We already filter len(layers)==1 out upfront, but these can sneak in after the layer reuse code when input contains two base glyphs that refer to the same list of layers. This ensure that duplicate base glyphs get the same PaintColrLayers, rather than a wrapper PaintColrLayers of length=1 pointing to the underlying shared PaintColrLayer...
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677 lines
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colorLib.builder: Build COLR/CPAL tables from scratch
import collections
import copy
import enum
from functools import partial
from math import ceil, log
from typing import (
from fontTools.misc.arrayTools import intRect
from fontTools.misc.fixedTools import fixedToFloat
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import C_O_L_R_
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import C_P_A_L_
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import _n_a_m_e
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables as ot
from fontTools.ttLib.tables.otTables import ExtendMode, CompositeMode
from .errors import ColorLibError
from .geometry import round_start_circle_stable_containment
from .table_builder import BuildCallback, TableBuilder
# TODO move type aliases to colorLib.types?
T = TypeVar("T")
_Kwargs = Mapping[str, Any]
_PaintInput = Union[int, _Kwargs, ot.Paint, Tuple[str, "_PaintInput"]]
_PaintInputList = Sequence[_PaintInput]
_ColorGlyphsDict = Dict[str, Union[_PaintInputList, _PaintInput]]
_ColorGlyphsV0Dict = Dict[str, Sequence[Tuple[str, int]]]
_ClipBoxInput = Union[
Tuple[int, int, int, int, int], # format 1, variable
Tuple[int, int, int, int], # format 0, non-variable
def _beforeBuildPaintRadialGradient(paint, source):
x0 = source["x0"]
y0 = source["y0"]
r0 = source["r0"]
x1 = source["x1"]
y1 = source["y1"]
r1 = source["r1"]
# TODO apparently no builder_test confirms this works (?)
# avoid abrupt change after rounding when c0 is near c1's perimeter
c = round_start_circle_stable_containment((x0, y0), r0, (x1, y1), r1)
x0, y0 = c.centre
r0 = c.radius
# update source to ensure paint is built with corrected values
source["x0"] = x0
source["y0"] = y0
source["r0"] = r0
source["x1"] = x1
source["y1"] = y1
source["r1"] = r1
return paint, source
def _defaultColorStop():
colorStop = ot.ColorStop()
colorStop.Alpha = _DEFAULT_ALPHA
return colorStop
def _defaultVarColorStop():
colorStop = ot.VarColorStop()
colorStop.Alpha = _DEFAULT_ALPHA
return colorStop
def _defaultColorLine():
colorLine = ot.ColorLine()
colorLine.Extend = ExtendMode.PAD
return colorLine
def _defaultVarColorLine():
colorLine = ot.VarColorLine()
colorLine.Extend = ExtendMode.PAD
return colorLine
def _defaultPaintSolid():
paint = ot.Paint()
paint.Alpha = _DEFAULT_ALPHA
return paint
def _buildPaintCallbacks():
return {
): _beforeBuildPaintRadialGradient,
): _beforeBuildPaintRadialGradient,
(BuildCallback.CREATE_DEFAULT, ot.ColorStop): _defaultColorStop,
(BuildCallback.CREATE_DEFAULT, ot.VarColorStop): _defaultVarColorStop,
(BuildCallback.CREATE_DEFAULT, ot.ColorLine): _defaultColorLine,
(BuildCallback.CREATE_DEFAULT, ot.VarColorLine): _defaultVarColorLine,
): _defaultPaintSolid,
): _defaultPaintSolid,
def populateCOLRv0(
table: ot.COLR,
colorGlyphsV0: _ColorGlyphsV0Dict,
glyphMap: Optional[Mapping[str, int]] = None,
"""Build v0 color layers and add to existing COLR table.
table: a raw ``otTables.COLR()`` object (not ttLib's ``table_C_O_L_R_``).
colorGlyphsV0: map of base glyph names to lists of (layer glyph names,
color palette index) tuples. Can be empty.
glyphMap: a map from glyph names to glyph indices, as returned from
``TTFont.getReverseGlyphMap()``, to optionally sort base records by GID.
if glyphMap is not None:
colorGlyphItems = sorted(
colorGlyphsV0.items(), key=lambda item: glyphMap[item[0]]
colorGlyphItems = colorGlyphsV0.items()
baseGlyphRecords = []
layerRecords = []
for baseGlyph, layers in colorGlyphItems:
baseRec = ot.BaseGlyphRecord()
baseRec.BaseGlyph = baseGlyph
baseRec.FirstLayerIndex = len(layerRecords)
baseRec.NumLayers = len(layers)
for layerGlyph, paletteIndex in layers:
layerRec = ot.LayerRecord()
layerRec.LayerGlyph = layerGlyph
layerRec.PaletteIndex = paletteIndex
table.BaseGlyphRecordArray = table.LayerRecordArray = None
if baseGlyphRecords:
table.BaseGlyphRecordArray = ot.BaseGlyphRecordArray()
table.BaseGlyphRecordArray.BaseGlyphRecord = baseGlyphRecords
if layerRecords:
table.LayerRecordArray = ot.LayerRecordArray()
table.LayerRecordArray.LayerRecord = layerRecords
table.BaseGlyphRecordCount = len(baseGlyphRecords)
table.LayerRecordCount = len(layerRecords)
def buildCOLR(
colorGlyphs: _ColorGlyphsDict,
version: Optional[int] = None,
glyphMap: Optional[Mapping[str, int]] = None,
varStore: Optional[ot.VarStore] = None,
varIndexMap: Optional[ot.DeltaSetIndexMap] = None,
clipBoxes: Optional[Dict[str, _ClipBoxInput]] = None,
) -> C_O_L_R_.table_C_O_L_R_:
"""Build COLR table from color layers mapping.
colorGlyphs: map of base glyph name to, either list of (layer glyph name,
color palette index) tuples for COLRv0; or a single ``Paint`` (dict) or
list of ``Paint`` for COLRv1.
version: the version of COLR table. If None, the version is determined
by the presence of COLRv1 paints or variation data (varStore), which
require version 1; otherwise, if all base glyphs use only simple color
layers, version 0 is used.
glyphMap: a map from glyph names to glyph indices, as returned from
TTFont.getReverseGlyphMap(), to optionally sort base records by GID.
varStore: Optional ItemVarationStore for deltas associated with v1 layer.
varIndexMap: Optional DeltaSetIndexMap for deltas associated with v1 layer.
clipBoxes: Optional map of base glyph name to clip box 4- or 5-tuples:
(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax) or (xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, varIndexBase).
A new COLR table.
self = C_O_L_R_.table_C_O_L_R_()
if varStore is not None and version == 0:
raise ValueError("Can't add VarStore to COLRv0")
if version in (None, 0) and not varStore:
# split color glyphs into v0 and v1 and encode separately
colorGlyphsV0, colorGlyphsV1 = _split_color_glyphs_by_version(colorGlyphs)
if version == 0 and colorGlyphsV1:
raise ValueError("Can't encode COLRv1 glyphs in COLRv0")
# unless explicitly requested for v1 or have variations, in which case
# we encode all color glyph as v1
colorGlyphsV0, colorGlyphsV1 = {}, colorGlyphs
colr = ot.COLR()
populateCOLRv0(colr, colorGlyphsV0, glyphMap)
colr.LayerList, colr.BaseGlyphList = buildColrV1(colorGlyphsV1, glyphMap)
if version is None:
version = 1 if (varStore or colorGlyphsV1) else 0
elif version not in (0, 1):
raise NotImplementedError(version)
self.version = colr.Version = version
if version == 0:
self.ColorLayers = self._decompileColorLayersV0(colr)
clipBoxes = {
name: clipBoxes[name] for name in clipBoxes or {} if name in colorGlyphsV1
colr.ClipList = buildClipList(clipBoxes) if clipBoxes else None
colr.VarIndexMap = varIndexMap
colr.VarStore = varStore
self.table = colr
return self
def buildClipList(clipBoxes: Dict[str, _ClipBoxInput]) -> ot.ClipList:
clipList = ot.ClipList()
clipList.Format = 1
clipList.clips = {name: buildClipBox(box) for name, box in clipBoxes.items()}
return clipList
def buildClipBox(clipBox: _ClipBoxInput) -> ot.ClipBox:
if isinstance(clipBox, ot.ClipBox):
return clipBox
n = len(clipBox)
clip = ot.ClipBox()
if n not in (4, 5):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid ClipBox: expected 4 or 5 values, found {n}")
clip.xMin, clip.yMin, clip.xMax, clip.yMax = intRect(clipBox[:4])
clip.Format = int(n == 5) + 1
if n == 5:
clip.VarIndexBase = int(clipBox[4])
return clip
class ColorPaletteType(enum.IntFlag):
def _missing_(cls, value):
# enforce reserved bits
if isinstance(value, int) and (value < 0 or value & 0xFFFC != 0):
raise ValueError(f"{value} is not a valid {cls.__name__}")
return super()._missing_(value)
# None, 'abc' or {'en': 'abc', 'de': 'xyz'}
_OptionalLocalizedString = Union[None, str, Dict[str, str]]
def buildPaletteLabels(
labels: Iterable[_OptionalLocalizedString], nameTable: _n_a_m_e.table__n_a_m_e
) -> List[Optional[int]]:
return [
nameTable.addMultilingualName(l, mac=False)
if isinstance(l, dict)
else C_P_A_L_.table_C_P_A_L_.NO_NAME_ID
if l is None
else nameTable.addMultilingualName({"en": l}, mac=False)
for l in labels
def buildCPAL(
palettes: Sequence[Sequence[Tuple[float, float, float, float]]],
paletteTypes: Optional[Sequence[ColorPaletteType]] = None,
paletteLabels: Optional[Sequence[_OptionalLocalizedString]] = None,
paletteEntryLabels: Optional[Sequence[_OptionalLocalizedString]] = None,
nameTable: Optional[_n_a_m_e.table__n_a_m_e] = None,
) -> C_P_A_L_.table_C_P_A_L_:
"""Build CPAL table from list of color palettes.
palettes: list of lists of colors encoded as tuples of (R, G, B, A) floats
in the range [0..1].
paletteTypes: optional list of ColorPaletteType, one for each palette.
paletteLabels: optional list of palette labels. Each lable can be either:
None (no label), a string (for for default English labels), or a
localized string (as a dict keyed with BCP47 language codes).
paletteEntryLabels: optional list of palette entry labels, one for each
palette entry (see paletteLabels).
nameTable: optional name table where to store palette and palette entry
labels. Required if either paletteLabels or paletteEntryLabels is set.
A new CPAL v0 or v1 table, if custom palette types or labels are specified.
if len({len(p) for p in palettes}) != 1:
raise ColorLibError("color palettes have different lengths")
if (paletteLabels or paletteEntryLabels) and not nameTable:
raise TypeError(
"nameTable is required if palette or palette entries have labels"
cpal = C_P_A_L_.table_C_P_A_L_()
cpal.numPaletteEntries = len(palettes[0])
cpal.palettes = []
for i, palette in enumerate(palettes):
colors = []
for j, color in enumerate(palette):
if not isinstance(color, tuple) or len(color) != 4:
raise ColorLibError(
f"In palette[{i}][{j}]: expected (R, G, B, A) tuple, got {color!r}"
if any(v > 1 or v < 0 for v in color):
raise ColorLibError(
f"palette[{i}][{j}] has invalid out-of-range [0..1] color: {color!r}"
# input colors are RGBA, CPAL encodes them as BGRA
red, green, blue, alpha = color
C_P_A_L_.Color(*(round(v * 255) for v in (blue, green, red, alpha)))
if any(v is not None for v in (paletteTypes, paletteLabels, paletteEntryLabels)):
cpal.version = 1
if paletteTypes is not None:
if len(paletteTypes) != len(palettes):
raise ColorLibError(
f"Expected {len(palettes)} paletteTypes, got {len(paletteTypes)}"
cpal.paletteTypes = [ColorPaletteType(t).value for t in paletteTypes]
cpal.paletteTypes = [C_P_A_L_.table_C_P_A_L_.DEFAULT_PALETTE_TYPE] * len(
if paletteLabels is not None:
if len(paletteLabels) != len(palettes):
raise ColorLibError(
f"Expected {len(palettes)} paletteLabels, got {len(paletteLabels)}"
cpal.paletteLabels = buildPaletteLabels(paletteLabels, nameTable)
cpal.paletteLabels = [C_P_A_L_.table_C_P_A_L_.NO_NAME_ID] * len(palettes)
if paletteEntryLabels is not None:
if len(paletteEntryLabels) != cpal.numPaletteEntries:
raise ColorLibError(
f"Expected {cpal.numPaletteEntries} paletteEntryLabels, "
f"got {len(paletteEntryLabels)}"
cpal.paletteEntryLabels = buildPaletteLabels(paletteEntryLabels, nameTable)
cpal.paletteEntryLabels = [
] * cpal.numPaletteEntries
cpal.version = 0
return cpal
# COLR v1 tables
# See draft proposal at: https://github.com/googlefonts/colr-gradients-spec
def _is_colrv0_layer(layer: Any) -> bool:
# Consider as COLRv0 layer any sequence of length 2 (be it tuple or list) in which
# the first element is a str (the layerGlyph) and the second element is an int
# (CPAL paletteIndex).
# https://github.com/googlefonts/ufo2ft/issues/426
layerGlyph, paletteIndex = layer
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return False
return isinstance(layerGlyph, str) and isinstance(paletteIndex, int)
def _split_color_glyphs_by_version(
colorGlyphs: _ColorGlyphsDict,
) -> Tuple[_ColorGlyphsV0Dict, _ColorGlyphsDict]:
colorGlyphsV0 = {}
colorGlyphsV1 = {}
for baseGlyph, layers in colorGlyphs.items():
if all(_is_colrv0_layer(l) for l in layers):
colorGlyphsV0[baseGlyph] = layers
colorGlyphsV1[baseGlyph] = layers
# sanity check
assert set(colorGlyphs) == (set(colorGlyphsV0) | set(colorGlyphsV1))
return colorGlyphsV0, colorGlyphsV1
def _reuse_ranges(num_layers: int) -> Generator[Tuple[int, int], None, None]:
# TODO feels like something itertools might have already
for lbound in range(num_layers):
# Reuse of very large #s of layers is relatively unlikely
# +2: we want sequences of at least 2
# otData handles single-record duplication
for ubound in range(
lbound + 2, min(num_layers + 1, lbound + 2 + _MAX_REUSE_LEN)
yield (lbound, ubound)
class LayerListBuilder:
layers: List[ot.Paint]
reusePool: Mapping[Tuple[Any, ...], int]
tuples: Mapping[int, Tuple[Any, ...]]
keepAlive: List[ot.Paint] # we need id to remain valid
def __init__(self):
self.layers = []
self.reusePool = {}
self.tuples = {}
self.keepAlive = []
# We need to intercept construction of PaintColrLayers
callbacks = _buildPaintCallbacks()
] = self._beforeBuildPaintColrLayers
self.tableBuilder = TableBuilder(callbacks)
def _paint_tuple(self, paint: ot.Paint):
# start simple, who even cares about cyclic graphs or interesting field types
def _tuple_safe(value):
if isinstance(value, enum.Enum):
return value
elif hasattr(value, "__dict__"):
return tuple(
(k, _tuple_safe(v)) for k, v in sorted(value.__dict__.items())
elif isinstance(value, collections.abc.MutableSequence):
return tuple(_tuple_safe(e) for e in value)
return value
# Cache the tuples for individual Paint instead of the whole sequence
# because the seq could be a transient slice
result = self.tuples.get(id(paint), None)
if result is None:
result = _tuple_safe(paint)
self.tuples[id(paint)] = result
return result
def _as_tuple(self, paints: Sequence[ot.Paint]) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
return tuple(self._paint_tuple(p) for p in paints)
# COLR layers is unusual in that it modifies shared state
# so we need a callback into an object
def _beforeBuildPaintColrLayers(self, dest, source):
# Sketchy gymnastics: a sequence input will have dropped it's layers
# into NumLayers; get it back
if isinstance(source.get("NumLayers", None), collections.abc.Sequence):
layers = source["NumLayers"]
layers = source["Layers"]
# Convert maps seqs or whatever into typed objects
layers = [self.buildPaint(l) for l in layers]
# No reason to have a colr layers with just one entry
if len(layers) == 1:
return layers[0], {}
# Look for reuse, with preference to longer sequences
# This may make the layer list smaller
found_reuse = True
while found_reuse:
found_reuse = False
ranges = sorted(
key=lambda t: (t[1] - t[0], t[1], t[0]),
for lbound, ubound in ranges:
reuse_lbound = self.reusePool.get(
self._as_tuple(layers[lbound:ubound]), -1
if reuse_lbound == -1:
new_slice = ot.Paint()
new_slice.Format = int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers)
new_slice.NumLayers = ubound - lbound
new_slice.FirstLayerIndex = reuse_lbound
layers = layers[:lbound] + [new_slice] + layers[ubound:]
found_reuse = True
# The layer list is now final; if it's too big we need to tree it
is_tree = len(layers) > MAX_PAINT_COLR_LAYER_COUNT
layers = _build_n_ary_tree(layers, n=MAX_PAINT_COLR_LAYER_COUNT)
# We now have a tree of sequences with Paint leaves.
# Convert the sequences into PaintColrLayers.
def listToColrLayers(layer):
if isinstance(layer, collections.abc.Sequence):
return self.buildPaint(
"Format": ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers,
"Layers": [listToColrLayers(l) for l in layer],
return layer
layers = [listToColrLayers(l) for l in layers]
# No reason to have a colr layers with just one entry
if len(layers) == 1:
return layers[0], {}
paint = ot.Paint()
paint.Format = int(ot.PaintFormat.PaintColrLayers)
paint.NumLayers = len(layers)
paint.FirstLayerIndex = len(self.layers)
# Register our parts for reuse provided we aren't a tree
# If we are a tree the leaves registered for reuse and that will suffice
if not is_tree:
for lbound, ubound in _reuse_ranges(len(layers)):
self.reusePool[self._as_tuple(layers[lbound:ubound])] = (
lbound + paint.FirstLayerIndex
# we've fully built dest; empty source prevents generalized build from kicking in
return paint, {}
def buildPaint(self, paint: _PaintInput) -> ot.Paint:
return self.tableBuilder.build(ot.Paint, paint)
def build(self) -> Optional[ot.LayerList]:
if not self.layers:
return None
layers = ot.LayerList()
layers.LayerCount = len(self.layers)
layers.Paint = self.layers
return layers
def buildBaseGlyphPaintRecord(
baseGlyph: str, layerBuilder: LayerListBuilder, paint: _PaintInput
) -> ot.BaseGlyphList:
self = ot.BaseGlyphPaintRecord()
self.BaseGlyph = baseGlyph
self.Paint = layerBuilder.buildPaint(paint)
return self
def _format_glyph_errors(errors: Mapping[str, Exception]) -> str:
lines = []
for baseGlyph, error in sorted(errors.items()):
lines.append(f" {baseGlyph} => {type(error).__name__}: {error}")
return "\n".join(lines)
def buildColrV1(
colorGlyphs: _ColorGlyphsDict,
glyphMap: Optional[Mapping[str, int]] = None,
) -> Tuple[Optional[ot.LayerList], ot.BaseGlyphList]:
if glyphMap is not None:
colorGlyphItems = sorted(
colorGlyphs.items(), key=lambda item: glyphMap[item[0]]
colorGlyphItems = colorGlyphs.items()
errors = {}
baseGlyphs = []
layerBuilder = LayerListBuilder()
for baseGlyph, paint in colorGlyphItems:
baseGlyphs.append(buildBaseGlyphPaintRecord(baseGlyph, layerBuilder, paint))
except (ColorLibError, OverflowError, ValueError, TypeError) as e:
errors[baseGlyph] = e
if errors:
failed_glyphs = _format_glyph_errors(errors)
exc = ColorLibError(f"Failed to build BaseGlyphList:\n{failed_glyphs}")
exc.errors = errors
raise exc from next(iter(errors.values()))
layers = layerBuilder.build()
glyphs = ot.BaseGlyphList()
glyphs.BaseGlyphCount = len(baseGlyphs)
glyphs.BaseGlyphPaintRecord = baseGlyphs
return (layers, glyphs)
def _build_n_ary_tree(leaves, n):
"""Build N-ary tree from sequence of leaf nodes.
Return a list of lists where each non-leaf node is a list containing
max n nodes.
if not leaves:
return []
assert n > 1
depth = ceil(log(len(leaves), n))
if depth <= 1:
return list(leaves)
# Fully populate complete subtrees of root until we have enough leaves left
root = []
unassigned = None
full_step = n ** (depth - 1)
for i in range(0, len(leaves), full_step):
subtree = leaves[i : i + full_step]
if len(subtree) < full_step:
unassigned = subtree
while len(subtree) > n:
subtree = [subtree[k : k + n] for k in range(0, len(subtree), n)]
if unassigned:
# Recurse to fill the last subtree, which is the only partially populated one
subtree = _build_n_ary_tree(unassigned, n)
if len(subtree) <= n - len(root):
# replace last subtree with its children if they can still fit
assert len(root) <= n
return root