from copy import deepcopy import string from fontTools.colorLib.builder import LayerListBuilder, buildCOLR, buildClipList from fontTools.misc.testTools import getXML from fontTools.varLib.merger import COLRVariationMerger from fontTools.varLib.models import VariationModel from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables as ot from fontTools.ttLib.tables.otBase import OTTableReader, OTTableWriter from io import BytesIO import pytest NO_VARIATION_INDEX = ot.NO_VARIATION_INDEX def dump_xml(table, ttFont=None): xml = getXML(table.toXML, ttFont) print("[") for line in xml: print(f" {line!r},") print("]") return xml def compile_decompile(table, ttFont): writer = OTTableWriter(tableTag="COLR") # compile itself may modify a table, safer to copy it first table = deepcopy(table) table.compile(writer, ttFont) data = writer.getAllData() reader = OTTableReader(data, tableTag="COLR") table2 = table.__class__() table2.decompile(reader, ttFont) return table2 @pytest.fixture def ttFont(): font = TTFont() font.setGlyphOrder([".notdef"] + list(string.ascii_letters)) return font def build_paint(data): return LayerListBuilder().buildPaint(data) class COLRVariationMergerTest: @pytest.mark.parametrize( "paints, expected_xml, expected_varIdxes", [ pytest.param( [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0, }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0, }, ], [ '', ' ', ' ', "", ], [], id="solid-same", ), pytest.param( [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0, }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 0.5, }, ], [ '', ' ', ' ', ' ', "", ], [0], id="solid-alpha", ), pytest.param( [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintLinearGradient), "ColorLine": { "Extend": int(ot.ExtendMode.PAD), "ColorStop": [ {"StopOffset": 0.0, "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0}, {"StopOffset": 1.0, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0}, ], }, "x0": 0, "y0": 0, "x1": 1, "y1": 1, "x2": 2, "y2": 2, }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintLinearGradient), "ColorLine": { "Extend": int(ot.ExtendMode.PAD), "ColorStop": [ {"StopOffset": 0.1, "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0}, {"StopOffset": 0.9, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0}, ], }, "x0": 0, "y0": 0, "x1": 1, "y1": 1, "x2": 2, "y2": 2, }, ], [ '', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", "", ], [0, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, 1, NO_VARIATION_INDEX], id="linear_grad-stop-offsets", ), pytest.param( [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintLinearGradient), "ColorLine": { "Extend": int(ot.ExtendMode.PAD), "ColorStop": [ {"StopOffset": 0.0, "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0}, {"StopOffset": 1.0, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0}, ], }, "x0": 0, "y0": 0, "x1": 1, "y1": 1, "x2": 2, "y2": 2, }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintLinearGradient), "ColorLine": { "Extend": int(ot.ExtendMode.PAD), "ColorStop": [ {"StopOffset": 0.0, "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 0.5}, {"StopOffset": 1.0, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0}, ], }, "x0": 0, "y0": 0, "x1": 1, "y1": 1, "x2": 2, "y2": 2, }, ], [ '', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", "", ], [NO_VARIATION_INDEX, 0], id="linear_grad-stop[0].alpha", ), pytest.param( [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintLinearGradient), "ColorLine": { "Extend": int(ot.ExtendMode.PAD), "ColorStop": [ {"StopOffset": 0.0, "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0}, {"StopOffset": 1.0, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0}, ], }, "x0": 0, "y0": 0, "x1": 1, "y1": 1, "x2": 2, "y2": 2, }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintLinearGradient), "ColorLine": { "Extend": int(ot.ExtendMode.PAD), "ColorStop": [ {"StopOffset": -0.5, "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0}, {"StopOffset": 1.0, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0}, ], }, "x0": 0, "y0": 0, "x1": 1, "y1": 1, "x2": 2, "y2": -200, }, ], [ '', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', "", ], [ 0, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, 1, ], id="linear_grad-stop[0].offset-y2", ), pytest.param( [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintRadialGradient), "ColorLine": { "Extend": int(ot.ExtendMode.PAD), "ColorStop": [ {"StopOffset": 0.0, "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0}, {"StopOffset": 1.0, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0}, ], }, "x0": 0, "y0": 0, "r0": 0, "x1": 1, "y1": 1, "r1": 1, }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintRadialGradient), "ColorLine": { "Extend": int(ot.ExtendMode.PAD), "ColorStop": [ {"StopOffset": 0.1, "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 0.6}, {"StopOffset": 0.9, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 0.7}, ], }, "x0": -1, "y0": -2, "r0": 3, "x1": -4, "y1": -5, "r1": 6, }, ], [ '', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', "", ], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], id="radial_grad-all-different", ), pytest.param( [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSweepGradient), "ColorLine": { "Extend": int(ot.ExtendMode.REPEAT), "ColorStop": [ {"StopOffset": 0.4, "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0}, {"StopOffset": 0.6, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0}, ], }, "centerX": 0, "centerY": 0, "startAngle": 0, "endAngle": 180.0, }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSweepGradient), "ColorLine": { "Extend": int(ot.ExtendMode.REPEAT), "ColorStop": [ {"StopOffset": 0.4, "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0}, {"StopOffset": 0.6, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0}, ], }, "centerX": 0, "centerY": 0, "startAngle": 90.0, "endAngle": 180.0, }, ], [ '', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', "", ], [NO_VARIATION_INDEX, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, 0, NO_VARIATION_INDEX], id="sweep_grad-startAngle", ), pytest.param( [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSweepGradient), "ColorLine": { "Extend": int(ot.ExtendMode.PAD), "ColorStop": [ {"StopOffset": 0.0, "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0}, {"StopOffset": 1.0, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0}, ], }, "centerX": 0, "centerY": 0, "startAngle": 0.0, "endAngle": 180.0, }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSweepGradient), "ColorLine": { "Extend": int(ot.ExtendMode.PAD), "ColorStop": [ {"StopOffset": 0.0, "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 0.5}, {"StopOffset": 1.0, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 0.5}, ], }, "centerX": 0, "centerY": 0, "startAngle": 0.0, "endAngle": 180.0, }, ], [ '', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", "", ], [NO_VARIATION_INDEX, 0], id="sweep_grad-stops-alpha-reuse-varidxbase", ), pytest.param( [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintTransform), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintRadialGradient), "ColorLine": { "Extend": int(ot.ExtendMode.PAD), "ColorStop": [ { "StopOffset": 0.0, "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0, }, { "StopOffset": 1.0, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, ], }, "x0": 0, "y0": 0, "r0": 0, "x1": 1, "y1": 1, "r1": 1, }, "Transform": { "xx": 1.0, "xy": 0.0, "yx": 0.0, "yy": 1.0, "dx": 0.0, "dy": 0.0, }, }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintTransform), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintRadialGradient), "ColorLine": { "Extend": int(ot.ExtendMode.PAD), "ColorStop": [ { "StopOffset": 0.0, "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0, }, { "StopOffset": 1.0, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, ], }, "x0": 0, "y0": 0, "r0": 0, "x1": 1, "y1": 1, "r1": 1, }, "Transform": { "xx": 1.0, "xy": 0.0, "yx": 0.0, "yy": 0.5, "dx": 0.0, "dy": -100.0, }, }, ], [ '', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", "", ], [ NO_VARIATION_INDEX, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, 0, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, 1, ], id="transform-yy-dy", ), pytest.param( [ { "Format": ot.PaintFormat.PaintTransform, "Paint": { "Format": ot.PaintFormat.PaintSweepGradient, "ColorLine": { "Extend": ot.ExtendMode.PAD, "ColorStop": [ {"StopOffset": 0.0, "PaletteIndex": 0}, { "StopOffset": 1.0, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, ], }, "centerX": 0, "centerY": 0, "startAngle": 0, "endAngle": 360, }, "Transform": (1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0), }, { "Format": ot.PaintFormat.PaintTransform, "Paint": { "Format": ot.PaintFormat.PaintSweepGradient, "ColorLine": { "Extend": ot.ExtendMode.PAD, "ColorStop": [ {"StopOffset": 0.0, "PaletteIndex": 0}, { "StopOffset": 1.0, "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, ], }, "centerX": 256, "centerY": 0, "startAngle": 0, "endAngle": 360, }, # Transform.xx below produces the same VarStore delta as the # above PaintSweepGradient's centerX because, when Fixed16.16 # is converted to integer, it becomes: # floatToFixed(1.00390625, 16) == 256 # Because there is overlap between the varIdxes of the # PaintVarTransform's Affine2x3 and the PaintSweepGradient's # the VarIndexBase is reused (0 for both) "Transform": (1.00390625, 0, 0, 1.0, 10, 0), }, ], [ '', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", "", ], [ 0, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, 1, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, ], id="transform-xx-sweep_grad-centerx-same-varidxbase", ), ], ) def test_merge_Paint(self, paints, ttFont, expected_xml, expected_varIdxes): paints = [build_paint(p) for p in paints] out = deepcopy(paints[0]) model = VariationModel([{}, {"ZZZZ": 1.0}]) merger = COLRVariationMerger(model, ["ZZZZ"], ttFont) merger.mergeThings(out, paints) assert compile_decompile(out, ttFont) == out assert dump_xml(out, ttFont) == expected_xml assert merger.varIdxes == expected_varIdxes def test_merge_ClipList(self, ttFont): clipLists = [ buildClipList(clips) for clips in [ { "A": (0, 0, 1000, 1000), "B": (0, 0, 1000, 1000), "C": (0, 0, 1000, 1000), "D": (0, 0, 1000, 1000), }, { # non-default masters' clip boxes can be 'sparse' # (i.e. can omit explicit clip box for some glyphs) # "A": (0, 0, 1000, 1000), "B": (10, 0, 1000, 1000), "C": (20, 20, 1020, 1020), "D": (20, 20, 1020, 1020), }, ] ] out = deepcopy(clipLists[0]) model = VariationModel([{}, {"ZZZZ": 1.0}]) merger = COLRVariationMerger(model, ["ZZZZ"], ttFont) merger.mergeThings(out, clipLists) assert compile_decompile(out, ttFont) == out assert dump_xml(out, ttFont) == [ '', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", "", ] assert merger.varIdxes == [ 0, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, NO_VARIATION_INDEX, 1, 1, 1, 1, ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "master_layer_reuse", [ pytest.param(False, id="no-reuse"), pytest.param(True, id="with-reuse"), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "color_glyphs, output_layer_reuse, expected_xml, expected_varIdxes", [ pytest.param( [ { "A": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, }, { "A": { "Format": ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers, "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, }, ], False, [ "", ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", "", ], [], id="no-variation", ), pytest.param( [ { "A": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, "C": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 3, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, }, { # NOTE: 'A' is missing from non-default master "C": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 0.5, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 3, "Alpha": 0.5, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, }, ], False, [ "", ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", "", ], [0], id="sparse-masters", ), pytest.param( [ { "A": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, "C": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ # 'C' reuses layers 1-3 from 'A' { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, "D": { # identical to 'C' "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, "E": { # superset of 'C' or 'D' "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 3, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, }, { # NOTE: 'A' is missing from non-default master "C": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 0.5, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 0.5, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, "D": { # same as 'C' "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 0.5, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 0.5, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, "E": { # first two layers vary the same way as 'C' or 'D' "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 0.5, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 0.5, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 3, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, }, ], True, # reuse [ "", ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", "", ], [0], id="sparse-masters-with-reuse", ), pytest.param( [ { "A": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, "C": { # 'C' shares layer 1 and 2 with 'A' "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, }, { "A": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 0.9, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, "C": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 0.5, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, ], }, }, ], True, [ # a different Alpha variation is applied to a shared layer between # 'A' and 'C' and thus they are no longer shared. "", ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", "", ], [0, 1], id="shared-master-layers-different-variations", ), ], ) def test_merge_full_table( self, color_glyphs, ttFont, expected_xml, expected_varIdxes, master_layer_reuse, output_layer_reuse, ): master_ttfs = [deepcopy(ttFont) for _ in range(len(color_glyphs))] for ttf, glyphs in zip(master_ttfs, color_glyphs): # merge algorithm is expected to work the same even if the master COLRs # may differ as to the layer reuse, hence we try both ways ttf["COLR"] = buildCOLR(glyphs, allowLayerReuse=master_layer_reuse) vf = deepcopy(master_ttfs[0]) model = VariationModel([{}, {"ZZZZ": 1.0}]) merger = COLRVariationMerger( model, ["ZZZZ"], vf, allowLayerReuse=output_layer_reuse ) merger.mergeTables(vf, master_ttfs) out = vf["COLR"].table assert compile_decompile(out, vf) == out assert dump_xml(out, vf) == expected_xml assert merger.varIdxes == expected_varIdxes @pytest.mark.parametrize( "color_glyphs, before_xml, expected_xml", [ pytest.param( { "A": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "C", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "D", }, ], }, "E": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers), "Layers": [ { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 1, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "C", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 2, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "D", }, { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 3, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "F", }, ], }, "G": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrGlyph), "Glyph": "E", }, }, [ "", ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", "", ], [ "", ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", "", ], id="simple-reuse", ), pytest.param( { "A": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintGlyph), "Paint": { "Format": int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintSolid), "PaletteIndex": 0, "Alpha": 1.0, }, "Glyph": "B", }, }, [ "", ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", " ", "", ], [ "", ' ', " ", " ", " ", " ", ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', " ", " ", " ", "", ], id="no-layer-list", ), ], ) def test_expandPaintColrLayers( self, color_glyphs, ttFont, before_xml, expected_xml ): colr = buildCOLR(color_glyphs, allowLayerReuse=True) assert dump_xml(colr.table, ttFont) == before_xml before_layer_count = 0 reuses_colr_layers = False if colr.table.LayerList: before_layer_count = len(colr.table.LayerList.Paint) reuses_colr_layers = any( p.Format == ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers for p in colr.table.LayerList.Paint ) COLRVariationMerger.expandPaintColrLayers(colr.table) assert dump_xml(colr.table, ttFont) == expected_xml after_layer_count = ( 0 if not colr.table.LayerList else len(colr.table.LayerList.Paint) ) if reuses_colr_layers: assert not any( p.Format == ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers for p in colr.table.LayerList.Paint ) assert after_layer_count > before_layer_count else: assert after_layer_count == before_layer_count if colr.table.LayerList: assert len({id(p) for p in colr.table.LayerList.Paint}) == after_layer_count class SparsePositioningMergerTest: def test_zero_kern_at_default(self): # pytest.importorskip("ufo2ft") pytest.importorskip("ufoLib2") from fontTools.designspaceLib import DesignSpaceDocument from ufo2ft import compileVariableTTF from ufoLib2 import Font ds = DesignSpaceDocument() ds.addAxisDescriptor( name="wght", tag="wght", minimum=100, maximum=900, default=400 ) ds.addSourceDescriptor(font=Font(), location=dict(wght=100)) ds.addSourceDescriptor(font=Font(), location=dict(wght=400)) ds.addSourceDescriptor(font=Font(), location=dict(wght=900)) ds.sources[0].font.newGlyph("a").unicode = ord("a") ds.sources[0].font.newGlyph("b").unicode = ord("b") ds.sources[0].font.features.text = "feature kern { pos a b b' 100; } kern;" ds.sources[1].font.newGlyph("a").unicode = ord("a") ds.sources[1].font.newGlyph("b").unicode = ord("b") ds.sources[1].font.features.text = "feature kern { pos a b b' 0; } kern;" ds.sources[2].font.newGlyph("a").unicode = ord("a") ds.sources[2].font.newGlyph("b").unicode = ord("b") ds.sources[2].font.features.text = "feature kern { pos a b b' -100; } kern;" font = compileVariableTTF(ds, inplace=True) b = BytesIO() assert font["GDEF"].table.VarStore.VarData[0].Item[0] == [100, -100] def test_sparse_cursive(self): # pytest.importorskip("ufo2ft") pytest.importorskip("ufoLib2") from fontTools.designspaceLib import DesignSpaceDocument from ufo2ft import compileVariableTTF from ufoLib2 import Font ds = DesignSpaceDocument() ds.addAxisDescriptor( name="wght", tag="wght", minimum=100, maximum=900, default=400 ) ds.addSourceDescriptor(font=Font(), location=dict(wght=100)) ds.addSourceDescriptor(font=Font(), location=dict(wght=400)) ds.addSourceDescriptor(font=Font(), location=dict(wght=900)) ds.sources[0].font.newGlyph("a").unicode = ord("a") ds.sources[0].font.newGlyph("b").unicode = ord("b") ds.sources[0].font.newGlyph("c").unicode = ord("c") ds.sources[ 0 ].font.features.text = """ feature curs { position cursive a ; position cursive c ; } curs; """ ds.sources[1].font.newGlyph("a").unicode = ord("a") ds.sources[1].font.newGlyph("b").unicode = ord("b") ds.sources[1].font.newGlyph("c").unicode = ord("c") ds.sources[ 1 ].font.features.text = """ feature curs { position cursive a ; position cursive b ; position cursive c ; } curs; """ ds.sources[2].font.newGlyph("a").unicode = ord("a") ds.sources[2].font.newGlyph("b").unicode = ord("b") ds.sources[2].font.newGlyph("c").unicode = ord("c") ds.sources[ 2 ].font.features.text = """ feature curs { position cursive b ; position cursive c ; } curs; """ font = compileVariableTTF(ds, inplace=True) b = BytesIO() assert font["GDEF"].table.VarStore.VarData[0].Item[0] == [-100, 0]