195 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File
195 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
Tools to parse data files from the Unicode Character Database.
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
from urllib2 import urlopen
from contextlib import closing, contextmanager
import re
from codecs import iterdecode
import logging
import os
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join as pjoin, pardir, sep
UNIDATA_URL = "https://unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/"
UNIDATA_LICENSE_URL = "http://unicode.org/copyright.html#License"
# by default save output files to ../Lib/fontTools/unicodedata/
UNIDATA_PATH = pjoin(abspath(dirname(__file__)), pardir,
"Lib", "fontTools", "unicodedata") + sep
SRC_ENCODING = "# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"
NOTICE = "# NOTE: This file was auto-generated with MetaTools/buildUCD.py.\n"
log = logging.getLogger()
def open_unidata_file(filename):
"""Open a text file from https://unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/"""
url = UNIDATA_URL + filename
with closing(urlopen(url)) as response:
yield iterdecode(response, encoding="utf-8")
def parse_unidata_header(infile):
"""Read the top header of data files, until the first line
that does not start with '#'.
header = []
line = next(infile)
while line.startswith("#"):
line = next(infile)
return "".join(header)
def parse_range_properties(infile, default="Unknown"):
"""Parse a Unicode data file containing a column with one character or
a range of characters, and another column containing a property value
separated by a semicolon. Comments after '#' are ignored.
If the ranges defined in the data file are not continuous, assign the
'default' property to the unassigned codepoints.
Return a list of (start, end, property_name) tuples.
ranges = []
line_regex = re.compile(
r"([0-9A-F]{4,6})" # first character code
r"(?:\.\.([0-9A-F]{4,6}))?" # optional second character code
r"([^#]+)") # everything up to the potential comment
for line in infile:
match = line_regex.match(line)
if not match:
first, last, data = match.groups()
if last is None:
last = first
first = int(first, 16)
last = int(last, 16)
data = data.rstrip()
ranges.append((first, last, data))
# fill the gaps between explicitly defined ranges
last_start, last_end = -1, -1
full_ranges = []
for start, end, name in ranges:
assert last_end < start
assert start <= end
if start - last_end > 1:
full_ranges.append((last_end+1, start-1, default))
full_ranges.append((start, end, name))
last_start, last_end = start, end
if last_end != MAX_UNICODE:
full_ranges.append((last_end+1, MAX_UNICODE, default))
# reduce total number of ranges by combining continuous ones
last_start, last_end, last_name = full_ranges.pop(0)
merged_ranges = []
for start, end, name in full_ranges:
if name == last_name:
merged_ranges.append((last_start, start-1, last_name))
last_start, line_end, last_name = start, end, name
merged_ranges.append((last_start, MAX_UNICODE, last_name))
# make sure that the ranges cover the full unicode repertoire
assert merged_ranges[0][0] == 0
for (cs, ce, cn), (ns, ne, nn) in zip(merged_ranges, merged_ranges[1:]):
assert ce+1 == ns
assert merged_ranges[-1][1] == MAX_UNICODE
return merged_ranges
def build_scripts(local_ucd=None, output_path=None):
"""Fetch "Scripts.txt" data file from Unicode official website, parse
the script ranges and write them as a list of Python tuples to
To load "Scripts.txt" from a local directory, you can use the
'local_ucd' argument.
if not output_path:
output_path = UNIDATA_PATH + "scripts.py"
filename = "Scripts.txt"
if local_ucd:
log.info("loading %r from local directory %r", filename, local_ucd)
cm = open(pjoin(local_ucd, filename), "r", encoding="utf-8")
log.info("downloading %r from %r", filename, UNIDATA_URL)
cm = open_unidata_file(filename)
with cm as f:
header = parse_unidata_header(f)
ranges = parse_range_properties(f)
max_name_length = max(len(n) for _, _, n in ranges)
with open(output_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write("# Source: {}{}\n".format(UNIDATA_URL, filename))
f.write("# License: {}\n".format(UNIDATA_LICENSE_URL))
f.write("SCRIPT_RANGES = [\n")
for first, last, script_name in ranges:
f.write(" 0x{:0>4X}, # .. 0x{:0>4X} ; {}\n".format(
first, last, tostr(script_name)))
f.write("SCRIPT_NAMES = [\n")
for first, last, script_name in ranges:
script_name = "'{}',".format(script_name)
f.write(" {} # {:0>4X}..{:0>4X}\n".format(
script_name.ljust(max_name_length+3), first, last))
log.info("saved new file: %r", os.path.normpath(output_path))
def main():
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Generate fontTools.unicodedata from UCD data files")
'--ucd-path', help="Path to local folder containing UCD data files")
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action="store_true")
options = parser.parse_args()
level = "WARNING" if options.quiet else "INFO"
logging.basicConfig(level=level, format="%(message)s")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys