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RoboFab bPoint


# robofab manual
#    bPoint object
#    Usage examples

g = CurrentGlyph()
for aPt in g[0].bPoints:
    print aPt
download examples/
< RbPoint for Special-Bold.A[0][0] >


The bPoint is a point object which mimics the old "Bezier Point" from RoboFog. It has attributes for bcpIn, anchor, bcpOut and type. The coordinates in bcpIn and bcpOut are relative to the position of the anchor. For instance, if the bcpIn is 20 units to the left of the anchor, its coordinates would be (-20,0), regardless of the coordinates of the anchor itself. Also: bcpIn will be (0,0) when it is "on top of the anchor", i.e. when there is no bcp it will still have a value. The parent of a bPoint is usually a Contours

Understanding Contours and outlines

The way outline data is organised in RoboFab, and how the various objects relate is described here: understanding contours.


Attribute examples

# robofab manual
#    bPoint object
#    Attribute examples

g = CurrentGlyph()
for aPt in g[0].bPoints:
    print aPt.bcpIn, aPt.bcpOut, aPt.anchor
download examples/
(0, -175) (611, 337) (0, 175)
     (0, 0) (223, 641) (0, 0)


Method examples

# robofab manual
#     bPoint object
#    method examples

#method examples
download examples/