The current method for L1 and L2 partial instacing of STAT table -- i.e. drop all pinned axes are respective axis values -- was incorrect. STAT design axis are a superset of the fvar axes, they describe the relations between members of a font family in which some aspects may be implemented as variation axes within a single VF, others as multiple discrete fonts. When we remove an axis from fvar, we still want to keep the STAT's DesignAxis, as well as the single AxisValue table along that design axis which describes the position of the new instance within the family's stylistic attributes. This means, intantiateAvar will never drop any DesignAxis, but will only drops AxisValue tables when: 1) we're pinning an axis and the desired instance coordinate doesn't exactly equal any of the existing AxisValue records; 2) we're restricting an axis range, and the (nominal) AxisValue falls outside of the desired range. We never add new AxisValue records, as that's a design decision that is outside of the scope of the partial instancer.
1390 lines
52 KiB
1390 lines
52 KiB
""" Partially instantiate a variable font.
The module exports an `instantiateVariableFont` function and CLI that allow to
create full instances (i.e. static fonts) from variable fonts, as well as "partial"
variable fonts that only contain a subset of the original variation space.
For example, if you wish to pin the width axis to a given location while keeping
the rest of the axes, you can do:
$ fonttools varLib.instancer ./NotoSans-VF.ttf wdth=85
See `fonttools varLib.instancer --help` for more info on the CLI options.
The module's entry point is the `instantiateVariableFont` function, which takes
a TTFont object and a dict specifying a location along either some or all the axes,
and returns a new TTFont representing respectively a partial or a full instance.
E.g. here's how to pin the wght axis at a given location in a wght+wdth variable
font, keeping only the deltas associated with the wdth axis:
| >>> from fontTools import ttLib
| >>> from fontTools.varLib import instancer
| >>> varfont = ttLib.TTFont("path/to/MyVariableFont.ttf")
| >>> [a.axisTag for a in partial["fvar"].axes] # the varfont's current axes
| ['wght', 'wdth']
| >>> partial = instancer.instantiateVariableFont(varfont, {"wght": 300})
| >>> [a.axisTag for a in partial["fvar"].axes] # axes left after pinning 'wght'
| ['wdth']
If the input location specifies all the axes, the resulting instance is no longer
'variable' (same as using fontools varLib.mutator):
| >>> instance = instancer.instantiateVariableFont(
| ... varfont, {"wght": 700, "wdth": 67.5}
| ... )
| >>> "fvar" not in instance
| True
If one just want to drop an axis at the default location, without knowing in
advance what the default value for that axis is, one can pass a `None` value:
| >>> instance = instancer.instantiateVariableFont(varfont, {"wght": None})
| >>> len(varfont["fvar"].axes)
| 1
From the console script, this is equivalent to passing `wght=drop` as input.
This module is similar to fontTools.varLib.mutator, which it's intended to supersede.
Note that, unlike varLib.mutator, when an axis is not mentioned in the input
location, the varLib.instancer will keep the axis and the corresponding deltas,
whereas mutator implicitly drops the axis at its default coordinate.
The module currently supports only the first two "levels" of partial instancing,
with the rest planned to be implemented in the future, namely:
L1) dropping one or more axes while leaving the default tables unmodified;
L2) dropping one or more axes while pinning them at non-default locations;
L3) restricting the range of variation of one or more axes, by setting either
a new minimum or maximum, potentially -- though not necessarily -- dropping
entire regions of variations that fall completely outside this new range.
L4) moving the default location of an axis.
Currently only TrueType-flavored variable fonts (i.e. containing 'glyf' table)
are supported, but support for CFF2 variable fonts will be added soon.
The discussion and implementation of these features are tracked at
from fontTools.misc.fixedTools import (
from fontTools.varLib.models import supportScalar, normalizeValue, piecewiseLinearMap
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
from fontTools.ttLib.tables.TupleVariation import TupleVariation
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import _g_l_y_f
from fontTools import varLib
# we import the `subset` module because we use the `prune_lookups` method on the GSUB
# table class, and that method is only defined dynamically upon importing `subset`
from fontTools import subset # noqa: F401
from fontTools.varLib import builder
from fontTools.varLib.mvar import MVAR_ENTRIES
from fontTools.varLib.merger import MutatorMerger
from contextlib import contextmanager
import collections
from copy import deepcopy
import logging
from itertools import islice
import os
import re
log = logging.getLogger("fontTools.varLib.instancer")
class AxisRange(collections.namedtuple("AxisRange", "minimum maximum")):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
self = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
if self.minimum > self.maximum:
raise ValueError(
f"Range minimum ({self.minimum:g}) must be <= maximum ({self.maximum:g})"
return self
def __repr__(self):
return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.minimum:g}, {self.maximum:g})"
class NormalizedAxisRange(AxisRange):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
self = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
if self.minimum < -1.0 or self.maximum > 1.0:
raise ValueError("Axis range values must be normalized to -1..+1 range")
if self.minimum > 0:
raise ValueError(f"Expected axis range minimum <= 0; got {self.minimum}")
if self.maximum < 0:
raise ValueError(f"Expected axis range maximum >= 0; got {self.maximum}")
return self
def instantiateTupleVariationStore(
variations, axisLimits, origCoords=None, endPts=None
"""Instantiate TupleVariation list at the given location, or limit axes' min/max.
The 'variations' list of TupleVariation objects is modified in-place.
The 'axisLimits' (dict) maps axis tags (str) to either a single coordinate along the
axis (float), or to minimum/maximum coordinates (NormalizedAxisRange).
A 'full' instance (i.e. static font) is produced when all the axes are pinned to
single coordinates; a 'partial' instance (i.e. a less variable font) is produced
when some of the axes are omitted, or restricted with a new range.
Tuples that do not participate are kept as they are. Those that have 0 influence
at the given location are removed from the variation store.
Those that are fully instantiated (i.e. all their axes are being pinned) are also
removed from the variation store, their scaled deltas accummulated and returned, so
that they can be added by the caller to the default instance's coordinates.
Tuples that are only partially instantiated (i.e. not all the axes that they
participate in are being pinned) are kept in the store, and their deltas multiplied
by the scalar support of the axes to be pinned at the desired location.
variations: List[TupleVariation] from either 'gvar' or 'cvar'.
axisLimits: Dict[str, Union[float, NormalizedAxisRange]]: axes' coordinates for
the full or partial instance, or ranges for restricting an axis' min/max.
origCoords: GlyphCoordinates: default instance's coordinates for computing 'gvar'
inferred points (cf. table__g_l_y_f.getCoordinatesAndControls).
endPts: List[int]: indices of contour end points, for inferring 'gvar' deltas.
List[float]: the overall delta adjustment after applicable deltas were summed.
pinnedLocation, axisRanges = splitAxisLocationAndRanges(
axisLimits, rangeType=NormalizedAxisRange
if pinnedLocation:
newVariations = pinTupleVariationAxes(variations, pinnedLocation)
newVariations = variations
if axisRanges:
newVariations = limitTupleVariationAxisRanges(newVariations, axisRanges)
mergedVariations = collections.OrderedDict()
for var in newVariations:
# compute inferred deltas only for gvar ('origCoords' is None for cvar)
if origCoords is not None:
var.calcInferredDeltas(origCoords, endPts)
# merge TupleVariations with overlapping "tents"
axes = frozenset(var.axes.items())
if axes in mergedVariations:
mergedVariations[axes] += var
mergedVariations[axes] = var
# drop TupleVariation if all axes have been pinned (var.axes.items() is empty);
# its deltas will be added to the default instance's coordinates
defaultVar = mergedVariations.pop(frozenset(), None)
for var in mergedVariations.values():
variations[:] = list(mergedVariations.values())
return defaultVar.coordinates if defaultVar is not None else []
def pinTupleVariationAxes(variations, location):
newVariations = []
for var in variations:
# Compute the scalar support of the axes to be pinned at the desired location,
# excluding any axes that we are not pinning.
# If a TupleVariation doesn't mention an axis, it implies that the axis peak
# is 0 (i.e. the axis does not participate).
support = {axis: var.axes.pop(axis, (-1, 0, +1)) for axis in location}
scalar = supportScalar(location, support)
if scalar == 0.0:
# no influence, drop the TupleVariation
return newVariations
def limitTupleVariationAxisRanges(variations, axisRanges):
for axisTag, axisRange in sorted(axisRanges.items()):
newVariations = []
for var in variations:
newVariations.extend(limitTupleVariationAxisRange(var, axisTag, axisRange))
variations = newVariations
return variations
def _negate(*values):
yield from (-1 * v for v in values)
def limitTupleVariationAxisRange(var, axisTag, axisRange):
if not isinstance(axisRange, NormalizedAxisRange):
axisRange = NormalizedAxisRange(*axisRange)
# skip when current axis is missing (i.e. doesn't participate), or when the
# 'tent' isn't fully on either the negative or positive side
lower, peak, upper = var.axes.get(axisTag, (-1, 0, 1))
if peak == 0 or lower > peak or peak > upper or (lower < 0 and upper > 0):
return [var]
negative = lower < 0
if negative:
if axisRange.minimum == -1.0:
return [var]
elif axisRange.minimum == 0.0:
return []
if axisRange.maximum == 1.0:
return [var]
elif axisRange.maximum == 0.0:
return []
limit = axisRange.minimum if negative else axisRange.maximum
# Rebase axis bounds onto the new limit, which then becomes the new -1.0 or +1.0.
# The results are always positive, because both dividend and divisor are either
# all positive or all negative.
newLower = lower / limit
newPeak = peak / limit
newUpper = upper / limit
# for negative TupleVariation, swap lower and upper to simplify procedure
if negative:
newLower, newUpper = newUpper, newLower
# special case when innermost bound == peak == limit
if newLower == newPeak == 1.0:
var.axes[axisTag] = (-1.0, -1.0, -1.0) if negative else (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
return [var]
# case 1: the whole deltaset falls outside the new limit; we can drop it
elif newLower >= 1.0:
return []
# case 2: only the peak and outermost bound fall outside the new limit;
# we keep the deltaset, update peak and outermost bound and and scale deltas
# by the scalar value for the restricted axis at the new limit.
elif newPeak >= 1.0:
scalar = supportScalar({axisTag: limit}, {axisTag: (lower, peak, upper)})
newPeak = 1.0
newUpper = 1.0
if negative:
newLower, newPeak, newUpper = _negate(newUpper, newPeak, newLower)
var.axes[axisTag] = (newLower, newPeak, newUpper)
return [var]
# case 3: peak falls inside but outermost limit still fits within F2Dot14 bounds;
# we keep deltas as is and only scale the axes bounds. Deltas beyond -1.0
# or +1.0 will never be applied as implementations must clap to that range.
elif newUpper <= 2.0:
if negative:
newLower, newPeak, newUpper = _negate(newUpper, newPeak, newLower)
elif MAX_F2DOT14 < newUpper <= 2.0:
# we clamp +2.0 to the max F2Dot14 (~1.99994) for convenience
newUpper = MAX_F2DOT14
var.axes[axisTag] = (newLower, newPeak, newUpper)
return [var]
# case 4: new limit doesn't fit, we need to chop the tent into two triangles,
# with an additional tent with scaled-down deltas that peaks as the original
# one tapers down. NOTE: This increases the file size!
newVar = TupleVariation(var.axes, var.coordinates)
if negative:
var.axes[axisTag] = (-2.0, -1 * newPeak, -1 * newLower)
newVar.axes[axisTag] = (-1.0, -1.0, -1 * newPeak)
var.axes[axisTag] = (newLower, newPeak, MAX_F2DOT14)
newVar.axes[axisTag] = (newPeak, 1.0, 1.0)
# TODO: document optimization
scalar1 = supportScalar({axisTag: limit}, {axisTag: (lower, peak, upper)})
scalar2 = 1 / (2 - newPeak)
newVar.scaleDeltas(scalar1 - scalar2)
return [var, newVar]
def instantiateGvarGlyph(varfont, glyphname, location, optimize=True):
glyf = varfont["glyf"]
coordinates, ctrl = glyf.getCoordinatesAndControls(glyphname, varfont)
endPts = ctrl.endPts
gvar = varfont["gvar"]
# when exporting to TTX, a glyph with no variations is omitted; thus when loading
# a TTFont from TTX, a glyph that's present in glyf table may be missing from gvar.
tupleVarStore = gvar.variations.get(glyphname)
if tupleVarStore:
defaultDeltas = instantiateTupleVariationStore(
tupleVarStore, location, coordinates, endPts
if defaultDeltas:
coordinates += _g_l_y_f.GlyphCoordinates(defaultDeltas)
# setCoordinates also sets the hmtx/vmtx advance widths and sidebearings from
# the four phantom points and glyph bounding boxes.
# We call it unconditionally even if a glyph has no variations or no deltas are
# applied at this location, in case the glyph's xMin and in turn its sidebearing
# have changed. E.g. a composite glyph has no deltas for the component's (x, y)
# offset nor for the 4 phantom points (e.g. it's monospaced). Thus its entry in
# gvar table is empty; however, the composite's base glyph may have deltas
# applied, hence the composite's bbox and left/top sidebearings may need updating
# in the instanced font.
glyf.setCoordinates(glyphname, coordinates, varfont)
if not tupleVarStore:
if glyphname in gvar.variations:
del gvar.variations[glyphname]
if optimize:
isComposite = glyf[glyphname].isComposite()
for var in tupleVarStore:
var.optimize(coordinates, endPts, isComposite)
def instantiateGvar(varfont, location, optimize=True):
|"Instantiating glyf/gvar tables")
gvar = varfont["gvar"]
glyf = varfont["glyf"]
# Get list of glyph names sorted by component depth.
# If a composite glyph is processed before its base glyph, the bounds may
# be calculated incorrectly because deltas haven't been applied to the
# base glyph yet.
glyphnames = sorted(
key=lambda name: (
if glyf[name].isComposite()
else 0,
for glyphname in glyphnames:
instantiateGvarGlyph(varfont, glyphname, location, optimize=optimize)
if not gvar.variations:
del varfont["gvar"]
def setCvarDeltas(cvt, deltas):
for i, delta in enumerate(deltas):
if delta:
cvt[i] += otRound(delta)
def instantiateCvar(varfont, location):
|"Instantiating cvt/cvar tables")
cvar = varfont["cvar"]
defaultDeltas = instantiateTupleVariationStore(cvar.variations, location)
if defaultDeltas:
setCvarDeltas(varfont["cvt "], defaultDeltas)
if not cvar.variations:
del varfont["cvar"]
def setMvarDeltas(varfont, deltas):
mvar = varfont["MVAR"].table
records = mvar.ValueRecord
for rec in records:
mvarTag = rec.ValueTag
if mvarTag not in MVAR_ENTRIES:
tableTag, itemName = MVAR_ENTRIES[mvarTag]
delta = deltas[rec.VarIdx]
if delta != 0:
getattr(varfont[tableTag], itemName) + otRound(delta),
def instantiateMVAR(varfont, location):
|"Instantiating MVAR table")
mvar = varfont["MVAR"].table
fvarAxes = varfont["fvar"].axes
varStore = mvar.VarStore
defaultDeltas = instantiateItemVariationStore(varStore, fvarAxes, location)
setMvarDeltas(varfont, defaultDeltas)
if varStore.VarRegionList.Region:
varIndexMapping = varStore.optimize()
for rec in mvar.ValueRecord:
rec.VarIdx = varIndexMapping[rec.VarIdx]
del varfont["MVAR"]
def _remapVarIdxMap(table, attrName, varIndexMapping, glyphOrder):
oldMapping = getattr(table, attrName).mapping
newMapping = [varIndexMapping[oldMapping[glyphName]] for glyphName in glyphOrder]
setattr(table, attrName, builder.buildVarIdxMap(newMapping, glyphOrder))
# TODO(anthrotype) Add support for HVAR/VVAR in CFF2
def _instantiateVHVAR(varfont, axisLimits, tableFields):
tableTag = tableFields.tableTag
fvarAxes = varfont["fvar"].axes
# Deltas from gvar table have already been applied to the hmtx/vmtx. For full
# instances (i.e. all axes pinned), we can simply drop HVAR/VVAR and return
if set(
axisTag for axisTag, value in axisLimits.items() if not isinstance(value, tuple)
).issuperset(axis.axisTag for axis in fvarAxes):
|"Dropping %s table", tableTag)
del varfont[tableTag]
|"Instantiating %s table", tableTag)
vhvar = varfont[tableTag].table
varStore = vhvar.VarStore
# since deltas were already applied, the return value here is ignored
instantiateItemVariationStore(varStore, fvarAxes, axisLimits)
if varStore.VarRegionList.Region:
# Only re-optimize VarStore if the HVAR/VVAR already uses indirect AdvWidthMap
# or AdvHeightMap. If a direct, implicit glyphID->VariationIndex mapping is
# used for advances, skip re-optimizing and maintain original VariationIndex.
if getattr(vhvar, tableFields.advMapping):
varIndexMapping = varStore.optimize()
glyphOrder = varfont.getGlyphOrder()
_remapVarIdxMap(vhvar, tableFields.advMapping, varIndexMapping, glyphOrder)
if getattr(vhvar, tableFields.sb1): # left or top sidebearings
_remapVarIdxMap(vhvar, tableFields.sb1, varIndexMapping, glyphOrder)
if getattr(vhvar, tableFields.sb2): # right or bottom sidebearings
_remapVarIdxMap(vhvar, tableFields.sb2, varIndexMapping, glyphOrder)
if tableTag == "VVAR" and getattr(vhvar, tableFields.vOrigMapping):
vhvar, tableFields.vOrigMapping, varIndexMapping, glyphOrder
del varfont[tableTag]
def instantiateHVAR(varfont, location):
return _instantiateVHVAR(varfont, location, varLib.HVAR_FIELDS)
def instantiateVVAR(varfont, location):
return _instantiateVHVAR(varfont, location, varLib.VVAR_FIELDS)
class _TupleVarStoreAdapter(object):
def __init__(self, regions, axisOrder, tupleVarData, itemCounts):
self.regions = regions
self.axisOrder = axisOrder
self.tupleVarData = tupleVarData
self.itemCounts = itemCounts
def fromItemVarStore(cls, itemVarStore, fvarAxes):
axisOrder = [axis.axisTag for axis in fvarAxes]
regions = [
region.get_support(fvarAxes) for region in itemVarStore.VarRegionList.Region
tupleVarData = []
itemCounts = []
for varData in itemVarStore.VarData:
variations = []
varDataRegions = (regions[i] for i in varData.VarRegionIndex)
for axes, coordinates in zip(varDataRegions, zip(*varData.Item)):
variations.append(TupleVariation(axes, list(coordinates)))
return cls(regions, axisOrder, tupleVarData, itemCounts)
def rebuildRegions(self):
# Collect the set of all unique region axes from the current TupleVariations.
# We use an OrderedDict to de-duplicate regions while keeping the order.
uniqueRegions = collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(
for variations in self.tupleVarData
for var in variations
# Maintain the original order for the regions that pre-existed, appending
# the new regions at the end of the region list.
newRegions = []
for region in self.regions:
regionAxes = frozenset(region.items())
if regionAxes in uniqueRegions:
del uniqueRegions[regionAxes]
if uniqueRegions:
newRegions.extend(dict(region) for region in uniqueRegions)
self.regions = newRegions
def instantiate(self, axisLimits):
defaultDeltaArray = []
for variations, itemCount in zip(self.tupleVarData, self.itemCounts):
defaultDeltas = instantiateTupleVariationStore(variations, axisLimits)
if not defaultDeltas:
defaultDeltas = [0] * itemCount
# rebuild regions whose axes were dropped or limited
pinnedAxes = {
for axisTag, value in axisLimits.items()
if not isinstance(value, tuple)
self.axisOrder = [
axisTag for axisTag in self.axisOrder if axisTag not in pinnedAxes
return defaultDeltaArray
def asItemVarStore(self):
regionOrder = [frozenset(axes.items()) for axes in self.regions]
varDatas = []
for variations, itemCount in zip(self.tupleVarData, self.itemCounts):
if variations:
assert len(variations[0].coordinates) == itemCount
varRegionIndices = [
regionOrder.index(frozenset(var.axes.items())) for var in variations
varDataItems = list(zip(*(var.coordinates for var in variations)))
builder.buildVarData(varRegionIndices, varDataItems, optimize=False)
builder.buildVarData([], [[] for _ in range(itemCount)])
regionList = builder.buildVarRegionList(self.regions, self.axisOrder)
itemVarStore = builder.buildVarStore(regionList, varDatas)
# remove unused regions from VarRegionList
return itemVarStore
def instantiateItemVariationStore(itemVarStore, fvarAxes, axisLimits):
""" Compute deltas at partial location, and update varStore in-place.
Remove regions in which all axes were instanced, and scale the deltas of
the remaining regions where only some of the axes were instanced.
The number of VarData subtables, and the number of items within each, are
not modified, in order to keep the existing VariationIndex valid.
One may call VarStore.optimize() method after this to further optimize those.
varStore: An otTables.VarStore object (Item Variation Store)
fvarAxes: list of fvar's Axis objects
location: Dict[str, float] mapping axis tags to normalized axis coordinates.
May not specify coordinates for all the fvar axes.
defaultDeltas: to be added to the default instance, of type dict of floats
keyed by VariationIndex compound values: i.e. (outer << 16) + inner.
tupleVarStore = _TupleVarStoreAdapter.fromItemVarStore(itemVarStore, fvarAxes)
defaultDeltaArray = tupleVarStore.instantiate(axisLimits)
newItemVarStore = tupleVarStore.asItemVarStore()
itemVarStore.VarRegionList = newItemVarStore.VarRegionList
assert itemVarStore.VarDataCount == newItemVarStore.VarDataCount
itemVarStore.VarData = newItemVarStore.VarData
defaultDeltas = {
((major << 16) + minor): delta
for major, deltas in enumerate(defaultDeltaArray)
for minor, delta in enumerate(deltas)
return defaultDeltas
def instantiateOTL(varfont, location):
# TODO(anthrotype) Support partial instancing of JSTF and BASE tables
if (
"GDEF" not in varfont
or varfont["GDEF"].table.Version < 0x00010003
or not varfont["GDEF"].table.VarStore
if "GPOS" in varfont:
msg = "Instantiating GDEF and GPOS tables"
msg = "Instantiating GDEF table"
gdef = varfont["GDEF"].table
varStore = gdef.VarStore
fvarAxes = varfont["fvar"].axes
defaultDeltas = instantiateItemVariationStore(varStore, fvarAxes, location)
# When VF are built, big lookups may overflow and be broken into multiple
# subtables. MutatorMerger (which inherits from AligningMerger) reattaches
# them upon instancing, in case they can now fit a single subtable (if not,
# they will be split again upon compilation).
# This 'merger' also works as a 'visitor' that traverses the OTL tables and
# calls specific methods when instances of a given type are found.
# Specifically, it adds default deltas to GPOS Anchors/ValueRecords and GDEF
# LigatureCarets, and optionally deletes all VariationIndex tables if the
# VarStore is fully instanced.
merger = MutatorMerger(
varfont, defaultDeltas, deleteVariations=(not varStore.VarRegionList.Region)
merger.mergeTables(varfont, [varfont], ["GDEF", "GPOS"])
if varStore.VarRegionList.Region:
varIndexMapping = varStore.optimize()
if "GPOS" in varfont:
# Downgrade GDEF.
del gdef.VarStore
gdef.Version = 0x00010002
if gdef.MarkGlyphSetsDef is None:
del gdef.MarkGlyphSetsDef
gdef.Version = 0x00010000
if not (
or gdef.MarkAttachClassDef
or gdef.GlyphClassDef
or gdef.AttachList
or (gdef.Version >= 0x00010002 and gdef.MarkGlyphSetsDef)
del varfont["GDEF"]
def instantiateFeatureVariations(varfont, axisLimits):
for tableTag in ("GPOS", "GSUB"):
if tableTag not in varfont or not hasattr(
varfont[tableTag].table, "FeatureVariations"
|"Instantiating FeatureVariations of %s table", tableTag)
varfont[tableTag].table, varfont["fvar"].axes, axisLimits
# remove unreferenced lookups
def _featureVariationRecordIsUnique(rec, seen):
conditionSet = []
for cond in rec.ConditionSet.ConditionTable:
if cond.Format != 1:
# can't tell whether this is duplicate, assume is unique
return True
(cond.AxisIndex, cond.FilterRangeMinValue, cond.FilterRangeMaxValue)
# besides the set of conditions, we also include the FeatureTableSubstitution
# version to identify unique FeatureVariationRecords, even though only one
# version is currently defined. It's theoretically possible that multiple
# records with same conditions but different substitution table version be
# present in the same font for backward compatibility.
recordKey = frozenset([rec.FeatureTableSubstitution.Version] + conditionSet)
if recordKey in seen:
return False
seen.add(recordKey) # side effect
return True
def _limitFeatureVariationConditionRange(condition, axisRange):
minValue = condition.FilterRangeMinValue
maxValue = condition.FilterRangeMaxValue
if (
minValue > maxValue
or minValue > axisRange.maximum
or maxValue < axisRange.minimum
# condition invalid or out of range
values = [minValue, maxValue]
for i, value in enumerate(values):
if value < 0:
if axisRange.minimum == 0:
newValue = 0
newValue = value / abs(axisRange.minimum)
if newValue <= -1.0:
newValue = -1.0
elif value > 0:
if axisRange.maximum == 0:
newValue = 0
newValue = value / axisRange.maximum
if newValue >= 1.0:
newValue = 1.0
newValue = 0
values[i] = newValue
# TODO(anthrotype): Is (0,0) condition supposed to be applied ever? Ask Behdad
# if not any(values):
# return
return AxisRange(*values)
def _instantiateFeatureVariationRecord(
record, recIdx, location, fvarAxes, axisIndexMap
applies = True
newConditions = []
for i, condition in enumerate(record.ConditionSet.ConditionTable):
if condition.Format == 1:
axisIdx = condition.AxisIndex
axisTag = fvarAxes[axisIdx].axisTag
if axisTag in location:
minValue = condition.FilterRangeMinValue
maxValue = condition.FilterRangeMaxValue
v = location[axisTag]
if not (minValue <= v <= maxValue):
# condition not met so remove entire record
applies = False
newConditions = None
# axis not pinned, keep condition with remapped axis index
applies = False
condition.AxisIndex = axisIndexMap[axisTag]
"Condition table {0} of FeatureVariationRecord {1} has "
"unsupported format ({2}); ignored".format(i, recIdx, condition.Format)
applies = False
if newConditions:
record.ConditionSet.ConditionTable = newConditions
shouldKeep = True
shouldKeep = False
return applies, shouldKeep
def _limitFeatureVariationRecord(record, axisRanges, fvarAxes):
newConditions = []
for i, condition in enumerate(record.ConditionSet.ConditionTable):
if condition.Format == 1:
axisIdx = condition.AxisIndex
axisTag = fvarAxes[axisIdx].axisTag
if axisTag in axisRanges:
axisRange = axisRanges[axisTag]
newRange = _limitFeatureVariationConditionRange(condition, axisRange)
if newRange:
# keep condition with updated limits and remapped axis index
condition.FilterRangeMinValue = newRange.minimum
condition.FilterRangeMaxValue = newRange.maximum
# condition out of range, remove entire record
newConditions = None
if newConditions:
record.ConditionSet.ConditionTable = newConditions
shouldKeep = True
shouldKeep = False
return shouldKeep
def _instantiateFeatureVariations(table, fvarAxes, axisLimits):
location, axisRanges = splitAxisLocationAndRanges(
axisLimits, rangeType=NormalizedAxisRange
pinnedAxes = set(location.keys())
axisOrder = [axis.axisTag for axis in fvarAxes if axis.axisTag not in pinnedAxes]
axisIndexMap = {axisTag: axisOrder.index(axisTag) for axisTag in axisOrder}
featureVariationApplied = False
uniqueRecords = set()
newRecords = []
for i, record in enumerate(table.FeatureVariations.FeatureVariationRecord):
applies, shouldKeep = _instantiateFeatureVariationRecord(
record, i, location, fvarAxes, axisIndexMap
if shouldKeep:
shouldKeep = _limitFeatureVariationRecord(record, axisRanges, fvarAxes)
if shouldKeep and _featureVariationRecordIsUnique(record, uniqueRecords):
if applies and not featureVariationApplied:
assert record.FeatureTableSubstitution.Version == 0x00010000
for rec in record.FeatureTableSubstitution.SubstitutionRecord:
table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord[rec.FeatureIndex].Feature = rec.Feature
# Set variations only once
featureVariationApplied = True
if newRecords:
table.FeatureVariations.FeatureVariationRecord = newRecords
table.FeatureVariations.FeatureVariationCount = len(newRecords)
del table.FeatureVariations
def _isValidAvarSegmentMap(axisTag, segmentMap):
if not segmentMap:
return True
if not {(-1.0, -1.0), (0, 0), (1.0, 1.0)}.issubset(segmentMap.items()):
f"Invalid avar SegmentMap record for axis '{axisTag}': does not "
"include all required value maps {-1.0: -1.0, 0: 0, 1.0: 1.0}"
return False
previousValue = None
for fromCoord, toCoord in sorted(segmentMap.items()):
if previousValue is not None and previousValue > toCoord:
f"Invalid avar AxisValueMap({fromCoord}, {toCoord}) record "
f"for axis '{axisTag}': the toCoordinate value must be >= to "
f"the toCoordinate value of the preceding record ({previousValue})."
return False
previousValue = toCoord
return True
def instantiateAvar(varfont, axisLimits):
location, axisRanges = splitAxisLocationAndRanges(axisLimits)
segments = varfont["avar"].segments
# drop table if we instantiate all the axes
pinnedAxes = set(location.keys())
if pinnedAxes.issuperset(segments):
|"Dropping avar table")
del varfont["avar"]
|"Instantiating avar table")
for axis in pinnedAxes:
if axis in segments:
del segments[axis]
normalizedRanges = normalizeAxisLimits(varfont, axisRanges, usingAvar=False)
newSegments = {}
for axisTag, mapping in segments.items():
if not _isValidAvarSegmentMap(axisTag, mapping):
if mapping and axisTag in normalizedRanges:
axisRange = normalizedRanges[axisTag]
mappedMin = floatToFixedToFloat(
piecewiseLinearMap(axisRange.minimum, mapping), 14
mappedMax = floatToFixedToFloat(
piecewiseLinearMap(axisRange.maximum, mapping), 14
newMapping = {}
for key, value in mapping.items():
if key < 0:
if axisRange.minimum == 0 or key < axisRange.minimum:
key /= abs(axisRange.minimum)
elif key > 0:
if axisRange.maximum == 0 or key > axisRange.maximum:
key /= axisRange.maximum
if value < 0:
assert mappedMin != 0
assert value >= mappedMin
value /= abs(mappedMin)
elif value > 0:
assert mappedMax != 0
assert value <= mappedMax
value /= mappedMax
key = floatToFixedToFloat(key, 14)
value = floatToFixedToFloat(value, 14)
newMapping[key] = value
newMapping.update({-1.0: -1.0, 1.0: 1.0})
newSegments[axisTag] = newMapping
newSegments[axisTag] = mapping
varfont["avar"].segments = newSegments
def isInstanceWithinAxisRanges(location, axisRanges):
for axisTag, coord in location.items():
if axisTag in axisRanges:
axisRange = axisRanges[axisTag]
if coord < axisRange.minimum or coord > axisRange.maximum:
return False
return True
def instantiateFvar(varfont, axisLimits):
# 'axisLimits' dict must contain user-space (non-normalized) coordinates
location, axisRanges = splitAxisLocationAndRanges(axisLimits, rangeType=AxisRange)
fvar = varfont["fvar"]
# drop table if we instantiate all the axes
if set(location).issuperset(axis.axisTag for axis in fvar.axes):
|"Dropping fvar table")
del varfont["fvar"]
|"Instantiating fvar table")
axes = []
for axis in fvar.axes:
axisTag = axis.axisTag
if axisTag in location:
if axisTag in axisRanges:
axis.minValue, axis.maxValue = axisRanges[axisTag]
fvar.axes = axes
# only keep NamedInstances whose coordinates == pinned axis location
instances = []
for instance in fvar.instances:
if any(instance.coordinates[axis] != value for axis, value in location.items()):
for axisTag in location:
del instance.coordinates[axisTag]
if not isInstanceWithinAxisRanges(instance.coordinates, axisRanges):
fvar.instances = instances
def instantiateSTAT(varfont, axisLimits):
# 'axisLimits' dict must contain user-space (non-normalized) coordinates
stat = varfont["STAT"].table
if not stat.DesignAxisRecord or not (
stat.AxisValueArray and stat.AxisValueArray.AxisValue
return # STAT table empty, nothing to do
location, axisRanges = splitAxisLocationAndRanges(axisLimits, rangeType=AxisRange)
def isAxisValueOutsideLimits(axisTag, axisValue):
if axisTag in location and axisValue != location[axisTag]:
return True
elif axisTag in axisRanges:
axisRange = axisRanges[axisTag]
if axisValue < axisRange.minimum or axisValue > axisRange.maximum:
return True
return False
|"Instantiating STAT table")
# only keep AxisValues whose axis is not pinned nor restricted, or is pinned at the
# exact (nominal) value, or is restricted but the value is within the new range
designAxes = stat.DesignAxisRecord.Axis
newAxisValueTables = []
for axisValueTable in stat.AxisValueArray.AxisValue:
axisValueFormat = axisValueTable.Format
if axisValueFormat in (1, 2, 3):
axisTag = designAxes[axisValueTable.AxisIndex].AxisTag
if axisValueFormat == 2:
axisValue = axisValueTable.NominalValue
axisValue = axisValueTable.Value
if isAxisValueOutsideLimits(axisTag, axisValue):
elif axisValueFormat == 4:
# drop 'non-analytic' AxisValue if _any_ AxisValueRecord doesn't match
# the pinned location or is outside range
dropAxisValueTable = False
for rec in axisValueTable.AxisValueRecord:
axisTag = designAxes[rec.AxisIndex].AxisTag
axisValue = rec.Value
if isAxisValueOutsideLimits(axisTag, axisValue):
dropAxisValueTable = True
if dropAxisValueTable:
log.warn("Unknown AxisValue table format (%s); ignored", axisValueFormat)
stat.AxisValueArray.AxisValue = newAxisValueTables
stat.AxisValueCount = len(stat.AxisValueArray.AxisValue)
def getVariationNameIDs(varfont):
used = []
if "fvar" in varfont:
fvar = varfont["fvar"]
for axis in fvar.axes:
for instance in fvar.instances:
if instance.postscriptNameID != 0xFFFF:
if "STAT" in varfont:
stat = varfont["STAT"].table
for axis in stat.DesignAxisRecord.Axis if stat.DesignAxisRecord else ():
for value in stat.AxisValueArray.AxisValue if stat.AxisValueArray else ():
# nameIDs <= 255 are reserved by OT spec so we don't touch them
return {nameID for nameID in used if nameID > 255}
def pruningUnusedNames(varfont):
origNameIDs = getVariationNameIDs(varfont)
|"Pruning name table")
exclude = origNameIDs - getVariationNameIDs(varfont)
varfont["name"].names[:] = [
record for record in varfont["name"].names if record.nameID not in exclude
if "ltag" in varfont:
# Drop the whole 'ltag' table if all the language-dependent Unicode name
# records that reference it have been dropped.
# TODO: Only prune unused ltag tags, renumerating langIDs accordingly.
# Note ltag can also be used by feat or morx tables, so check those too.
if not any(
for record in varfont["name"].names
if record.platformID == 0 and record.langID != 0xFFFF
del varfont["ltag"]
def setMacOverlapFlags(glyfTable):
flagOverlapCompound = _g_l_y_f.OVERLAP_COMPOUND
flagOverlapSimple = _g_l_y_f.flagOverlapSimple
for glyphName in glyfTable.keys():
glyph = glyfTable[glyphName]
# Set OVERLAP_COMPOUND bit for compound glyphs
if glyph.isComposite():
glyph.components[0].flags |= flagOverlapCompound
# Set OVERLAP_SIMPLE bit for simple glyphs
elif glyph.numberOfContours > 0:
glyph.flags[0] |= flagOverlapSimple
def normalize(value, triple, avarMapping):
value = normalizeValue(value, triple)
if avarMapping:
value = piecewiseLinearMap(value, avarMapping)
# Quantize to F2Dot14, to avoid surprise interpolations.
return floatToFixedToFloat(value, 14)
def normalizeAxisLimits(varfont, axisLimits, usingAvar=True):
fvar = varfont["fvar"]
badLimits = set(axisLimits.keys()).difference(a.axisTag for a in fvar.axes)
if badLimits:
raise ValueError("Cannot limit: {} not present in fvar".format(badLimits))
axes = {
a.axisTag: (a.minValue, a.defaultValue, a.maxValue)
for a in fvar.axes
if a.axisTag in axisLimits
avarSegments = {}
if usingAvar and "avar" in varfont:
avarSegments = varfont["avar"].segments
normalizedLimits = {}
for axis_tag, triple in axes.items():
avarMapping = avarSegments.get(axis_tag, None)
value = axisLimits[axis_tag]
if isinstance(value, tuple):
normalizedLimits[axis_tag] = NormalizedAxisRange(
*(normalize(v, triple, avarMapping) for v in axisLimits[axis_tag])
normalizedLimits[axis_tag] = normalize(value, triple, avarMapping)
return normalizedLimits
def sanityCheckVariableTables(varfont):
if "fvar" not in varfont:
raise ValueError("Missing required table fvar")
if "gvar" in varfont:
if "glyf" not in varfont:
raise ValueError("Can't have gvar without glyf")
# TODO(anthrotype) Remove once we do support partial instancing CFF2
if "CFF2" in varfont:
raise NotImplementedError("Instancing CFF2 variable fonts is not supported yet")
def populateAxisDefaults(varfont, axisLimits):
if any(value is None for value in axisLimits.values()):
fvar = varfont["fvar"]
defaultValues = {a.axisTag: a.defaultValue for a in fvar.axes}
return {
axisTag: defaultValues[axisTag] if value is None else value
for axisTag, value in axisLimits.items()
return axisLimits
def instantiateVariableFont(
varfont, axisLimits, inplace=False, optimize=True, overlap=True
""" Instantiate variable font, either fully or partially.
Depending on whether the `axisLimits` dictionary references all or some of the
input varfont's axes, the output font will either be a full instance (static
font) or a variable font with possibly less variation data.
varfont: a TTFont instance, which must contain at least an 'fvar' table.
Note that variable fonts with 'CFF2' table are not supported yet.
axisLimits: a dict keyed by axis tags (str) containing the coordinates (float)
along one or more axes where the desired instance will be located.
If the value is `None`, the default coordinate as per 'fvar' table for
that axis is used.
The limit values can also be (min, max) tuples for restricting an
axis's variation range, but this is not implemented yet.
inplace (bool): whether to modify input TTFont object in-place instead of
returning a distinct object.
optimize (bool): if False, do not perform IUP-delta optimization on the
remaining 'gvar' table's deltas. Possibly faster, and might work around
rendering issues in some buggy environments, at the cost of a slightly
larger file size.
overlap (bool): variable fonts usually contain overlapping contours, and some
font rendering engines on Apple platforms require that the `OVERLAP_SIMPLE`
and `OVERLAP_COMPOUND` flags in the 'glyf' table be set to force rendering
using a non-zero fill rule. Thus we always set these flags on all glyphs
to maximise cross-compatibility of the generated instance. You can disable
this by setting `overalap` to False.
if not inplace:
varfont = deepcopy(varfont)
axisLimits = populateAxisDefaults(varfont, axisLimits)
normalizedLimits = normalizeAxisLimits(varfont, axisLimits)
|"Normalized limits: %s", normalizedLimits)
if "gvar" in varfont:
instantiateGvar(varfont, normalizedLimits, optimize=optimize)
if "cvar" in varfont:
instantiateCvar(varfont, normalizedLimits)
if "MVAR" in varfont:
instantiateMVAR(varfont, normalizedLimits)
if "HVAR" in varfont:
instantiateHVAR(varfont, normalizedLimits)
if "VVAR" in varfont:
instantiateVVAR(varfont, normalizedLimits)
instantiateOTL(varfont, normalizedLimits)
instantiateFeatureVariations(varfont, normalizedLimits)
if "avar" in varfont:
instantiateAvar(varfont, axisLimits)
with pruningUnusedNames(varfont):
if "STAT" in varfont:
instantiateSTAT(varfont, axisLimits)
instantiateFvar(varfont, axisLimits)
if "fvar" not in varfont:
if "glyf" in varfont and overlap:
axisTag: limit
for axisTag, limit in axisLimits.items()
if not isinstance(limit, tuple)
return varfont
def splitAxisLocationAndRanges(axisLimits, rangeType=AxisRange):
location, axisRanges = {}, {}
for axisTag, value in axisLimits.items():
if isinstance(value, rangeType):
axisRanges[axisTag] = value
elif isinstance(value, (int, float)):
location[axisTag] = value
elif isinstance(value, tuple):
axisRanges[axisTag] = rangeType(*value)
raise TypeError(
f"Expected number or {rangeType.__name__}, "
f"got {type(value).__name__}: {value!r}"
return location, axisRanges
def parseLimits(limits):
result = {}
for limitString in limits:
match = re.match(r"^(\w{1,4})=(?:(drop)|(?:([^:]+)(?:[:](.+))?))$", limitString)
if not match:
raise ValueError("invalid location format: %r" % limitString)
tag =
if # 'drop'
lbound = None
lbound = strToFixedToFloat(, precisionBits=16)
ubound = lbound
ubound = strToFixedToFloat(, precisionBits=16)
if lbound != ubound:
result[tag] = AxisRange(lbound, ubound)
result[tag] = lbound
return result
def parseArgs(args):
"""Parse argv.
3-tuple (infile, axisLimits, options)
axisLimits is either a Dict[str, Optional[float]], for pinning variation axes
to specific coordinates along those axes (with `None` as a placeholder for an
axis' default value); or a Dict[str, Tuple(float, float)], meaning limit this
axis to min/max range.
Axes locations are in user-space coordinates, as defined in the "fvar" table.
from fontTools import configLogger
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
"fonttools varLib.instancer",
description="Partially instantiate a variable font",
parser.add_argument("input", metavar="INPUT.ttf", help="Input variable TTF file.")
help="List of space separated locations. A location consist in "
"the tag of a variation axis, followed by '=' and one of number, "
"number:number or the literal string 'drop'. "
"E.g.: wdth=100 or wght=75.0:125.0 or wght=drop",
help="Output instance TTF file (default: INPUT-instance.ttf).",
help="Don't perform IUP optimization on the remaining gvar TupleVariations",
help="Don't set OVERLAP_SIMPLE/OVERLAP_COMPOUND glyf flags (only applicable "
"when generating a full instance)",
loggingGroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
"-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Run more verbosely."
"-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="Turn verbosity off."
options = parser.parse_args(args)
infile = options.input
if not os.path.isfile(infile):
parser.error("No such file '{}'".format(infile))
level=("DEBUG" if options.verbose else "ERROR" if options.quiet else "INFO")
axisLimits = parseLimits(options.locargs)
except ValueError as e:
if len(axisLimits) != len(options.locargs):
parser.error("Specified multiple limits for the same axis")
return (infile, axisLimits, options)
def main(args=None):
infile, axisLimits, options = parseArgs(args)
|"Restricting axes: %s", axisLimits)
|"Loading variable font")
varfont = TTFont(infile)
isFullInstance = {
axisTag for axisTag, limit in axisLimits.items() if not isinstance(limit, tuple)
}.issuperset(axis.axisTag for axis in varfont["fvar"].axes)
outfile = (
+ "-{}.ttf".format("instance" if isFullInstance else "partial")
if not options.output
else options.output
"Saving %s font %s",
"instance" if isFullInstance else "partial variable",
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys