#FLM: Export Selected or Current Glyph to UFO """ Dump the selected glyph to a .glif as part of a UFO. It saves the .glif through a GlyphSet and updates the contents.plist. Updated for UFO2 """ from robofab.glifLib import GlyphSet from robofab.world import CurrentFont, CurrentGlyph from robofab.interface.all.dialogs import Message, GetFolder import os f = CurrentFont() g = CurrentGlyph() todo = None ufoPath = f.path.replace(".vfb", ".ufo") if not os.path.exists(ufoPath): from robofab.interface.all.dialogs import Message Message("No UFO found for this font. I'm looking for \"%s\"."%(os.path.basename(ufoPath) )) if g is not None: todo = [g.name] else: todo = f.selection if todo: Message("Exporting %s to \"%s\"."%(", ".join(todo), os.path.basename(ufoPath) )) f.writeUFO(doHints=False, doInfo=False, doKerning=False, doGroups=False, doLib=False, doFeatures=False, glyphs=todo) else: from robofab.interface.all.dialogs import Message Message("No glyphs selected for export.") print 'done'