jamesgk 555ff7c43f Accept error tolerances as lists or tuples
This way you can designate different tolerances for different fonts,
which may be useful for example with fonts of different weights.
2015-12-10 12:19:15 -08:00

220 lines
7.0 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Converts cubic bezier curves to quadratic splines.
Conversion is performed such that the quadratic splines keep the same end-curve
tangents as the original cubics. The approach is iterative, increasing the
number of segments for a spline until the error gets below a bound.
Respective curves from multiple fonts will be converted at once to ensure that
the resulting splines are interpolation-compatible.
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from robofab.objects.objectsRF import RSegment
from cu2qu import curve_to_quadratic, curves_to_quadratic
__all__ = ['fonts_to_quadratic', 'glyph_to_quadratic', 'segment_to_quadratic']
_zip = zip
def zip(*args):
"""Ensure each argument to zip has the same length."""
if len(set(len(a) for a in args)) != 1:
msg = 'Args to zip in cu2qu should have equal lengths: '
raise ValueError(msg + ' '.join(str(a) for a in args))
return _zip(*args)
def fonts_to_quadratic(fonts, max_err_em=None, max_err=None,
stats=None, dump_stats=False):
"""Convert the curves of a collection of fonts to quadratic.
All curves will be converted to quadratic at once, ensuring interpolation
compatibility. If this is not required, calling fonts_to_quadratic with one
font at a time may yield slightly more optimized results.
if stats is None:
stats = {}
if max_err_em and max_err:
raise TypeError('Only one of max_err and max_err_em can be specified.')
if not (max_err_em or max_err):
max_err_em = DEFAULT_MAX_ERR
if isinstance(max_err, (list, tuple)):
max_errors = max_err
elif isinstance(max_err_em, (list, tuple)):
max_errors = max_err_em
elif max_err:
max_errors = [max_err] * len(fonts)
max_errors = [f.info.unitsPerEm * max_err_em for f in fonts]
if len(fonts) == 1:
font = fonts[0]
max_errors = max_errors[0]
font = FontCollection(fonts)
for glyph in font:
glyph_to_quadratic(glyph, max_errors, stats)
if dump_stats:
spline_lengths = stats.keys()
print('New spline lengths:\n%s\n' % (
'\n'.join('%s: %d' % (l, stats[l]) for l in spline_lengths)))
return stats
def glyph_to_quadratic(glyph, max_err, stats=None):
"""Convert a glyph's curves to quadratic, in place."""
for contour in glyph:
segments = []
for i in range(len(contour)):
segment = contour[i]
if segment.type == 'curve':
contour, i, max_err, stats))
replace_segments(contour, segments)
def segment_to_quadratic(contour, segment_id, max_err, stats=None):
"""Return a quadratic approximation of a cubic segment."""
segment = contour[segment_id]
if segment.type != 'curve':
raise TypeError('Segment type not curve')
# assumes that a curve type will always be proceeded by another point on the
# same contour
prev_segment = contour[segment_id - 1]
points = points_to_quadratic(prev_segment.points[-1], segment.points[0],
segment.points[1], segment.points[2], max_err)
if isinstance(points[0][0], float): # just one spline
n = str(len(points))
points = points[1:]
else: # collection of splines
n = str(len(points[0]))
points = [p[1:] for p in points]
if stats is not None:
stats[n] = stats.get(n, 0) + 1
return as_quadratic(segment, points)
def points_to_quadratic(p0, p1, p2, p3, max_err):
"""Return a quadratic spline approximating the cubic bezier defined by these
points (or collections of points).
if hasattr(p0, 'x'):
curve = [(float(i.x), float(i.y)) for i in [p0, p1, p2, p3]]
return curve_to_quadratic(curve, max_err)[0]
curves = [[(float(i.x), float(i.y)) for i in p] for p in zip(p0, p1, p2, p3)]
return curves_to_quadratic(curves, max_err)[0]
def replace_segments(contour, segments):
"""Replace the segments of a given contour."""
except AttributeError:
while len(contour):
for s in segments:
contour.appendSegment(s.type, [(p.x, p.y) for p in s.points], s.smooth)
def as_quadratic(segment, points):
"""Return a new segment with given points and type qcurve."""
return segment.as_quadratic(points)
except AttributeError:
return RSegment(
'qcurve', [[int(round(i)) for i in p] for p in points], segment.smooth)
class FontCollection:
"""A collection of fonts, or font components from different fonts.
Behaves like a single instance of the component, allowing access into
multiple fonts simultaneously for purposes of ensuring interpolation
def __init__(self, fonts):
self.init(fonts, GlyphCollection)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.children[key]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.children)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.instances)
def init(self, instances, child_collection_type, get_children=None):
self.instances = instances
children_by_instance = map(get_children, self.instances)
self.children = map(child_collection_type, zip(*children_by_instance))
class GlyphCollection(FontCollection):
def __init__(self, glyphs):
self.init(glyphs, ContourCollection)
self.name = glyphs[0].name
class ContourCollection(FontCollection):
def __init__(self, contours):
self.init(contours, SegmentCollection)
def replace_segments(self, segment_collections):
segments_by_contour = zip(*[s.instances for s in segment_collections])
for contour, segments in zip(self.instances, segments_by_contour):
replace_segments(contour, segments)
class SegmentCollection(FontCollection):
def __init__(self, segments):
self.init(segments, None, lambda s: s.points)
self.points = self.children
self.type = segments[0].type
def as_quadratic(self, new_points=None):
points = new_points or self.children
return SegmentCollection([
as_quadratic(s, pts) for s, pts in zip(self.instances, points)])