
404 lines
14 KiB

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
from fontTools.ttLib import newTable
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables as ot
from fontTools.otlLib.builder import buildLookup, buildSingleSubstSubtable
from fontTools.varLib.models import normalizeValue
import itertools
def addFeatureVariations(font, conditionalSubstitutions):
"""Add conditional substitutions to a Variable Font.
The `conditionalSubstitutions` argument is a list of (Region, Substitutions)
A Region is a list of Spaces. A Space is a dict mapping axisTags to
(minValue, maxValue) tuples. Irrelevant axes may be omitted.
A Space represents a 'rectangular' subset of an N-dimensional design space.
A Region represents a more complex subset of an N-dimensional design space,
ie. the union of all the Spaces in the Region.
For efficiency, Spaces within a Region should ideally not overlap, but
functionality is not compromised if they do.
The minimum and maximum values are expressed in raw design coordinates, and
are internally normalized without going through the `avar` mapping.
A Substitution is a dict mapping source glyph names to substitute glyph names.
# Example:
# >>> f = TTFont(srcPath)
# >>> condSubst = [
# ... # A list of (Region, Substitution) tuples.
# ... ([{"wght": (0.5, 1.0)}], {"dollar": "dollar.rvrn"}),
# ... ([{"wdth": (0.5, 1.0)}], {"cent": "cent.rvrn"}),
# ... ]
# >>> addFeatureVariations(f, condSubst)
# >>>
defaultSpace = {}
axisMap = {}
for axis in font["fvar"].axes:
defaultSpace[axis.axisTag] = (axis.minValue, axis.maxValue)
axisMap[axis.axisTag] = (axis.minValue, axis.defaultValue, axis.maxValue)
# Since the FeatureVariations table will only ever match one rule at a time,
# we will make new rules for all possible combinations of our input, so we
# can indirectly support overlapping rules.
explodedConditionalSubstitutions = []
for combination in iterAllCombinations(len(conditionalSubstitutions)):
regions = []
lookups = []
for index in combination:
if not regions:
intersection = regions[0]
for region in regions[1:]:
intersection = intersectRegions(intersection, region)
for space in intersection:
# Remove default values, so we don't generate redundant ConditionSets
space = cleanupSpace(space, defaultSpace)
if space:
space = normalizeSpace(space, axisMap)
explodedConditionalSubstitutions.append((space, lookups))
addFeatureVariationsRaw(font, explodedConditionalSubstitutions)
def iterAllCombinations(numRules):
"""Given a number of rules, yield all the combinations of indices, sorted
by decreasing length, so we get the most specialized rules first.
>>> list(iterAllCombinations(0))
>>> list(iterAllCombinations(1))
>>> list(iterAllCombinations(2))
[(0, 1), (0,), (1,)]
>>> list(iterAllCombinations(3))
[(0, 1, 2), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (0,), (1,), (2,)]
indices = range(numRules)
for length in range(numRules, 0, -1):
for combinations in itertools.combinations(indices, length):
yield combinations
# Region and Space support
# Terminology:
# A 'Space' is a dict representing a "rectangular" bit of N-dimensional space.
# The keys in the dict are axis tags, the values are (minValue, maxValue) tuples.
# Missing dimensions (keys) are substituted by the default min and max values
# from the corresponding axes.
# A 'Region' is a list of Space dicts, representing the union of the Spaces,
# therefore representing a more complex subset of design space.
def intersectRegions(region1, region2):
"""Return the region intersecting `region1` and `region2`.
>>> intersectRegions([], [])
>>> intersectRegions([{'wdth': (0.0, 1.0)}], [])
>>> expected = [{'wdth': (0.0, 1.0), 'wght': (-1.0, 0.0)}]
>>> expected == intersectRegions([{'wdth': (0.0, 1.0)}], [{'wght': (-1.0, 0.0)}])
>>> expected = [{'wdth': (0.0, 1.0), 'wght': (-0.5, 0.0)}]
>>> expected == intersectRegions([{'wdth': (0.0, 1.0), 'wght': (-0.5, 0.5)}], [{'wght': (-1.0, 0.0)}])
>>> intersectRegions(
... [{'wdth': (0.0, 1.0), 'wght': (-0.5, 0.5)}],
... [{'wdth': (-1.0, 0.0), 'wght': (-1.0, 0.0)}])
region = []
for space1 in region1:
for space2 in region2:
space = intersectSpaces(space1, space2)
if space is not None:
return region
def intersectSpaces(space1, space2):
"""Return the space intersected by `space1` and `space2`, or None if there
is no intersection.
>>> intersectSpaces({}, {})
>>> intersectSpaces({'wdth': (-0.5, 0.5)}, {})
{'wdth': (-0.5, 0.5)}
>>> intersectSpaces({'wdth': (-0.5, 0.5)}, {'wdth': (0.0, 1.0)})
{'wdth': (0.0, 0.5)}
>>> expected = {'wdth': (0.0, 0.5), 'wght': (0.25, 0.5)}
>>> expected == intersectSpaces({'wdth': (-0.5, 0.5), 'wght': (0.0, 0.5)}, {'wdth': (0.0, 1.0), 'wght': (0.25, 0.75)})
>>> expected = {'wdth': (-0.5, 0.5), 'wght': (0.0, 1.0)}
>>> expected == intersectSpaces({'wdth': (-0.5, 0.5)}, {'wght': (0.0, 1.0)})
>>> intersectSpaces({'wdth': (-0.5, 0)}, {'wdth': (0.1, 0.5)})
space = {}
for axisTag in set(space1) & set(space2):
min1, max1 = space1[axisTag]
min2, max2 = space2[axisTag]
minimum = max(min1, min2)
maximum = min(max1, max2)
if not minimum < maximum:
return None
space[axisTag] = minimum, maximum
return space
def cleanupSpace(space, defaultSpace):
"""Return a sparse copy of `space`, without redundant (default) values.
>>> cleanupSpace({}, {'wdth': (-1.0, 1.0), 'wght': (-1.0, 1.0)})
>>> cleanupSpace({'wdth': (0.0, 1.0)}, {'wdth': (-1.0, 1.0), 'wght': (-1.0, 1.0)})
{'wdth': (0.0, 1.0)}
>>> cleanupSpace({'wdth': (-1.0, 1.0)}, {'wdth': (-1.0, 1.0), 'wght': (-1.0, 1.0)})
return {tag: limit for tag, limit in space.items() if limit != defaultSpace[tag]}
def normalizeSpace(space, axisMap):
"""Convert the min/max values in the `space` dict to normalized
design space values."""
space = {tag: (normalizeValue(minValue, axisMap[tag]), normalizeValue(maxValue, axisMap[tag]))
for tag, (minValue, maxValue) in space.items()}
return space
# Low level implementation
def addFeatureVariationsRaw(font, conditionalSubstitutions):
"""Low level implementation of addFeatureVariations that directly
models the possibilities of the FeatureVariations table."""
# assert there is no 'rvrn' feature
# make dummy 'rvrn' feature with no lookups
# sort features, get 'rvrn' feature index
# add 'rvrn' feature to all scripts
# make lookups
# add feature variations
if "GSUB" not in font:
font["GSUB"] = buildGSUB()
gsub = font["GSUB"].table
if gsub.Version < 0x00010001:
gsub.Version = 0x00010001 # allow gsub.FeatureVariations
gsub.FeatureVariations = None # delete any existing FeatureVariations
for feature in gsub.FeatureList.FeatureRecord:
assert feature.FeatureTag != 'rvrn'
rvrnFeature = buildFeatureRecord('rvrn', [])
rvrnFeatureIndex = gsub.FeatureList.FeatureRecord.index(rvrnFeature)
for scriptRecord in gsub.ScriptList.ScriptRecord:
for langSys in [scriptRecord.Script.DefaultLangSys] + scriptRecord.Script.LangSysRecord:
# setup lookups
# turn substitution dicts into tuples of tuples, so they are hashable
conditionalSubstitutions, allSubstitutions = makeSubstitutionsHashable(conditionalSubstitutions)
lookupMap = buildSubstitutionLookups(gsub, allSubstitutions)
axisIndices = {axis.axisTag: axisIndex for axisIndex, axis in enumerate(font["fvar"].axes)}
featureVariationRecords = []
for conditionSet, substitutions in conditionalSubstitutions:
conditionTable = []
for axisTag, (minValue, maxValue) in sorted(conditionSet.items()):
assert minValue < maxValue
ct = buildConditionTable(axisIndices[axisTag], minValue, maxValue)
lookupIndices = [lookupMap[subst] for subst in substitutions]
record = buildFeatureTableSubstitutionRecord(rvrnFeatureIndex, lookupIndices)
featureVariationRecords.append(buildFeatureVariationRecord(conditionTable, [record]))
gsub.FeatureVariations = buildFeatureVariations(featureVariationRecords)
# Building GSUB/FeatureVariations internals
def buildGSUB():
"""Build a GSUB table from scratch."""
fontTable = newTable("GSUB")
gsub = fontTable.table = ot.GSUB()
gsub.Version = 0x00010001 # allow gsub.FeatureVariations
gsub.ScriptList = ot.ScriptList()
gsub.ScriptList.ScriptRecord = []
gsub.FeatureList = ot.FeatureList()
gsub.FeatureList.FeatureRecord = []
gsub.LookupList = ot.LookupList()
gsub.LookupList.Lookup = []
srec = ot.ScriptRecord()
srec.ScriptTag = 'DFLT'
srec.Script = ot.Script()
srec.Script.DefaultLangSys = None
srec.Script.LangSysRecord = []
langrec = ot.LangSysRecord()
langrec.LangSys = ot.LangSys()
langrec.LangSys.ReqFeatureIndex = 0xFFFF
langrec.LangSys.FeatureIndex = [0]
srec.Script.DefaultLangSys = langrec.LangSys
gsub.FeatureVariations = None
return fontTable
def makeSubstitutionsHashable(conditionalSubstitutions):
"""Turn all the substitution dictionaries in sorted tuples of tuples so
they are hashable, to detect duplicates so we don't write out redundant
allSubstitutions = set()
condSubst = []
for conditionSet, substitutionMaps in conditionalSubstitutions:
substitutions = []
for substitutionMap in substitutionMaps:
subst = tuple(sorted(substitutionMap.items()))
condSubst.append((conditionSet, substitutions))
return condSubst, sorted(allSubstitutions)
def buildSubstitutionLookups(gsub, allSubstitutions):
"""Build the lookups for the glyph substitutions, return a dict mapping
the substitution to lookup indices."""
firstIndex = len(gsub.LookupList.Lookup)
lookupMap = {}
for i, substitutionMap in enumerate(allSubstitutions):
lookupMap[substitutionMap] = i + firstIndex
for subst in allSubstitutions:
substMap = dict(subst)
lookup = buildLookup([buildSingleSubstSubtable(substMap)])
assert gsub.LookupList.Lookup[lookupMap[subst]] is lookup
return lookupMap
def buildFeatureVariations(featureVariationRecords):
"""Build the FeatureVariations subtable."""
fv = ot.FeatureVariations()
fv.Version = 0x00010000
fv.FeatureVariationRecord = featureVariationRecords
return fv
def buildFeatureRecord(featureTag, lookupListIndices):
"""Build a FeatureRecord."""
fr = ot.FeatureRecord()
fr.FeatureTag = featureTag
fr.Feature = ot.Feature()
fr.Feature.LookupListIndex = lookupListIndices
return fr
def buildFeatureVariationRecord(conditionTable, substitutionRecords):
"""Build a FeatureVariationRecord."""
fvr = ot.FeatureVariationRecord()
fvr.ConditionSet = ot.ConditionSet()
fvr.ConditionSet.ConditionTable = conditionTable
fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution = ot.FeatureTableSubstitution()
fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution.Version = 0x00010001
fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution.SubstitutionRecord = substitutionRecords
return fvr
def buildFeatureTableSubstitutionRecord(featureIndex, lookupListIndices):
"""Build a FeatureTableSubstitutionRecord."""
ftsr = ot.FeatureTableSubstitutionRecord()
ftsr.FeatureIndex = featureIndex
ftsr.Feature = ot.Feature()
ftsr.Feature.LookupListIndex = lookupListIndices
return ftsr
def buildConditionTable(axisIndex, filterRangeMinValue, filterRangeMaxValue):
"""Build a ConditionTable."""
ct = ot.ConditionTable()
ct.Format = 1
ct.AxisIndex = axisIndex
ct.FilterRangeMinValue = filterRangeMinValue
ct.FilterRangeMaxValue = filterRangeMaxValue
return ct
def sortFeatureList(table):
"""Sort the feature list by feature tag, and remap the feature indices
elsewhere. This is needed after the feature list has been modified.
# decorate, sort, undecorate, because we need to make an index remapping table
tagIndexFea = [(fea.FeatureTag, index, fea) for index, fea in enumerate(table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord)]
table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord = [fea for tag, index, fea in tagIndexFea]
featureRemap = dict(zip([index for tag, index, fea in tagIndexFea], range(len(tagIndexFea))))
# Remap the feature indices
remapFeatures(table, featureRemap)
def remapFeatures(table, featureRemap):
"""Go through the scripts list, and remap feature indices."""
for scriptIndex, script in enumerate(table.ScriptList.ScriptRecord):
defaultLangSys = script.Script.DefaultLangSys
if defaultLangSys is not None:
_remapLangSys(defaultLangSys, featureRemap)
for langSysRecordIndex, langSysRec in enumerate(script.Script.LangSysRecord):
langSys = langSysRec.LangSys
_remapLangSys(langSys, featureRemap)
if hasattr(table, "FeatureVariations") and table.FeatureVariations is not None:
for fvr in table.FeatureVariations.FeatureVariationRecord:
for ftsr in fvr.FeatureTableSubstitution.SubstitutionRecord:
ftsr.FeatureIndex = featureRemap[ftsr.FeatureIndex]
def _remapLangSys(langSys, featureRemap):
if langSys.ReqFeatureIndex != 0xffff:
langSys.ReqFeatureIndex = featureRemap[langSys.ReqFeatureIndex]
langSys.FeatureIndex = [featureRemap[index] for index in langSys.FeatureIndex]
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest