422 lines
13 KiB
422 lines
13 KiB
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
from fontTools.misc.fixedTools import fixedToFloat, floatToFixed
from fontTools.misc.textTools import safeEval
import array
import io
import logging
import struct
import sys
# https://www.microsoft.com/typography/otspec/otvarcommonformats.htm
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TupleVariation(object):
def __init__(self, axes, coordinates):
self.axes = axes
self.coordinates = coordinates
def __repr__(self):
axes = ",".join(sorted(["%s=%s" % (name, value) for (name, value) in self.axes.items()]))
return "<TupleVariation %s %s>" % (axes, self.coordinates)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.coordinates == other.coordinates and self.axes == other.axes
def getUsedPoints(self):
result = set()
for i, point in enumerate(self.coordinates):
if point is not None:
return result
def hasImpact(self):
"""Returns True if this TupleVariation has any visible impact.
If the result is False, the TupleVariation can be omitted from the font
without making any visible difference.
for c in self.coordinates:
if c is not None:
return True
return False
def toXML(self, writer, axisTags):
for axis in axisTags:
value = self.axes.get(axis)
if value is not None:
minValue, value, maxValue = value
defaultMinValue = min(value, 0.0) # -0.3 --> -0.3; 0.7 --> 0.0
defaultMaxValue = max(value, 0.0) # -0.3 --> 0.0; 0.7 --> 0.7
if minValue == defaultMinValue and maxValue == defaultMaxValue:
writer.simpletag("coord", axis=axis, value=value)
writer.simpletag("coord", axis=axis, value=value, min=minValue, max=maxValue)
wrote_any_points = False
for i, point in enumerate(self.coordinates):
if point is not None:
writer.simpletag("delta", pt=i, x=point[0], y=point[1])
wrote_any_points = True
if not wrote_any_points:
writer.comment("no deltas")
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, _content):
if name == "coord":
axis = attrs["axis"]
value = float(attrs["value"])
defaultMinValue = min(value, 0.0) # -0.3 --> -0.3; 0.7 --> 0.0
defaultMaxValue = max(value, 0.0) # -0.3 --> 0.0; 0.7 --> 0.7
minValue = float(attrs.get("min", defaultMinValue))
maxValue = float(attrs.get("max", defaultMaxValue))
self.axes[axis] = (minValue, value, maxValue)
elif name == "delta":
point = safeEval(attrs["pt"])
x = safeEval(attrs["x"])
y = safeEval(attrs["y"])
self.coordinates[point] = (x, y)
def compile(self, axisTags, sharedCoordIndices, sharedPoints):
tupleData = []
assert all(tag in axisTags for tag in self.axes.keys()), ("Unknown axis tag found.", self.axes.keys(), axisTags)
coord = self.compileCoord(axisTags)
if coord in sharedCoordIndices:
flags = sharedCoordIndices[coord]
intermediateCoord = self.compileIntermediateCoord(axisTags)
if intermediateCoord is not None:
if sharedPoints is not None:
auxData = self.compileDeltas(sharedPoints)
points = self.getUsedPoints()
numPointsInGlyph = len(self.coordinates)
auxData = self.compilePoints(points, numPointsInGlyph) + self.compileDeltas(points)
tupleData = struct.pack('>HH', len(auxData), flags) + bytesjoin(tupleData)
return (tupleData, auxData)
def compileCoord(self, axisTags):
result = []
for axis in axisTags:
_minValue, value, _maxValue = self.axes.get(axis, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
result.append(struct.pack(">h", floatToFixed(value, 14)))
return bytesjoin(result)
def compileIntermediateCoord(self, axisTags):
needed = False
for axis in axisTags:
minValue, value, maxValue = self.axes.get(axis, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
defaultMinValue = min(value, 0.0) # -0.3 --> -0.3; 0.7 --> 0.0
defaultMaxValue = max(value, 0.0) # -0.3 --> 0.0; 0.7 --> 0.7
if (minValue != defaultMinValue) or (maxValue != defaultMaxValue):
needed = True
if not needed:
return None
minCoords = []
maxCoords = []
for axis in axisTags:
minValue, value, maxValue = self.axes.get(axis, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
minCoords.append(struct.pack(">h", floatToFixed(minValue, 14)))
maxCoords.append(struct.pack(">h", floatToFixed(maxValue, 14)))
return bytesjoin(minCoords + maxCoords)
def decompileCoord_(axisTags, data, offset):
coord = {}
pos = offset
for axis in axisTags:
coord[axis] = fixedToFloat(struct.unpack(">h", data[pos:pos+2])[0], 14)
pos += 2
return coord, pos
def decompileCoords_(axisTags, numCoords, data, offset):
result = []
pos = offset
for _ in range(numCoords):
coord, pos = TupleVariation.decompileCoord_(axisTags, data, pos)
return result, pos
def compilePoints(points, numPointsInGlyph):
# If the set consists of all points in the glyph, it gets encoded with
# a special encoding: a single zero byte.
if len(points) == numPointsInGlyph:
return b"\0"
# In the 'gvar' table, the packing of point numbers is a little surprising.
# It consists of multiple runs, each being a delta-encoded list of integers.
# For example, the point set {17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23} gets encoded as
# [6, 17, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]. The first value (6) is the run length minus 1.
# There are two types of runs, with values being either 8 or 16 bit unsigned
# integers.
points = list(points)
numPoints = len(points)
# The binary representation starts with the total number of points in the set,
# encoded into one or two bytes depending on the value.
if numPoints < 0x80:
result = [bytechr(numPoints)]
result = [bytechr((numPoints >> 8) | 0x80) + bytechr(numPoints & 0xff)]
pos = 0
lastValue = 0
while pos < numPoints:
run = io.BytesIO()
runLength = 0
useByteEncoding = None
while pos < numPoints and runLength <= MAX_RUN_LENGTH:
curValue = points[pos]
delta = curValue - lastValue
if useByteEncoding is None:
useByteEncoding = 0 <= delta <= 0xff
if useByteEncoding and (delta > 0xff or delta < 0):
# we need to start a new run (which will not use byte encoding)
# TODO This never switches back to a byte-encoding from a short-encoding.
# That's suboptimal.
if useByteEncoding:
run.write(bytechr(delta >> 8))
run.write(bytechr(delta & 0xff))
lastValue = curValue
pos += 1
runLength += 1
if useByteEncoding:
runHeader = bytechr(runLength - 1)
runHeader = bytechr((runLength - 1) | POINTS_ARE_WORDS)
return bytesjoin(result)
def decompilePoints_(numPointsInGlyph, data, offset):
"""(numPointsInGlyph, data, offset) --> ([point1, point2, ...], newOffset)"""
pos = offset
numPointsInData = byteord(data[pos])
pos += 1
if (numPointsInData & POINTS_ARE_WORDS) != 0:
numPointsInData = (numPointsInData & POINT_RUN_COUNT_MASK) << 8 | byteord(data[pos])
pos += 1
if numPointsInData == 0:
return (range(numPointsInGlyph), pos)
result = []
while len(result) < numPointsInData:
runHeader = byteord(data[pos])
pos += 1
numPointsInRun = (runHeader & POINT_RUN_COUNT_MASK) + 1
point = 0
if (runHeader & POINTS_ARE_WORDS) != 0:
points = array.array("H")
pointsSize = numPointsInRun * 2
points = array.array("B")
pointsSize = numPointsInRun
if sys.byteorder != "big":
assert len(points) == numPointsInRun
pos += pointsSize
# Convert relative to absolute
absolute = []
current = 0
for delta in result:
current += delta
result = absolute
del absolute
if max(result) >= numPointsInGlyph or min(result) < 0:
log.warning("point number out of range in 'gvar' table")
return (result, pos)
def compileDeltas(self, points):
deltaX = []
deltaY = []
for p in sorted(list(points)):
c = self.coordinates[p]
if c is not None:
return self.compileDeltaValues_(deltaX) + self.compileDeltaValues_(deltaY)
def compileDeltaValues_(deltas):
"""[value1, value2, value3, ...] --> bytestring
Emits a sequence of runs. Each run starts with a
byte-sized header whose 6 least significant bits
(header & 0x3F) indicate how many values are encoded
in this run. The stored length is the actual length
minus one; run lengths are thus in the range [1..64].
If the header byte has its most significant bit (0x80)
set, all values in this run are zero, and no data
follows. Otherwise, the header byte is followed by
((header & 0x3F) + 1) signed values. If (header &
0x40) is clear, the delta values are stored as signed
bytes; if (header & 0x40) is set, the delta values are
signed 16-bit integers.
