tsuperior', 'ff', 'ffi', 'ffl', 'parenleftinferior', 'parenrightinferior', 'Circumflexsmall', 'hyphensuperior', 'Gravesmall', 'Asmall', 'Bsmall', 'Csmall', 'Dsmall', 'Esmall', 'Fsmall', 'Gsmall', 'Hsmall', 'Ismall', 'Jsmall', 'Ksmall', 'Lsmall', 'Msmall', 'Nsmall', 'Osmall', 'Psmall', 'Qsmall', 'Rsmall', 'Ssmall', 'Tsmall', 'Usmall', 'Vsmall', 'Wsmall', 'Xsmall', 'Ysmall', 'Zsmall', 'colonmonetary', 'onefitted', 'rupiah', 'Tildesmall', 'exclamdownsmall', 'centoldstyle', 'Lslashsmall', 'Scaronsmall', 'Zcaronsmall', 'Dieresissmall', 'Brevesmall', 'Caronsmall', 'Dotaccentsmall', 'Macronsmall', 'figuredash', 'hypheninferior', 'Ogoneksmall', 'Ringsmall', 'Cedillasmall', 'questiondownsmall', 'oneeighth', 'threeeighths', 'fiveeighths', 'seveneighths', 'onethird', 'twothirds', 'zerosuperior', 'foursuperior', 'fivesuperior', 'sixsuperior', 'sevensuperior', 'eightsuperior', 'ninesuperior', 'zeroinferior', 'oneinferior', 'twoinferior', 'threeinferior', 'fourinferior', 'fiveinferior', 'sixinferior', 'seveninferior', 'eightinferior', 'nineinferior', 'centinferior', 'dollarinferior', 'periodinferior', 'commainferior', 'Agravesmall', 'Aacutesmall', 'Acircumflexsmall', 'Atildesmall', 'Adieresissmall', 'Aringsmall', 'AEsmall', 'Ccedillasmall', 'Egravesmall', 'Eacutesmall', 'Ecircumflexsmall', 'Edieresissmall', 'Igravesmall', 'Iacutesmall', 'Icircumflexsmall', 'Idieresissmall', 'Ethsmall', 'Ntildesmall', 'Ogravesmall', 'Oacutesmall', 'Ocircumflexsmall', 'Otildesmall', 'Odieresissmall', 'OEsmall', 'Oslashsmall', 'Ugravesmall', 'Uacutesmall', 'Ucircumflexsmall', 'Udieresissmall', 'Yacutesmall', 'Thornsmall', 'Ydieresissmall', '001.000', '001.001', '001.002', '001.003', 'Black', 'Bold', 'Book', 'Light', 'Medium', 'Regular', 'Roman', 'Semibold' ] cffStandardStringCount = 391 assert len(cffStandardStrings) == cffStandardStringCount # build reverse mapping cffStandardStringMapping = {} for _i in range(cffStandardStringCount): cffStandardStringMapping[cffStandardStrings[_i]] = _i cffISOAdobeStrings = [".notdef", "space", "exclam", "quotedbl", "numbersign", "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quoteright", "parenleft", "parenright", "asterisk", "plus", "comma", "hyphen", "period", "slash", "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "colon", "semicolon", "less", "equal", "greater", "question", "at", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "bracketleft", "backslash", "bracketright", "asciicircum", "underscore", "quoteleft", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "braceleft", "bar", "braceright", "asciitilde", "exclamdown", "cent", "sterling", "fraction", "yen", "florin", "section", "currency", "quotesingle", "quotedblleft", "guillemotleft", "guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright", "fi", "fl", "endash", "dagger", "daggerdbl", "periodcentered", "paragraph", "bullet", "quotesinglbase", "quotedblbase", "quotedblright", "guillemotright", "ellipsis", "perthousand", "questiondown", "grave", "acute", "circumflex", "tilde", "macron", "breve", "dotaccent", "dieresis", "ring", "cedilla", "hungarumlaut", "ogonek", "caron", "emdash", "AE", "ordfeminine", "Lslash", "Oslash", "OE", "ordmasculine", "ae", "dotlessi", "lslash", "oslash", "oe", "germandbls", "onesuperior", "logicalnot", "mu", "trademark", "Eth", "onehalf", "plusminus", "Thorn", "onequarter", "divide", "brokenbar", "degree", "thorn", "threequarters", "twosuperior", "registered", "minus", "eth", "multiply", "threesuperior", "copyright", "Aacute", "Acircumflex", "Adieresis", "Agrave", "Aring", "Atilde", "Ccedilla", "Eacute", "Ecircumflex", "Edieresis", "Egrave", "Iacute", "Icircumflex", "Idieresis", "Igrave", "Ntilde", "Oacute", "Ocircumflex", "Odieresis", "Ograve", "Otilde", "Scaron", "Uacute", "Ucircumflex", "Udieresis", "Ugrave", "Yacute", "Ydieresis", "Zcaron", "aacute", "acircumflex", "adieresis", "agrave", "aring", "atilde", "ccedilla", "eacute", "ecircumflex", "edieresis", "egrave", "iacute", "icircumflex", "idieresis", "igrave", "ntilde", "oacute", "ocircumflex", "odieresis", "ograve", "otilde", "scaron", "uacute", "ucircumflex", "udieresis", "ugrave", "yacute", "ydieresis", "zcaron"] cffISOAdobeStringCount = 229 assert len(cffISOAdobeStrings) == cffISOAdobeStringCount cffIExpertStrings = [".notdef", "space", "exclamsmall", "Hungarumlautsmall", "dollaroldstyle", "dollarsuperior", "ampersandsmall", 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"ff", "fi", "fl", "ffi", "ffl", "parenleftinferior", "parenrightinferior", "hyphensuperior", "colonmonetary", "onefitted", "rupiah", "centoldstyle", "figuredash", "hypheninferior", "onequarter", "onehalf", "threequarters", "oneeighth", "threeeighths", "fiveeighths", "seveneighths", "onethird", "twothirds", "zerosuperior", "onesuperior", "twosuperior", "threesuperior", "foursuperior", "fivesuperior", "sixsuperior", "sevensuperior", "eightsuperior", "ninesuperior", "zeroinferior", "oneinferior", "twoinferior", "threeinferior", "fourinferior", "fiveinferior", "sixinferior", "seveninferior", "eightinferior", "nineinferior", "centinferior", "dollarinferior", "periodinferior", "commainferior"] cffExpertSubsetStringCount = 87 assert len(cffExpertSubsetStrings) == cffExpertSubsetStringCount