338 lines
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338 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Pen to rasterize paths with FreeType."""
__all__ = ['FTPen']
import os
import ctypes
import platform
import subprocess
import collections
import math
import freetype
from freetype.raw import FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap, FT_Outline_Get_BBox, FT_Outline_Get_CBox
from freetype.ft_types import FT_Pos
from freetype.ft_structs import FT_Vector, FT_BBox, FT_Bitmap, FT_Outline
from freetype.ft_errors import FT_Exception
from fontTools.pens.basePen import BasePen
from fontTools.misc.roundTools import otRound
Contour = collections.namedtuple('Contour', ('points', 'tags'))
LINE = 0b00000001
CURVE = 0b00000011
OFFCURVE = 0b00000010
QCURVE = 0b00000001
QOFFCURVE = 0b00000000
class FTPen(BasePen):
"""Pen to rasterize paths with FreeType. Requires `freetype-py` module.
Constructs ``FT_Outline`` from the paths, and renders it within a bitmap
For ``array()`` and ``show()``, `numpy` and `matplotlib` must be installed.
For ``image()``, `Pillow` is required. Each module is lazily loaded when the
corresponding method is called.
glyphSet: a dictionary of drawable glyph objects keyed by name
used to resolve component references in composite glyphs.
If `numpy` and `matplotlib` is available, the following code will
show the glyph image of `fi` in a new window::
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
from fontTools.pens.ftPen import FTPen
pen = FTPen(None)
font = TTFont('SourceSansPro-Regular.otf')
glyph = font.getGlyphSet()['fi']
width, ascender, descender = glyph.width, font['OS/2'].usWinAscent, -font['OS/2'].usWinDescent
height = ascender - descender
pen.show(offset=(0, -descender), width=width, height=height)
Combining with `uharfbuzz`, you can typeset a chunk of glyphs in a pen::
import uharfbuzz as hb
from fontTools.pens.ftPen import FTPen
from fontTools.pens.transformPen import TransformPen
from fontTools.misc.transform import Offset
en1, en2, ar, ja = 'Typesetting', 'Jeff', 'صف الحروف', 'たいぷせっと'
for text, font_path, direction, typo_ascender, typo_descender, vhea_ascender, vhea_descender, contain, features in (
(en1, 'NotoSans-Regular.ttf', 'ltr', 2189, -600, None, None, False, {"kern": True, "liga": True}),
(en2, 'NotoSans-Regular.ttf', 'ltr', 2189, -600, None, None, True, {"kern": True, "liga": True}),
(ar, 'NotoSansArabic-Regular.ttf', 'rtl', 1374, -738, None, None, False, {"kern": True, "liga": True}),
(ja, 'NotoSansJP-Regular.otf', 'ltr', 880, -120, 500, -500, False, {"palt": True, "kern": True}),
(ja, 'NotoSansJP-Regular.otf', 'ttb', 880, -120, 500, -500, False, {"vert": True, "vpal": True, "vkrn": True})
blob = hb.Blob.from_file_path(font_path)
face = hb.Face(blob)
font = hb.Font(face)
buf = hb.Buffer()
buf.direction = direction
hb.shape(font, buf, features)
x, y = 0, 0
pen = FTPen(None)
for info, pos in zip(buf.glyph_infos, buf.glyph_positions):
gid = info.codepoint
transformed = TransformPen(pen, Offset(x + pos.x_offset, y + pos.y_offset))
font.draw_glyph_with_pen(gid, transformed)
x += pos.x_advance
y += pos.y_advance
offset, width, height = None, None, None
if direction in ('ltr', 'rtl'):
offset = (0, -typo_descender)
width = x
height = typo_ascender - typo_descender
offset = (-vhea_descender, -y)
width = vhea_ascender - vhea_descender
height = -y
pen.show(offset=offset, width=width, height=height, contain=contain)
For Jupyter Notebook, the rendered image will be displayed in a cell if
you replace ``show()`` with ``image()`` in the examples.
def __init__(self, glyphSet):
BasePen.__init__(self, glyphSet)
self.contours = []
def outline(self, offset=None, scale=None, even_odd=False):
"""Converts the current contours to ``FT_Outline``.
offset: A optional tuple of ``(x, y)`` used for translation.
scale: A optional tuple of ``(scale_x, scale_y)`` used for scaling.
even_odd: Pass ``True`` for even-odd fill instead of non-zero.
offset = offset or (0, 0)
scale = scale or (1.0, 1.0)
nContours = len(self.contours)
n_points = sum((len(contour.points) for contour in self.contours))
points = []
for contour in self.contours:
for point in contour.points:
points.append(FT_Vector(FT_Pos(otRound((point[0] + offset[0]) * scale[0] * 64)), FT_Pos(otRound((point[1] + offset[1]) * scale[1] * 64))))
tags = []
for contour in self.contours:
for tag in contour.tags:
contours = []
contours_sum = 0
for contour in self.contours:
contours_sum += len(contour.points)
contours.append(contours_sum - 1)
return FT_Outline(
(FT_Vector * n_points)(*points),
(ctypes.c_ubyte * n_points)(*tags),
(ctypes.c_short * nContours)(*contours),
def buffer(self, offset=None, width=1000, height=1000, even_odd=False, scale=None, contain=False):
"""Renders the current contours within a bitmap buffer.
offset: A optional tuple of ``(x, y)`` used for translation.
Typically ``(0, -descender)`` can be passed so that the glyph
image would not been clipped.
width: Image width of the bitmap in pixels.
height: Image height of the bitmap in pixels.
scale: A optional tuple of ``(scale_x, scale_y)`` used for scaling.
even_odd: Pass ``True`` for even-odd fill instead of non-zero.
contain: If ``True``, the image size will be automatically expanded
so that it fits to the bounding box of the paths. Useful for
rendering glyphs with negative sidebearings without clipping.
A tuple of ``(buffer, size)``, where ``buffer`` is a ``bytes``
object of the resulted bitmap and ``size` is a 2-tuple of its
>>> pen = FTPen(None)
>>> glyph.draw(pen)
>>> buf, size = pen.buffer(width=500, height=1000)
>>> type(buf), len(buf), size
(<class 'bytes'>, 500000, (500, 1000))
offset_x, offset_y = offset or (0, 0)
if contain:
bbox = self.bbox
bbox_size = bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1]
offset_x = min(offset_x, bbox[0]) * -1
width = max(width, bbox_size[0])
offset_y = min(offset_y, bbox[1]) * -1
height = max(height, bbox_size[1])
scale = scale or (1.0, 1.0)
width = math.ceil(width * scale[0])
height = math.ceil(height * scale[1])
buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(width * height)
bitmap = FT_Bitmap(
outline = self.outline(offset=(offset_x, offset_y), even_odd=even_odd, scale=scale)
err = FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap(freetype.get_handle(), ctypes.byref(outline), ctypes.byref(bitmap))
if err != 0:
raise FT_Exception(err)
return buf.raw, (width, height)
def array(self, offset=None, width=1000, height=1000, even_odd=False, scale=None, contain=False):
"""Returns the rendered contours as a numpy array. Requires `numpy`.
offset: A optional tuple of ``(x, y)`` used for translation.
Typically ``(0, -descender)`` can be passed so that the glyph
image would not been clipped.
width: Image width of the bitmap in pixels.
height: Image height of the bitmap in pixels.
scale: A optional tuple of ``(scale_x, scale_y)`` used for scaling.
even_odd: Pass ``True`` for even-odd fill instead of non-zero.
contain: If ``True``, the image size will be automatically expanded
so that it fits to the bounding box of the paths. Useful for
rendering glyphs with negative sidebearings without clipping.
A ``numpy.ndarray`` object with a shape of ``(height, width)``.
Each element takes a value in the range of ``[0.0, 1.0]``.
>>> pen = FTPen(None)
>>> glyph.draw(pen)
>>> arr = pen.array(width=500, height=1000)
>>> type(a), a.shape
(<class 'numpy.ndarray'>, (1000, 500))
import numpy as np
buf, size = self.buffer(offset=offset, width=width, height=height, even_odd=even_odd, scale=scale, contain=contain)
return np.frombuffer(buf, 'B').reshape((size[1], size[0])) / 255.0
def show(self, offset=None, width=1000, height=1000, even_odd=False, scale=None, contain=False):
"""Plots the rendered contours with `pyplot`. Requires `numpy` and
offset: A optional tuple of ``(x, y)`` used for translation.
Typically ``(0, -descender)`` can be passed so that the glyph
image would not been clipped.
width: Image width of the bitmap in pixels.
height: Image height of the bitmap in pixels.
scale: A optional tuple of ``(scale_x, scale_y)`` used for scaling.
even_odd: Pass ``True`` for even-odd fill instead of non-zero.
contain: If ``True``, the image size will be automatically expanded
so that it fits to the bounding box of the paths. Useful for
rendering glyphs with negative sidebearings without clipping.
>>> pen = FTPen(None)
>>> glyph.draw(pen)
>>> pen.show(width=500, height=1000)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
a = self.array(offset=offset, width=width, height=height, even_odd=even_odd, scale=scale, contain=contain)
plt.imshow(a, cmap='gray_r', vmin=0, vmax=1)
def image(self, offset=None, width=1000, height=1000, even_odd=False, scale=None, contain=False):
"""Returns the rendered contours as a PIL image. Requires `Pillow`.
Can be used to display a glyph image in Jupyter Notebook.
offset: A optional tuple of ``(x, y)`` used for translation.
Typically ``(0, -descender)`` can be passed so that the glyph
image would not been clipped.
width: Image width of the bitmap in pixels.
height: Image height of the bitmap in pixels.
scale: A optional tuple of ``(scale_x, scale_y)`` used for scaling.
even_odd: Pass ``True`` for even-odd fill instead of non-zero.
contain: If ``True``, the image size will be automatically expanded
so that it fits to the bounding box of the paths. Useful for
rendering glyphs with negative sidebearings without clipping.
A ``PIL.image`` object. The image is filled in black with alpha
channel obtained from the rendered bitmap.
>>> pen = FTPen(None)
>>> glyph.draw(pen)
>>> img = pen.image(width=500, height=1000)
>>> type(img), img.size
(<class 'PIL.Image.Image'>, (500, 1000))
from PIL import Image
buf, size = self.buffer(offset=offset, width=width, height=height, even_odd=even_odd, scale=scale, contain=contain)
img = Image.new('L', size, 0)
img.putalpha(Image.frombuffer('L', size, buf))
return img
def bbox(self):
"""Computes the exact bounding box of an outline.
A tuple of ``(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax)``.
bbox = FT_BBox()
outline = self.outline()
FT_Outline_Get_BBox(ctypes.byref(outline), ctypes.byref(bbox))
return (bbox.xMin / 64.0, bbox.yMin / 64.0, bbox.xMax / 64.0, bbox.yMax / 64.0)
def cbox(self):
"""Returns an outline's ‘control box’.
A tuple of ``(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax)``.
cbox = FT_BBox()
outline = self.outline()
FT_Outline_Get_CBox(ctypes.byref(outline), ctypes.byref(cbox))
return (cbox.xMin / 64.0, cbox.yMin / 64.0, cbox.xMax / 64.0, cbox.yMax / 64.0)
def _moveTo(self, pt):
contour = Contour([], [])
def _lineTo(self, pt):
contour = self.contours[-1]
def _curveToOne(self, p1, p2, p3):
contour = self.contours[-1]
for p, t in ((p1, t1), (p2, t2), (p3, t3)):
def _qCurveToOne(self, p1, p2):
contour = self.contours[-1]
for p, t in ((p1, t1), (p2, t2)):