ReadRoberts c2abd045b3 [varLib.mutator] Add interpolation of glyph metrics.
Added interpolation of glyph advance width, from HVAR/hmtx, and derivation of new LSB.
Updated tests to match.
Needed to cherrypick from another branch an update for psCharstrings to allow the CFFSubr.draw() method to work.
2018-11-20 12:44:21 -08:00

108 lines
3.1 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ttFont sfntVersion="OTTO" ttLibVersion="3.32">
<mtx name=".notdef" width="600" lsb="84"/>
<mtx name="A" width="600" lsb="50"/>
<mtx name="T" width="600" lsb="50"/>
<mtx name="dollar" width="600" lsb="102"/>
<mtx name="glyph00003" width="600" lsb="102"/>
<major value="2"/>
<minor value="0"/>
<CFFFont name="CFF2Font">
<FontMatrix value="0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0"/>
<FontDict index="0">
<BlueValues value="-12 0 478 490 570 582 640 652 660 672 722 734"/>
<OtherBlues value="-234 -222"/>
<BlueScale value="0.0625"/>
<BlueShift value="7"/>
<BlueFuzz value="0"/>
<StdHW value="28"/>
<StdVW value="34"/>
<CharString name=".notdef">
84 hmoveto
432 660 -432 hlineto
48 -628 rmoveto
102 176 64 106 rlineto
4 hlineto
62 -106 100 -176 rlineto
-342 42 rmoveto
536 vlineto
154 -270 rlineto
22 26 rmoveto
-56 92 -94 168 rlineto
302 hlineto
-94 -168 -54 -92 rlineto
22 -26 rmoveto
152 270 rlineto
-536 vlineto
<CharString name="A">
50 hmoveto
32 hlineto
140 396 28 80 24 68 24 82 rlinecurve
4 hlineto
24 -82 24 -68 28 -80 138 -396 rcurveline
34 hlineto
-236 660 rlineto
-28 hlineto
-134 -424 rmoveto
293 28 -293 hlineto
<CharString name="T">
284 hmoveto
32 632 234 28 -500 -28 234 hlineto
<CharString name="dollar">
311 34 rmoveto
103 88 56 94 hvcurveto
184 -338 -32 142 vvcurveto
68 57 44 85 76 34 -24 -38 44 vhcurveto
20 20 rlineto
38 -41 -45 32 -85 hhcurveto
-99 -78 -54 -88 hvcurveto
-166 338 28 -156 vvcurveto
-70 -56 -50 -103 -85 -66 38 34 -40 vhcurveto
-18 -22 45 -38 73 -40 91 0 rlinecurve
-18 566 rmoveto
30 hlineto
50 0 50 50 vvcurveto
-30 hlineto
-50 0 -50 -50 vvcurveto
-562 vmoveto
-148 30 148 vlineto
<CharString name="glyph00003">
311 34 rmoveto
103 88 56 94 hvcurveto
184 -338 -32 142 vvcurveto
68 57 44 85 76 34 -24 -38 44 vhcurveto
20 20 rlineto
38 -41 -45 32 -85 hhcurveto
-99 -78 -54 -88 hvcurveto
-166 338 28 -156 vvcurveto
-70 -56 -50 -103 -85 -66 38 34 -40 vhcurveto
-18 -22 rlineto
-38 45 73 -40 91 hhcurveto
-70 -146 rmoveto
158 860 -30 4 -158 -860 rlineto
<!-- The 'index' attribute is only for humans; it is ignored when parsed. -->