""" Dialog prototypes. These are loaded before any others. So if a specific platform implementation doesn't have all functions, these will make sure a NotImplemtedError is raised. """ __all__ = [ "AskString", "AskYesNoCancel", "FindGlyph", "GetFile", "GetFolder", "GetFileOrFolder", "Message", "OneList", "PutFile", "SearchList", "SelectFont", "SelectGlyph", "TwoChecks", "TwoFields", "ProgressBar", ] # start with all the defaults. def AskString(message, value='', title='RoboFab'): """Prototype for AskString dialog. Should show a prompt, a text input box and OK button.""" raise NotImplementedError def AskYesNoCancel(message, title='RoboFab', default=0): """Prototype for AskYesNoCancel dialog. Should show a prompt, Yes, No, Cancel buttons.""" raise NotImplementedError def FindGlyph(font, message="Search for a glyph:", title='RoboFab'): """Prototype for FindGlyph dialog. Should show a list of glyph names of the current font, OK and Cancel buttons""" raise NotImplementedError def GetFile(message=None): """Prototype for GetFile dialog. Should offer a standard OS get file dialog.""" raise NotImplementedError def GetFolder(message=None): """Prototype for GetFolder dialog. Should offer a standard OS get folder dialog.""" raise NotImplementedError def GetFileOrFolder(message=None): raise NotImplementedError def Message(message, title='RoboFab'): """Prototype for Message dialog. Should offer a window with the message, OK button.""" raise NotImplementedError def OneList(list, message="Select an item:", title='RoboFab'): """Prototype for OneList dialog.""" raise NotImplementedError def PutFile(message=None, fileName=None): raise NotImplementedError def SearchList(list, message="Select an item:", title='RoboFab'): raise NotImplementedError def SelectFont(message="Select a font:", title='RoboFab'): raise NotImplementedError def SelectGlyph(font, message="Select a glyph:", title='RoboFab'): raise NotImplementedError def TwoChecks(title_1="One", title_2="Two", value1=1, value2=1, title='RoboFab'): raise PendingDeprecationWarning def TwoFields(title_1="One:", value_1="0", title_2="Two:", value_2="0", title='RoboFab'): raise PendingDeprecationWarning class ProgressBar(object): pass