2016-04-14 15:54:06 -07:00

250 lines
6.9 KiB

"""Module for dealing with 'gvar'-style font variations,
also known as run-time interpolation."""
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import _g_l_y_f as glyf
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
class VariationModel(object):
Locations must be in normalized space. Ie. base master
is at origin (0).
>>> locations = [ \
{'wght':100}, \
{'wght':-100}, \
{'wght':-180}, \
{'wdth':+.3}, \
{'wght':+120,'wdth':.3}, \
{'wght':+120,'wdth':.2}, \
{}, \
{'wght':+180,'wdth':.3}, \
{'wght':+180}, \
>>> model = VariationModel(locations, axisOrder=['wght'])
>>> assert model.sortedLocations == \
[{}, \
{u'wght': -100}, \
{u'wght': -180}, \
{u'wght': 100}, \
{u'wght': 180}, \
{u'wdth': 0.3}, \
{u'wdth': 0.3, u'wght': 180}, \
{u'wdth': 0.3, u'wght': 120}, \
{u'wdth': 0.2, u'wght': 120}, \
>>> assert model.deltaWeights == \
{0: {0: 1.0, 6: -1.0}, \
1: {1: 1.0, 6: -1.0}, \
2: {2: 1.0, 6: -1.0}, \
3: {3: 1.0, 6: -1.0}, \
4: {0: -0.25, 3: -1.0, 4: 1.0, 6: -1.0, 7: -0.75, 8: -0.75}, \
5: {0: -0.25, \
3: -0.33333333333333326, \
4: -0.33333333333333326, \
5: 1.0, \
6: -1.0, \
7: -0.24999999999999994, \
8: -0.75}, \
6: {6: 1.0}, \
7: {3: -1.0, 6: -1.0, 7: 1.0, 8: -1.0}, \
8: {6: -1.0, 8: 1.0} \
def __init__(self, locations, axisOrder=[]):
locations = [{k:v for k,v in loc.items() if v != 0.} for loc in locations]
keyFunc = self.getMasterLocationsSortKeyFunc(locations, axisOrder=axisOrder)
axisPoints = keyFunc.axisPoints
self.locations = locations
self.sortedLocations = sorted(locations, key=keyFunc)
self.mapping = [locations.index(l) for l in self.sortedLocations]
self.reverseMapping = [self.sortedLocations.index(l) for l in locations]
def getMasterLocationsSortKeyFunc(locations, axisOrder=[]):
assert {} in locations, "Base master not found."
axisPoints = {}
for loc in locations:
if len(loc) != 1:
axis = next(iter(loc))
value = loc[axis]
if axis not in axisPoints:
axisPoints[axis] = {0}
assert value not in axisPoints[axis]
def getKey(axisPoints, axisOrder):
def sign(v):
return -1 if v < 0 else +1 if v > 0 else 0
def key(loc):
rank = len(loc)
onPointAxes = [axis for axis,value in loc.items() if value in axisPoints[axis]]
orderedAxes = [axis for axis in axisOrder if axis in loc]
orderedAxes.extend([axis for axis in sorted(loc.keys()) if axis not in axisOrder])
return (
rank, # First, order by increasing rank
-len(onPointAxes), # Next, by decreasing number of onPoint axes
tuple(axisOrder.index(axis) if axis in axisOrder else 0x10000 for axis in orderedAxes), # Next, by known axes
tuple(orderedAxes), # Next, by all axes
tuple(sign(loc[axis]) for axis in orderedAxes), # Next, by signs of axis values
tuple(abs(loc[axis]) for axis in orderedAxes), # Next, by absolute value of axis values
return key
ret = getKey(axisPoints, axisOrder)
ret.axisPoints = axisPoints
return ret
def lowerBound(value, lst):
if any(v < value for v in lst):
return max(v for v in lst if v < value)
return value
def upperBound(value, lst):
if any(v > value for v in lst):
return min(v for v in lst if v > value)
return value
def _computeMasterSupports(self, axisPoints):
supports = []
deltaWeights = []
locations = self.sortedLocations
for i,loc in enumerate(locations):
box = {}
# Account for axisPoints first
for axis,values in axisPoints.items():
if not axis in loc:
locV = loc[axis]
box[axis] = (self.lowerBound(locV, values), locV, self.upperBound(locV, values))
locAxes = set(loc.keys())
# Walk over previous masters now
for j,m in enumerate(locations[:i]):
# Master with extra axes do not participte
if not set(m.keys()).issubset(locAxes):
# If it's NOT in the current box, it does not participate
relevant = True
for axis, (lower,_,upper) in box.items():
if axis in m and not (lower < m[axis] < upper):
relevant = False
if not relevant:
# Split the box for new master
for axis,val in m.items():
assert axis in box
lower,locV,upper = box[axis]
if val < locV:
lower = val
elif locV < val:
upper = val
box[axis] = (lower,locV,upper)
deltaWeight = []
# Walk over previous masters now, populate deltaWeight
for j,m in enumerate(locations[:i]):
scalar = 1.
support = supports[j]
for axis,v in m.items():
lower, peak, upper = support[axis]
if axis not in loc:
scalar = 0.
v = loc[axis]
if v == peak:
if v <= lower or upper <= v:
scalar = 0.
if v < peak:
scalar *= (v - peak) / (lower - peak)
else: # v > peak
scalar *= (v - peak) / (upper - peak)
mapping = self.reverseMapping
self.supports = [supports[mapped] for mapped in mapping]
mapping = self.mapping
self.deltaWeights = {mapping[i]:{mapping[i]:off for i,off in enumerate(deltaWeight) if off != 0.}
for i,deltaWeight in enumerate(deltaWeights)}
def _xmlParseLocation(et):
loc = {}
for dim in et.find('location'):
assert dim.tag == 'dimension'
name = dim.attrib['name']
value = dim.attrib['xvalue']
assert name not in loc
loc[name] = value
return loc
def _designspace_load(et):
base_idx = None
masters = []
ds = et.getroot()
for master in ds.find('sources'):
name = master.attrib['name']
filename = master.attrib['filename']
isBase = master.find('info')
if isBase is not None:
assert base_idx is None
base_idx = len(masters)
loc = _xmlParseLocation(master)
masters.append((filename, loc, name))
instances = []
for instance in ds.find('instances'):
name = master.attrib['name']
family = instance.attrib['familyname']
style = instance.attrib['stylename']
filename = instance.attrib['filename']
loc = _xmlParseLocation(instance)
instances.append((filename, loc, name, family, style))
return masters, instances, base_idx
def designspace_load(filename):
return _designspace_load(ET.parse(filename))
def designspace_loads(string):
return _designspace_load(ET.fromstring(string))
def main(args=None):
import sys
if args is None:
args = sys.argv[1:]
(designspace,) = args
masters, instances, base_idx = designspace_load(designspace)
from pprint import pprint
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
import doctest, sys