""" # Explaining the format because the 'gvar' spec is hard to understand.
stream = io.BytesIO()
pos = 0
while pos < len(deltas):
value = deltas[pos]
if value == 0:
pos = TupleVariation.encodeDeltaRunAsZeroes_(deltas, pos, stream)
elif value >= -128 and value <= 127:
pos = TupleVariation.encodeDeltaRunAsBytes_(deltas, pos, stream)
pos = TupleVariation.encodeDeltaRunAsWords_(deltas, pos, stream)
return stream.getvalue()
def encodeDeltaRunAsZeroes_(deltas, offset, stream):
runLength = 0
pos = offset
numDeltas = len(deltas)
while pos < numDeltas and runLength < 64 and deltas[pos] == 0:
pos += 1
runLength += 1
assert runLength >= 1 and runLength <= 64
stream.write(bytechr(DELTAS_ARE_ZERO | (runLength - 1)))
return pos
def encodeDeltaRunAsBytes_(deltas, offset, stream):
runLength = 0
pos = offset
numDeltas = len(deltas)
while pos < numDeltas and runLength < 64:
value = deltas[pos]
if value < -128 or value > 127:
# Within a byte-encoded run of deltas, a single zero
# is best stored literally as 0x00 value. However,
# if are two or more zeroes in a sequence, it is
# better to start a new run. For example, the sequence
# of deltas [15, 15, 0, 15, 15] becomes 6 bytes
# (04 0F 0F 00 0F 0F) when storing the zero value
# literally, but 7 bytes (01 0F 0F 80 01 0F 0F)
# when starting a new run.
if value == 0 and pos+1 < numDeltas and deltas[pos+1] == 0:
pos += 1
runLength += 1
assert runLength >= 1 and runLength <= 64
stream.write(bytechr(runLength - 1))
for i in range(offset, pos):
stream.write(struct.pack('b', deltas[i]))
return pos
def encodeDeltaRunAsWords_(deltas, offset, stream):
runLength = 0
pos = offset
numDeltas = len(deltas)
while pos < numDeltas and runLength < 64:
value = deltas[pos]
# Within a word-encoded run of deltas, it is easiest
# to start a new run (with a different encoding)
# whenever we encounter a zero value. For example,
# the sequence [0x6666, 0, 0x7777] needs 7 bytes when
# storing the zero literally (42 66 66 00 00 77 77),
# and equally 7 bytes when starting a new run
# (40 66 66 80 40 77 77).
if value == 0:
# Within a word-encoded run of deltas, a single value
# in the range (-128..127) should be encoded literally
# because it is more compact. For example, the sequence
# [0x6666, 2, 0x7777] becomes 7 bytes when storing
# the value literally (42 66 66 00 02 77 77), but 8 bytes
# when starting a new run (40 66 66 00 02 40 77 77).
isByteEncodable = lambda value: value >= -128 and value <= 127
if isByteEncodable(value) and pos+1 < numDeltas and isByteEncodable(deltas[pos+1]):
pos += 1
runLength += 1
assert runLength >= 1 and runLength <= 64
stream.write(bytechr(DELTAS_ARE_WORDS | (runLength - 1)))
for i in range(offset, pos):
stream.write(struct.pack('>h', deltas[i]))
return pos
def decompileDeltas_(numDeltas, data, offset):
"""(numDeltas, data, offset) --> ([delta, delta, ...], newOffset)"""
result = []
pos = offset
while len(result) < numDeltas:
runHeader = byteord(data[pos])
pos += 1
numDeltasInRun = (runHeader & DELTA_RUN_COUNT_MASK) + 1
if (runHeader & DELTAS_ARE_ZERO) != 0:
result.extend([0] * numDeltasInRun)
if (runHeader & DELTAS_ARE_WORDS) != 0:
deltas = array.array("h")
deltasSize = numDeltasInRun * 2
deltas = array.array("b")
deltasSize = numDeltasInRun
if sys.byteorder != "big":
assert len(deltas) == numDeltasInRun
pos += deltasSize
assert len(result) == numDeltas
return (result, pos)
def getTupleSize_(flags, axisCount):
size = 4
if (flags & EMBEDDED_PEAK_TUPLE) != 0:
size += axisCount * 2
if (flags & INTERMEDIATE_REGION) != 0:
size += axisCount * 4
return size