Cosimo Lupo 119b7732cc SVG: strip timestamp to make compressed gzip reproducible
we tell GzipFile to write the MTIME field to zero so that the compressed output is reproducible and doesn't change depending on when the data is compressed.
2022-06-09 16:29:29 +01:00

159 lines
4.7 KiB

import gzip
import io
import struct
from fontTools.misc import etree
from fontTools.misc.testTools import getXML, parseXML
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
from fontTools.ttLib.tables.S_V_G_ import table_S_V_G_
import pytest
def dump(table, ttFont=None):
print("\n".join(getXML(table.toXML, ttFont)))
def compress(data: bytes) -> bytes:
buf = io.BytesIO()
with gzip.GzipFile(None, "w", fileobj=buf, mtime=0) as gz:
return buf.getvalue()
def strip_xml_whitespace(xml_string):
def strip_or_none(text):
text = text.strip() if text else None
return text if text else None
tree = etree.fromstring(xml_string)
for e in tree.iter("*"):
e.text = strip_or_none(e.text)
e.tail = strip_or_none(e.tail)
return etree.tostring(tree, encoding="utf-8")
for svg in (
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1">
<rect x="100" y="-200" width="300" height="400" id="p1"/>
<g id="glyph1">
<use xlink:href="#p1" fill="#red"/>
<g id="glyph2">
<use xlink:href="#p1" fill="#blue"/>
<g id="glyph4">
<use xlink:href="#p1" fill="#green"/>
<svg xmlns="" version="1.1">
<g id="glyph3">
<path d="M0,0 L100,0 L50,100 Z" fill="#red"/>
<path d="M10,10 L110,10 L60,110 Z" fill="#blue"/>
<path d="M20,20 L120,20 L70,120 Z" fill="#green"/>
OTSVG_DATA = b"".join(
# SVG table header
b"\x00\x00" # version (0)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x0a" # offset to SVGDocumentList (10)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" # reserved (0)
# SVGDocumentList
b"\x00\x03" # number of SVGDocumentRecords (3)
# SVGDocumentRecord[0]
b"\x00\x01" # startGlyphID (1)
b"\x00\x02" # endGlyphID (2)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x26" # svgDocOffset (2 + 12*3 == 38 == 0x26)
+ struct.pack(">L", len(SVG_DOCS[0])) # svgDocLength
# SVGDocumentRecord[1] (compressed)
+ b"\x00\x03" # startGlyphID (3)
b"\x00\x03" # endGlyphID (3)
+ struct.pack(">L", 0x26 + len(SVG_DOCS[0])) # svgDocOffset
+ struct.pack(">L", len(compress(SVG_DOCS[1]))) # svgDocLength
# SVGDocumentRecord[2]
+ b"\x00\x04" # startGlyphID (4)
b"\x00\x04" # endGlyphID (4)
b"\x00\x00\x00\x26" # svgDocOffset (38); records 0 and 2 point to same SVG doc
+ struct.pack(">L", len(SVG_DOCS[0])) # svgDocLength
+ [SVG_DOCS[0], compress(SVG_DOCS[1])]
'<svgDoc endGlyphID="2" startGlyphID="1">',
f" <![CDATA[{SVG_DOCS[0].decode()}]]>",
'<svgDoc compressed="1" endGlyphID="3" startGlyphID="3">',
f" <![CDATA[{SVG_DOCS[1].decode()}]]>",
'<svgDoc endGlyphID="4" startGlyphID="4">',
f" <![CDATA[{SVG_DOCS[0].decode()}]]>",
def font():
font = TTFont()
font.setGlyphOrder([".notdef"] + ["glyph%05d" % i for i in range(1, 30)])
return font
def test_decompile_and_compile(font):
table = table_S_V_G_()
table.decompile(OTSVG_DATA, font)
assert table.compile(font) == OTSVG_DATA
def test_decompile_and_dump_ttx(font):
table = table_S_V_G_()
table.decompile(OTSVG_DATA, font)
dump(table, font)
assert getXML(table.toXML, font) == OTSVG_TTX
def test_load_from_ttx_and_compile(font):
table = table_S_V_G_()
for name, attrs, content in parseXML(OTSVG_TTX):
table.fromXML(name, attrs, content, font)
assert table.compile(font) == OTSVG_DATA
def test_round_trip_ttx(font):
table = table_S_V_G_()
for name, attrs, content in parseXML(OTSVG_TTX):
table.fromXML(name, attrs, content, font)
compiled = table.compile(font)
table = table_S_V_G_()
table.decompile(compiled, font)
assert getXML(table.toXML, font) == OTSVG_TTX
def test_unpack_svg_doc_as_3_tuple():
# test that the legacy docList as list of 3-tuples interface still works
# even after the new SVGDocument class with extra `compressed` attribute
# was added
table = table_S_V_G_()
table.decompile(OTSVG_DATA, font)
for doc, compressed in zip(table.docList, (False, True, False)):
assert len(doc) == 3
data, startGID, endGID = doc
assert == data
assert doc.startGlyphID == startGID
assert doc.endGlyphID == endGID
assert doc.compressed == compressed