The current argument parser in must strip out spaces in values, in order to allow specifying comma- or whitespace-separated lists (for example, cf. [line 2289]( Because of that, users cannot correctly specify table tags whose length is less than 4 by enclosing the space in quotes. For example, 'SVG ' table will be alwyas dropped even if I pass `--drop-tables-='SVG '` and `--no-subset-tables+='SVG '`. As a workaround, this patch removes the spaces from the 'SVG ' and 'cvt ' tags in the constant lists of the Option class, and it only tests that `tag.strip()` is contained in those list. Of course, this also means `--drop-tables-='SVG '` is now the same as `--drop-tables-='SVG' as far as the subsetter is concerned. Fixes Related