
489 lines
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""" -- tools for interfacing with the Python
logging package.
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
import sys
import logging
import timeit
from functools import wraps
import collections
import warnings
from logging import PercentStyle
except ImportError:
PercentStyle = None
# default logging level used by Timer class
# per-level format strings used by the default formatter
# (the level name is not printed for INFO and DEBUG messages)
"*": "%(levelname)s: %(message)s",
"INFO": "%(message)s",
"DEBUG": "%(message)s",
class LevelFormatter(logging.Formatter):
""" Formatter class which optionally takes a dict of logging levels to
format strings, allowing to customise the log records appearance for
specific levels.
The '*' key identifies the default format string.
>>> import sys
>>> handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
>>> formatter = LevelFormatter(
... fmt={
... '*': '[%(levelname)s] %(message)s',
... 'DEBUG': '%(name)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s',
... 'INFO': '%(message)s',
... })
>>> handler.setFormatter(formatter)
>>> log = logging.getLogger('test')
>>> log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
>>> log.addHandler(handler)
>>> log.debug('this uses a custom format string')
test [DEBUG] this uses a custom format string
>>>'this also uses a custom format string')
this also uses a custom format string
>>> log.warning("this one uses the default format string")
[WARNING] this one uses the default format string
def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None, style="%"):
if style != '%':
raise ValueError(
"only '%' percent style is supported in both python 2 and 3")
if fmt is None:
if isinstance(fmt, basestring):
default_format = fmt
custom_formats = {}
elif isinstance(fmt, collections.Mapping):
custom_formats = dict(fmt)
default_format = custom_formats.pop("*", None)
raise TypeError('fmt must be a str or a dict of str: %r' % fmt)
super(LevelFormatter, self).__init__(default_format, datefmt)
self.default_format = self._fmt
self.custom_formats = {}
for level, fmt in custom_formats.items():
level = logging._checkLevel(level)
self.custom_formats[level] = fmt
def format(self, record):
if self.custom_formats:
fmt = self.custom_formats.get(record.levelno, self.default_format)
if self._fmt != fmt:
self._fmt = fmt
# for python >= 3.2, _style needs to be set if _fmt changes
if PercentStyle:
self._style = PercentStyle(fmt)
return super(LevelFormatter, self).format(record)
def configLogger(**kwargs):
""" Do basic configuration for the logging system. This is more or less
the same as logging.basicConfig with some additional options and defaults.
The default behaviour is to create a StreamHandler which writes to
sys.stderr, set a formatter using the DEFAULT_FORMATS strings, and add
the handler to the top-level library logger ("fontTools").
A number of optional keyword arguments may be specified, which can alter
the default behaviour.
logger Specifies the logger name or a Logger instance to be configured.
(it defaults to "fontTools" logger). Unlike basicConfig, this
function can be called multiple times to reconfigure a logger.
If the logger or any of its children already exists before the
call is made, they will be reset before the new configuration
is applied.
filename Specifies that a FileHandler be created, using the specified
filename, rather than a StreamHandler.
filemode Specifies the mode to open the file, if filename is specified
(if filemode is unspecified, it defaults to 'a').
format Use the specified format string for the handler. This argument
also accepts a dictionary of format strings keyed by level name,
to allow customising the records appearance for specific levels.
The special '*' key is for 'any other' level.
datefmt Use the specified date/time format.
level Set the logger level to the specified level.
stream Use the specified stream to initialize the StreamHandler. Note
that this argument is incompatible with 'filename' - if both
are present, 'stream' is ignored.
handlers If specified, this should be an iterable of already created
handlers, which will be added to the logger. Any handler
in the list which does not have a formatter assigned will be
assigned the formatter created in this function.
filters If specified, this should be an iterable of already created
filters, which will be added to the handler(s), if the latter
do(es) not already have filters assigned.
propagate All loggers have a "propagate" attribute initially set to True,
which determines whether to continue searching for handlers up
the logging hierarchy. By default, this arguments sets the
"propagate" attribute to False.
# using kwargs to enforce keyword-only arguments in py2.
handlers = kwargs.pop("handlers", None)
if handlers is None:
if "stream" in kwargs and "filename" in kwargs:
raise ValueError("'stream' and 'filename' should not be "
"specified together")
if "stream" in kwargs or "filename" in kwargs:
raise ValueError("'stream' or 'filename' should not be "
"specified together with 'handlers'")
if handlers is None:
filename = kwargs.pop("filename", None)
mode = kwargs.pop("filemode", 'a')
if filename:
h = logging.FileHandler(filename, mode)
stream = kwargs.pop("stream", None)
h = logging.StreamHandler(stream)
handlers = [h]
# By default, the top-level library logger is configured.
logger = kwargs.pop("logger", "fontTools")
if not logger or isinstance(logger, basestring):
# empty "" or None means the 'root' logger
logger = logging.getLogger(logger)
# before (re)configuring, reset named logger and its children (if exist)
# use DEFAULT_FORMATS if 'format' is None
fs = kwargs.pop("format", None)
dfs = kwargs.pop("datefmt", None)
# XXX: '%' is the only format style supported on both py2 and 3
style = kwargs.pop("style", '%')
fmt = LevelFormatter(fs, dfs, style)
filters = kwargs.pop("filters", [])
for h in handlers:
if h.formatter is None:
if not h.filters:
for f in filters:
if != "root":
# stop searching up the hierarchy for handlers
logger.propagate = kwargs.pop("propagate", False)
# set a custom severity level
level = kwargs.pop("level", None)
if level is not None:
if kwargs:
keys = ', '.join(kwargs.keys())
raise ValueError('Unrecognised argument(s): %s' % keys)
def _resetExistingLoggers(parent="root"):
""" Reset the logger named 'parent' and all its children to their initial
state, if they already exist in the current configuration.
root = logging.root
# get sorted list of all existing loggers
existing = sorted(root.manager.loggerDict.keys())
if parent == "root":
# all the existing loggers are children of 'root'
loggers_to_reset = [parent] + existing
elif parent not in existing:
# nothing to do
elif parent in existing:
loggers_to_reset = [parent]
# collect children, starting with the entry after parent name
i = existing.index(parent) + 1
prefixed = parent + "."
pflen = len(prefixed)
num_existing = len(existing)
while i < num_existing:
if existing[i][:pflen] == prefixed:
i += 1
for name in loggers_to_reset:
if name == "root":
for h in root.handlers[:]:
for f in root.filters[:]:
root.disabled = False
logger = root.manager.loggerDict[name]
logger.level = logging.NOTSET
logger.handlers = []
logger.filters = []
logger.propagate = True
logger.disabled = False
class Timer(object):
""" Keeps track of overall time and split/lap times.
>>> import time
>>> timer = Timer()
>>> time.sleep(0.01)
>>> print("First lap:", timer.split())
First lap: ...
>>> time.sleep(0.02)
>>> print("Second lap:", timer.split())
Second lap: ...
>>> print("Overall time:", timer.time())
Overall time: ...
Can be used as a context manager inside with-statements.
>>> with Timer() as t:
... time.sleep(0.01)
>>> print("%0.3f seconds" % t.elapsed)
0... seconds
If initialised with a logger, it can log the elapsed time automatically
upon exiting the with-statement.
>>> import logging
>>> log = logging.getLogger("fontTools")
>>> configLogger(level="DEBUG", format="%(message)s", stream=sys.stdout)
>>> with Timer(log, 'do something'):
... time.sleep(0.01)
Took ... to do something
The same Timer instance, holding a reference to a logger, can be reused
in multiple with-statements, optionally with different messages or levels.
>>> timer = Timer(log)
>>> with timer():
... time.sleep(0.01)
elapsed time: ...s
>>> with timer('redo it', level=logging.INFO):
... time.sleep(0.02)
Took ... to redo it
It can also be used as a function decorator to log the time elapsed to run
the decorated function.
>>> @timer()
... def test1():
... time.sleep(0.01)
>>> @timer('run test 2', level=logging.INFO)
... def test2():
... time.sleep(0.02)
>>> test1()
Took ... to run 'test1'
>>> test2()
Took ... to run test 2
# timeit.default_timer choses the most accurate clock for each platform
_time = timeit.default_timer
default_msg = "elapsed time: %(time).3fs"
default_format = "Took %(time).3fs to %(msg)s"
def __init__(self, logger=None, msg=None, level=None, start=None):
if logger is None:
for arg in ('msg', 'level'):
if locals().get(arg) is not None:
raise ValueError(
"'%s' can't be specified without a 'logger'" % arg)
self.logger = logger
self.level = level if level is not None else TIME_LEVEL
self.msg = msg
def reset(self, start=None):
""" Reset timer to 'start_time' or the current time. """
if start is None:
self.start = self._time()
self.start = start
self.last = self.start
self.elapsed = 0.0
def time(self):
""" Return the overall time (in seconds) since the timer started. """
return self._time() - self.start
def split(self):
""" Split and return the lap time (in seconds) in between splits. """
current = self._time()
self.elapsed = current - self.last
self.last = current
return self.elapsed
def formatTime(self, msg, time):
""" Format 'time' value in 'msg' and return formatted string.
If 'msg' contains a '%(time)' format string, try to use that.
Otherwise, use the predefined 'default_format'.
If 'msg' is empty or None, fall back to 'default_msg'.
if not msg:
msg = self.default_msg
if msg.find("%(time)") < 0:
msg = self.default_format % {"msg": msg, "time": time}
msg = msg % {"time": time}
except (KeyError, ValueError):
pass # skip if the format string is malformed
return msg
def __enter__(self):
""" Start a new lap """
self.last = self._time()
self.elapsed = 0.0
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
""" End the current lap. If timer has a logger, log the time elapsed,
using the format string in self.msg (or the default one).
time = self.split()
if self.logger is None or exc_type:
# if there's no logger attached, or if any exception occurred in
# the with-statement, exit without logging the time
message = self.formatTime(self.msg, time)
# Allow log handlers to see the individual parts to facilitate things
# like a server accumulating aggregate stats.
msg_parts = { 'msg': self.msg, 'time': time }
self.logger.log(self.level, message, msg_parts)
def __call__(self, func_or_msg=None, **kwargs):
""" If the first argument is a function, return a decorator which runs
the wrapped function inside Timer's context manager.
Otherwise, treat the first argument as a 'msg' string and return an updated
Timer instance, referencing the same logger.
A 'level' keyword can also be passed to override self.level.
if isinstance(func_or_msg, collections.Callable):
func = func_or_msg
# use the function name when no explicit 'msg' is provided
if not self.msg:
self.msg = "run '%s'" % func.__name__
def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
with self:
return func(*args, **kwds)
return wrapper
msg = func_or_msg or kwargs.get("msg")
level = kwargs.get("level", self.level)
return self.__class__(self.logger, msg, level)
def __float__(self):
return self.elapsed
def __int__(self):
return int(self.elapsed)
def __str__(self):
return "%.3f" % self.elapsed
class ChannelsFilter(logging.Filter):
""" Filter out records emitted from a list of enabled channel names,
including their children. It works the same as the logging.Filter class,
but allows to specify multiple channel names.
>>> import sys
>>> handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
>>> handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(message)s"))
>>> filter = ChannelsFilter("A.B", "C.D")
>>> handler.addFilter(filter)
>>> root = logging.getLogger()
>>> root.addHandler(handler)
>>> root.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG)
>>> logging.getLogger('A.B').debug('this record passes through')
this record passes through
>>> logging.getLogger('A.B.C').debug('records from children also pass')
records from children also pass
>>> logging.getLogger('C.D').debug('this one as well')
this one as well
>>> logging.getLogger('A.B.').debug('also this one')
also this one
>>> logging.getLogger('A.F').debug('but this one does not!')
>>> logging.getLogger('C.DE').debug('neither this one!')
def __init__(self, *names):
self.names = names
self.num = len(names)
self.lenghts = {n: len(n) for n in names}
def filter(self, record):
if self.num == 0:
return True
for name in self.names:
nlen = self.lenghts[name]
if name ==
return True
elif (, 0, nlen) == 0
and[nlen] == "."):
return True
return False
class CapturingLogHandler(logging.Handler):
def __init__(self, logger, level):
self.records = []
self.level = logging._checkLevel(level)
if isinstance(logger, basestring):
self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger)
self.logger = logger
def __enter__(self):
self.original_disabled = self.logger.disabled
self.original_level = self.logger.level
self.logger.level = self.level
self.logger.disabled = False
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
self.logger.level = self.original_level
self.logger.disabled = self.logger.disabled
return self
def handle(self, record):
def emit(self, record):
def createLock(self):
self.lock = None
def deprecateArgument(name, msg, category=UserWarning):
""" Raise a warning about deprecated function argument 'name'. """
"%r is deprecated; %s" % (name, msg), category=category, stacklevel=3)
def deprecateFunction(msg, category=UserWarning):
""" Decorator to raise a warning when a deprecated function is called. """
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
"%r is deprecated; %s" % (func.__name__, msg),
category=category, stacklevel=2)
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest