2014-09-24 13:54:24 +03:00

150 lines
4.6 KiB

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
from fontTools.misc import sstruct
from fontTools.misc.textTools import readHex
from . import DefaultTable
from .sbixGlyph import *
from .sbixStrike import *
import struct
sbix Table organization:
UInt16 version
UInt16 flags
UInt32 numStrikes number of strikes (bitmap set for a specific size)
offsetEntry offsetEntry[numStrikes] offsetEntries
(Variable) storage for bitmap sets
UInt32 offset offset from table start to bitmap set
bitmap set:
UInt16 ppem
UInt16 resolution
UInt32 glyphDataOffset[numGlyphs+1]
(Variable) storage for bitmaps
UInt32 glyphDataOffset offset from start of bitmap set to individual bitmap
SInt16 originOffsetX 00 00
SInt16 originOffsetY 00 00
char[4] format data type, e.g. "png "
(Variable) bitmap data
sbixHeaderFormat = """
version: H # Version number (set to 1)
flags: H # The only two bits used in the flags field are bits 0
# and 1. For historical reasons, bit 0 must always be 1.
# Bit 1 is a sbixDrawOutlines flag and is interpreted as
# follows:
# 0: Draw only 'sbix' bitmaps
# 1: Draw both 'sbix' bitmaps and outlines, in that
# order
numStrikes: L # Number of bitmap strikes to follow
sbixHeaderFormatSize = sstruct.calcsize(sbixHeaderFormat)
sbixBitmapSetOffsetFormat = """
offset: L # 00 00 00 10 # offset from table start to each bitmap set
sbixBitmapSetOffsetFormatSize = sstruct.calcsize(sbixBitmapSetOffsetFormat)
class table__s_b_i_x(DefaultTable.DefaultTable):
def __init__(self, tag):
self.tableTag = tag
self.version = 1
self.flags = 1
self.numStrikes = 0
self.bitmapSets = {}
self.bitmapSetOffsets = []
def decompile(self, data, ttFont):
# read table header
sstruct.unpack(sbixHeaderFormat, data[ : sbixHeaderFormatSize], self)
# collect offsets to individual bitmap sets in self.bitmapSetOffsets
for i in range(self.numStrikes):
myOffset = sbixHeaderFormatSize + i * sbixBitmapSetOffsetFormatSize
offsetEntry = sbixBitmapSetOffset()
sstruct.unpack(sbixBitmapSetOffsetFormat, \
data[myOffset : myOffset+sbixBitmapSetOffsetFormatSize], \
# decompile Strikes
for i in range(self.numStrikes-1, -1, -1):
myBitmapSet = Strike(rawdata=data[self.bitmapSetOffsets[i]:])
data = data[:self.bitmapSetOffsets[i]]
#print " Strike length: %xh" % len(bitmapSetData)
#print "Number of Bitmaps:", myBitmapSet.numBitmaps
if myBitmapSet.ppem in self.bitmapSets:
from fontTools import ttLib
raise ttLib.TTLibError("Pixel 'ppem' must be unique for each Strike")
self.bitmapSets[myBitmapSet.ppem] = myBitmapSet
# after the bitmaps have been extracted, we don't need the offsets anymore
del self.bitmapSetOffsets
def compile(self, ttFont):
sbixData = ""
self.numStrikes = len(self.bitmapSets)
sbixHeader = sstruct.pack(sbixHeaderFormat, self)
# calculate offset to start of first bitmap set
setOffset = sbixHeaderFormatSize + sbixBitmapSetOffsetFormatSize * self.numStrikes
for si in sorted(self.bitmapSets.keys()):
myBitmapSet = self.bitmapSets[si]
# append offset to this bitmap set to table header
myBitmapSet.offset = setOffset
sbixHeader += sstruct.pack(sbixBitmapSetOffsetFormat, myBitmapSet)
setOffset += len(myBitmapSet.data)
sbixData += myBitmapSet.data
return sbixHeader + sbixData
def toXML(self, xmlWriter, ttFont):
xmlWriter.simpletag("version", value=self.version)
xmlWriter.simpletag("flags", value=self.flags)
for i in sorted(self.bitmapSets.keys()):
self.bitmapSets[i].toXML(xmlWriter, ttFont)
def fromXML(self, name, attrs, content, ttFont):
if name in ["version", "flags"]:
setattr(self, name, int(attrs["value"]))
elif name == "strike":
myBitmapSet = Strike()
for element in content:
if isinstance(element, tuple):
name, attrs, content = element
myBitmapSet.fromXML(name, attrs, content, ttFont)
self.bitmapSets[myBitmapSet.ppem] = myBitmapSet
from fontTools import ttLib
raise ttLib.TTLibError("can't handle '%s' element" % name)
# Helper classes
class sbixBitmapSetOffset(object):