They are not allowed per spec and makeotf, but currently we would fail later with some cryptic error message.
1677 lines
69 KiB
1677 lines
69 KiB
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
from fontTools.misc import sstruct
from fontTools.misc.textTools import binary2num, safeEval
from fontTools.feaLib.error import FeatureLibError
from fontTools.feaLib.parser import Parser
from fontTools.feaLib.ast import FeatureFile
from fontTools.otlLib import builder as otl
from fontTools.otlLib.maxContextCalc import maxCtxFont
from fontTools.ttLib import newTable, getTableModule
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otBase, otTables
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import itertools
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def addOpenTypeFeatures(font, featurefile, tables=None):
builder = Builder(font, featurefile)
def addOpenTypeFeaturesFromString(font, features, filename=None, tables=None):
featurefile = UnicodeIO(tounicode(features))
if filename:
# the directory containing 'filename' is used as the root of relative
# include paths; if None is provided, the current directory is assumed
| = filename
addOpenTypeFeatures(font, featurefile, tables=tables)
class Builder(object):
supportedTables = frozenset(Tag(tag) for tag in [
def __init__(self, font, featurefile):
self.font = font
# 'featurefile' can be either a path or file object (in which case we
# parse it into an AST), or a pre-parsed AST instance
if isinstance(featurefile, FeatureFile):
self.parseTree, self.file = featurefile, None
self.parseTree, self.file = None, featurefile
self.glyphMap = font.getReverseGlyphMap()
self.default_language_systems_ = set()
self.script_ = None
self.lookupflag_ = 0
self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = None
self.language_systems = set()
self.seen_non_DFLT_script_ = False
self.named_lookups_ = {}
self.cur_lookup_ = None
self.cur_lookup_name_ = None
self.cur_feature_name_ = None
self.lookups_ = []
self.features_ = {} # ('latn', 'DEU ', 'smcp') --> [LookupBuilder*]
self.required_features_ = {} # ('latn', 'DEU ') --> 'scmp'
# for feature 'aalt'
self.aalt_features_ = [] # [(location, featureName)*], for 'aalt'
self.aalt_location_ = None
self.aalt_alternates_ = {}
# for 'featureNames'
self.featureNames_ = set()
self.featureNames_ids_ = {}
# for 'cvParameters'
self.cv_parameters_ = set()
self.cv_parameters_ids_ = {}
self.cv_num_named_params_ = {}
self.cv_characters_ = defaultdict(list)
# for feature 'size'
self.size_parameters_ = None
# for table 'head'
self.fontRevision_ = None # 2.71
# for table 'name'
self.names_ = []
# for table 'BASE'
self.base_horiz_axis_ = None
self.base_vert_axis_ = None
# for table 'GDEF'
self.attachPoints_ = {} # "a" --> {3, 7}
self.ligCaretCoords_ = {} # "f_f_i" --> {300, 600}
self.ligCaretPoints_ = {} # "f_f_i" --> {3, 7}
self.glyphClassDefs_ = {} # "fi" --> (2, (file, line, column))
self.markAttach_ = {} # "acute" --> (4, (file, line, column))
self.markAttachClassID_ = {} # frozenset({"acute", "grave"}) --> 4
self.markFilterSets_ = {} # frozenset({"acute", "grave"}) --> 4
# for table 'OS/2'
self.os2_ = {}
# for table 'hhea'
self.hhea_ = {}
# for table 'vhea'
self.vhea_ = {}
def build(self, tables=None):
if self.parseTree is None:
self.parseTree = Parser(self.file, self.glyphMap).parse()
# by default, build all the supported tables
if tables is None:
tables = self.supportedTables
tables = frozenset(tables)
unsupported = tables - self.supportedTables
assert not unsupported, unsupported
if "GSUB" in tables:
if "head" in tables:
if "hhea" in tables:
if "vhea" in tables:
if "name" in tables:
if "OS/2" in tables:
for tag in ('GPOS', 'GSUB'):
if tag not in tables:
table = self.makeTable(tag)
if (table.ScriptList.ScriptCount > 0 or
table.FeatureList.FeatureCount > 0 or
table.LookupList.LookupCount > 0):
fontTable = self.font[tag] = newTable(tag)
fontTable.table = table
elif tag in self.font:
del self.font[tag]
if (any(tag in self.font for tag in ("GPOS", "GSUB")) and
"OS/2" in self.font):
self.font["OS/2"].usMaxContext = maxCtxFont(self.font)
if "GDEF" in tables:
gdef = self.buildGDEF()
if gdef:
self.font["GDEF"] = gdef
elif "GDEF" in self.font:
del self.font["GDEF"]
if "BASE" in tables:
base = self.buildBASE()
if base:
self.font["BASE"] = base
elif "BASE" in self.font:
del self.font["BASE"]
def get_chained_lookup_(self, location, builder_class):
result = builder_class(self.font, location)
result.lookupflag = self.lookupflag_
result.markFilterSet = self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_
return result
def add_lookup_to_feature_(self, lookup, feature_name):
for script, lang in self.language_systems:
key = (script, lang, feature_name)
self.features_.setdefault(key, []).append(lookup)
def get_lookup_(self, location, builder_class):
if (self.cur_lookup_ and
type(self.cur_lookup_) == builder_class and
self.cur_lookup_.lookupflag == self.lookupflag_ and
self.cur_lookup_.markFilterSet ==
return self.cur_lookup_
if self.cur_lookup_name_ and self.cur_lookup_:
raise FeatureLibError(
"Within a named lookup block, all rules must be of "
"the same lookup type and flag", location)
self.cur_lookup_ = builder_class(self.font, location)
self.cur_lookup_.lookupflag = self.lookupflag_
self.cur_lookup_.markFilterSet = self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_
if self.cur_lookup_name_:
# We are starting a lookup rule inside a named lookup block.
self.named_lookups_[self.cur_lookup_name_] = self.cur_lookup_
if self.cur_feature_name_:
# We are starting a lookup rule inside a feature. This includes
# lookup rules inside named lookups inside features.
return self.cur_lookup_
def build_feature_aalt_(self):
if not self.aalt_features_ and not self.aalt_alternates_:
alternates = {g: set(a) for g, a in self.aalt_alternates_.items()}
for location, name in self.aalt_features_ + [(None, "aalt")]:
feature = [(script, lang, feature, lookups)
for (script, lang, feature), lookups
in self.features_.items()
if feature == name]
# "aalt" does not have to specify its own lookups, but it might.
if not feature and name != "aalt":
raise FeatureLibError("Feature %s has not been defined" % name,
for script, lang, feature, lookups in feature:
for lookup in lookups:
for glyph, alts in lookup.getAlternateGlyphs().items():
alternates.setdefault(glyph, set()).update(alts)
single = {glyph: list(repl)[0] for glyph, repl in alternates.items()
if len(repl) == 1}
# TODO: Figure out the glyph alternate ordering used by makeotf.
multi = {glyph: sorted(repl, key=self.font.getGlyphID)
for glyph, repl in alternates.items()
if len(repl) > 1}
if not single and not multi:
self.features_ = {(script, lang, feature): lookups
for (script, lang, feature), lookups
in self.features_.items()
if feature != "aalt"}
old_lookups = self.lookups_
self.lookups_ = []
self.start_feature(self.aalt_location_, "aalt")
if single:
single_lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, SingleSubstBuilder)
single_lookup.mapping = single
if multi:
multi_lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, AlternateSubstBuilder)
multi_lookup.alternates = multi
def build_head(self):
if not self.fontRevision_:
table = self.font.get("head")
if not table: # this only happens for unit tests
table = self.font["head"] = newTable("head")
table.decompile(b"\0" * 54, self.font)
table.tableVersion = 1.0
table.created = table.modified = 3406620153 # 2011-12-13 11:22:33
table.fontRevision = self.fontRevision_
def build_hhea(self):
if not self.hhea_:
table = self.font.get("hhea")
if not table: # this only happens for unit tests
table = self.font["hhea"] = newTable("hhea")
table.decompile(b"\0" * 36, self.font)
table.tableVersion = 0x00010000
if "caretoffset" in self.hhea_:
table.caretOffset = self.hhea_["caretoffset"]
if "ascender" in self.hhea_:
table.ascent = self.hhea_["ascender"]
if "descender" in self.hhea_:
table.descent = self.hhea_["descender"]
if "linegap" in self.hhea_:
table.lineGap = self.hhea_["linegap"]
def build_vhea(self):
if not self.vhea_:
table = self.font.get("vhea")
if not table: # this only happens for unit tests
table = self.font["vhea"] = newTable("vhea")
table.decompile(b"\0" * 36, self.font)
table.tableVersion = 0x00011000
if "verttypoascender" in self.vhea_:
table.ascent = self.vhea_["verttypoascender"]
if "verttypodescender" in self.vhea_:
table.descent = self.vhea_["verttypodescender"]
if "verttypolinegap" in self.vhea_:
table.lineGap = self.vhea_["verttypolinegap"]
def get_user_name_id(self, table):
# Try to find first unused font-specific name id
nameIDs = [name.nameID for name in table.names]
for user_name_id in range(256, 32767):
if user_name_id not in nameIDs:
return user_name_id
def buildFeatureParams(self, tag):
params = None
if tag == "size":
params = otTables.FeatureParamsSize()
params.DesignSize, params.SubfamilyID, params.RangeStart, \
params.RangeEnd = self.size_parameters_
if tag in self.featureNames_ids_:
params.SubfamilyNameID = self.featureNames_ids_[tag]
params.SubfamilyNameID = 0
elif tag in self.featureNames_:
if not self.featureNames_ids_:
# name table wasn't selected among the tables to build; skip
assert tag in self.featureNames_ids_
params = otTables.FeatureParamsStylisticSet()
params.Version = 0
params.UINameID = self.featureNames_ids_[tag]
elif tag in self.cv_parameters_:
params = otTables.FeatureParamsCharacterVariants()
params.Format = 0
params.FeatUILabelNameID = self.cv_parameters_ids_.get(
(tag, 'FeatUILabelNameID'), 0)
params.FeatUITooltipTextNameID = self.cv_parameters_ids_.get(
(tag, 'FeatUITooltipTextNameID'), 0)
params.SampleTextNameID = self.cv_parameters_ids_.get(
(tag, 'SampleTextNameID'), 0)
params.NumNamedParameters = self.cv_num_named_params_.get(tag, 0)
params.FirstParamUILabelNameID = self.cv_parameters_ids_.get(
(tag, 'ParamUILabelNameID_0'), 0)
params.CharCount = len(self.cv_characters_[tag])
params.Character = self.cv_characters_[tag]
return params
def build_name(self):
if not self.names_:
table = self.font.get("name")
if not table: # this only happens for unit tests
table = self.font["name"] = newTable("name")
table.names = []
for name in self.names_:
nameID, platformID, platEncID, langID, string = name
# For featureNames block, nameID is 'feature tag'
# For cvParameters blocks, nameID is ('feature tag', 'block name')
if not isinstance(nameID, int):
tag = nameID
if tag in self.featureNames_:
if tag not in self.featureNames_ids_:
self.featureNames_ids_[tag] = self.get_user_name_id(table)
assert self.featureNames_ids_[tag] is not None
nameID = self.featureNames_ids_[tag]
elif tag[0] in self.cv_parameters_:
if tag not in self.cv_parameters_ids_:
self.cv_parameters_ids_[tag] = self.get_user_name_id(table)
assert self.cv_parameters_ids_[tag] is not None
nameID = self.cv_parameters_ids_[tag]
table.setName(string, nameID, platformID, platEncID, langID)
def build_OS_2(self):
if not self.os2_:
table = self.font.get("OS/2")
if not table: # this only happens for unit tests
table = self.font["OS/2"] = newTable("OS/2")
data = b"\0" * sstruct.calcsize(getTableModule("OS/2").OS2_format_0)
table.decompile(data, self.font)
version = 0
if "fstype" in self.os2_:
table.fsType = self.os2_["fstype"]
if "panose" in self.os2_:
panose = getTableModule("OS/2").Panose()
panose.bFamilyType, panose.bSerifStyle, panose.bWeight,\
panose.bProportion, panose.bContrast, panose.bStrokeVariation,\
panose.bArmStyle, panose.bLetterForm, panose.bMidline, \
panose.bXHeight = self.os2_["panose"]
table.panose = panose
if "typoascender" in self.os2_:
table.sTypoAscender = self.os2_["typoascender"]
if "typodescender" in self.os2_:
table.sTypoDescender = self.os2_["typodescender"]
if "typolinegap" in self.os2_:
table.sTypoLineGap = self.os2_["typolinegap"]
if "winascent" in self.os2_:
table.usWinAscent = self.os2_["winascent"]
if "windescent" in self.os2_:
table.usWinDescent = self.os2_["windescent"]
if "vendor" in self.os2_:
table.achVendID = safeEval("'''" + self.os2_["vendor"] + "'''")
if "weightclass" in self.os2_:
table.usWeightClass = self.os2_["weightclass"]
if "widthclass" in self.os2_:
table.usWidthClass = self.os2_["widthclass"]
if "unicoderange" in self.os2_:
if "codepagerange" in self.os2_:
pages = self.build_codepages_(self.os2_["codepagerange"])
table.ulCodePageRange1, table.ulCodePageRange2 = pages
version = 1
if "xheight" in self.os2_:
table.sxHeight = self.os2_["xheight"]
version = 2
if "capheight" in self.os2_:
table.sCapHeight = self.os2_["capheight"]
version = 2
if "loweropsize" in self.os2_:
table.usLowerOpticalPointSize = self.os2_["loweropsize"]
version = 5
if "upperopsize" in self.os2_:
table.usUpperOpticalPointSize = self.os2_["upperopsize"]
version = 5
def checkattr(table, attrs):
for attr in attrs:
if not hasattr(table, attr):
setattr(table, attr, 0)
table.version = max(version, table.version)
# this only happens for unit tests
if version >= 1:
checkattr(table, ("ulCodePageRange1", "ulCodePageRange2"))
if version >= 2:
checkattr(table, ("sxHeight", "sCapHeight", "usDefaultChar",
"usBreakChar", "usMaxContext"))
if version >= 5:
checkattr(table, ("usLowerOpticalPointSize",
def build_codepages_(self, pages):
pages2bits = {
1252: 0, 1250: 1, 1251: 2, 1253: 3, 1254: 4, 1255: 5, 1256: 6,
1257: 7, 1258: 8, 874: 16, 932: 17, 936: 18, 949: 19, 950: 20,
1361: 21, 869: 48, 866: 49, 865: 50, 864: 51, 863: 52, 862: 53,
861: 54, 860: 55, 857: 56, 855: 57, 852: 58, 775: 59, 737: 60,
708: 61, 850: 62, 437: 63,
bits = [pages2bits[p] for p in pages if p in pages2bits]
pages = []
for i in range(2):
for j in range(i * 32, (i + 1) * 32):
if j in bits:
pages[i] += "1"
pages[i] += "0"
return [binary2num(p[::-1]) for p in pages]
def buildBASE(self):
if not self.base_horiz_axis_ and not self.base_vert_axis_:
return None
base = otTables.BASE()
base.Version = 0x00010000
base.HorizAxis = self.buildBASEAxis(self.base_horiz_axis_)
base.VertAxis = self.buildBASEAxis(self.base_vert_axis_)
result = newTable("BASE")
result.table = base
return result
def buildBASEAxis(self, axis):
if not axis:
bases, scripts = axis
axis = otTables.Axis()
axis.BaseTagList = otTables.BaseTagList()
axis.BaseTagList.BaselineTag = bases
axis.BaseTagList.BaseTagCount = len(bases)
axis.BaseScriptList = otTables.BaseScriptList()
axis.BaseScriptList.BaseScriptRecord = []
axis.BaseScriptList.BaseScriptCount = len(scripts)
for script in sorted(scripts):
record = otTables.BaseScriptRecord()
record.BaseScriptTag = script[0]
record.BaseScript = otTables.BaseScript()
record.BaseScript.BaseLangSysCount = 0
record.BaseScript.BaseValues = otTables.BaseValues()
record.BaseScript.BaseValues.DefaultIndex = bases.index(script[1])
record.BaseScript.BaseValues.BaseCoord = []
record.BaseScript.BaseValues.BaseCoordCount = len(script[2])
for c in script[2]:
coord = otTables.BaseCoord()
coord.Format = 1
coord.Coordinate = c
return axis
def buildGDEF(self):
gdef = otTables.GDEF()
gdef.GlyphClassDef = self.buildGDEFGlyphClassDef_()
gdef.AttachList = \
otl.buildAttachList(self.attachPoints_, self.glyphMap)
gdef.LigCaretList = \
otl.buildLigCaretList(self.ligCaretCoords_, self.ligCaretPoints_,
gdef.MarkAttachClassDef = self.buildGDEFMarkAttachClassDef_()
gdef.MarkGlyphSetsDef = self.buildGDEFMarkGlyphSetsDef_()
gdef.Version = 0x00010002 if gdef.MarkGlyphSetsDef else 0x00010000
if any((gdef.GlyphClassDef, gdef.AttachList, gdef.LigCaretList,
gdef.MarkAttachClassDef, gdef.MarkGlyphSetsDef)):
result = newTable("GDEF")
result.table = gdef
return result
return None
def buildGDEFGlyphClassDef_(self):
if self.glyphClassDefs_:
classes = {g: c for (g, (c, _)) in self.glyphClassDefs_.items()}
classes = {}
for lookup in self.lookups_:
for markClass in self.parseTree.markClasses.values():
for markClassDef in markClass.definitions:
for glyph in markClassDef.glyphSet():
classes[glyph] = 3
if classes:
result = otTables.GlyphClassDef()
result.classDefs = classes
return result
return None
def buildGDEFMarkAttachClassDef_(self):
classDefs = {g: c for g, (c, _) in self.markAttach_.items()}
if not classDefs:
return None
result = otTables.MarkAttachClassDef()
result.classDefs = classDefs
return result
def buildGDEFMarkGlyphSetsDef_(self):
sets = []
for glyphs, id_ in sorted(self.markFilterSets_.items(),
key=lambda item: item[1]):
return otl.buildMarkGlyphSetsDef(sets, self.glyphMap)
def buildLookups_(self, tag):
assert tag in ('GPOS', 'GSUB'), tag
for lookup in self.lookups_:
lookup.lookup_index = None
lookups = []
for lookup in self.lookups_:
if lookup.table != tag:
lookup.lookup_index = len(lookups)
return [ for l in lookups]
def makeTable(self, tag):
table = getattr(otTables, tag, None)()
table.Version = 0x00010000
table.ScriptList = otTables.ScriptList()
table.ScriptList.ScriptRecord = []
table.FeatureList = otTables.FeatureList()
table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord = []
table.LookupList = otTables.LookupList()
table.LookupList.Lookup = self.buildLookups_(tag)
# Build a table for mapping (tag, lookup_indices) to feature_index.
# For example, ('liga', (2,3,7)) --> 23.
feature_indices = {}
required_feature_indices = {} # ('latn', 'DEU') --> 23
scripts = {} # 'latn' --> {'DEU': [23, 24]} for feature #23,24
# Sort the feature table by feature tag:
sortFeatureTag = lambda f: (f[0][2], f[0][1], f[0][0], f[1])
for key, lookups in sorted(self.features_.items(), key=sortFeatureTag):
script, lang, feature_tag = key
# l.lookup_index will be None when a lookup is not needed
# for the table under construction. For example, substitution
# rules will have no lookup_index while building GPOS tables.
lookup_indices = tuple([l.lookup_index for l in lookups
if l.lookup_index is not None])
size_feature = (tag == "GPOS" and feature_tag == "size")
if len(lookup_indices) == 0 and not size_feature:
feature_key = (feature_tag, lookup_indices)
feature_index = feature_indices.get(feature_key)
if feature_index is None:
feature_index = len(table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord)
frec = otTables.FeatureRecord()
frec.FeatureTag = feature_tag
frec.Feature = otTables.Feature()
frec.Feature.FeatureParams = self.buildFeatureParams(
frec.Feature.LookupListIndex = list(lookup_indices)
frec.Feature.LookupCount = len(lookup_indices)
feature_indices[feature_key] = feature_index
scripts.setdefault(script, {}).setdefault(lang, []).append(
if self.required_features_.get((script, lang)) == feature_tag:
required_feature_indices[(script, lang)] = feature_index
# Build ScriptList.
for script, lang_features in sorted(scripts.items()):
srec = otTables.ScriptRecord()
srec.ScriptTag = script
srec.Script = otTables.Script()
srec.Script.DefaultLangSys = None
srec.Script.LangSysRecord = []
for lang, feature_indices in sorted(lang_features.items()):
langrec = otTables.LangSysRecord()
langrec.LangSys = otTables.LangSys()
langrec.LangSys.LookupOrder = None
req_feature_index = \
required_feature_indices.get((script, lang))
if req_feature_index is None:
langrec.LangSys.ReqFeatureIndex = 0xFFFF
langrec.LangSys.ReqFeatureIndex = req_feature_index
langrec.LangSys.FeatureIndex = [i for i in feature_indices
if i != req_feature_index]
langrec.LangSys.FeatureCount = \
if lang == "dflt":
srec.Script.DefaultLangSys = langrec.LangSys
langrec.LangSysTag = lang
srec.Script.LangSysCount = len(srec.Script.LangSysRecord)
table.ScriptList.ScriptCount = len(table.ScriptList.ScriptRecord)
table.FeatureList.FeatureCount = len(table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord)
table.LookupList.LookupCount = len(table.LookupList.Lookup)
return table
def add_language_system(self, location, script, language):
# OpenType Feature File Specification, section 4.b.i
if (script == "DFLT" and language == "dflt" and
raise FeatureLibError(
'If "languagesystem DFLT dflt" is present, it must be '
'the first of the languagesystem statements', location)
if script == "DFLT":
if self.seen_non_DFLT_script_:
raise FeatureLibError(
'languagesystems using the "DFLT" script tag must '
"precede all other languagesystems",
self.seen_non_DFLT_script_ = True
if (script, language) in self.default_language_systems_:
raise FeatureLibError(
'"languagesystem %s %s" has already been specified' %
(script.strip(), language.strip()), location)
self.default_language_systems_.add((script, language))
def get_default_language_systems_(self):
# OpenType Feature File specification, 4.b.i. languagesystem:
# If no "languagesystem" statement is present, then the
# implementation must behave exactly as though the following
# statement were present at the beginning of the feature file:
# languagesystem DFLT dflt;
if self.default_language_systems_:
return frozenset(self.default_language_systems_)
return frozenset({('DFLT', 'dflt')})
def start_feature(self, location, name):
self.language_systems = self.get_default_language_systems_()
self.script_ = 'DFLT'
self.cur_lookup_ = None
self.cur_feature_name_ = name
self.lookupflag_ = 0
self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = None
if name == "aalt":
self.aalt_location_ = location
def end_feature(self):
assert self.cur_feature_name_ is not None
self.cur_feature_name_ = None
self.language_systems = None
self.cur_lookup_ = None
self.lookupflag_ = 0
self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = None
def start_lookup_block(self, location, name):
if name in self.named_lookups_:
raise FeatureLibError(
'Lookup "%s" has already been defined' % name, location)
if self.cur_feature_name_ == "aalt":
raise FeatureLibError(
"Lookup blocks cannot be placed inside 'aalt' features; "
"move it out, and then refer to it with a lookup statement",
self.cur_lookup_name_ = name
self.named_lookups_[name] = None
self.cur_lookup_ = None
if self.cur_feature_name_ is None:
self.lookupflag_ = 0
self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = None
def end_lookup_block(self):
assert self.cur_lookup_name_ is not None
self.cur_lookup_name_ = None
self.cur_lookup_ = None
if self.cur_feature_name_ is None:
self.lookupflag_ = 0
self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = None
def add_lookup_call(self, lookup_name):
assert lookup_name in self.named_lookups_, lookup_name
self.cur_lookup_ = None
lookup = self.named_lookups_[lookup_name]
self.add_lookup_to_feature_(lookup, self.cur_feature_name_)
def set_font_revision(self, location, revision):
self.fontRevision_ = revision
def set_language(self, location, language, include_default, required):
assert(len(language) == 4)
if self.cur_feature_name_ in ('aalt', 'size'):
raise FeatureLibError(
"Language statements are not allowed "
"within \"feature %s\"" % self.cur_feature_name_, location)
if self.cur_feature_name_ is None:
raise FeatureLibError(
"Language statements are not allowed "
"within standalone lookup blocks", location)
self.cur_lookup_ = None
key = (self.script_, language, self.cur_feature_name_)
lookups = self.features_.get((key[0], 'dflt', key[2]))
if (language == 'dflt' or include_default) and lookups:
self.features_[key] = lookups[:]
self.features_[key] = []
self.language_systems = frozenset([(self.script_, language)])
if required:
key = (self.script_, language)
if key in self.required_features_:
raise FeatureLibError(
"Language %s (script %s) has already "
"specified feature %s as its required feature" % (
language.strip(), self.script_.strip(),
self.required_features_[key] = self.cur_feature_name_
def getMarkAttachClass_(self, location, glyphs):
glyphs = frozenset(glyphs)
id_ = self.markAttachClassID_.get(glyphs)
if id_ is not None:
return id_
id_ = len(self.markAttachClassID_) + 1
self.markAttachClassID_[glyphs] = id_
for glyph in glyphs:
if glyph in self.markAttach_:
_, loc = self.markAttach_[glyph]
raise FeatureLibError(
"Glyph %s already has been assigned "
"a MarkAttachmentType at %s:%d:%d" % (
glyph, loc[0], loc[1], loc[2]),
self.markAttach_[glyph] = (id_, location)
return id_
def getMarkFilterSet_(self, location, glyphs):
glyphs = frozenset(glyphs)
id_ = self.markFilterSets_.get(glyphs)
if id_ is not None:
return id_
id_ = len(self.markFilterSets_)
self.markFilterSets_[glyphs] = id_
return id_
def set_lookup_flag(self, location, value, markAttach, markFilter):
value = value & 0xFF
if markAttach:
markAttachClass = self.getMarkAttachClass_(location, markAttach)
value = value | (markAttachClass << 8)
if markFilter:
markFilterSet = self.getMarkFilterSet_(location, markFilter)
value = value | 0x10
self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = markFilterSet
self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = None
self.lookupflag_ = value
def set_script(self, location, script):
if self.cur_feature_name_ in ('aalt', 'size'):
raise FeatureLibError(
"Script statements are not allowed "
"within \"feature %s\"" % self.cur_feature_name_, location)
if self.cur_feature_name_ is None:
raise FeatureLibError(
"Script statements are not allowed "
"within standalone lookup blocks", location)
self.cur_lookup_ = None
self.script_ = script
self.lookupflag_ = 0
self.lookupflag_markFilterSet_ = None
self.set_language(location, "dflt",
include_default=True, required=False)
def find_lookup_builders_(self, lookups):
"""Helper for building chain contextual substitutions
Given a list of lookup names, finds the LookupBuilder for each name.
If an input name is None, it gets mapped to a None LookupBuilder.
lookup_builders = []
for lookup in lookups:
if lookup is not None:
return lookup_builders
def add_attach_points(self, location, glyphs, contourPoints):
for glyph in glyphs:
self.attachPoints_.setdefault(glyph, set()).update(contourPoints)
def add_chain_context_pos(self, location, prefix, glyphs, suffix, lookups):
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextPosBuilder)
lookup.rules.append((prefix, glyphs, suffix,
def add_chain_context_subst(self, location,
prefix, glyphs, suffix, lookups):
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
lookup.substitutions.append((prefix, glyphs, suffix,
def add_alternate_subst(self, location,
prefix, glyph, suffix, replacement):
if self.cur_feature_name_ == "aalt":
alts = self.aalt_alternates_.setdefault(glyph, set())
if prefix or suffix:
chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
lookup = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, AlternateSubstBuilder)
chain.substitutions.append((prefix, [glyph], suffix, [lookup]))
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, AlternateSubstBuilder)
if glyph in lookup.alternates:
raise FeatureLibError(
'Already defined alternates for glyph "%s"' % glyph,
lookup.alternates[glyph] = replacement
def add_feature_reference(self, location, featureName):
if self.cur_feature_name_ != "aalt":
raise FeatureLibError(
'Feature references are only allowed inside "feature aalt"',
self.aalt_features_.append((location, featureName))
def add_featureName(self, tag):
def add_cv_parameter(self, tag):
def add_to_cv_num_named_params(self, tag):
"""Adds new items to self.cv_num_named_params_
or increments the count of existing items."""
if tag in self.cv_num_named_params_:
self.cv_num_named_params_[tag] += 1
self.cv_num_named_params_[tag] = 1
def add_cv_character(self, character, tag):
def set_base_axis(self, bases, scripts, vertical):
if vertical:
self.base_vert_axis_ = (bases, scripts)
self.base_horiz_axis_ = (bases, scripts)
def set_size_parameters(self, location, DesignSize, SubfamilyID,
RangeStart, RangeEnd):
if self.cur_feature_name_ != 'size':
raise FeatureLibError(
"Parameters statements are not allowed "
"within \"feature %s\"" % self.cur_feature_name_, location)
self.size_parameters_ = [DesignSize, SubfamilyID, RangeStart, RangeEnd]
for script, lang in self.language_systems:
key = (script, lang, self.cur_feature_name_)
self.features_.setdefault(key, [])
def add_ligature_subst(self, location,
prefix, glyphs, suffix, replacement, forceChain):
if prefix or suffix or forceChain:
chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
lookup = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, LigatureSubstBuilder)
chain.substitutions.append((prefix, glyphs, suffix, [lookup]))
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, LigatureSubstBuilder)
# OpenType feature file syntax, section 5.d, "Ligature substitution":
# "Since the OpenType specification does not allow ligature
# substitutions to be specified on target sequences that contain
# glyph classes, the implementation software will enumerate
# all specific glyph sequences if glyph classes are detected"
for g in sorted(itertools.product(*glyphs)):
lookup.ligatures[g] = replacement
def add_multiple_subst(self, location,
prefix, glyph, suffix, replacements, forceChain=False):
if prefix or suffix or forceChain:
chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
sub = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, MultipleSubstBuilder)
sub.mapping[glyph] = replacements
chain.substitutions.append((prefix, [{glyph}], suffix, [sub]))
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, MultipleSubstBuilder)
if glyph in lookup.mapping:
if replacements == lookup.mapping[glyph]:
'Removing duplicate multiple substitution from glyph'
' "%s" to %s%s',
glyph, replacements,
' at {}:{}:{}'.format(*location) if location else '',
raise FeatureLibError(
'Already defined substitution for glyph "%s"' % glyph,
lookup.mapping[glyph] = replacements
def add_reverse_chain_single_subst(self, location, old_prefix,
old_suffix, mapping):
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, ReverseChainSingleSubstBuilder)
lookup.substitutions.append((old_prefix, old_suffix, mapping))
def add_single_subst(self, location, prefix, suffix, mapping, forceChain):
if self.cur_feature_name_ == "aalt":
for (from_glyph, to_glyph) in mapping.items():
alts = self.aalt_alternates_.setdefault(from_glyph, set())
if prefix or suffix or forceChain:
self.add_single_subst_chained_(location, prefix, suffix, mapping)
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, SingleSubstBuilder)
for (from_glyph, to_glyph) in mapping.items():
if from_glyph in lookup.mapping:
if to_glyph == lookup.mapping[from_glyph]:
'Removing duplicate single substitution from glyph'
' "%s" to "%s" at %s:%i:%i',
from_glyph, to_glyph, *location,
raise FeatureLibError(
'Already defined rule for replacing glyph "%s" by "%s"' %
(from_glyph, lookup.mapping[from_glyph]),
lookup.mapping[from_glyph] = to_glyph
def add_single_subst_chained_(self, location, prefix, suffix, mapping):
chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextSubstBuilder)
sub = chain.find_chainable_single_subst(set(mapping.keys()))
if sub is None:
sub = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, SingleSubstBuilder)
chain.substitutions.append((prefix, [mapping.keys()], suffix, [sub]))
def add_cursive_pos(self, location, glyphclass, entryAnchor, exitAnchor):
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, CursivePosBuilder)
location, glyphclass,
def add_marks_(self, location, lookupBuilder, marks):
"""Helper for add_mark_{base,liga,mark}_pos."""
for _, markClass in marks:
for markClassDef in markClass.definitions:
for mark in markClassDef.glyphs.glyphSet():
if mark not in lookupBuilder.marks:
otMarkAnchor = makeOpenTypeAnchor(markClassDef.anchor)
lookupBuilder.marks[mark] = (
|, otMarkAnchor)
existingMarkClass = lookupBuilder.marks[mark][0]
if != existingMarkClass:
raise FeatureLibError(
"Glyph %s cannot be in both @%s and @%s" % (
mark, existingMarkClass,,
def add_mark_base_pos(self, location, bases, marks):
builder = self.get_lookup_(location, MarkBasePosBuilder)
self.add_marks_(location, builder, marks)
for baseAnchor, markClass in marks:
otBaseAnchor = makeOpenTypeAnchor(baseAnchor)
for base in bases:
builder.bases.setdefault(base, {})[] = (
def add_mark_lig_pos(self, location, ligatures, components):
builder = self.get_lookup_(location, MarkLigPosBuilder)
componentAnchors = []
for marks in components:
anchors = {}
self.add_marks_(location, builder, marks)
for ligAnchor, markClass in marks:
anchors[] = makeOpenTypeAnchor(ligAnchor)
for glyph in ligatures:
builder.ligatures[glyph] = componentAnchors
def add_mark_mark_pos(self, location, baseMarks, marks):
builder = self.get_lookup_(location, MarkMarkPosBuilder)
self.add_marks_(location, builder, marks)
for baseAnchor, markClass in marks:
otBaseAnchor = makeOpenTypeAnchor(baseAnchor)
for baseMark in baseMarks:
builder.baseMarks.setdefault(baseMark, {})[] = (
def add_class_pair_pos(self, location, glyphclass1, value1,
glyphclass2, value2):
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, PairPosBuilder)
lookup.addClassPair(location, glyphclass1, value1, glyphclass2, value2)
def add_subtable_break(self, location):
def add_specific_pair_pos(self, location, glyph1, value1, glyph2, value2):
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, PairPosBuilder)
lookup.addGlyphPair(location, glyph1, value1, glyph2, value2)
def add_single_pos(self, location, prefix, suffix, pos, forceChain):
if prefix or suffix or forceChain:
self.add_single_pos_chained_(location, prefix, suffix, pos)
lookup = self.get_lookup_(location, SinglePosBuilder)
for glyphs, value in pos:
for glyph in glyphs:
lookup.add_pos(location, glyph, value)
def add_single_pos_chained_(self, location, prefix, suffix, pos):
chain = self.get_lookup_(location, ChainContextPosBuilder)
targets = []
for _, _, _, lookups in chain.rules:
subs = []
for glyphs, value in pos:
if value is None:
otValue, _ = makeOpenTypeValueRecord(value, pairPosContext=False)
sub = chain.find_chainable_single_pos(targets, glyphs, otValue)
if sub is None:
sub = self.get_chained_lookup_(location, SinglePosBuilder)
for glyph in glyphs:
sub.add_pos(location, glyph, value)
assert len(pos) == len(subs), (pos, subs)
(prefix, [g for g, v in pos], suffix, subs))
def setGlyphClass_(self, location, glyph, glyphClass):
oldClass, oldLocation = self.glyphClassDefs_.get(glyph, (None, None))
if oldClass and oldClass != glyphClass:
raise FeatureLibError(
"Glyph %s was assigned to a different class at %s:%s:%s" %
(glyph, oldLocation[0], oldLocation[1], oldLocation[2]),
self.glyphClassDefs_[glyph] = (glyphClass, location)
def add_glyphClassDef(self, location, baseGlyphs, ligatureGlyphs,
markGlyphs, componentGlyphs):
for glyph in baseGlyphs:
self.setGlyphClass_(location, glyph, 1)
for glyph in ligatureGlyphs:
self.setGlyphClass_(location, glyph, 2)
for glyph in markGlyphs:
self.setGlyphClass_(location, glyph, 3)
for glyph in componentGlyphs:
self.setGlyphClass_(location, glyph, 4)
def add_ligatureCaretByIndex_(self, location, glyphs, carets):
for glyph in glyphs:
if glyph not in self.ligCaretPoints_:
self.ligCaretPoints_[glyph] = carets
def add_ligatureCaretByPos_(self, location, glyphs, carets):
for glyph in glyphs:
if glyph not in self.ligCaretCoords_:
self.ligCaretCoords_[glyph] = carets
def add_name_record(self, location, nameID, platformID, platEncID,
langID, string):
self.names_.append([nameID, platformID, platEncID, langID, string])
def add_os2_field(self, key, value):
self.os2_[key] = value
def add_hhea_field(self, key, value):
self.hhea_[key] = value
def add_vhea_field(self, key, value):
self.vhea_[key] = value
def makeOpenTypeAnchor(anchor):
"""ast.Anchor --> otTables.Anchor"""
if anchor is None:
return None
deviceX, deviceY = None, None
if anchor.xDeviceTable is not None:
deviceX = otl.buildDevice(dict(anchor.xDeviceTable))
if anchor.yDeviceTable is not None:
deviceY = otl.buildDevice(dict(anchor.yDeviceTable))
return otl.buildAnchor(anchor.x, anchor.y, anchor.contourpoint,
deviceX, deviceY)
name[0].lower() + name[1:]: (name, isDevice)
for _, name, isDevice, _ in otBase.valueRecordFormat
if not name.startswith("Reserved")
def makeOpenTypeValueRecord(v, pairPosContext):
"""ast.ValueRecord --> (otBase.ValueRecord, int ValueFormat)"""
if not v:
return None, 0
vr = {}
for astName, (otName, isDevice) in _VALUEREC_ATTRS.items():
val = getattr(v, astName, None)
if val:
vr[otName] = otl.buildDevice(dict(val)) if isDevice else val
if pairPosContext and not vr:
vr = {"YAdvance": 0} if v.vertical else {"XAdvance": 0}
valRec = otl.buildValue(vr)
return valRec, valRec.getFormat()
class LookupBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, font, location, table, lookup_type):
self.font = font
self.glyphMap = font.getReverseGlyphMap()
self.location = location
self.table, self.lookup_type = table, lookup_type
self.lookupflag = 0
self.markFilterSet = None
self.lookup_index = None # assigned when making final tables
assert table in ('GPOS', 'GSUB')
def equals(self, other):
return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and
self.table == other.table and
self.lookupflag == other.lookupflag and
self.markFilterSet == other.markFilterSet)
def inferGlyphClasses(self):
"""Infers glyph glasses for the GDEF table, such as {"cedilla":3}."""
return {}
def getAlternateGlyphs(self):
"""Helper for building 'aalt' features."""
return {}
def buildLookup_(self, subtables):
return otl.buildLookup(subtables, self.lookupflag, self.markFilterSet)
def buildMarkClasses_(self, marks):
"""{"cedilla": ("BOTTOM", ast.Anchor), ...} --> {"BOTTOM":0, "TOP":1}
Helper for MarkBasePostBuilder, MarkLigPosBuilder, and
MarkMarkPosBuilder. Seems to return the same numeric IDs
for mark classes as the AFDKO makeotf tool.
ids = {}
for mark in sorted(marks.keys(), key=self.font.getGlyphID):
markClassName, _markAnchor = marks[mark]
if markClassName not in ids:
ids[markClassName] = len(ids)
return ids
def setBacktrackCoverage_(self, prefix, subtable):
subtable.BacktrackGlyphCount = len(prefix)
subtable.BacktrackCoverage = []
for p in reversed(prefix):
coverage = otl.buildCoverage(p, self.glyphMap)
def setLookAheadCoverage_(self, suffix, subtable):
subtable.LookAheadGlyphCount = len(suffix)
subtable.LookAheadCoverage = []
for s in suffix:
coverage = otl.buildCoverage(s, self.glyphMap)
def setInputCoverage_(self, glyphs, subtable):
subtable.InputGlyphCount = len(glyphs)
subtable.InputCoverage = []
for g in glyphs:
coverage = otl.buildCoverage(g, self.glyphMap)
def build_subst_subtables(self, mapping, klass):
substitutions = [{}]
for key in mapping:
if key[0] == self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_:
substitutions[-1][key] = mapping[key]
subtables = [klass(s) for s in substitutions]
return subtables
def add_subtable_break(self, location):
'unsupported "subtable" statement for lookup type',
class AlternateSubstBuilder(LookupBuilder):
def __init__(self, font, location):
LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GSUB', 3)
self.alternates = OrderedDict()
def equals(self, other):
return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and
self.alternates == other.alternates)
def build(self):
subtables = self.build_subst_subtables(self.alternates,
return self.buildLookup_(subtables)
def getAlternateGlyphs(self):
return self.alternates
def add_subtable_break(self, location):
self.alternates[(self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, location)] = self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_
class ChainContextPosBuilder(LookupBuilder):
def __init__(self, font, location):
LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GPOS', 8)
self.rules = [] # (prefix, input, suffix, lookups)
def equals(self, other):
return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and
self.rules == other.rules)
def build(self):
subtables = []
for (prefix, glyphs, suffix, lookups) in self.rules:
if prefix == self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_:
st = otTables.ChainContextPos()
st.Format = 3
self.setBacktrackCoverage_(prefix, st)
self.setLookAheadCoverage_(suffix, st)
self.setInputCoverage_(glyphs, st)
st.PosCount = len([l for l in lookups if l is not None])
st.PosLookupRecord = []
for sequenceIndex, l in enumerate(lookups):
if l is not None:
rec = otTables.PosLookupRecord()
rec.SequenceIndex = sequenceIndex
rec.LookupListIndex = l.lookup_index
return self.buildLookup_(subtables)
def find_chainable_single_pos(self, lookups, glyphs, value):
"""Helper for add_single_pos_chained_()"""
res = None
for lookup in lookups[::-1]:
if lookup == self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_:
return res
if isinstance(lookup, SinglePosBuilder) and \
all(lookup.can_add(glyph, value) for glyph in glyphs):
res = lookup
return res
def add_subtable_break(self, location):
self.rules.append((self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_,
class ChainContextSubstBuilder(LookupBuilder):
def __init__(self, font, location):
LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GSUB', 6)
self.substitutions = [] # (prefix, input, suffix, lookups)
def equals(self, other):
return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and
self.substitutions == other.substitutions)
def build(self):
subtables = []
for (prefix, input, suffix, lookups) in self.substitutions:
if prefix == self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_:
st = otTables.ChainContextSubst()
st.Format = 3
self.setBacktrackCoverage_(prefix, st)
self.setLookAheadCoverage_(suffix, st)
self.setInputCoverage_(input, st)
st.SubstCount = len([l for l in lookups if l is not None])
st.SubstLookupRecord = []
for sequenceIndex, l in enumerate(lookups):
if l is not None:
rec = otTables.SubstLookupRecord()
rec.SequenceIndex = sequenceIndex
rec.LookupListIndex = l.lookup_index
return self.buildLookup_(subtables)
def getAlternateGlyphs(self):
result = {}
for (_, _, _, lookups) in self.substitutions:
if lookups == self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_:
for lookup in lookups:
if lookup is not None:
alts = lookup.getAlternateGlyphs()
for glyph, replacements in alts.items():
result.setdefault(glyph, set()).update(replacements)
return result
def find_chainable_single_subst(self, glyphs):
"""Helper for add_single_subst_chained_()"""
res = None
for _, _, _, substitutions in self.substitutions[::-1]:
if substitutions == self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_:
return res
for sub in substitutions:
if (isinstance(sub, SingleSubstBuilder) and
not any(g in glyphs for g in sub.mapping.keys())):
res = sub
return res
def add_subtable_break(self, location):
self.substitutions.append((self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_,
class LigatureSubstBuilder(LookupBuilder):
def __init__(self, font, location):
LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GSUB', 4)
self.ligatures = OrderedDict() # {('f','f','i'): 'f_f_i'}
def equals(self, other):
return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and
self.ligatures == other.ligatures)
def build(self):
subtables = self.build_subst_subtables(self.ligatures,
return self.buildLookup_(subtables)
def add_subtable_break(self, location):
self.ligatures[(self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, location)] = self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_
class MultipleSubstBuilder(LookupBuilder):
def __init__(self, font, location):
LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GSUB', 2)
self.mapping = OrderedDict()
def equals(self, other):
return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and
self.mapping == other.mapping)
def build(self):
subtables = self.build_subst_subtables(self.mapping,
return self.buildLookup_(subtables)
def add_subtable_break(self, location):
self.mapping[(self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, location)] = self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_
class CursivePosBuilder(LookupBuilder):
def __init__(self, font, location):
LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GPOS', 3)
self.attachments = {}
def equals(self, other):
return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and
self.attachments == other.attachments)
def add_attachment(self, location, glyphs, entryAnchor, exitAnchor):
for glyph in glyphs:
self.attachments[glyph] = (entryAnchor, exitAnchor)
def build(self):
st = otl.buildCursivePosSubtable(self.attachments, self.glyphMap)
return self.buildLookup_([st])
class MarkBasePosBuilder(LookupBuilder):
def __init__(self, font, location):
LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GPOS', 4)
self.marks = {} # glyphName -> (markClassName, anchor)
self.bases = {} # glyphName -> {markClassName: anchor}
def equals(self, other):
return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and
self.marks == other.marks and
self.bases == other.bases)
def inferGlyphClasses(self):
result = {glyph: 1 for glyph in self.bases}
result.update({glyph: 3 for glyph in self.marks})
return result
def build(self):
markClasses = self.buildMarkClasses_(self.marks)
marks = {mark: (markClasses[mc], anchor)
for mark, (mc, anchor) in self.marks.items()}
bases = {}
for glyph, anchors in self.bases.items():
bases[glyph] = {markClasses[mc]: anchor
for (mc, anchor) in anchors.items()}
subtables = otl.buildMarkBasePos(marks, bases, self.glyphMap)
return self.buildLookup_(subtables)
class MarkLigPosBuilder(LookupBuilder):
def __init__(self, font, location):
LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GPOS', 5)
self.marks = {} # glyphName -> (markClassName, anchor)
self.ligatures = {} # glyphName -> [{markClassName: anchor}, ...]
def equals(self, other):
return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and
self.marks == other.marks and
self.ligatures == other.ligatures)
def inferGlyphClasses(self):
result = {glyph: 2 for glyph in self.ligatures}
result.update({glyph: 3 for glyph in self.marks})
return result
def build(self):
markClasses = self.buildMarkClasses_(self.marks)
marks = {mark: (markClasses[mc], anchor)
for mark, (mc, anchor) in self.marks.items()}
ligs = {}
for lig, components in self.ligatures.items():
ligs[lig] = []
for c in components:
ligs[lig].append({markClasses[mc]: a for mc, a in c.items()})
subtables = otl.buildMarkLigPos(marks, ligs, self.glyphMap)
return self.buildLookup_(subtables)
class MarkMarkPosBuilder(LookupBuilder):
def __init__(self, font, location):
LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GPOS', 6)
self.marks = {} # glyphName -> (markClassName, anchor)
self.baseMarks = {} # glyphName -> {markClassName: anchor}
def equals(self, other):
return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and
self.marks == other.marks and
self.baseMarks == other.baseMarks)
def inferGlyphClasses(self):
result = {glyph: 3 for glyph in self.baseMarks}
result.update({glyph: 3 for glyph in self.marks})
return result
def build(self):
markClasses = self.buildMarkClasses_(self.marks)
markClassList = sorted(markClasses.keys(), key=markClasses.get)
marks = {mark: (markClasses[mc], anchor)
for mark, (mc, anchor) in self.marks.items()}
st = otTables.MarkMarkPos()
st.Format = 1
st.ClassCount = len(markClasses)
st.Mark1Coverage = otl.buildCoverage(marks, self.glyphMap)
st.Mark2Coverage = otl.buildCoverage(self.baseMarks, self.glyphMap)
st.Mark1Array = otl.buildMarkArray(marks, self.glyphMap)
st.Mark2Array = otTables.Mark2Array()
st.Mark2Array.Mark2Count = len(st.Mark2Coverage.glyphs)
st.Mark2Array.Mark2Record = []
for base in st.Mark2Coverage.glyphs:
anchors = [self.baseMarks[base].get(mc) for mc in markClassList]
return self.buildLookup_([st])
class ReverseChainSingleSubstBuilder(LookupBuilder):
def __init__(self, font, location):
LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GSUB', 8)
self.substitutions = [] # (prefix, suffix, mapping)
def equals(self, other):
return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and
self.substitutions == other.substitutions)
def build(self):
subtables = []
for prefix, suffix, mapping in self.substitutions:
st = otTables.ReverseChainSingleSubst()
st.Format = 1
self.setBacktrackCoverage_(prefix, st)
self.setLookAheadCoverage_(suffix, st)
st.Coverage = otl.buildCoverage(mapping.keys(), self.glyphMap)
st.GlyphCount = len(mapping)
st.Substitute = [mapping[g] for g in st.Coverage.glyphs]
return self.buildLookup_(subtables)
def add_subtable_break(self, location):
# Nothing to do here, each substitution is in its own subtable.
class SingleSubstBuilder(LookupBuilder):
def __init__(self, font, location):
LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GSUB', 1)
self.mapping = OrderedDict()
def equals(self, other):
return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and
self.mapping == other.mapping)
def build(self):
subtables = self.build_subst_subtables(self.mapping,
return self.buildLookup_(subtables)
def getAlternateGlyphs(self):
return {glyph: set([repl]) for glyph, repl in self.mapping.items()}
def add_subtable_break(self, location):
self.mapping[(self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, location)] = self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_
class ClassPairPosSubtableBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, builder, valueFormat1, valueFormat2):
self.builder_ = builder
self.classDef1_, self.classDef2_ = None, None
self.values_ = {} # (glyphclass1, glyphclass2) --> (value1, value2)
self.valueFormat1_, self.valueFormat2_ = valueFormat1, valueFormat2
self.forceSubtableBreak_ = False
self.subtables_ = []
def addPair(self, gc1, value1, gc2, value2):
mergeable = (not self.forceSubtableBreak_ and
self.classDef1_ is not None and
self.classDef1_.canAdd(gc1) and
self.classDef2_ is not None and
if not mergeable:
self.classDef1_ = otl.ClassDefBuilder(useClass0=True)
self.classDef2_ = otl.ClassDefBuilder(useClass0=False)
self.values_ = {}
self.values_[(gc1, gc2)] = (value1, value2)
def addSubtableBreak(self):
self.forceSubtableBreak_ = True
def subtables(self):
return self.subtables_
def flush_(self):
if self.classDef1_ is None or self.classDef2_ is None:
st = otl.buildPairPosClassesSubtable(self.values_,
if st.Coverage is None:
self.forceSubtableBreak_ = False
class PairPosBuilder(LookupBuilder):
def __init__(self, font, location):
LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GPOS', 2)
self.pairs = [] # [(gc1, value1, gc2, value2)*]
self.glyphPairs = {} # (glyph1, glyph2) --> (value1, value2)
self.locations = {} # (gc1, gc2) --> (filepath, line, column)
def addClassPair(self, location, glyphclass1, value1, glyphclass2, value2):
self.pairs.append((glyphclass1, value1, glyphclass2, value2))
def addGlyphPair(self, location, glyph1, value1, glyph2, value2):
key = (glyph1, glyph2)
oldValue = self.glyphPairs.get(key, None)
if oldValue is not None:
# the Feature File spec explicitly allows specific pairs generated
# by an 'enum' rule to be overridden by preceding single pairs
otherLoc = self.locations[key]
'Already defined position for pair %s %s at %s:%d:%d; '
'choosing the first value',
glyph1, glyph2, otherLoc[0], otherLoc[1], otherLoc[2])
val1, _ = makeOpenTypeValueRecord(value1, pairPosContext=True)
val2, _ = makeOpenTypeValueRecord(value2, pairPosContext=True)
self.glyphPairs[key] = (val1, val2)
self.locations[key] = location
def add_subtable_break(self, location):
self.pairs.append((self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_, self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_,
def equals(self, other):
return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and
self.glyphPairs == other.glyphPairs and
self.pairs == other.pairs)
def build(self):
builders = {}
builder = None
for glyphclass1, value1, glyphclass2, value2 in self.pairs:
if glyphclass1 is self.SUBTABLE_BREAK_:
if builder is not None:
val1, valFormat1 = makeOpenTypeValueRecord(
value1, pairPosContext=True)
val2, valFormat2 = makeOpenTypeValueRecord(
value2, pairPosContext=True)
builder = builders.get((valFormat1, valFormat2))
if builder is None:
builder = ClassPairPosSubtableBuilder(
self, valFormat1, valFormat2)
builders[(valFormat1, valFormat2)] = builder
builder.addPair(glyphclass1, val1, glyphclass2, val2)
subtables = []
if self.glyphPairs:
otl.buildPairPosGlyphs(self.glyphPairs, self.glyphMap))
for key in sorted(builders.keys()):
return self.buildLookup_(subtables)
class SinglePosBuilder(LookupBuilder):
def __init__(self, font, location):
LookupBuilder.__init__(self, font, location, 'GPOS', 1)
self.locations = {} # glyph -> (filename, line, column)
self.mapping = {} # glyph -> otTables.ValueRecord
def add_pos(self, location, glyph, valueRecord):
otValueRecord, _ = makeOpenTypeValueRecord(
valueRecord, pairPosContext=False)
if not self.can_add(glyph, otValueRecord):
otherLoc = self.locations[glyph]
raise FeatureLibError(
'Already defined different position for glyph "%s" at %s:%d:%d'
% (glyph, otherLoc[0], otherLoc[1], otherLoc[2]),
if otValueRecord:
self.mapping[glyph] = otValueRecord
self.locations[glyph] = location
def can_add(self, glyph, value):
assert isinstance(value, otl.ValueRecord)
curValue = self.mapping.get(glyph)
return curValue is None or curValue == value
def equals(self, other):
return (LookupBuilder.equals(self, other) and
self.mapping == other.mapping)
def build(self):
subtables = otl.buildSinglePos(self.mapping, self.glyphMap)
return self.buildLookup_(subtables)