Sascha Brawer c77e9fe12d [AAT] Write AATLookups to XML in glyph order
Before this change, the AAT lookups were alphabetically sorted by glyph name,
but it seems more natural to write XML in the usual glyph order. No changes to
the binary format (which already was in glyph order); this only affects how
XML output is produced.
2017-08-31 17:50:45 +02:00

115 lines
4.6 KiB

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import, unicode_literals
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
from fontTools.misc.testTools import FakeFont, getXML, parseXML
from fontTools.misc.textTools import deHexStr, hexStr
from fontTools.ttLib import newTable
import unittest
# A simple 'morx' table with non-contextual glyph substitution.
# Unfortunately, the Apple spec for 'morx' does not contain a complete example.
# The test case has therefore been adapted from the example 'mort' table in
'0002 0000 ' # 0: Version=2, Reserved=0
'0000 0001 ' # 4: MorphChainCount=1
'0000 0001 ' # 8: DefaultFlags=1
'0000 0058 ' # 12: StructLength=88
'0000 0003 ' # 16: MorphFeatureCount=3
'0000 0001 ' # 20: MorphSubtableCount=1
'0004 0000 ' # 24: Feature[0].FeatureType=4/VertSubst, .FeatureSetting=on
'0000 0001 ' # 28: Feature[0].EnableFlags=0x00000001
'FFFF FFFF ' # 32: Feature[0].DisableFlags=0xFFFFFFFF
'0004 0001 ' # 36: Feature[1].FeatureType=4/VertSubst, .FeatureSetting=off
'0000 0000 ' # 40: Feature[1].EnableFlags=0x00000000
'FFFF FFFE ' # 44: Feature[1].DisableFlags=0xFFFFFFFE
'0000 0001 ' # 48: Feature[2].FeatureType=0/GlyphEffects, .FeatSetting=off
'0000 0000 ' # 52: Feature[2].EnableFlags=0 (required for last feature)
'0000 0000 ' # 56: Feature[2].EnableFlags=0 (required for last feature)
'0000 0024 ' # 60: Subtable[0].StructLength=36
'80 ' # 64: Subtable[0].CoverageFlags=0x80
'00 00 ' # 65: Subtable[0].Reserved=0
'04 ' # 67: Subtable[0].MorphType=4/NoncontextualMorph
'0000 0001 ' # 68: Subtable[0].SubFeatureFlags=0x1
'0006 0004 ' # 72: LookupFormat=6, UnitSize=4
'0002 0008 ' # 76: NUnits=2, SearchRange=8
'0001 0000 ' # 80: EntrySelector=1, RangeShift=0
'000B 0087 ' # 84: Glyph=11 (parenleft); Value=135 (parenleft.vertical)
'000D 0088 ' # 88: Glyph=13 (parenright); Value=136 (parenright.vertical)
'FFFF 0000 ' # 92: Glyph=<end>; Value=0
) # 96: <end>
'<Version value="2"/>',
'<Reserved value="0"/>',
'<!-- MorphChainCount=1 -->',
'<MorphChain index="0">',
' <DefaultFlags value="0x00000001"/>',
' <!-- StructLength=88 -->',
' <!-- MorphFeatureCount=3 -->',
' <!-- MorphSubtableCount=1 -->',
' <MorphFeature index="0">',
' <FeatureType value="4"/>',
' <FeatureSetting value="0"/>',
' <EnableFlags value="0x00000001"/>',
' <DisableFlags value="0xFFFFFFFF"/>',
' </MorphFeature>',
' <MorphFeature index="1">',
' <FeatureType value="4"/>',
' <FeatureSetting value="1"/>',
' <EnableFlags value="0x00000000"/>',
' <DisableFlags value="0xFFFFFFFE"/>',
' </MorphFeature>',
' <MorphFeature index="2">',
' <FeatureType value="0"/>',
' <FeatureSetting value="1"/>',
' <EnableFlags value="0x00000000"/>',
' <DisableFlags value="0x00000000"/>',
' </MorphFeature>',
' <MorphSubtable index="0">',
' <!-- StructLength=36 -->',
' <CoverageFlags value="128"/>',
' <Reserved value="0"/>',
' <!-- MorphType=4 -->',
' <SubFeatureFlags value="0x00000001"/>',
' <NoncontextualMorph>',
' <Substitution>',
' <Lookup glyph="parenleft" value="parenleft.vertical"/>',
' <Lookup glyph="parenright" value="parenright.vertical"/>',
' </Substitution>',
' </NoncontextualMorph>',
' </MorphSubtable>',
class MORXNoncontextualGlyphSubstitutionTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.maxDiff = None
glyphs = ['.notdef'] + ['g.%d' % i for i in range (1, 140)]
glyphs[11], glyphs[13] = 'parenleft', 'parenright'
glyphs[135], glyphs[136] = 'parenleft.vertical', 'parenright.vertical'
cls.font = FakeFont(glyphs)
def test_decompile_toXML(self):
table = newTable('morx')
table.decompile(MORX_NONCONTEXTUAL_DATA, self.font)
self.assertEqual(getXML(table.toXML, self.font), MORX_NONCONTEXTUAL_XML)
def test_compile_fromXML(self):
table = newTable('morx')
for name, attrs, content in parseXML(MORX_NONCONTEXTUAL_XML):
table.fromXML(name, attrs, content, font=self.font)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys